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12418996 No.12418996 [Reply] [Original]

Target: 15 000 sats EOD

Hope you bought the dip.

>> No.12419007

deluded OP, expect a BTC dump before 9PM UTC, which will affect LINK, kek

>> No.12419009

16k will be peak, followed by decline to 10k

>> No.12419011

Pump it hard.

>> No.12419775
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>> No.12419815

Mediocre Minds Make Mustafa Mad.

>> No.12419816

Be patient fag
Link is a long term hold
If you can't wait 3 years to retire then fuck off

>> No.12419826
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>> No.12419833

it's gonna be 10k EOD

>> No.12419844
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Am I going to make it?

>> No.12420049

whew and I always wonder if my 57k stack is enough..

>> No.12420057
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>> No.12420064

If it took you grinding to make such a stack, then it is enough. If that is your change money, it will not affect you, as simple as that.

>> No.12420068
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head and shoulder formation forming. left shoulder printed. head about to commence. clench your cheeks biz, me and the boys are going to work right now.

>> No.12420546

>be me
>earn less than 50k per year maybe barely scratch 40k
>actually supports wife and kids (4 kiddos)
yeah for me it took a lot.

>> No.12420583

jesus christ man....it cant be that hard to get to 10k. fuck i mean even 6-7k if a HUGE difference then where you are at now. Make it happen man. Go take a loan out of something. Ask a friend for a 3k loan that you'll give him 200$ a month to ay off. ANYTHING.

This is like going back in time and being able to buy amazon in 1997 and the gains coming 10 times faster.

>> No.12420592

also wtf is turtle? You could have 2k link right now selling that shit. How much actual real life savings do you have?

>> No.12420608

Unpopular opinion from a linker:
This is an obvious p&d, we'll be at 10k sats tomorrow. Don't let the euphoria take you

>> No.12420681

this, kek

>> No.12420687

>anally bluepilled

>> No.12420693

I feel the fomo.. I get paid in a week.

>> No.12420945

Until were not.

>> No.12421039

this, kek

>> No.12421204

see the BTC chart, it's almost 9pm UTC, and the dump is about to happen, kek

>> No.12421222


Dude, please. Don't tell people to get a loan to invest in a fiction

Chainlink is fucking useless, just because you all circlejerk each other on this website, doesn't make it have value

>> No.12421240

nice spacing faggot

>> No.12421265

Ok Rafiki.

>> No.12421297


LINK isn't tied to BTC, the opposite will happen


False, I'm not pumping tonight, I spent enough yesterday to help get LINK up another leg to find new support, as I'm sure others did. There has to be some cool off before we go again, I'm going to go make some trades for the time being for the next LINK push

>> No.12421365


>> No.12421404

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.12421765

Trips of truth. Rule 1. Never put in more than you can afford to lose.
You really dont know what it takes to raise children and keep the lights on with what i earn. Your probably thinking "hurr get a better job"... I cant. I was once like you and thought that way. I used to earn 6 digits (why i founded a traditional family). Things happen and it changes. Humbling really. In 3 months i celebrate 5 years cancer free. After the chemo brain and other issues, i now work a job i can do. Its not best paying but i can do it. Means a lot. Now get a spine and live like some one counts on your success or failures. Because in my case they do.

>> No.12421870

8k link is still 8k link. why do people find it so hard to understand that you just have to hodl until 1000$?

>> No.12421883
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