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12407212 No.12407212 [Reply] [Original]

>The average millennial (aged 18 to 34) had about $32,000 in personal debt, excluding home mortgages
This is why there are so many doomers.

>> No.12407217

girl here, yes

>> No.12407225

>no debt
>30k to my name
>unemployed as of last week
i still want to die

>> No.12407252
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>you should always be trying to better yourself
>you're perfect the way you are

>subliminal drilling of "your mere existence is somehow making this overcrowdedTM planet worse"

If I wasn't filled with a constant radiating fire I don't know how I could survive

>> No.12407263

550k cash (thanks crypto)
unemployed neet
would be ok with WW3 or some crazy shit happening

>> No.12407267

>No debt
>payed apartment
>$+30k liquid
>$+10k not liquid
>Never been unemployed after school
feels good

>> No.12407274

>12k in credit card debt
>20k in crypto down from 170
>never had a job due to mental issues
Fuck off.

>> No.12407275
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How do you have $550k in cash and you’re still a virgin? How deformed are you?

>> No.12407276

life is a video game and we've been stuck in tutorial island for the past 20 years
something needs to crack because it just isn't worth it anymore

>> No.12407290

autism and disregard for roasties
I've had my dick sucked 20 times but never wanted to risk fucking that disgusting hole

I also don't tell people women especially about my money only my dad and 2 friends know, it was over 3 million during the peak bull of 2017

>> No.12407296

use a condom dude

>> No.12407299

Sorry to hear about the autism anon

>> No.12407302

t. happy wagecuck

>> No.12407303

WW3, your country forcibly enlists you in the army, 2 months of patroling in the forest during winter time, after that you suddenly die due to mortar fire
Would you really be ok with ww3?

>> No.12407308
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>> No.12407311

>20k PNW
>3k liquid

Feels like shit.

>> No.12407331

yeah I would probably die supporting a rebellion in my own country
I'm so sick and tired of the socialism and immigrants and retardation I'm willing to die for that 1% chance we win and restore actual freedom

>> No.12407351

I'm willing to bet a lot of people have this mentality
I've done the drugs and been sold the dream and it's all bullshit
you can't raise a functional family freely in USA anymore with all the propaganda and laws going against it
something needs to change, but for now it's a slow collapse and decay

>> No.12407542

That’s beautiful. Pain free way to make the hurting stop. Where can one get a tank from?

>> No.12407560

nonpenetrative sex is still sex anon

>> No.12407562

why do millennials do this? and then they go blame society

>> No.12407585

Student loans are the greatest scam of the 21st century and the fact so few people seem aware of that is appalling.

You literally can't even default on the federal-backed ones. They persist through all forms of bankruptcy. You will be forced to keep paying that shit until it's all been paid off (neverever thanks to incurring interest) or you're dead. Literal debt slavery.
And for what?
For a worthless piece of paper that you've been tricked into thinking is the key to success.
The simple reality is that >>12407351 is right, the possibilities for a stable middle class life have been closed off. This country is now being slowly divided into a wealthy and entrenched upperclass and a permanent underclass. Social mobility is dead, and attempts to tell you otherwise (e.g. "go to college!") are themselves just scams to get you to sign your life away.

>> No.12407597
File: 102 KB, 1024x329, 1FCDD183-637C-461D-9C3A-1D5C26AB52E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current civilization has entered the collapse phase where, rather than long-term decline, we have sudden changes caused by systems out of control. when systems are collapsing, there is a vacuum and a battle for the new order.
Take heart fern. We will fight for you.

>> No.12407601

Did you pay taxes or is that a meme?
Only pay when you cash out?? Haha

>> No.12407618

Atl east you put together a nice bank roll Ohh Pee. I can’t look people in the eye or hold a conversation longer than a few seconds to keep from spilling spaghetti. Everything seems like plastic and dreamlike now. I found a good site on Tor for Nembutal though so not much longer now.

>> No.12407625

40k at 36 is pathetic anon

>> No.12407650
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decades ago labor work is enough to sustain a family. I understand that times are different now and US was booming after the war, but where did all the money go? Labor jobs were highly paid because labor was valuable, but what about now?

If salary = demand and value, does that mean many jobs today are simply not in demand? Just as how there are significantly less horses today than before the industrial age, are we also shifting as a society?

What will be the next horses?

>> No.12407694
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>where did all the money go?
gee I wonder

>> No.12408556
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>work hard to save up $100k
>finally get a wife material gf
>she has $100k in student loan debt

>> No.12408591

Literally do not pay it off for her. I had a friend in the same situation and after it was paid off she left him.

>> No.12408610

autism and disregard for roasties
I've had my dick sucked 20 times but never wanted to risk fucking that disgusting hole
..... SOUNDS like you could be born a faggot !!! Maybe you should fuck some guys asshole . Or with that $500k buy a tranny

>> No.12408696

$32,000 isn’t even a lot. You know, you faggots give Trump shit for “muh small loan of $1,000,000” but he did something with it. What do you do with your loan of $32,000? Nothing but turn it into debt

>> No.12408708

>girl here, yes
yes? yes!
you dont need to worry, you've got holes to be filled. Fill them wisely.

>> No.12408722

Imagine actually having debt lmao. I'm 28 with 250k net worth 0 debt thanks to crypto with a decent entry level job. Feels amazing to not have to worry about petty shit

>> No.12408727

giv me $100k, and I'll be your life coach anon. Don't even want the money, thats just to prove you srs about wanting something different

>> No.12408913

>wife, 4 kids
>44k in kids 529s
>nice house in white neighborhood worth 255k, with 90k mortgage, payments are low so IDGAF
>106k retirement accounts
>160k in checking account that I'm waiting for the next great depression to go all in
>15k in crypto down from 97k ATH
>use credit cards for rewards but pay in full every month
>cars paid off ages ago

Pretty comfy.

>> No.12408942

Pretty good bro

>> No.12408994


>> No.12409002

nice job. although that checking account can't be paying much interest. would consider moving a chunk to your brokerage and buying $BIL (1-3mo treasuries) which will get you 2.4% with no risk. better than locking your money in a CD as you get in/out no problem.

>> No.12409017

Our overlords are trying every trick in the book to delay the collapse. They're simultaneously frantically investing in AI and robotics technology.

The goal? Create AI and autonomous weapons that can finally break the cycle of civilization. They will use the tech to assume absolute control over the underclass. Most of us will be exterminated, and the rest will live in soul destroying misery. With the AI, we won't even be necessary for labor; our primary purpose will be to suffer until the sun blows up because the parasite elites who control this planet evolved to derive pleasure from exploiting and enslaving other humans.

I hope the good guys win.

>> No.12409024

>can't be paying much interest
a cool 0%
>buying $BIL (1-3mo treasuries)
Not a bad idea....I saw some FDIC insured high yield savings with 2.25% I was considering, but that's even better. I use Fidelity for all my normie investing. What happens after 1-3 months with the rate though?

>> No.12409042
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The fourth industrial revolution is coming. Only the global elites and neets will prosper in the coming era. I hope your ducks are in a row. The neet meetup is planned for ??? date and location is Cayman Islands. BYOY(bring your own yacht). Stay stinky my frenz.

>> No.12409045
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>What happens after 1-3 months with the rate though?
that all depends on what the fed does. $BIL is essentially a floating rate product, so it'll return whatever the fed sets the rate at. if they drop it to 0, you'll get 0 interest there. but right now it's pretty juicy since the 10year is only a few basis points higher and you are exposed to no risk if rates continue to get hiked (where as a 10 year bond would drop in current market value).

>> No.12409072

thanks anon, am looking into it.

>> No.12409148

Check out the US government website treasurydirect.gov to buy Treasury debt without a middleman, if you haven't already

>> No.12409167

stunning and brave

>> No.12409175
File: 233 KB, 1111x1501, lH9Gdho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milennials were told they are special their entire lives. They were told that they would change the world and save it from the way boomers and Gen X had been running things.

Turns out that with 6+ billion people in the world no, you're not special. All the whole the media hammers into their head the idea that you have to be exceptional : you gotta be a rockstar, you gotta be a millionaire. You gotta get married, have a house and kids. And all before you turn 30 or else you're a failure and a loser.

The real world doesn't work this way. So you get a generation that is incredibly entitled and frustrated. Who fell for the (((education))) meme, taking out huge loans because they thought that just by existing (rmemeber, they think they're special) they would have an amazing career and easily pay it off.

It's actually kind of sad.

>> No.12409202

>I am MORE mentally ill than you and therefore I win

Lmao @ your life

>> No.12409216

i’m 23 with 100k in debt and a 50k salary

is anyone more JUST’d than i?

>> No.12409218

Quit being so sensitive

>> No.12409240

we were told our whole lives that education is the only way and if you don’t get a degree you’re fucked. we were also raised being told to follow our dreams. see the conflict here? then you had people going to college for their dreams - liberal arts majors, meme degrees, anything that doesn’t end in a high paying field. if you’re not a STEM major going to college is a a waste.

but here’s the thing - it’s still required. because of how saturated bachelors degrees are, companies still require them. if i want to be a graphic designer i still NEED a major, even though it’s a useless piece of paper that does nothing but guarantee a life time of debt.

it’s completely fucked and the only way to fix it is to let it fail - which we are currently witnessing

>> No.12409258

>mental issues
The media said my mental illness makes me special

>> No.12409272


I mean all I wanted was a job and a house and some kids

>> No.12409283

you forgot the payed appartment there retard

>> No.12409285

glad that other anon helped you. I was going to suggest doing something similar!

>> No.12409314

It can no longer be said with a straight face that for civilisation itself every coming day is an improvement upon the last. Climate change, immigration, population saturation, the relentless pursuit of AIG, automation and robotics, rising wealth inequality, developments in health and life-extension, assortative mating, IQ filtering... one could go on and on about the many pressures affecting the Occident, but even a gargantuan list would fail to encompass the whole range of happenings, and fail to adequately convey the scale of the coming changes.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is, indeed, a reality. One that is often associated with fantasies founded on liberal and progressive ideals. Regardless, the crux of the issue is that, unlike previous industrial revolutions, this one has no promise, nor even potential hope, of job creation at even a fraction of the scale of the previous ones.
The problem with millennials is that they refuse, consciously or unconsciously, to accept the coming paradigm. And so, basking in the vanishing rays of the post-war golden age, they drink the nectar of technological progress, wholly believing that all will be well, because everyone has told them it shall be so. Many honestly believe that the future will absolve them of their debts and all their sins; that they will be uplifted by the fruit of progress.
Meanwhile, their condition worsens, and every new soul becomes just another competitor for a dwindling number of resources in a less trusting and more divided world.
What happens when this progress they dream of renders the majority worthless?
Will they be supported? Doubtful.
Will they be removed? Perhaps.
Will they adapt? They won't have the time!
The best case scenario is for UBI and Bread & Circuses to transform the masses into mindless consumer drones.
Depending on which place you occupy in the hierarchy of capitalism, this can be either a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.12409380

Did you, really? Or were you told that's what you want?

>> No.12409395

Fucking normalfag get the fuck out of my board. Reee

>> No.12409404

I had free cookies and so did tons of others. Keep coping for being a loser and a failure.

>> No.12409411

It's a biological need to want a partner and to reproduce.

>> No.12409455

I'm 34 and have no savings and 100k salary. Just pay it off as quick as possible and your older self will be glad you did

>> No.12409463

>No debt
>Paid for 120k cozy house away from the city
>2018 paid for Honda Accord
>200k vanguard investmens
>50k in shitcoins
>50k cash
>Work about 5 hours a day

Not too bad but it does get lonely. Won't let a vagina steal my stress free life

>> No.12409479

It is, but it's not supposed to come to your life just by existing. Which is what many people don't understand.

>> No.12409483

acting like you can't be 32k off if your not a degenerate.

I will have 30k when im done with studying. I will persue entrepreunership. If i fail i get a job. and pay like 100 a month. Its not that hard. Maybe in murifuck where they let you die on the streets. But here in western europe they won't let you.

>> No.12409499

You're a retard if you pay that off. 100k is nothing, and you're going to have to work to turn that into something.

>> No.12409521

>at least 80% of debts expected not to be paid off

>> No.12409531

>I will
No you won't lmao. Remember this post when you fail

>> No.12409545

i know this feeling. Comfy life, at 30, paid off house, no debt. Can't be bothered with a vagina

>> No.12409591

>only 40k
Did you lose all of your money in crypto?

>> No.12409620

it’s in the air. I feel the same way

>> No.12409691

LARP or daddy’s money you have a roughly 475k Networth which means you have been saving roughly 22k a year (rough estimate includes the interest you may have made by investing since you were 22 and may have entered the work force) the past 14 years. Anyone with kids knows that amount of money you have saved on top of them is almost impossible so explain anon.

>> No.12409726

>12k in crypto
>8k in the bank
>8k in gold
>60k in condo equity
>no debts beside mortgage
>87k salary
Still no hope famalam

>> No.12409735

Another LARP, wait let me guess youth bought BTC when it was 2 dollars?

>> No.12409749

Pay your debt off you brainlet

>> No.12409755

>no debt besides mortgage
Anon do you know what debt means? Hey at least you aren’t a LARPer like others ITT, best bet is go balls deep in BTC, sell drugs or just wage slave for 30 more years and buy boomer stocks.

>> No.12409762

>2k owed CC
>11k owed car
>Parents paying for school
>$400 in crypto
>Make 30k/year

>> No.12409770

If he marries her it's his debt, and she won't pay it off until long after she's not worth marrying.

>> No.12409792

why would you think it's a larp? guy probably makes low 6 figs and just saved a lot from working over the last 10 years

>> No.12409818

Drugs are degenerate but I've got 21k LINK which has performed well and if I can score a better job (applying now) I'll dump more into BTC. It'd be nice to have ~10 BTC and 32 ETH

>> No.12409842

6k in liquid savings.
7k in shares in employer company (large defence company)
14k car finance because #fastaudi

plan on having a house by 22.
literally what is the problem.

>> No.12409853

do you work for LM or leidos?

>> No.12409870


>> No.12409886

>I, an individual, am beating most individuals, and am successful.
>What do you mean the average person is doing worse?
>Why don't the majority of people just outperform the majority of people?
Are you a boomer larping as a zoomer?

>> No.12409890
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Unless hs dropouts literally starve to death, the average graduate can save over 300k by 30. The facts don't lie

>> No.12409905

It's pure laziness and retardation... See >>12409890

Even ignoring crypto I could get a starter house with mortgage at 22 in UK even though it's easy harder to afford one here

>> No.12409917

You do know 6 figures equates more to around 70-90k after taxes right anon? I think it’s a LARP because very few people make that kind of money right out of school and continue to do so for a decade all the while saving 30-40k a year which would be needed to have a 400-500k Networth like the LARPers I’m calling out. Idk maybe they have parents who paid most of their way it’s possible but statistically much more likely a lie.
>drugs are degenerate
Agreed but if you aren’t selling hard shit like coke or heroin I don’t think it’s bad. Degenerates will be degenerates and if you can have a site hustle that allows you to keep your money instead of paying taxes to Israel I don’t see a problem with it.

>> No.12409930

But I am that, just average.
Its not difficult to apply yourself, forgo shit life/career options (shit degrees etc) and find yourself doing, average.

Seeing people spend their student loan on holidays and ketamine and then moap about their credit card debts is crazy. The world owes no one a living, but its not hard to make one,

>> No.12409933

>very few people make that kind of money right out of school
you do realize people get raises, enter higher bonus pools, get stock options, etc. probably hard to imagine because you're young though.

>> No.12409944

that's just a dumb way to classify something, why would you lump in a doctoral degree in gender studies with a doctor degree in engineering?

>> No.12409962

>Why wouldn't he get all this money by 32? It's easy to save up on 6 figures
>"But anon, he likely wouldn't be making that when he's young, which is the majority of his working years"
You somehow failed an IQ test hosted on a cantonese horsewhispering board.

>> No.12410042

>You somehow failed an IQ test
huh, and i managed to save $1m by 38. there's hope for you too.

>> No.12410046

If your that in debt claim bankruptcy, do what the boomers did.

>> No.12410058

Pure fucking retardation put out for the goyim so they don’t think that things are as fucked as they are. Your chart doesn’t even take into account taxes or the fact they lump in the 1% making 300-500k in with the normal college educated people making between 40-80k. Jesus no wonder (((they))) are able to get away with controlling everything while trying to make us feel we don’t deserve a livable wage because we are lazy and don’t want to work 60 hour weeks for shit pay. See>>12409962

>> No.12410073
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>All the whole the media hammers into their head the idea that you gotta get married, have kids.
So what shade of brown is your country, because you've not described the jewmedia in any of the white ones.

>> No.12410092

Enlighten us oh wise one how you managed to pull that off, break it down how much you invested in index funds each year and your salary accordingly or did mommy and daddy give you a head start?

>> No.12410107


No but my point is that I don’t think most of us want anything more out of life than what prior generations had

>> No.12410129

i started at $50k, and then got ~10% salary increase per year because i did a good job until i maxed out at about $150k. as i approached the higher end of the salary, i got promotions which let me into higher bonus pools and get stock options. i always maxed my employer match on 401k from the beginning, and bought a cheap condo to live in. it hasn't appreciated much, but it was easy to pay off.

mom and dad gave me $10k for college, which i used to go to a local branch of college for 2 years, the rest was on me.

>> No.12410134

Very clearly says median


>> No.12410186
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Currently 73% of americans die in debt, wheter it's mortgage, student loans, etc. average is 70k in debt when death comes to ripping. Most people default on their student loans as 80% cant find job of their field and you also have record number of 30 year olds living with parents, higher than ever

>> No.12410264

why pay someone back who gave you something he never had to beginn with?

>> No.12410276

>Living in UK
>literally what is the problem

>> No.12410289

Congrats you have made it to the 1% please tell me how anyone can do it if we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and “work hard”. Fucking joke, you know how few of people can work 15 years at the same company and climb the ladder year after year that aren’t getting ahead by nepotism? You have a very rare situation don’t take it for granted and do not pretend it to be the normal in today’s day and age. 20-30 years ago? Sure. That’s cool you made your money if no LARP but you also have wagecucked your entire youth away.

>> No.12410290

anon, you're gay

>> No.12410419

>please tell me how anyone can do it if we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and “work hard”
i'd start by learning Excel automation, data structures and analysis, pivot tables, etc. at least in a business environment. everything is data these days.

>> No.12410508


>> No.12410594

I already do all of that and have a STEM degree. I sure as shit didn’t start at 50k and my salary increase was nowhere close to 10%. I’ll be looking for another job later this year just don’t pretend that what you’ve experienced is the norm because for most of us we don’t have it like that. I’ve got other sources of income luckily so being the best wage slave possible isn’t really what I aspire to be.

>> No.12410682

Maybe you're simply not as far along because you're unlikable and your personality sucks, and people don't like being around you. Based on your posts in this thread, it's a very real possibility.

>> No.12410706

And maybe you got lucky or are larping? Hard to imagine why EVERYONE isn't a millionaire if they can just follow your 3 Step Program©

>> No.12410735

Tits or GTFO. Don't forget timestamp, bitch.

>> No.12410774

I've heard some manufacturers have started mixing oxygen into these things if the product isn't targeted towards companies. Be careful, friend.

>> No.12410897


legally its still under her name but it will still be your problem if you stick with her

>> No.12410955
File: 180 KB, 675x675, 6930ACDD-50CD-439F-8D25-6B8FF73661EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I have 60k between savings and investments at 28 on track to have 100k this year and a brand new 2017 Altima paid off and more friends than I have time to hang out with.I’m doing better than every person I know and went to high school with that isn’t a professional athlete or has a trust fund. I didn’t get what I have from being a good goy in an office I realized my first year in corporate America that I was sold a lie. Fuck off with your LARP or boomer wisdom about muh bootstraps. faggots like you that have life on easy mode are insufferable and wonder why others around them aren’t happy to be wage slaves.
It’s easy bro! Just like don’t be poor and work hard!

>> No.12411074

Lol imagining being such a brainlet as to think Trump was only given a one million dollar loan. Jews bailed him out of his bankruptcies during his early years. Billions of dollars from Jews is what got him his wealth.

This is the truth. Trump never actually made it and he is not free because in accepting the money to help with his financial difficulties he inadvertently sold his soul to the devil and is now forever indebted to the devils people and will be a good goy slave bitch until he dies.

>> No.12411145



>or daddy’s money

Both my parents were marginally functional lower middle class alcoholics, so no. The wife has a similar background but grew up poorer than I did.

>Anyone with kids knows that amount of money you have saved on top of them is almost impossible so explain anon.

Both the wife and I grew up in lean households, so we live well beneath our means. Our household income is ~180k/yr gross.

Plus kids aren't THAT expensive. The cost of raising them is grossly exaggerated.

I guess I entered the work force at 17 (military), but I went to college after (for free) so that delayed my earnings....though I got a good job which I later parlayed into my own business before I even graduated.

>> No.12411163

Great, I'm above average in something!
I fully planned to pay it off when I took it on, but that was contingent on getting the type of job, with the pay level, my professors sold me on. That didn't happen. So the loans have been in forebearance most of this time. I don't even want to know how much interest racked up in that time.
Student loan payments are the absolute bottom of my priority list, and the meager earnings I receive expend far before that point.
>get goy in debt
>make goy job outlooks poverty tier
>increase goy rent and other expenses
>oh wait now they can't pay us, those damn lazy entitled go--millenials.
I feel like Faye Valentine. No matter what sum you talk about, if you hand me $500, "That's nothing compared to my debt." Making payments on that shit feels like throwing money in a black hole. I can barely pay rent because I don't have stable employment, just a series of short term contract jobs. Turns out spending 3-4 months a year unemployed sends you into poverty real quick. If I had $2k before me, I'd shrug because that's one month of bills/rent. Even if I put it all towards my debt, the total would hardly budge.
Oh no, the poor loan companies! Let me play a violin...

>> No.12411234


Not larp. 110k salary and 200k inheritance.

>> No.12411304

>trust fund nigger
Buy a diamond encrusted rope and kill yourself.

>> No.12411404
File: 163 KB, 392x324, 013C7AEB-9DB6-4EFE-A4FD-D93481DC4FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wife and I
Here you’re gonna need this man, I didn’t think people will still falling for the marriage meme in the current year. I sincerely hope it works out for you and you don’t become apart of the 50% that wear the crown in pic related. I guess with the combined income your net worth is possible but with all the LARPers around here I’m always suspicious.

>> No.12411426

Why can't they just get a real fucking job like plumming where you can make upwards of 70k a year if you work just as hard as a burger flipper

>> No.12411487

imagine having 170k and not paying off 12k in debt

>> No.12411529

Fuck that. Live with your parents and put every check into that shit.

>> No.12411553

Together 16 years, and neither of us is cheating so no reason to doubt there's gonna be 16 more, but I appreciate the concern.

>> No.12411576

>40k net worth
Enjoy retiring at 85

>> No.12411578

did you tell her you love her today?

>> No.12411639

>white neighborhood

Was this really necessary to say, you piece of shit?

>> No.12411644

Maybe he can sell his payed apartment for $500k in 30 years you retard?