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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 263 KB, 1200x1538, Blow-pen-C3-A9lope-cruz-225701_1200_1538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12404649 No.12404649 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who thinks instit. money is going to flood in to be the suckers that the retail public (/biz/ is part of this) can dump their bags to is completely out of his/her mind--akin to the suckers at the poker table thinking that the professionals are the suckers. Not that you think it will be instit. But if instit. don't come in & the retail public already came in in 2017 & got destroyed, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO COME IN NOW? The retail public, again? To get dumped on, AGAIN? The retail public always gets dumped on, but NOT TWO TIMES WITHIN THE SAME MARKET CYCLE OF THE SAME MARKET. No more than they jumped back into dotcoms after the 2000 crash. No bull market is an eternal well, & that this well has dried up will not be apparent to most people until they've HODLed their way to almost nothing.

You have been warned.

>> No.12404657

>comparing crypto to dotcom market

>> No.12404669

nobody holds btc here. only link.

>> No.12404675

He's a boomer what do you expect.

>> No.12404679

>oldfag here

top buyer detected

>> No.12404682

This, but unironically

>> No.12404685

Every single startup altcoin is overvalued by factor 100-1000x.

>> No.12404732

larp no one is this retarded

>> No.12404750

Keep HODLING retard.

>> No.12404815

>startup altcoin

>> No.12404904

i solomined bitcoin in 2009.. sold it all at $10,000. going from worth nothing.. literally nothing.. to fucking 10k a single coin was the dream. i wont be buying back. im holding shit that will be used. like chx. it has a real use case and huge potential

>> No.12404935


>> No.12404950

0/10 Larp ranjeet. Piss off back to your discord.

>> No.12404951

Definitely not an argument made after prior highs at 30 bucks, 260 bucks, and 1000 bucks. But surely THIS TIME you're right :)

>> No.12404962

Pretty sure katy perry didnt paint her nails in crypto at previous highs.

>> No.12404982

People forget that in most secular bear markets (covering the 2009-2018 bull), it's common for most companies/assets to go to 0 (ie dotcom), to be replaced by non-BS, leaner, more efficient ones. Lack of perspective to think most of the top 30 (incl. $BTC $ETH) won't be replaced.

>> No.12405045

Well shit in that case I guess it changes everything

>> No.12405143


>the retail public already came in in 2017 & got destroyed, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO COME IN NOW?

Yeah, because every single person on earth bought bitcoin in 2017. There's literally no one left. Lol. Maybe step outside your autist bubble every now and then.

>> No.12405257
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>autist bubble

>> No.12405338

I think BTC will hit 1000USD then start to climb to 100kUSD over the next year. Strike this post with trap gifs if I'm wrong.

>> No.12405380
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hey dumbass

if we keep buying and holding more and more they will all be forced to come in. jesus christ

>> No.12405438
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except for MSP thats undervalued by x1000

>> No.12406242
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We haven't even started boomer

>> No.12406316
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>believing the crypto market (or any market) is imune to the trappings of human psychology
it’s crypto brah! Bitcoin is the first and thus will be the last! Nothing could ever replace it!

>> No.12406322

But... Crypto is technically just another "technology company". It's just decentralized. But it doesn't mean that govt can't regulate it from the inside or outside.

>> No.12406357

>literally explaining what does "pyramid scheme" means.
You're the most retarded meme coiner I've ever seen.

>> No.12406398

BTC will see $300 before it ever sees $20K again

>> No.12406484
File: 73 KB, 973x873, 9C9D8325-33D4-4268-9494-253C7C751177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based OP

the big boys never got in on the ground floor. they’re not going to get in now when a Bitcoin is selling for nearly 4THOUSAND lol. for most of its history Buttcoins were bought for under $1. institutions aren’t willing to be late adopter suckers like retail are.

just because something was worth X at one point doesn’t mean it has to ever be worth that much ever again. the NASDAQ took 16 years to return to its euphoric ATH, and the NASDAQ represented real businesses that turned profit during its entire bear market. lol at thinking Bitcoin has any hope.


>> No.12407461


>> No.12407490
File: 380 KB, 1125x1362, FA5D81BA-31C7-4CD2-9ACF-B1C8B5B52E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we go past 1k, no one will ever buy in again...that will be the largest retracement in the assets history. It will literally kill BTC and the entire crypto market as an assets for normies and Wall Street to adopt.

>> No.12407873


>> No.12407881

>What are market cycles and new asset classes

>> No.12407897

The normies got fucked in the ass so hard , they won’t come back

>> No.12408048

Pretty much

>> No.12408056

You are as dumb as the rest of the normal fags, they completely forgot about a dude taking a machine gun to a casino and shooting up a country concert and about a Muslim shooting up a gaybar. They also forgot about a fat kike raping half of Hollywood, and celebrities are something NPC’s actually care about. You think they remember anything about crypto?

>> No.12408493

You aren't an old fag.

>> No.12408519
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tfw OP compares tech markets with a cryptocurrency/protocol, which never existed before in history

>> No.12408535

I came here to say this!
fuckin larpin newfag OP

>> No.12408540

the retail public has never been deeply invested in bitcoin to a significant part
look at who has been invested in btc and how much they hold or held
then look at the number of zoomers who are interested in crypto

you havent seen shit yet

>> No.12408660
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nice copy and paste from jcho.

unless you're him, but i doubt you have the time.

stop shit-posting on a cambodian knat-hitting forum.

>> No.12408674

also fake news.

it can and will go well below $1,000.

all you newfags don't remember the $20K peak and losers screeeaaaming at us "IF WE EVER HIT $3K AGAIN I WILL SELL MY HOUSE"

think they're doing that now?


>> No.12408712

>think they're doing that now?
No cause your right! it will go lower! The chink new year is coming up! i kinda think it will be on the up & up after that. But what the fuck do i know!

>> No.12408725

You copied this from that Jonathan bitch

>> No.12408766

brainlet question: but isn't dotcom bubble was fundamentally more valuable?

>> No.12408819


time will tell

>> No.12408856
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top kek

>> No.12408939

Maybe some normies like getting fucked in the ass?

>> No.12408951

I can tell you're a brainlet by the way you write.

>> No.12409074

There are other countries who are still growing economies like the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and SE Asia. India too probably. They're all going to buy in. Even African niggers will buy in.

>> No.12409096

Talk to normies IRL

The retail public has not come in yet

>> No.12409103

OP seems to think that people (individuals or society in general) actually learn from their mistakes.


Market cycles are a direct result of INNATE human behaviour which will not change.

Crypto may or may not boom again, but if it doesn't it won't be because people "learned their lesson" - which, incidentally, would result in the total collapse of all financial and other markets, worldwide.

>> No.12409107

Nice try faggot

>> No.12409108


>> No.12409118

This is probably the best way I can explain it.
Bitcoin is kind of like a tree, right? It has rings and stuff which can't be changed and you can open it up and look at the history and agree where all the rings are. And ethereum is kind of like the leaves. They're scattered around the branches off of the tree and have veins and shit on them for writing things on. But when you write on one, it copies over to all the other leaves. Which is good because if you look at 1 leaf you'll know that it is legit if it says the same things as the rest of the leaves.
So this is where Chainlink comes in. Chainlink is like a nigger jerking off on to the soil at the base of the tree. His cum is kind of like the external data which your bitcoin tree feeds to the ethereum leaves. So basically feeds the tree with stuff that it needs to give to the leaves which are asking for nutrients and stuff.
Hope this helps.

>> No.12409187

Crypto cant be compared with dot com

WWW went live in 1991, 9 years later it already had 738 millon users, 2015 it had 3,5 billion.

Lets look at crypto started in 2009:
10 years in: still no killer application. NO user that that actually use it for some type of UTILITY, only SPECULATION. Therefore barely 22 millon wallets, and from that you can say that around 3-5 million people (bc people use diffrent wallets for themselves) use crypto daily to day ( AGAIN only for speculative reasons)

>> No.12409449
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>> No.12409809

>But if instit. don't come in & the retail public already came in in 2017 & got destroyed, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO COME IN NOW? The retail public, again? To get dumped on, AGAIN? The retail public always gets dumped on, but NOT TWO TIMES WITHIN THE SAME MARKET CYCLE OF THE SAME MARKET. No more than they jumped back into dotcoms after the 2000 crash. No bull market is an eternal well, & that this well has dried up will not be apparent to most people until they've HODLed their way to almost nothing.
okay cool, now replace 2017 with 2014-2015 and realize that yes, you're retarded and retail money will absolutely get dumped on again. faggot. the sheep are merely growing their wool back before the next shearing. except next time it's XMR not BTC :)