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12410380 No.12410380 [Reply] [Original]

>Just inherited $65k

What do? Not asking to be spoonfed, just to be led in the right direction.

Please help me /biz/.

>> No.12410404

take 10k waste it for whatever shit you like.

take the rest and put it away for atleast another 6 years untill you grown brains (maybe buy a stack of 10 - 20k link thats it)

not beeing a dick honest to god oppinion

>> No.12410435

Answer is the same whether you have $1 or $1B to spend:

>60% VTSAX
>10% bonds
>10% gold/silder
>5% LINK

>> No.12410442

Put it in a high yield savings account and take a long time to think about what you want to do in life. Like at least 6+ months.
What do you want to do, anon?

>> No.12410462

Don't waste any of it

Put the money into an S&P index fund and don't look at it for 20 years

>> No.12410464

buy 20 bitcoin
wait three years

>> No.12410476

he has to waste some of it to learn the value thats just the way it is

just please dont waste it all OP

>> No.12410488

I know he probably will, but he shouldn't

>> No.12410495

neither should we have ;)

>> No.12410506

Came here to post basically this. God tier long term portfolio right there

>> No.12410510


Do you have debts over 5%? Pay them off
Do you have debts under 5% but greater than 65k? Put half towards the principal amount, and set the other half as your emergency fund and act like nothing happened

Otherwise, emergency fund of like $10k and the rest in a target retirement date account. Take your real 7% and sit on it and let that baby compound. If you put $55k and sat on it until you're 60 in the vanguard target fund it'd be worth ~$770k in real dollars.

>> No.12410516

no argument there my man

>> No.12410526

Thanks for the solid advice, still relatively new to finance. I will definitely put a small percentage into crypto (already have 1btc, 15eth, 26zec). Also yes I’ll look into S&P index funds and high yielding savings accounts.
Absolutely going to screenshot and study this post, thank you very much.

>> No.12410544
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>Answer is the same whether you have $1 or $1B to spend:
>10% gold/silder
>5% LINK

>> No.12410546

be very careful with this. target retirement accounts can be a scam with their management fees.

>> No.12410560
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>still relatively new to finance

kek, good luck OP just dont be an idiot

>> No.12410565
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fuck these hoes telling you to save it. Blow 15k traveling and seeing the world. Stay in nice hotels, go to multiple destinations. Go to resorts. Experience life. Set aside 15k for an emergency fund. put 20k in a savings account. use 15k to pay off any debt you have or put it towards a home.

>> No.12410569


Everyone here is retarded...

1. Don’t tell anyone. Especially your friends. This is the most important.
2. Keep living life the way you’re living right now.
3. If you’re not working, start working or doing something. Anything at all. Don’t just sit around and do nothing. Be productive.
4. There’s some solid advice here regarding investing your inheritance but the best way imo is to research and look things up on your own. That way everything will stick in your head and you’ll actually understand how Investing really works.
5. That money isn’t a whole lot of money. Even if you played it right it’s not something that’ll keep you afloat for the rest of your life. Accept this and don’t let this change your lifestyle or tastes. Good luck

>> No.12410570

Buy a nice used Porsche.

>> No.12410582

Dumb advice.
Travel on an average salary is not hard unless you're a McDonalds employee.

Good advice. Just don't buy LINK.

>> No.12410659

school faggot

>> No.12410720
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Pay off whatever debt you have and set aside 3-6 months of living expenses into a savings account. This is called the "oh shit" fund.

Take the remaining and put it into a separate online savings account that gets over 2% like Ally. The 2% will help mitigate most of the inflation (your dollar loses value over time). Every year take 10% of the original amount and move it into investments for the next 10 years. This is called dollar-cost averaging. It prevents you from investing into something at an ATH or relative high and getting fucked for it. Example: you invested all of it in September of 2000, right before a major crash. Tough luck. Now it takes you 7 years just to get back your original amount, just in time for the 2008 crash and you have to sit an wait well over a decade to make ANY gains. Look up the s&p 500 index and learn from the history. If you were dollar-cost averaging that the entire time you would have bought as or near the lows and come out fine.

What to invest in, and what %?:
some ETF that tracks a extremely diverse index. This mitigates risk. I personally go with VT, which invests in the entire global stock market.
bonds. US Government is the safest, but you can also find some neat bond etfs instead of actual bonds like FALN, or be boring and go TLT/BND. The rule of thumb is 100-your age = % stock, the rest being bonds.
whatever stock you want or find some meme shit (but keep your meme shit low). Pic related are some of my personal picks. I recently dumped a bunch into fucking MJ. Other meme shit includes crypto and speculative things.

All that being said you can also take 5k or so and have some fun with it. Very important: don't let ANYONE know you came into money.

t. got 400k when turned 21.

>> No.12410758

put all your crypto money into link
put the 65k into link to

>> No.12410789

Don't spend it on internet meme coins

>> No.12410792

Good advice, personally drop Link and bring crypto down to 10% and bump VTSAX to 70%. Just my risk profile at your age. Up to 20% in crypto is fine if you believe in it, steal from the VTSAX percentage.

Crypto distribution:
50% BTC 25% ETH 25% XMR
If you don't believe in centralized cryptocurrency, 70% BTC 30% XMR.

>> No.12410819

This is all equally important to the actual investing advice.

Last line should read ETH, not XMR.

>> No.12410824

invest 5k in cryptos, another 5k in silver, keep maybe 1k in cash. digital fiat is underrated. it gives you a weird boost in yourself, a feeling of security, or hunger for some.

>> No.12410832

solid advice

Anyway so to visualize it the breakdown would go something like this (assuming your oh shit fund is 5k and you have 0 debt)

>5k oh shit fund
>60k in Ally
This will yield you around a grand a year starting and just is there to stop some of inflation eating away at your resting money. You could also throw half of this in a 5 year CD for a better interest rate but trying not to overcomplicate it for you. Example for every year (starting this year) invest 6k:
VT or VTI or SPY or some shit like that
TLT or BND or literally buy a fucking bond which is kind of a pain to cash/buy/hold
Stock/etf: MJ, NRZ, KBWY, MCD, MSFT, WM
Crypto: XMR, BTC, ADA

>> No.12410847
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drop out of hs you're rich as fuck who needs geometry? you made it

>> No.12410855

fuck you idiot

>> No.12410952

Putting a generous emergency fund into Ally Savings is a really good idea prior to taking any of it and distributing it into investments actually. Good return for lots of personal financial security. Do the math, 3mo - 1yr bare minimum expenses to survive and keep getting to work on time, and that's what you put in there. Don't touch except in those cases.

Any high interest debt (7%+) needs to be paid off first too, although I don't think OP mentioned anything like that.

>> No.12411008

Yeah there wasn't a lot to go on in the OP, so I'm assuming nothing is terribly fucked/weird with his situation. I'd say pay off ALL debt first though. David Ramsey has some ruleset for which debts to attack first based on APR, size of debt, terms, etc.

>> No.12411039

what are your future needs of money?
some retirement, some index fund, rest to make some money off of interest

>> No.12411081

If I were you, I'd put ~1K in gold (1 ounce), 1K in silver, 1K in crypto and keep the rest as a buffer in case you are out of a job. Then learn software development, get a job paying 75,500 per year (at e.g. Microsoft) and just profit.

>> No.12411159

ignore everyone go all in on Link

>> No.12411169

Travelling is fun but not the way you've described. At 19 he should be staying in grimey hostels and banging foreign sluts, not being an autist in a 5-star. Alternatively, staying with host families and experiencing the real culture of a place. If OP invested a large portion of his windfall, he could live well off dividends while teach ESL or some other fun 'job' where you meet exotic cuties.

>> No.12411193

1-dont follow any advice from /biz/

>> No.12411227

I disagree. I think passing on meeting psychos in hostels is the right move. Traveling with class is the only way to travel.

>> No.12411278

60% VFINX (no shitstocks, no shitetf)
20% High yield savings (no shitbonds)
10% Gold (no shitsilver)
10% Bitcoin (no shitcoins)

>> No.12411303

whores and cocain

>> No.12411305

>If OP invested a large portion of his windfall, he could live well off dividends
The s&p 500 only averages around 2% dividends. Some of the highest REITs only yield 7-8%. Some of the freakish high-risk investments like GECC yield 10%+. Even at 10% that's only $6500 a year.

I'm not saying passive income isn't great, I'm saying that 6500 a year is far from even supplementary income for most.

>> No.12411346

$30k into boomer dividend stocks and the other $35k into a starter house or condo.

You do those two simple fucking things without deviation and you will make it by 30

>> No.12411427

It's fairly new thing in our country.
I read few of them, and those are true scams.
Even in our investing journal summits or occasional topic themed meetings Speakers tell not to sign any deals, tell families not to do it and so on... They always put them on radar and still there's no single one that is not scam.

>> No.12411497

put 40k all in the S&P500. save the rest for Bitcoin when it hits $2800.

don't listen to these shitcoiners. you will lose all your money.

>> No.12411597

This is the worst advice in this thread.

>> No.12412157

Buy Link

>> No.12412180

Wait for housing to crash
Put down payment on house
Rent it out
Do some improvements
Sell for more

>> No.12412198
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>> No.12412542

invest in yourself,.
fix your ugly smile,
learn in demand skills for job
whatever is left over dump it into a long game portfolia, probably some Vanguard build.

>> No.12412828

$20k TRTL and save the rest