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12397332 No.12397332 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12397347

They took massive government debts and enabled third world immigration for cheap labor and now we have to pay for it.

>> No.12397357

must suck to be a normie wagecuck if ur a millenial, in ur next life either born in 1946 or don't be a normie

>> No.12397358
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They tuk ur jerbs

>> No.12397359

long story
don't be a model citizen, this society is fucked

>> No.12397364

How can I get away from all this? I’d get a fucking one way ticket to a jungle in africa if I had to

>> No.12397375

Glass any country within 30 years of being competition for us. Worked before.

>> No.12397383

t.lazy entitled millenial

>> No.12397403

boomer detected
fuck off. you’re literally on par with kikes

>> No.12397404
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and our generation only got this stupid pump and dump scam scheme called cryptocurrencies

>> No.12397417

If nothing else, you get to watch them die of decrepitude.

>> No.12397419

dummy that is our ticket to heaven, short fiat, long crypto at all time frames

>> No.12397421

No you wouldn’t

>> No.12397422

This generation inherits the peak of all financial bubbles, it's only going to get worse.

>> No.12397990

Last 3 years the media have been creating this intragenerational battle/war. Boomers shitting on millenials, millenials and zoomers shitting on boomers, this is not good.

You guys should blame the government, your regular boomer didn't create this on purpose, shit was systemic, not part of an evil plan by your mom and dad.

This is typical divide and conquer and you guys falling for it. Face it, the world is a shit place, start changin it from the top.

>> No.12398007

They were just born at the right time.

>> No.12398019

t. boomer

>> No.12398020

>blame your government
>filled entirely by boomers

>> No.12398022

lol you whine about how easy boomers have it, but just think about how the next generation is going to whine about how easy you have it now.

I can just see the memes now:

>grew up in a time when websites and the internet was new, could have built any website
and been rich but didn't

>grew up in a time when apps where easy to make and sell, could have made one and been rich but was too lazy

>lived in a time when crypto was new, could have put $100 in LINK and been rich but didn't

Fucking millenials, they had things so easy but so many of them screwed shit up.

>> No.12398208

I'm 27 you faggot. Yeah governemtn is filled with boomers but like I said the enemy isn't an entire generation. I get boomers can be assholes and i know some, but then again they to are brainwashed by all the articles that say we millenials are lazy and entitled.

You'll find a certain freedom once you accept that everything your mom and dad told you, how you can be anything you want and just go to college and you'll make it in life is the biggest lie you ever believed.

But they didn't know better when they were telling you that, when they were younger that was the way to make it and live a good life.

What are you gonna tell your children if you decide to have them?

Whats the formula to make it in life dad ?

>> No.12398229

>a time when crypto was new, c
This. I am tired of people acting like they purposely planned the destruction of their childrens futures.

They were lucky and the only problem is that most of them don't realise how good they had it, plus being in their own little bubble they can't imagine what it's like to be young now.

It's like a friend who has the best job/business in his circle but complains the most how hard it is, because his base point is different than yours plus lack of empathy and ability to put yourself in someone elses shoes

>> No.12398262

They didnt, you fucking moron. You're just useless.

>> No.12398289

There are literally thousands of new ways to make money and there is an infinite amount of knowledge at your fingertips. Yet you fuckers whine about how you can't buy a house working in a restaurant in two thousand fucking nineteen. We live in a different age now and you're stuck at looking at the past.

>> No.12398297

At least we made it so you don't have to go to church every fucking sunday, and can freely enjoy both sex and drugs. In many ways you have it so much better than us with cool, hip and understanding parents. Whine some more spoiled bitches!

>> No.12398313
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>they to are brainwashed by all the articles that say we millenials are lazy and entitled.
This but we can at least try to show them whats going on now, thats a difficult hill to climb though. Its easier to fool a man than it is to convince him hes been fooled.

>> No.12398328

>At least we made it so you don't have to go to church every fucking sunday, and can freely enjoy both sex and drugs.
Anon if you think thats how you should find happiness in this world you have a lot to learn.

>> No.12398337

Provide five that are practical

>> No.12398346

>lived in a time when crypto was new, could have put $100 in LINK and been rich but didn't


>> No.12398351

I'm only 20. Not a boomer yet, but I don't need to be a boomer to know that you're a lazy entitled fatass. Unemployment is at its lowest rate ever what else do you want

>> No.12398359

When they all start retiring at the same time and withdrawing their pensions/401ks we will see the greatest JUSTing of all time, they are going to be forced to capitulate everything down to their classic cars & homes. Use your crypto to buy land at the bottom.

>> No.12398392

Boomers were spoiled too much.
Try getting between a boomer and his ice cream, he'll kill you for it. Boomers love ice cream because it reminds them of the times they were pampered as children, and rebelled in their 20s under the multinational sponsored sexual revolution of the 60s. Their entire life the boomer has never denied himself.
When people get things easy, we become boomers.

>> No.12398398

lol they won't retire if it means giving up their suff, they will just keep working until they die, homes won't get cheaper, they will just rent them out and sit on them to wait for higher prices.

>> No.12398710
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The most jelly part is that their women acted like women and wanted men to act like men.

>> No.12398899

>t. boomer

>> No.12398940

War is good for the economy too, seriously why the fuck don’t we just do this?

>> No.12398980

>atleast we made it so you can fill in the financial void with decadence
Fuck off you brainlet boomer. You just niggerized society and told us to appreciate our decimated culture

>> No.12398999
File: 184 KB, 1496x1500, 098494DA-2F34-4E21-9C45-6EFA3DA7676B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t blame the boomers, blame the government
Anon, what generation do you think pic related is??

>> No.12399033

seems more like zoomers and boomers are ganging up on millennials

>> No.12399261

They actually aren’t

>> No.12399359
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>He thinks the unemployment numbers are real!

>> No.12399427

Boomers were in their teens and twenties in 1965. They aren't responsible for mass immigration.

>> No.12399548

This is true with regards to crypto. Not even memeing


>> No.12399964

It was the greatest generation. They got back from the war and wanted to have a nice life for their children. They didn't want anyone to starve like they had starved, so they just made good jobs a priority. The boomer's had never starved in their youth, so they didn't know what it's like to live through instability. So they chose to cash our all the good opportunities given to them rather than leave it behind for their children and grandchildren.

The lesson here is: Millennial's need to take responsibility for capitalism as soon as possible, sober up, try to make a better world for their children and grandchildren. This will not be easy, but neither was the great depression and world war two. We are in the middle of the depression, but we need to stop allowing horrible people to gain power before we reach world war 3. In some ways, though, I think the tide is inevitable and there will only ever be good jobs again once we've all almost starved to death or been killed. But there is still time. The most important thing you can do is try to get your life together and then try to think of ways to make jobs for other people.

>> No.12400440

I literally had 2 companies offer me jobs as soon as I finished school. I couldn't imagine being an incompetent sad queer like you are

>> No.12400461

Boomers could do anything and get a job but we have to be smarter and do strictly in demand fields. IT, CS, Doctor, Nurse, Finance, Eng pretty much it. Or tradememes.

>> No.12400591

>this plan isn't already in action
The fed handed out trillions of dollars in loans they know won't get paid back. We have the world's largest army. Usually it's the mafia that does this but when you let assholes print money this is what happens

>> No.12401007

>t. 2018 buyer

>> No.12401025
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>born in an era where all you had to do was click "start mining" in 2011 to become a multimillionaire and never have to work
>you were too stupid to do it

>> No.12401143

you are right about the next generation having it even harder and its gonna happen because housing will only be for the elite in the future, jews will own all the real estate (print money->buy up real estate while stealing fro goyim (taxes, inflation) and everyone will be a rentcuck at best or live in a car/tent
people say hurr durr housing bubble gonna pop
wishful thinking, jews aren't stupid, they know that fiat is worthless so are shiny rocks and crypto for the most part, they want and will own all the real estate in the world, the only thing that's limited is land, maybe this is the last dip/crash unless the global population decreases drastically

>> No.12401152

your anecdote just fucking killed every statistical evidence taken in the last couple of years
we should bow down to your evidence and see the error of our ways

>> No.12401316


No, everyone boomer I know willingly participated in the system and still defends it. They're expecting to retire, counting fully on that retirement money that my national government pissed away by joining the EU. Now that everything is collapsing, they're finally starting to panic a little. But it'll be too late. They learned NOTHING.

>> No.12401349


Talk to any boomer about how their retirement money doesn't exist anymore, and they'll screech "BUT I'VE WORKED ALL MY LIFE FOR THAT I'M ENTITLED TO IT!"

You're also forgetting that's it the boomers who drove in all these fucking shitskin migration policies

>> No.12401365


What do you think happens when you borrow huge sums of money and force your kids to pay off the debt and the principal sum?

>> No.12401385


A wage that isn't in a shitty inflationary currency at 1950's levels

>> No.12401396


They will never get those higher prices. They'll rush to cash out. But there will be no cash.

>> No.12401428

that may be the case, but they can still sit on those houses for the next 30 years waiting, as long as they are getting rent money then to them it will be better than realizing a loss on the final sale price, they will end up like all the holders who bought at the peak of crypto.

>> No.12401440


My boomer parents kicked me out at 18, refused to send me to college, and gave me shit about my struggles, all the while pissing away their money on gambling and drinking.

They CHOSE not to invest in their son, because they comfortably assumed that the opportunity they had was still there for me, and that they would never need my support in turn. They chose to cut me loose, and laughed at me after doing it.

Am I entitled to their help? I don't know, bit I think that if parents have the means to help their adult children get ahead in life, then they should offer to do so since its their fucking progeny and their legacy they are helping succeed.

When they do not do this it says to me that they considered their child a mere hobby or perhaps something they felt compelled to do and be done with. A burden to finally be discarded.

I feel nothing for them at this point. If their money runs out I will laugh and say "too bad I couldn't go to college and get a good job, maybe I would have been able to help support you"

>> No.12401501

>but they can still sit on those houses for the next 30 years waiting

Boomers are entering their 60's now. With how heavily boomer lifestyle revolves around television and eating total garbage a large majority of them will be dead in 10 to 20 years. What's going to happen when Boomers find out their pensions are no longer their and all their safe investment blue chips (ex. GE and GM) are worth nothing? They'll be in a mad frenzy to sell their incredibly overpriced houses. But to who? The 80% of the American millenial population who has less than $5,000 saved? The 65% who has less than $1,000 saved?

Death to all boomers. They took the greatest economy this world has ever had following WWII and turned it into mini malls and complete corporate control over everything. "Let the politicians handle it! You just have to vote!" Pathetic. It was such as sad, obvious way to push off all personal responsibility for leading this country in the right direction. America is dying at an incredible pace because of where boomers put us.

>> No.12401529

>if only you had a crystal ball
Stupidest fucking argument ITT

>> No.12401573

Yea,.no worries..work hard and stay positive

They will get their comeuppance.

Btw it really speaks to the degradation of western society that we are cornered to such hostile attitudes towarda our own blood

Something tells me ur stance will soften though the first time ur dad gets a stroke.

>> No.12401596

You talk like the boomers wont get bailed out. You are wrong.

The system is set so they get bailed out and the burden falls to us.

Historically this would lead to revolution, but thats where feminism, porn, and smart phones come in.

We are simply cattle to be slaughtered and sacrificed for their sins, not even knowing how to fight back.

>> No.12401644


Once recession hits, know whats gonna happen?

Apart from britbongs getting fukked due to no deal brexit, the whole third world will fucking crumble. Not, no US, and not EU.

Cheap ass latin america countries, africa, china and SE asia that managed to got cheap ass loans and alse due to QE and inflation were able to keep head above the water and pay some parts back are suddenly going to be unable to pay the debts.

They are unironically going to flip over their head since not only they wont be able to pay, they are also un-effective, corrupted dirty shitholes with lazy ass mentality that will fucking fight itself before western neoliberal cathedral ever manage to put a soldier on their soil.

Fun times ahead

and dont let me start on food shortages we are going to face next years

>> No.12401668


The enemy is the rich you dumb fucks. The goddam rich!!

>> No.12401760

What the fuck did we do?
What the fuck did we get?
t.gen x

>> No.12402520

Fuck off boomer I'm only 18
You ruined this country for my gen
You never even protested guns in your hs probably