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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1544229320312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12408916 No.12408916 [Reply] [Original]

be me

>birthday few days ago
>post on the gram
>chad sees it, doesnt acknowledge it
>messages me today "oh hey anon, happy belated".. ..... "by the way"
>"what do you know about this Cryptocurrency"
>"text me anon i got a new phone"

anyone else hate it when people are slimy shitstains and sucker up to you only to try to get something out of you?

what shitcoin should i shill him /biz

>> No.12408923


>> No.12408928

trx xrp

>> No.12408936


>> No.12408938

yep. recommend him anything in the top 10 that isn't btc and isn't eth.

>> No.12408946

you should just be happy someone finds some type of value from you.
What else do you have to offer? Connections? Interesting conversation? Know your place.

>> No.12408957

a reservoir of fucking knowledge a normie would die for. you think hes messaging me because im retarded? he understands that i know this space and am involved, so of course hes going to message the smartest source he has. the fuck. value... what the fuck do you bring of value, prick?

>> No.12408964

my point being was that instead of wishing me happy birthday on my actual birthday when they saw the post. he didnt fucking care. the only reason hes doing it now is because he needs something in return. the fuck. i dont want your shitty pitty happy birthday faggot. im doing well enough without it.

>> No.12408981

Great recipe for absolute -99%

>> No.12408993

You clearly aren't.

>> No.12409010

your mind is warped.
I'm sorry the world doesn't love you unconditionally like your mother was supposed to during development. I'm sorry she was busy drinking at clubs while you laid awake crying in the crib and because of this you will never understand how functioning adults interact.

>> No.12409027

whew. do you also bend over for the staceys? lmfao

>> No.12409051

>blog blog blog
>normies don't love me
>what is a shitcoin?

The only way your sad posts relate to biz is you are asking how to LOSE money.

>> No.12409053

how many millions have you made from crypto so far?

>> No.12409055

bitconnect or chainlink maybe

>> No.12409062

i always hate when people i didn´t talk to for years, suddenly come up to me and ask how i am doing, and after 5 minutes they come up with the topic they want me to deal with.

so they play nice and interested at first, and then come to the point what they want.

>> No.12409099
File: 78 KB, 1200x900, _flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_yoruny_b19bb814b650a28c391f269e84749c1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what is wrong with people literally asking you if you could dump your bags on them?

>> No.12409122

just ignore him you fucking retard

>> No.12409123

m8 i could care less. im not out here seeking for attention to get love. i quite enjoy my quiet lifestyle, i prefer to have real connections with people instead of fake ones.

im up 6 figures..........

>> No.12409125


>> No.12409131


Do you seriously post on your ig, that you have birthday, seeking attention? Is this a norm over there?

>> No.12409142

it was a pic of the boys having a good time you mongoloid

>> No.12409230

Straight up, you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.12409280
File: 2 KB, 79x125, 1547056800920s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worry not we will take care of you. its quite evident youve never ventured out in the real world for a good night out

>> No.12409290

>be me

Who else would you be?

>> No.12409313

Get out of here you fucking normie!!

posting on instagram is the most normie fucking thing to do

>> No.12409333

anon u just blew my mind. post link wallet

>> No.12409340

literally everyone has an ig its the way to get laid anon i swear it works.

>> No.12409341

Massive IQ right here.

>> No.12409431

Posted grug picture with no grug-speak. Stopped reading.

>> No.12409462

>literally everyone
Fuck off Norman

>> No.12409465

get him rekt