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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 116 KB, 420x631, 1537016810551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12398990 No.12398990 [Reply] [Original]

Press s to spit on this fucking Australian cock sucker

>> No.12399107

s S S S
S S S s
S S S s

>> No.12399136


s S S S
S S S s

>> No.12399151

Who is this cocksucker?

>> No.12399162


>> No.12399193

Why bother? Hes just an angry pathetic faggot. He has no real power. He lies fucking constantly and puts up a facade of a tough guy. Everyone knows hes just an insecure bitch.
>muh parents
As if the chinks give a fuck.

>> No.12399200

He's a nobody, although he claims to be a somebody.

>> No.12399395
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>> No.12399454

You know what's fucked? I would prefer BSV to BTC, but Craig is just such a monumental piece of shit about everything he does to the market that I would rather see him fail than have a better protocol at this point. Hell, I would accept my portfolio going to zero if it meant prison for him.

>> No.12399475



>> No.12399583

Pro Sv here too but his BS is getting old real quick. I'd say hes the FUD equivalent of Justin Sun except that Justin actually delivers while craig just shitposts.

>> No.12399643
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Most of my portfolio is BSV. It really is Bitcoin. I wish Craig never started tweeting but a year from now who really cares, most people won't know and won't have the time to dig through old shit. Besides, his personality doesn't really matter if BSV is used by companies.

>> No.12399661


You're an idiot. BSV is a scam, has no fucking support and is operated by one miner. It's fucking worthless. Just fork your own coin and shill it to retards if you want a quick buck.

>> No.12399692
File: 22 KB, 265x259, look5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nchain is a multi-national company with lots of blockchain patents and the backing of a billionaire. every week they spend near a million USD on hashpower to mine on a chain that almost nobody uses.

but sure, "they are a scam".

>> No.12399704

Is it gay to just spit on a cock

>> No.12399717

I hold a large portion too right now but wondering why i shouldnt jump out on the next pump since CSW and co seem to have nothing planned before a year from now.

>> No.12399731

I know theyre wasting money on it but hell so did bitmain with BCH and look what happened to them.

>> No.12399813
File: 102 KB, 500x629, i want off this ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitmain is still just a rumor, also even if true that doesn't apply to nchain. craig has repeatedly said that he wants bitmain gone, that he specifically doesn't like Jihan.
all this money spent on the SV chain shows at the very least that they are serious and not a scam, that they believe in the future value of it.

>> No.12399826


Average minds talk about people; great minds talk about ideas.

>> No.12399841


>one miner

I am literally mining SV right now.

I know about 20 other miners who intend to switch to SV full-time.

Keep up the copes, faggot

>> No.12399854

yes, spitting on a cock is indeed gay. However, spitting on a cock sucker is righteous and ultra heterosexual

>> No.12399881

I'm just saying that bitmain was bigger than nchain, seemed pretty much unstoppable last year, and also were willing to throw money away for their beliefs and it got them fugged. Craig better have something big up his sleeve more than just shitposting about doing things a year from now cuz hes getting his lunch eaten by the rest of the market right now.

>> No.12399893

still has a cap over a Billion
still long way to go faggot

>> No.12399902

pretty sure he made a few millions with his pump and dump and probably isnt finished yet

>> No.12399912

why are you mining sv when it's 10% less profitable to mine than btc ?

>> No.12399924
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2019 is the year BSV need to prove that they aren't all talk, that's for sure. a 1000 MB block before the year is over would do it for me, then they need to get some big companies on-board to actually start using it in 2020.

>> No.12399952

imagine being this fuckin stupid

>> No.12399956

I really thought he'd have some companies on board by this point but that's what I mean is all the companies are jumping on altcoin solutions and aren't even looking at SV afaik.

>> No.12399993

Press E to enjoy this FAIL

>> No.12399997
File: 281 KB, 494x608, muslim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy more BTC friend, and install that lightning wallet

i never expected a company to use BSV now, they need to scale first. that's how they will set themselves apart, being able to offer big companies to use the SV chain as a ledger (with no risk of hitting a ceiling).

>> No.12400000
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>> No.12400017


>> No.12400023


>> No.12400032
File: 116 KB, 864x1052, larptoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has no real power.

You just activated his patent card!


>> No.12400042
File: 85 KB, 547x543, D1C91729-020D-41EF-9D45-279B667D2F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he’ll suck any cock, not just Australian ones

>> No.12400069

what an absolute psycho he will probably go down shooting up a stock market or something

>> No.12400072

>he thinks scaling affects adoption by merchants

>> No.12400077

Are his patents a real threat to Bitcoin? Does anybody know?

>> No.12400078

Most people are so delusional and live in the Fantasyland the crypto anarchists draw them not to realize, that in the real world, the one with most patents will win.
See Samsung, Apple, Microsoft etc.
Only fools don't bet on Craig

>> No.12400084
File: 90 KB, 885x641, satoshi and vays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the topic of craig not liking jihan, any of you remember this?
https://youtu.be/oAAML7hy3gA?t=2831 (47:11)
craig was literally laughing out loud straight in the face of jihan over roger's description of him

>> No.12400110

You would rather a oneoff shitcoin fork with no developers than the coin with the highest hashrate, most developers, and most market dominance?

>> No.12400116

it's about a business being offered a business proposition of another business. you wouldn't get it.

>> No.12400129

>them who have
All that education and he can't figure out how words work

>> No.12400170
File: 244 KB, 700x466, when you see it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS IS IT! The weak spot! This will win us the war, how could he possibly overcome such a devastating skirmish?

Nice catch Anon, you're pretty smart. Glad you're not with the enemy.

>> No.12400212
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>poo in it

>> No.12400220
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>every week they spend near a million USD on hashpower

>> No.12400230

What proposition is that? That they can accept hundreds of tps on a chain that nobody uses? In this case, businesses need to accomodate customers, not the other way around.

>> No.12400237
File: 75 KB, 808x519, 1540468959565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No self respecting indian uses BSV. Smart money is in XBY.

>> No.12400295
File: 449 KB, 1536x2048, nchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a bot account that repeats his tweets btw
unfortunately people's replies aren't repeated

they have the same hashpower as BTC had at the start of 2016, you think that's cheap?

i can't remember specifics but if you want to approach a company like for example wallmart to track their goods or to automate their audits they need to know there won't be capacity problems in 10 years regardless if both amazon and alibaba also comes in later

>> No.12400367

>they have the same hashpower as BTC had at the start of 2016, you think that's cheap?
I'm not doubting you, I just think that's hilarious.

>> No.12400391


>> No.12400533
File: 470 KB, 2048x1366, ship storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it is a little weird. at least it buys some credibility, question is if the only reason it is still that high is because of contracts, it might drop off after a few months when the contracts expire

>> No.12400550

>Bbut muh propagation
Hahahah soi cuck get fucked faggot

>> No.12400725

Ok good
>no homo

ptuh ptuh on you Op Daddy
hmm daddy

>> No.12400892

>patents on open source code
lmao you are fucking retarded holy fucking shit

>> No.12400917

Edward Norton

>> No.12400924

>chews directly into phone

>> No.12401163


>s S S S
>S S S s
>S S S S


>> No.12401407
File: 140 KB, 648x814, italic buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we've got a global expert lawyer in the thread

>> No.12401723

>I have 1130 patents
>I will dump 1M BTC on January 3rd
>I have multiple doctorates
>I'm Satoshi
Meanwhile, all evidence points to him being a compulsive lying faggot. He did not dump 1M BTC. Does not have multiple doctorates. Tried to scam proof he was Satoshi which was immediately seen through. He only has 7 patents.

Fuck CSW. He was there from the start and got stupid rich, but literally everything else he claims is absolute fucking lies.

>> No.12401726

what is he wearing around his neck?

>> No.12401859

Impressive digits on digits

>> No.12401926
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kek has spoken

>> No.12402324
File: 136 KB, 595x734, bodybuilder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a Zetwel, they prevent the brain waves of overintelligent people from diminishing gray mass of underintelligent people

>> No.12402372

The fuck?
He has a bookshelf full of patents and you can see hundred of them online allready.

>> No.12402405

>He was there from the start and got stupid rich

no, as far as i'm aware he was broke as hell and got paid 15million to pretend to be satoshi and he's been living off that, bcash/sv and calvin ayre's money ever since. not much from early (aka pre 2013) btc if at all.

>> No.12402440
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>> No.12402544
