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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12410412 No.12410412 [Reply] [Original]

What's your 5 year plan /biz/? Y-you have one right? I'm not talking about daydreaming but an actionable plan of course. Here is mine.

I recently got job offers in Boston, MA. I will probably accept a job in a small value fund. Salary is only 60K a year, but there is performance based compensation and it fits my career goals.

I'll be taking evening classes at the Harvard Extension School on campus, and if I get a B or higher in the first 3 classes I take, I will be able to apply for a Masters degree track. This awards a Harvard University degree in a concentration of your choice. I am considering either Finance or Software Engineering as my concentration, although the Software Engineering track has a thesis which could drag on. I should be able to take 4 classes per year and complete the masters degree requirements within 3 years.

Alongside this I will take a semester off each year to do a level of the CFA exam. If I'm able to maintain a 3.5 in Harvard Extension School's Masters Degree track, I am able to apply to for special student status giving me access to classes in Harvard Business School's course catalog.

After this, I will study for the GMAT and apply to top business schools for an MBA, and try to land a job in a large hedge fund.

Best Case scenario:
>Jobhop every 6 months and be making 100K+ base in <3 years
>Harvard University degree and CFA in 3 years
>High GMAT score
>Top full-time MBA program
>Intern at a large hedge fund and get a fulltime offer

Worst Case Scenario:
>Get fired
>Keep failing CFA level 2/3
>Fail HES classes from burning out
>Get raped by roommates
>Bomb GMAT
>Move back into moms basement and become a NEET

>> No.12410461

-Graduate from University on an undergrad business degree from a CSU school in California
-Apply for for every entry level job, doesn't have to be in my field
-make 30~k starting
-Start studying for certificates

-Keep working
-study for certificates
-start taking test for those certificates
-get those certificates
-save money

-Keep working
-Try to find a job with newly acquired certificates
-hopefully get a job and start making 40K to 50K a year
-save money

-Keep working
-Try to check out Master's programs in business within my field of choice (Not Finance or Accounting)
-save money

-Keep working
-Apply for a Masters program if it makes sense. If not: Save money

That's pretty much it. I'm 30 years old, though. So it's basically just find any job and just work until I die once I get my undergrad degree.

>> No.12410466

how old are you?

>> No.12410479


>> No.12410483

my 5 year plan is to hold LINK and hope im rich

how about that for a 5yr plan u faggot

>> No.12410490

Turning 23 next month

>> No.12410585
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Currently 20, came from absolutely horrible background and used to be a loser

Best case (realisticish)

>Accepted to Cambridge part 3 next year
>Accepted into good PhD program afterwards
>My 12 btc makes me a millionaire by 2024
>Blow 50k at end of academic year buying more btc, leaving 20k for masters and 5k for emergencies
>Job offer in research, preferably at a university

>Best case (dream)
>Same as above
>I have a very good and simple idea for a modification to a everyday item. Could possibly push me into centi-millionaire to billionaire territory. Still trying to work out if feasible

>Worst case
>Rejected from Cambridge, do masters at current "good" uni
>Do shit on masters, mediocre wagekek job
>BTC goes to zero
>Cause of cheap lifestyle buy house with mortgage pay it off very quickly

>> No.12410802
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>being a 5-year-plan virgin
>not being a 1000 year Reich Chad

If you don't have plans for your great grand children to rule over the plebs, you're not going to make it.

>> No.12410816

Worst blog post ever sage

>> No.12410849

My long term plan is to start my own hedge fund. Hard to attract talent and clients without working at a megafund or going to H/W/S first. Hence the plan.

>> No.12410865

hedge funds are analyzed on their performance not what degrees you have lad.

>> No.12410889
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>get free healthcare
>pat off a mobile home in nice park
>retire at 28
>fish, relax, and enjoy life for rest of my life with my crypto gains

>> No.12410940

No shit, but coming out of a megafund its much easier to raise money to start your own fund. Can't build a track record overnight either. I have been investing for 3 years with a balance adjusted return of 26% annually, but that doesn't mean shit obviously so ill keep managing my own money and work at various funds to build a track record. Continuing education will help me move to better funds faster.

>> No.12410962

by then i will have kingdoms all over mars and earth

>> No.12411066

>Jobhop every 6 months and be making 100K+ base in <3 years
nigga how?

>> No.12411153

- Find Job to sustain myself until summer semester starts
- Attempt to take as many Clep exams as possible before semester starts
- Apply to work for my former employer at a higher position since they start re hiring in April.
-Get hired(Hopefully)
-Start School again

Haven’t put in any thought into anything after this year.