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12416114 No.12416114 [Reply] [Original]

Google for Juul compatable pods and refilling real ones is like sifting through the sea of you faggots and your mutherfucking shitcoins.

Been telling everyone i know i will buy up to a pickup bed load of empty Juul pods.

Got a lot of free time and figured i would resell or maybe even refill.

Am technotard also. Youtube has 4 billion vids of "taking the battery out." Bunch of faggot fucking retards i actually want to take the battery from the holder and solder new ones in.

Been considering 3d printed cases that are essentially 2 Julls on top of each other with opposite mouth ends. Color code lids. Rock a double this slightly longer 2 flavor Juul. Also the batteries on the little shits is .2ah. Gonna offer slightly bigger casses with bigger batts.

We weighed them and have roughly 8,000 now.

We told everyone to tell their friends and tell them save em for 10 cents each and then buy them for 25 cents. It's kind of getting rediculous

Any ideas bros?

>> No.12416128
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>> No.12416159

You are basically trying to build a real vape from the miniature version of a real vape, that itself evolved from smaller vapes.
Just buy a real one, kid.

>> No.12416173


>> No.12416191


Can't help but this is a brilliant idea if you can figure out how to do it.

>> No.12416207



Im almost 40 and bored. I am at a point where all of my money is tied up in investments but i allow myself 1k a month to fuck around with small investments and gambling.

Would a hookah be wanted?

Like a normal hookah but instead of weed it's like 10 different vapes. Have a push button wand like a drink mixer for different flavors and a dui breathalyzer end for throw away mout pieces?

>> No.12416210

>hand crafted artisinal juul refills

>> No.12416214

Not much to figure out. I need to nurse my hangover on sundays so I'm not all shakey and get to soldering. Thanks for the bout of confidense tho. Random ideas help if you come up with any

>> No.12416218

>organic vegan non fertalized non antibiotics grown.

Fucking hipsters

>> No.12416221

The cotton draw on them is shit. T. Threw my juul out and bought a 30 dollar ego aio. Better cloud, better hit. The default juul strength is stupidly high tho. 50mg/ml is excessive

>> No.12416225

hookah isn't for weed, dumbass

>> No.12416241

how much adderall did you take? too much I think

>> No.12416244

I suggest you do 10 minutes of research on electronics and learn how to replace the batteries. It's not rocket science. You'll also need to clean and sterilize those used pods, you don't know where they've been.

>> No.12416253

Buy them wholesale as empty pods from a whitelabel maker in Chinkchong
Ffs for a business board people cant think very well

>> No.12416263

Jesus fucking christ. 50mg of nicotine? They want you hooked on that shit.

>> No.12416293

holy fuck, that's disgusting. How'd they ever get popular? I used to vape 18mg but switched to 3 because anything higher than 6 tastes like you're vaping cleaning fluid

>> No.12416295

When I used to smoke those awful thing to transition to not smoking tobacco at all, I absolutely hated using them after the first few days of a new pod.

The real business opportunity here is not making this stuff cheaper - it’s somehow making them feel good like they do when you start a new pod for a longer period of time.

>> No.12416319

Yep. It's 5% content- normal vapers use about 0.6%.
Theyre fucking good though- You get headspins if you pull hard and don't be a bitch when it burns your throat.

>> No.12416324

He specifically said he would buy used. I'm thinking of the liability of doing so.

>> No.12416332

Yeah you are right- But im suggesting he just buys at wholesale new unfilled. Sanitising means the cotton gets it, and you get a hit of dettol and the cottin tastes like bleach for the next use.

>> No.12416531

I appreciate the input tho

>> No.12416540


Yall aint got a clue about my bullshit

>> No.12416546

Nah, autistic drunk. Less than 5 minutes ago i saw the doctor. Dr. Magillicutti for a solid half bottle chug

>> No.12416564

That is too much nicotine. Seems like even a cigarette won't provide that much release of nicotine per puff. How can people force that shit into their lungs? I once vaped 6 mg juice and my entire esophagus burnt.

>> No.12416597

I do 12mg- but i pull on cigarrettes hard as fuck and hold the smoke in my lungs for some time. No pussy mouth breathing like you would a cigar.

The 50mg honestly is great. It's like a proper drug but legal and sorts cheap. For two weeks i sucked on pods after work and got piss drunk. Then i ran out and got sad.

>> No.12417435

Fucking degenerates.