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12413475 No.12413475 [Reply] [Original]

How do I go long on tents?

Olympia Washington.


>> No.12413560


>> No.12413604

the Chinese are wrong to put ethnic minorities in camps it goes against basic human rights

>> No.12413829
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>> No.12413867

Damn Fallout 76 looks better than I thought

>> No.12413882

This is what socialism looks like.

>> No.12414023

@26min the woman chases the crazy lady with a bat. Insane.

The black house theory shortly after that was interesting.

>> No.12414273


>> No.12414424
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how do i short sanctuary cities?

>> No.12414457
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"that's Krista. for 20 dollars she'll write your future on the wall in feces."
so this is what happens when you let californians into your state.

>> No.12414479


>> No.12414489

Looks like India isn't the only place with designated shitting streets.

>> No.12414495

>>Olympia, Washington

you misspelled liberal democratic capitalism nigga

>> No.12414505

Confirmed Washington is a shit hole. Live in Seattle and this is what the city looks like. You can literally put a tent up on any major sidewalk and the cops can't do anything. I was riding my bike thru downtown and my pedal got suck on some dudes house and dragged it down the road. Fuckin garbage ass leaders .

>> No.12414560

That is a damn shame. You have a beautiful state outside of the cities. How much of this can be attributed to liberal policies? The mild climate must play a big factor in it too.

>> No.12414633

It’s really only south Seattle and downtown that are bad. Anywhere up north is fine. They are closing the tinyhouse village in Northgate and the homeless have rvs instead of tents.

>> No.12414653

the metro northwest is a shithole now, will only continue to attract more homeless people and insane liberals.

>> No.12414660

It’s all liberal policies. Vagrancy, drug use, and prostitution are basically legal. Cops are leaving because the liberal politics won’t let them do their job. It’s the real Wild West boyos

>> No.12414666


>> No.12414686

You mean late state of capitalism. Soon the system is fucked - perfect!

>> No.12414699

Wages haven't risen enough and housing is too expensive, if housing was at a realistic price we wouldn't see all these tent cities

>> No.12414720

True words anon. True words.

>> No.12414737

Nigga you do NOT see this shit In expensive East Coast cities like Boston and NYC. Honestly these tent city vagrants need to be rounded up and euthanized. They have horrible lives and serve no purpose to society. This is just cruel.

>> No.12414741

This is worse than skid row.
Get your shit together america.

>> No.12414754

No arguments anon. No arguments. Have you been in San Fran or LA, I don’t think so.

>> No.12414760

It's going to get worse, people can't make ends meet. Shit will go down eventually.

>> No.12414795

I have been to SF and it is a shithole. Beggars on EVERY corner. I would never move there. Might have to visit again soon because most of the crypto people I network with are based there. I live in NYC and we do NOT have this kind of problem.

>> No.12414812

>How much of this can be attributed to liberal policies?

all of it

>> No.12414830

the vast majority of these "homeless" people aren't locals, they move here to take advantage of us. the majority have no intention of ever becoming regular citizens again

>> No.12414852

and not only that, but the rest of the country has figured this out and literally just busses homeless people out west to dump them on us.


>> No.12414985

Same with Denver, especially in the summer because trainhopping beatniks end up squatting all over.

>> No.12415015

>New York appears to have been the first major city to begin a relocation program for homeless people, back in 1987. After the current iteration of the program was relaunched during the tenure of mayor Michael Bloomberg, it ballooned, and its relocation scheme is now far larger than any other in the nation. The city homelessness department budgets $500,000 for it annually.

>Almost half the approximately 34,000 journeys analyzed by the Guardian originate from New York. In contrast with other relocation initiatives, New York is notable for moving large numbers of families, like the Ortizes.
Absolutely based. We must save so much money kicking these parasites out than it would cost to pamper them. Sorry that your local government is letting this happen, Anon.

>> No.12415057


Lmao. Get fucked amerifags

>> No.12415091
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>mfw america is going to default within the next 10 years
>mfw it will be open season on all homeless, degenerates and foreigners

>> No.12415108
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Cops are leaving because they are poorfags like everyone else. Also fuck cops.

>> No.12415134

Yeah they cleared out the Northgate camp. Bout time.

It's a damn shame. Lived in Oly for 2 years and loved that place. The cops all say the same thing, "we can't do anything about it". It's always been a place for runaways and a few homeless, which seems like the good ol' days in retrospect. If they cleaned it up, I'd move back.

>> No.12415155
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Amerifats would rather die than make housing affordable. Boomers especially. They probably will actually die before selling their bags.

>> No.12415156

Cops deal with the scum of society so we don't have to. Have some respect for their line of work you zoomer edgelord fuck. It is thankless work. You should also respect sanitation workers for what they do for society.

>> No.12415160

Trainhoppers are not street shitting sidewalk tenting homebums

>> No.12415175


If I had to guess, Oly homeless is 5% train hoppers, 25% mentally ill, and 70% degenerate assholes.

I have a solution. Instead of housing these folks in parking lots downtown, where they abuse business owners and citizens, set their camp up at the state capitol lawn up the street. Bet they'd fix this real fast.

>> No.12415240

I suspect you can see a housing shortage anywhere on Earth if you pay homeless people to stay there, like the west coast cities do

Downtown SF looks like Somalia and the government solution thus far has been to simply hire more people to pick up feces and needles. It hasn't worked

>> No.12415286
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>I suspect you can see a housing shortage anywhere on Earth if you pay homeless people to stay there, like the west coast cities do

How are homeless people creating a housing shortage? This is retarded even by boomer standards. Also homelessness and rent are very much related (see pic.)

>> No.12415312

there was a homeless camp (city sanctioned) 3 blocks from my apartment in magnolia until a year or so ago. It moved, then for a while there were tents popping up everywhere. I still saw one in the middle of ballard a few months ago.
wow something on /biz/ is actually funny

>> No.12415318

I grew up in Olympia, went back about 8 years ago and realized why I moved away. Never going back to that shit hole

>> No.12415469

The one by the library downtown was so bad. The line of honey buckets outside was cool tho, it’s tough to piss anywhere downtown and I kinda miss it

>> No.12415470

or they can just start building thousands of apartments to meet demand

>> No.12415873

They are already doing that but it’s taking awhile

>> No.12416515

>Nigga you do NOT see this shit In expensive East Coast cities like Boston and NYC

That's because in Boston and NYC if you try to live in a tent you literally freeze to death during the winter

>> No.12416913

Read above- NYC has been exporting homeless en masse for years. Fucking based. Also makes me happy to not live in a temperate paradice if it keeps scum from turning my block into a designated shitting street.

>> No.12417139


That would be a funny scene in Portlandia

>> No.12417259
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>tfw was thinking about moving to washington
is literally anywhere on the west coast a decent place to live?

>> No.12417281

Every line of work is thankless. You get what you sign up for.

>> No.12417297


>> No.12417299

wtf bros

>> No.12417306
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>> No.12417341

"That would be the uh, Healthcare Authority"

>> No.12417396

i think you've answered your own question.

>> No.12417409

i think we all know who the real street shitters are

>> No.12417467
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>5:50 cameraman out of breath from taking a few steps

>> No.12417520
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watched the whole thing now (2x speed).
guess this is america.