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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12415708 No.12415708 [Reply] [Original]


Was glowing off the LINK pump and felt like experiencing some schadenfreude so I browsed /r/cc for a bit. Read and enjoy

>> No.12415795

>deep pain chain
>deep brain pain

lel these guys are funny

>> No.12415823

I dont get why they have bought so much fucking garbage yet they refuse to buy chainlink kek

>> No.12415828

>65% of coins are centralized
>not garbage

>> No.12415867

They haven't shifted into the new smart contract oriented crypto paradigm. They're fucking slow. Notice how they still refer to their bags as 'coins'.

>> No.12415885


This, they still think they're going to use their crypto as a currency kek

>> No.12415886

Stinkies btfo

>> No.12415947

It’s hilarious, I just was looking through ethtrader and CC and any posts mentioning LINK get downvoted. /biz/ really did a number fudding reddit. They really are gonna but our bags at $50-$100 lol

>> No.12415952

>request network
>BEE Token


>> No.12416181

lmao deep brain pain is amazing...I remember being up like 600% on it when the market started to crash, I didn't understand what was happening but still got out at 250%...crazy times

>> No.12416455

>i mean, no altcoin even if legitimate has survived in the last year through this bear market
I can't deal with this. It's like living in a parallel universe.

>> No.12416583

Its fucking hilarious.

Crypto “Currency”

>> No.12417059
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I'm willing to bet that most don't even know it exists. Lmao if something gets disliked enough on Reddit, the comment gets hidden. Since we've brigaded every post about LINK, they probably either haven't heard of it or succumb to the mindhive and think it's a scam because it muh downvotes

Redditors truly are NPC's

>> No.12417103

I put $1k into dbc and at one point had $9k in that shit. God bull market was retarded good times

>> No.12417142
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Kek this truly is the best timeline