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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 827x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12395777 No.12395777 [Reply] [Original]

$1,100 for a room-kitchen in some assholes rinky-dink house that was built in 1859. What the fuck is the point of even living for our generation? This has to be some sick generational social experiment.

>inb4 just move to the midwest bro rent is like $500 even though there are no jobs haha

>> No.12395781

Wagie wagie

>> No.12395813
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>> No.12395825

I pay $850 for a large room in a quiet, safe, majority white neighborhood. Only one other roommate who I see maybe twice a week. You just suck at finding a deal.

>> No.12395833

What area??

>> No.12395870

>>inb4 just move to the midwest bro rent is like $500 even though there are no jobs haha
Just move to the countryside and get a government job like the pink haired chick in Sakura Quest

>> No.12395875

I can't stand transplants moving into my area so I'd rather not say specifically where, but it's in the Bronx so that should narrow it down to the roughly 5 neighborhoods here that are still white.

>> No.12395881

You don't need to live in New York City, numbnuts. Even if you need to work there, you can live in Hudson valley and fucking commute on the train

>> No.12395900

Oh God I love the Hudson Valley. Would love to settle down in the Tarrytown/Dobbs Ferry area or maybe around Putnam County some day.

>> No.12395930

Stop bitching about city life when you keep flocking to it. Did you expect cities to become less crowded over time? Less in demand? Are you retarded?

>> No.12395950

I'm not spending 3 hours a day in traffic asshole

I was born here fuck you

$850 for a shared apartment isn't a good deal in NY you fucking retard lmfao no less in the BRONX

>> No.12395956

>new york
hahaha faggot

>> No.12395957
File: 237 KB, 800x1422, Screenshot_20181123-215536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's pretty dire here in Aus

>> No.12395966

>I was born here fuck you
Then why are you bitching about something you've had your entire life to adapt to?

>> No.12395974
File: 74 KB, 750x498, C9525866-C65C-44EF-9C18-B6F4E16F54C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the midwestpill

>> No.12395992


>> No.12395995

Says the faggot looking to live in dilapidated shitholes in the middle of nowhere. Please stay in Brooklyn, thanks for glossing over my area and have fun living in Gravesend.

>> No.12396007

/biz/ will defend this

>> No.12396018

I will absolutely defend leftist transplants living in squalor just so they can say they live in Brooklyn.

>> No.12396024
File: 11 KB, 229x220, laughpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't "work your way up from the bottom" in Manhattan anymore. That hasn't been possible since the 80's. You're better off working someplace else in your field for 2-3 years and then going to nyc and landing that dream job. You must have grown up in some white suburb in the middle of nowhere if you thought that shit you saw in old movies was still possible. Kek.

>> No.12396032


>People can start shitting money out of their asshole by adapting

The state of this board

>> No.12396044

>This has to be some sick generational social experiment.
This is the preclude to a social revolution.

>> No.12396047

how much you guys wanna bet that that place is owned by price-gouging boomers who look down on younger generations?

>> No.12396065
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Scratch that, take the Utah pill boiz.

>> No.12396067

>Spend $400 on MetroNorth + $100 monthly Metrocard instead.

I love the Hudson Valley but c'mon man honestly commuting isn't a great deal either. You'll lose 2-3 hours every day going back and forth to work and whatever you save in housing you'll spend commuting.

NYC is a fucking shithole man, too bad you're probably trapped in here like the rest of us. I can't use my skills out of the TriState Area (Environmental Work specializing in Asbestos/Lead) except for possibly California which is just as much of a clusterfuck.

>> No.12396078

looks shit

>> No.12396080

why do you think youre entitled to live in the best places in the world without paying for it? the whole world is competing to live or own property in a handful of cities, you can either compete or you can't.

>> No.12396109

Yur shut and your dad's a faggot

>> No.12396110

>best place in the world
Fucking kek, and this is coming from someone born and raised here.
Protip- find employment in suburbs that you can drive to. No more sardine commutes with dindus and bums. Best decision I ever made, you'd have to give me a $10-15k raise to commute into Manhattan ever again.

>> No.12396114

More like
>"I grew up in a small apartment that is common for in all city life."
>"What is this city apartments are small and cramped? Waaaah!"

>> No.12396126

maybe if you're poor it isn't, like every major city

>> No.12396159


>> No.12396160


So you didn't understand anything the OP was saying?

The problem isn't that the apartments are small and cramped. The problem is that they are still expensive as fuck.

>> No.12396162

Well, are infinitely better than SF. Which is more expensive and filled to the brim with literal street shitters. I probably wouldn't ever leave NY State but the suburbs are way more based than NYC proper.

>> No.12396183

Wtf is there to do in Utah? Party with mitt Romney and the Mormons?

>> No.12396189

Because they're in high demand and people with more money want them more then you. Everything is fucking expensive in large cities and has been since the dawn of civilization and for someone who supposedly grew up in a city this seems to be a hard concept to understand. If you can't afford to live in a high demand place that is the market politely pushing you to leave as you're not productive enough to be a valid community member there.

>> No.12396196

>Party with mitt Romney and the Mormons?
More likely then you'd think.

>> No.12396215

That's fucking depressing.

>> No.12396236

>I was born here fuck you
Daddy makes a bigger paycheck than you. Time for you to move.

>> No.12396243

I'm 22 and own a house with no mortgage or anything in the middle of Seoul. 3-bed 2-bath and I don't have to work anymore.

How come you retards didn't sell last year?

>> No.12396249

>Because they're in high demand and people with more money want them more then you. Everything is fucking expensive in large cities and has been since the dawn of civilization and for someone who supposedly grew up in a city this seems to be a hard concept to understand.

Tell me again how that makes it easier to adapt to the fact you can't afford the rent for even a ramshackle trap? Does it make you able to shit money out of your asshole?

>> No.12396263

Fuck off were full.

>> No.12396268

>Instead of shooting for a high paying job that would allow me to live where I grew up I went for and average job/what I wanted to do and squandered the time of no responsibilities I had staying with my parents
>Why can't I afford to live in the place I knew was expensive my entire life
Really percolating my peanuts

>> No.12396270

Native Americans called it Runny Poo Valley

>> No.12396273

They have to price niggers out. If you want to be poor and niggerpilled then d some section 8.

>> No.12396277

I was joking. Most people wouldn’t like the terrible winters here anyways.

>> No.12396279

This is what happens when you let Jews take control.

>> No.12396287

Don't forget your bolts for the anomalies.

>> No.12396307


This is a universal problem in all the big cities with the professional jobs. In London increase the price 30% for similarly shit accommodation.

Should have done medicine, get paid better in areas which are cheaper to live in. Win. Win.

>> No.12396312


>Average job
>Not able to afford even a ramshackle

Really percolating my peanuts

>> No.12396336
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Checked. Why do you think we're all fighting the blackpill so hard?

>> No.12396359

>Ramshackle in an area where Millionaires are scrambling to find space to live for the convinces
>Why is demand driving up the prices
You can afford a ramshackle just not wherever you want. You don't get to decide what a fair price is supply and demand do.

>> No.12396435


That is absolutely no excuse when the millionaires aren't doing those average jobs.

An average job is supposed to make you afford more than a ramshackle at the area you're working at.

>> No.12396442

Funny thing is this problem is hitting the Midwest too. I live in Illinois and it's fucking hard to find rent under 800 a month. Average is 1k a month for something decent. Everything under that in my experience is either ghetto tier or is a shit property where the landlords don't even care about fixing shit. Have to move back to my parents now because my entire apartment fucking flooded. FUCK APARTMENTS.

>> No.12396452

ITT: closet commies complaining about capitalism

>> No.12396459

>700 sqft

why do you need such a large apartment?
300 is more than enough if you're single. Literally overpaying for empty space.

>> No.12396461


>Communism in a nutshell: Be a slave for the jew, except the few
>Capitalism in a nutshell: Be a slave for the jew, except the few

>> No.12396472

City Island or New Rochelle

>> No.12396477

>custom quality

>> No.12396481

>An average job is supposed to make you afford more than a ramshackle at the area you're working at.
That's not how demand works retard
The space is limited. There are a lot of people who want to live in the same place you do. They offer more money the price goes up. An average job is just that the average nothing more or less. The market is pushing you out of the area because you aren't considered productive or worthwhile enough to take up the space your living at when it could be given to someone far more valuable.
Sucks to suck

It should be pointed out that supply and demand also exists in communist societies especially in cities. Except its not the market pushing you out for more valuable people by raising prices its a bureaucrat noticing that X city is way too over populated and bumfuck nowhere is suffering a population crisis and needs more people to grow food for the cities. So soldiers knock on your door one day and you're taken to a bus to be shipped off to be a dirt farmer in Plainsville or shot for resisting the will of the people.

Sucks to suck.

>> No.12396487

maybe communism has merit then

>> No.12396511

Get on the bus faggot the people need you to wade in a rice paddy for 25 years.

>> No.12396519

to the Gulag for you

>> No.12396523

I also love hearing this when the same people who enjoy the idea of communism think they wouldn't be the ones going out and tending to the fields.

the same people who think that they'd somehow survive the apocalypse kek

>> No.12396527

That's why you stupid inbred faggots can't wait to ransack Florida every year and fuck it up for all of us locals, then move here and pretend you're one of us while ruining what little culture we managed to cling to, huh

>> No.12396532

You need a 700 minimum credit score and absolutely no evictions to get that property.

>> No.12396543

Floridaman, shouldn’t you be doing heroin or bath salts while eating your own dick?

>> No.12396551

At this point I wouldn't really mind. Rent is half my after tax paycheck and that's before counting shit like heating.

>> No.12396639

>He thinks he'll meet the productivity quota to be assigned live in a central processing area
>He doesn't realize that only a small minority of bureaucrats their family/friends and hyper competent autist populate cities in a non retarded communist regime and everyone else is assigned menial labor in "repopulated" rural areas to support said cities
Back to the mines comrade.

>> No.12396660


>not Idaho

Do you even cheap mountain living?

>> No.12396664

Everyone should watch Sakura Quest to understand how great it is to move from the city to the countryside

>> No.12396665

>10.000 artillery pieces permanently aiming at you, ready to fire at the whim of some fat bastard.

>> No.12396685

Well faggots guess what? Maybe it's time to do what your ancestors did, and pack it all up and move out to some remote shithole and start a new life.

Boomers had the luxury of using the resources created by their parents. You...

Might not.

So you will have to struggle and build something, instead of kicking back and leeching off the hard work of your folks.

>> No.12396742


Not that simple. A lot of us will probably die once all the bubbles pop, we'll have to survive riots over resources and live in cars or be homeless for awhile. Everything in the world now is also owned by someone, so it's harder to set out and build something. There's still a few remote places left though. Bulgaria has a bunch of land for nothing and it's a cheap shithole.

>> No.12396750

>$850 for a ROOM
you're fucking brainwashed

Where is this?

>everyone can just do a 1%er job like medicine!

that's not even true cunt, these prices are all over the US. it's just price gouging

older generations were able to homestead or obtain land for like $1/acre from the government. doesn't exist anymore.

gas yourself you out of touch boomer faggot

>> No.12396762

Pic was Minnesota but you’ll never get anything like that for cheap kek

>> No.12396770

Top kek

>> No.12396783

>these prices are all over the US. it's just price gouging
These are the prices in cities daily reminder that bumfuck nowhere Kansas will still give you a plot of land (sometimes with a house already on it) for FREE so long as you make it your residence. Look up Plainsville
You don't have the right to live wherever you want. No its not like that everywhere. Its demand you retard.
Also literal homesteading does exist in Alaska.
>"But-but I want to live in a big city with all these nice restaurants and clubs in walking distance"
So do a lot of people that's why its expensive. Richer people then you want the same thing and are willing to give more for it. Stop being dense.

>> No.12396801

If you can’t afford the city it’s not for you, place of birth means nothing

>> No.12396818

why would anyone move to the us?

amerimutts have no culture at all

>> No.12396827

hey thats not true they have like 250 years culture ok!

>> No.12396830

KEK that is obviously laundering

>> No.12396836

Ask some the thousands of your fellow countrymen in the visa line why. It doesn't matter what country your in there the waiting list for immigration their is filled decades in advance.

>> No.12396854

Tbh I'd be well up for this

>> No.12396863

Its funny you mentioned that cause Richland Minnesota actually has a homesteading program

>> No.12396886

Several states have homesteading programs. Alaska, Montana, Utah, Minnesota, north and south Dakota. To name a few.

There are also homestead opportunities around the globe.

You hate the idea because you know it is hard and unrewarding, and only your children would benefit from your labor. You are domesticated.

>> No.12396907

>Montana, Utah, Minnesota, north and south Dakota
not true at all. only one I've *heard of* is Alaska and it's probably land that you can't even homestead on because it's covered in solid ice on a tundra 9 months a year.

kill yourself you decrepit boomer

it's a huge scam country, they get millions of people to come here by their "American dream" propaganda. once they sucker them over here, they bleed them dry, get them into debt, and turn them into permanent wageslaves. I had a Ukrainian who told me it's "very hard to live here", that should tell you something.

>> No.12396922

I live in MN currently and I’ve never heard of that town lol

>> No.12396961


Literally less then 30 seconds of searching now either nut up or out yourself as a spoiled soiboi incapable to doing anything that isn't handed to him. Or neck yourself whichever will spare your soft hands the most.

Generally the free lot programs are new cities or cities suffering from urbanization trying to increase their population to eventually one day be on the map. So yeah its going to be a lot of nowheres. Still not as bad as Alaska homesteading tho.

>> No.12396976

>not true at all
You can look for it on a search engine instantly, you psychotic retard.

>> No.12397022

then prove it

86' x 133' lot - wowie!
"However, you will be assessed for part of the cost to develop your property with streets, curb & gutter and water & sewer.
Total estimated cost per lot for development is approximately $25,000"
have to build a single family home meeting "certain requirements within a specified time frame" for less than 1 acre
more quarter acre trash
more suburbia quarter acre trash

wow great "land" you found there boomer bitch

>> No.12397055

Oh no communism might make me into a slave that lives in squalor, what a decline in the standard of living that would be.

>> No.12397083

350 bucks for danish anon here. I share an 800 squarefeet two room apartment with my gf, im glad im not a jew yorker.

>> No.12397107

>moves goal post
>cherry picks lazy ass first page simple searching
>Can read past first line "Through the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) we will be able to reduce this cost to about $14,000*. This will be payable, by you over a 15 year period"
>Best you can come up with is "Y-yeah b-but its only a small lot of free land a-and you have to pay 14k over 15 years to develop it. Ha that makes it the same as that $850 a month rent I claimed was everywhere earlier"
>Can't even dispute homesteading existing
>Literally choosing while begging
How does it feel to be so ass blasted you lose the ability to comprehend text and keep tract of argument points? How sore is your ass now that you know the only person standing in your way of ownership and success is you? Why don't someone to google that answer for you since you seem to be incapable to searching and doing basic non-bitch activities yourself.

I'm glad you finally realize that the only solution to your predicament regardless of whatever fantasy you wave around is either justifying your possession of your high demand living space (with more money/being hyper competent) or moving. I wasn't criticizing the merits of a well managed communist bureaucracy in my post I was simply pointing out that even in that system you still don't get your easy free city apartment. In fact their is no system of government in theoretical existence that allows such a concept of easily gained high demand living space.
Sucks to suck.

>> No.12397111

>your high demand living space
My rent is 400 dollars, but I make minimum wage at my "part time" job.

>> No.12397136

Nigga if you can make rent while only working part time you don't have much room for bitching about half your paycheck going to rent.

>> No.12397214

Oh so in reality you're paying $14,000 for a quarter acre lot in the middle of absolute nowhere Kansas where the best job you can find is working at the nearby Walmart for $10/hr AND you have to pay to have home built for the ball park of $150-200k. Fuck, you're retarded.

The purpose of homesteading was to provide people with arable farmland with ACREAGE. If nothing else, maybe you could get some acres of woodland. The only appeal of homesteading is ACREAGE and/or that I can build a fucking log cabin on it, or live out of a van until I can afford to build a home - but in the meanwhile, still make use of the land. You can't build your own home now.

But these shit lots that you've shown are contingent on building an expensive 3 bedroom house on a little cuck lot by the Mayor's brother's construction company (since it's the only one in the area). It's just a money making racket.

You dumb boomer bitch you had it so easy and now fail to recognize how everything is rigged. Just fuck off.

>> No.12397318

Literally Just last night put in an offer for a three bedroom, 2 car drive, panoramic view of mountains, new build, in WALES for £105,000. Me and my gf can pay off our mortgage in 4 years max.

Why the fuck people live in cities is beyond brainlet. If you can't build a business from your bedroom in your early 20's with today's access to the world, you deserve to be a wagecucking rentboy forever.
Enjoy getting kicked out of your rent box whenever the fuck the landlord feels like it when he sells the property.

>> No.12397343

it's globalization of labor

>> No.12397385

>There is no such thing as free land
>This is no such thing as free land outside of Alaska
>There is no such thing as free land with hundreds of acres HA gotcha boomer
>$140 a month payment is too rich for my blood let me stick to my $850 a month payment plus utilities
>What are modular homes? What do you mean they specifically allow those?
>Look if I can't get a solid mahogany house on my lot for less then 30k its a scam
>You were able to pull 6 results off the front page of google easily, but I still won't do any more additional research cause I'm determined to be bitter and scream boomer in my cuck room for $850 the rest of my life
You are a special kind of retarded ain't ya?

Here I spent a minute finding a deal for $150 a month for a big field you could park your van in and yell about boomers all day in

You could even smoke weed in it.

>> No.12397392

It’s haaaaaaaaaaaard I caaaaaaaaaan’t

>> No.12397405
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>> No.12397411


you cant get acid attacked while walking to get a onions latte in wales though

>> No.12397414

Northern Virginia is fucked too, my rent is about to increase to $2k wtf

>> No.12397415

>no jobs in 100m radius
>gas stations literally 10 miles apart

>> No.12397434


plenty of agricultural work telling mexicans what to do

>> No.12397436

>I'm 22 and own a house with no mortgage or anything in the middle of Seoul
imagine wasting all your gains to live in a country where you don't even have the first or second amendment.

>> No.12397459
File: 1.95 MB, 1576x2000, florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy condo in Jacksonville FL
>2009 mid mortgage crisis
>2 miles from the beach
>warm weather year round
>Metro area of 1.5 mil so plenty of jobs and shit to do
>Got rich in crypto 2017 bull run so don't work anyway.
Feels good man. Stay salty, crackers

>> No.12397461

Good new I found a even cheaper big empty field for you to scream about boomers in
The payment on that loan would be approximately $60 a month. You might perfer this since you seem so opposed to getting free lots in residential areas :^)

>> No.12397462

Ah, what young white male couldn't wait to live in a place called "Blanca". 380 people and over 65% Mexican, wow it's like you're really there, save me some street tacos.

>> No.12397472

hey man....first rule about Idaho mountain living is you don't fucking talk about Idaho mountain living.

>> No.12397478

The critera the retard put forward was a field that he could park his van and scream about boomers. I don't understand why he'd perfect that over a free lot of land in a white town and all he has to do is build a house there, but its his dream.

>> No.12397490


Working in a field to provide food for my community doesn’t even sound all that bad desu, better than rotting in a office doing meaningless work

>> No.12397495
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>city """people"""
hello, im person 2145035 from zone 164 apartment 142c

>> No.12397505

How much do you get to use it?
You live online and all sites can legally block you regardless of your first amendment thanks to private company lol.

>> No.12397519
File: 64 KB, 960x960, 12794631_946174828803185_7778716528138207083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how to evade bans
as expected of a eurotard

>> No.12397522

actually pretty sure you're putting those criteria into his mouth
>and all he has to do is build a house there
and how is someone going to pay for a house at today's prices without years and years of debt slavery (with no good job in those areas usually no less)? you can't order them out of sears catalogs for like 4 grand anymore you know

i believe the only place you found that let him live on the land while he gets to building is Blanca, Colorado which quite frankly is going to be like living in rural Central Mexico within 15 years so you're a massive douchebag if you sentence a white person to that

>> No.12397524
File: 376 KB, 1080x1017, 1542928604664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from the netherlands. Same thing here basically. Stuck in some ghetto neighbourhood; the queues for social housing are at an average of 8 to 14 years now and renting a private property is undoable with prices such as in your picture. It has become a sick cruel joke.

Fuck the system.

>> No.12397539

>ban evasion
literally useless if your message can't be posted anyway. The information flow is getting increasingly filtered.

>> No.12397542

>beautifully detailed
>couldnt even slap down a strip of tape when painting the area where the wall meets the stairs
I hope somehow niggers move in and these amateurs lose their house when they can't collect rent. Then maybe they'll have to learn what attention to detail means.

>> No.12397588

>You live online and all sites can legally block you regardless of your first amendment thanks to private company lol.
I left hacker news because of this idiotic tier of argumentation. Please don't bring this shit here. When you do this you are being intellectually dishonest and arguing just to have something to say. You sound like a fucking dumbass.

>> No.12397592

If you're going to be fag and butt in to bat for a raging tard you could at least read the line of sperging he had about
>The purpose of homesteading was to provide people with arable farmland with ACREAGE. If nothing else, maybe you could get some acres of woodland. The only appeal of homesteading is ACREAGE and/or that I can build a fucking log cabin on it, or live out of a van until I can afford to build a home

Or read any of the links I posted for free lots. Or note how all of them allow modular homes. Or how I only did 2 minutes of google searching total and found cheap land galore completely annihilating his retarded idea that city prices are everywhere. Or the rapid backpedaling to realize how exceptional this individual is.
Also it looks like Blanca is the definition of le 56% being 53% white and the rest being a mix of "other".

>> No.12397602

This. I’m fucking sick of all of these tourists.

>> No.12397612

I don't have time to argue with you right now but I'll read your replies once I wake up. Keep trying though. Maybe you'll finally find something.

>> No.12397613

I was living 45 mins outside Richmond in a 3 bed 2 bath house for 700 a month. Shit was cash

>> No.12397621

This thread is making me sad. Sakura Quest made it look so easy to move to the sticks and live cheaply and comfy.

>> No.12397625

How is it dishonest? I mean sure it's better to be in the US with the first amendment and not get vanned for saying something online like the british boys but it's also true that most communication is now online and everything can be filtered/blocked at the discretion of the private companies.

4chan grew as a refugee center from this. People are here exactly because the same shit would be blocked on other sites.

>> No.12397640

Top kek on top of not being able to google search he can't even argue for himself anymore. I bet the boomers did this too.

If something was easy everyone would do it. That doesn't mean its not possible. Follow your dreams even if they're based on autistic anime fantasies.

>> No.12397666

The trick is to work in a rich country and then retire into a poor one.

>> No.12397681

Oh, it's literally in the middle of the desert.

You've still yet to present ONE decent lot for a reasonable price or the ability to homestead that's larger than 1 acre.

>> No.12397728

The goal post is now in a different state

>> No.12397730

I'm only interested in moving to the countryside where they speak English or subtitled Japanese. Also your digits are scary.

>> No.12397738 [DELETED] 
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Mate the lower class have all ways be treated like shit in (((new york!)))

>> No.12397811


They ban you for pretty much nothing here too

>> No.12397861

Every time a local restaurant dies and a Culver's opens in its place I die inside

>> No.12397866

Only retroactive. You might get your thread deleted and banned here but you can post and discuss much more openly. With Facebook you can't even post a link if it's on their blacklist for example because it's already filtered before posting. Among the known sites in wide popularity 4chan remains the most open one. The only places with more freedom are more obscure and thus can only serve as low traffic high quality secret bars of the online world.

>> No.12397867
File: 12 KB, 205x256, smug bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unplug your gay ass, no one cares most anything that's said on the internet because it's a sea of piss. Now if you were to say fuck niggers kikes and Jews right to someones face they would remember you for months. If you seriously have a conviction to change something in society and want your values pronounced posting online will only really get those who agree with you to read it at best, or at worst have your shit cherrypicked to go into some dudes cringe compilation. All the real activism is in meat space with flyers and billboards because people can't avoid those and will look at them because they stand out, and that's what the second amendment protects

>> No.12397886

Meant first amendment but you get the drift, was watching a hicock45 vid and it threw me off

>> No.12397979

shitposting here is irrelevant in the larger scope. However daily news shape the perception of the world and increasingly more people get their news now from sites like reddit. Censoring what goes to frontpage thereby shapes public perception of what is the reality of the world. You can sidestep online censoring doing work in meatspace but the reception of your flyers rest upon their preexisting worldview and that is shaped by their daily news consumption.

As for demonstrations - police have been using internet communication to track organizers and preemptively destroy rallies.

I don't disagree with you that the first amendment is a very good thing to have but i think you underestimate the seriousness of online censorship undermining it.

>> No.12397980
File: 92 KB, 1024x683, 68765463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my 3th world country I would be living in this mansion for 1.1k/m

>> No.12398051

What a pleb. I pay $400 for a 700 ft studio with windows on all three walls, 5 grocery stores, a hardware store, a library, and a post office all within a mile in Chicago. The east coast and west coast are so overpriced its outrageous. Quality of life in Chicago is so much higher at such a cheaper price (unless of course you're black, but all the black people in Chicago live on the south side of the city, past the highway and if they come to any white neighborhoods they get shot by the cops or arrested).

>> No.12398081

I'd rent that. I pay $1500 (although for a much nicer place, and that includes utilities) in a third rate nowhere city in flyover. Shit, wish I had known NYC was affordable after all.

>> No.12398102


where can I live like that for 1.1k usd a month?

important criteria: are the women there cute and do they like foreigners?

>> No.12398134

When all work is done by illiterate mexicans "attention to detail" is useless buzzwords. My place has random mispainted areas, floorboards (pretty sure it's a laminate or some fake-wood thin shit) around the bathtub are coming up because insufficient adhesive, most of the power outlets aren't level (maybe off at 10 degree angle). Tons of random shit like that. Even a five year old can figure out how to use a water level stick (whatever name is) and these god damned spics can't. Probably tipsy off a flask of tequila when they did the work.
This shit is the real reason we need to deport all mexishits. Even a pole would have a higher standard of work ethic.
Everything built in america is shoddy, even mcmansions that sell for 500k. You go in and the cheap just seeps out the walls and floorboards.

>> No.12398161


its true

my father made an incredibly good living by hiring only competent (no niggers, mexicans, or drug users) carpenters and building immaculate structures for the very wealthy who demanded perfection

he said there were so few quality craftsmen that it was easy to stand out after a few years of consistant high quality, at that point he could begin choosing his price, and people would pay it

>> No.12398168

lol literally just moved out a month ago, to evanston. the niggers are everywhere, dont let your neighborhood fool you. only a matter of time before you get robbed or jumped

but where tf can you get a studio for $400? im paying $800 for mine (utilities inc.)

>> No.12398173
File: 1.89 MB, 500x434, 1482294098142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and demand do not drive housing prices, this is a common misconception. Some of the most expensive areas have a huge oversupply of housing such as London and Vancouver, and building new houses hardly lowers housing prices, often increases. Housing price was driven tops at 0% rates and then pension funds and reits moving for the area looking yield

>> No.12398215

i hope this all end in a very bloody revolution where all these politicians get beheaded and all these rich buisnessmen exploiting the worker class get eatin alive

>> No.12398232

no it is supply and demand
>0% rates and then pension funds and reits moving for the area looking yield
which both increased demand for real estate

>> No.12398274

Fug didn't even notice that till just now.

>> No.12398312


That's true. It's about the availability of space. The city of New York doesn't have anymore space. Thus, rent is extremely high.


Take it up the ass or move out of New York. Your choice.

>> No.12398326
File: 223 KB, 1024x704, r9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's bullshit but I want the view of the city lit up at night. It's only like 4 million to buyout a penthouse floor in LA. Whats that? Like 5-10 years of trading stocks?

>> No.12398339

>I want the view of the city lit up at night

Have you tried going outside? You get the same thing except you don't have to pay millions of dollars like a moron.

>> No.12398340

I live in a kek-box 1 bedroom apartment w my gf but I would rather live in the top floor of my parents mansion. It’s so much comfier at my Parents mansion.

>> No.12398353


>Wealthiest country on earth

USA is garbage unless you are rich

>> No.12398382

>family helped me get a web developer job, making 80k USD, comfy

>family so proud they """loaned""" me 200k to buy a condo near work, all i do is pay for upkeep, like $400 a month

feels good man

>> No.12398421
File: 2.26 MB, 1910x1079, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on you know its not the same walking at street level with the peasants

>> No.12398437


>This is how our generation is expected to live

Just becuase you're a new york cuck with an insane cost of living doesn't mean the rest of us.

t.Bought a duplex for 40k, only 24,renting out the top apartment

>> No.12398491

just live in the middle of nowhere bro

>> No.12398512


>> No.12398527

Move upstate and commute faggot. Wait for the market to crash and then move into the city.

>> No.12398543

Where tf could you find a duplex for $40k? No way it’s not the middle of nowhere.

>> No.12398549

sagacious frogposter advice for sure

>> No.12398558

This. This anon hit the nail on the head.

>> No.12398567

Just move to Detroit.
Lots of things to do.
Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of joobs to go around.
Houses are still cheap as shit.
There are billionaires trying to revitalize the real estate market here so the future outlook is gud.

>> No.12398577

shhh, let's not be the next colorado

>> No.12398578

That's true, damn shame that.

>> No.12398581

nigga half a duplex is $100k in a major city in eastern europe. where u @ ?

>> No.12398592

actually its at the outskirts so even cheaper there. the ones inside are more

>> No.12398612

what is the square footage? I see a bed from the living room so I am guessing it is pretty small just nicely furnished, could find that in many places in the us

>> No.12398638

I’m not the one who bought the $40k duplex. Why are you asking me about it?

>> No.12398647

because its crazy cheap