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12418159 No.12418159 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I don't know what's going on, but our reality timeline spectrum is losing structural integrity. I began noticing all of last year increasingly impossible events, fissures in our reality. Everything changed three days ago, I tossed my roommate a set of spare keys, they slipped out of his hands and disappeared. We spent an hour looking for them, only to give up and decide to cut another set. A few hours later I put my coat on only to find them in the inside pocket. We were both completely stunned, at a loss for words. Verifiable proof from two individuals that something impossible had occurred.

Today was the worst glitch yet, I walked past my friend sitting on the couch into the kitchen, only to then see him in the kitchen. I must have slipped between two realities. I believe this is a consequence of my buying Chainlink in February. I believe that we are memeing at such unprecedented levels, we are forcing a reality that is so extremely unlikely (LINK being worth 1000 USD) we are forcing this reality to constantly get torn apart as it seeks the one timeline where such an event could occur.

I mean just imagine the absolute set of circumstances that would have to occur for such an event. A single token worth 1 trillion mcap, it's no small feat. Consider how many BILLIONS of lives have already been destroyed as timeline after timeline has been consigned to the wastebin of cosmic consciousness.

I then began to consider, why 1k, why not a number a magnitude easier to achieve like 100 USD. Then it dawned on me, this is the ultimate battle for resistance by the righteous NEETs who have been marginalised. We need 1k for every poor soul who can only afford 1k LINK to make it. In this way with our collective meme-ing, we have to destroy 10x more universes in order that the humblest amongst our ranks succeed. That realisation touched me and realised we truly are the most tight-knit community conceivable.

To 1K EOY, even if it fractures very fibres of our cosmos.

>> No.12418166

I believe you are right anon. $1000 EOY.

>> No.12418167


Praise KEK

>> No.12418169

please wake up. we miss you. your family misses you.

>> No.12418177
File: 201 KB, 870x300, madness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK, OP had a tripcode (77777) and while I looked away from my screen it turned to 12418159.


>> No.12418181

You have to wake up.

>> No.12418184


>> No.12418217

This is probably the best way to explain Chainlink if you have not yet met this project.

Bitcoin is like wood, isn't it? It has annual rings and magazines that can't be changed, but you can deduce them from the history of its block chain, etc. Ethereum is kind of like tree leaves. The leaves are scattered around the tree branches and have veins for the leaves to write things. And when you write something, it copies it to all other magazines. What's good, because if you look at one magazine, you know it's legit if it says the same things as other magazines.

This is where Chainlink enters the equation. Chainlink is like an immigrant who grows on the ground at the root of the tree. His brownish semen is comparable to external data and off-chain data fed by the Bitcoin tree to the ethereum leaves. So basically, this immigrant feeds the roots of the tree that it draws on the leaves that demand the nutrients and the substances needed for growth.

Hopefully this will help.

>> No.12418536
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We're all gonna make it.

>> No.12418547
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Grug... easy on the sips. Grug sound like cuckoo shaman.

>> No.12418569


>> No.12418584
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No. it's just your cognition degradation in the CNS caused by very normal telomerase decay. You're not actually changing the reality or whatever. But, you're actually right about LINK, despite of your cognition decay. *That* is the most interesting thing.

>> No.12418594

The >>11111111 get called $10k eoy with a cosmic pepe pic.

>> No.12418629

My gf and I are breaking up it feels like. This is part of the meme.

>> No.12418640

>gf while browsing biz

>> No.12418717
File: 173 KB, 649x878, 1543240077534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of it is part of the meme. Do you honesly believe you would have experienced a consicous life without stumbing across LINK during the lifetime you are experiencing? This is your current path, you are determined to walk it.

>> No.12418779

It’s hard to walk it. The comfort and support it provided was love (or was it?). ChainLink provided and continues to provide that sense of out of this world feeling of achievement. But strangely, but strangely there is no negative or positive emotion. With difficulty, it feels this part of the universe must be traversed.