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12392762 No.12392762 [Reply] [Original]

Security tokens (STO) had been talked about for some time. The guy in this photo is going to make us CHX investors, millionaires.


"In terms of timing, we hear that mid-2019 is the time-frame when most STOs will be able to ramp into the market," Lex Soklin, partner and global director of fintech strategy at Autonomous Research, told CNBC by email.

"Given a longer regulatory approval process for these assets (rather than none for ICOs), entrepreneurs have a slower path to market. But perhaps a more stable one."

Some even believe that, eventually, everything from artwork to real estate will be transformed into digital tokens.

"Over the next decade, we could very well see the tokenization of the entire financial markets," Mati Greenspan, senior market analyst at eToro, said in a note last week.

"Essentially, anything that has value and can be traded can also be represented as a digital token and traded on a blockchain."

>> No.12392868

Let this get to the bottom, dont respond to me.

>> No.12392953

my bags have been packed for weeks now op. this is guaranteed to 100x, but it is possible it could 100,000x... they are targeting a 100 trillion dollar market... what my plan is to sell half at 100x and leave the other half to ride to 100,000x.. and cash out the masternode dividends......... chx has me excited like was with btc, eth and raiblocks

>> No.12393160

Thinking about picking up some CHX, but what exactly does the token do? Is it like BNB for the Own platform, or is it more like what ETH was for the ICO craze? Sorry, most of the articles I've read assume I already know a lot about Own, just trying to develop a knowledge base so I don't incorrectly conflate anything going forward.

>> No.12393184


>> No.12393223

just bought in.

looks like im doing the shilling work for the shillers. sigh.

>> No.12393388


>> No.12393474

It's unironically a pretty great project. If you wanna make it, you will have to hold this coin for 5 years.

>> No.12393511

The latest whitepaper suggests it's basically just a gas token on the Own network. So more network usage shoud mean higher prices I suppose.

>> No.12393512 [DELETED] 

it's like bnb

>> No.12393542

businesses that want to ipo need to hold 1% in chx..... imagine 1 trillion dollars a year going into chx... most of the chx is also in nodes.... i have every confidence the team can pull it off

>> No.12393617

Stop shilling this shitcoin with 90% fake volume

>> No.12393631

wait until you see the volume when it hits a real exchange.... no one is using idex because of kyc and hotbit is a low liquidity gook exchange.. it's hard to buy/trade chx right now....

>> No.12393885

Hotbit volume is fake

>> No.12393907
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Ok let me say this before I leave, most people don't realize that CHX has dPOS and allows staking. That means a large % of the tokens are going to be staked and locked up significantly reducing the circulating supply.

Issuance platform goes live at the end of January, mainnet in Q1. Deals signed and partnerships to be disclosed shortly this month.

Never been so confident on any project since going all in on Zilliqa last year in June. Right now, I'm 100% on CHX.

>> No.12393988

They also have a private chain, aka database that holds private customer info like username/passwords linked to keys for the no-coiners. Fucking adoption.

>> No.12394007

posts like this really are cringe though

>> No.12394032


These guys know what their clients what inside out since they have been in this space for +15 years. Like you said, they built a dual chain. This is as legit as it possibly can get. Poly is 5X CHX'x market cap.

Sit back and enjoy. CHX will take off in January as they start disclosing their partners.

>> No.12394232

I hope it goes to .01 again so I can buy more. It's good to spread awareness instead of p&ding it.

>> No.12394233

Can burgers use hotbit and withdraw without kyc?

>> No.12394248

I use idex. Easy as shit

>> No.12394261


use IDEX man.

>> No.12394280

just sold all my iExec for CHX

I hope iExec never moon this year

>> No.12394291

you obviosuly dont see chx potential or believe the team can pull it off.. i do.. im fucking smart and find and invest in the best cryptos/stocks early.. decades before anyone else. im rich as fuck. ill be richer than jeff bezos one day

>> No.12394334


>> No.12394346

Where do you buy CHX?
Can't find shit in my shit country

>> No.12394427


IDEX is your best bet. If you don't know about CHX, youtube and watch thier last interviews and their last 2 AMAs. This is as legit as you can get and as close as you can get to adoption. I'm personally 100% in on CHX. Never been so fucking confident. I had a diversified protfolio with 8 coins and I did a shit ton of research on CHX and now all in on it! DO YOUR RESEARCH.

>> No.12394430

Ok, I'm convinced, just bought 42k CHX.

>> No.12394478

Sorry dude!

>> No.12394485

Don't know if you're shilling, but i'm sold

>> No.12394538


Do your own research and don't listen to me. I have been in crypto for many years and I have never been so confident. But you need to do your OWN Research. AMAs, interviews, twitter, etc. In 6 months, this can get really, really, really big.

>> No.12394595

It will also be used for staking in masternodes. Additionally, during an STO, companies have to buy and lock away 1% of what they're trying to raise of tokens. So if a company is trying to raise 10 million, they have to buy and lock up 100k worth of tokens. Honestly, this token will become super scarce and probably insanely valuable if OWN takes off. CHX really gets my almonds activated, risk reward is super high on this one

>> No.12394860

pamp eet

>> No.12395050

pamp eet

>> No.12395245

Any idea how long they have to lock up those tokens that are 1% of what they are raising? Are they essentially burned forever, or do they just go into escrow for a set period of time. The fact that there will be tokens locked up in nodes for staking sounded pretty good, but having to lock additional tokens sounds almost too good to be true!

>> No.12395270

Does idex not require kyc yet? Don't want to do kyc

>> No.12395271

only 2 hours 31 minutes before i can buy more chx with my paycheck

>> No.12395274

Ain't trying to do kyc unless I absolutely have to bro.

>> No.12395311

I just used it for the first time since they added KYC, and I didn't have to do it. I think it might be only for specific geographical areas, like New York maybe?

Somebody frontrun this guy!

>> No.12395323


IDEX does not require KYC. I bought and have been buying with absolute no problem. Storing them all on my MEW with ledger nano. Buy from IDEX, it's very easy and safe, just don't leave the coins there, deposit to ur own wallet and store it.

>> No.12395345

I haven't found a good answer, it seems like they have to do it before they can do the STO, but I don't know how long they must be held for. I have heard a year and I have also heard forever. My guess is more likely a year, forever seems unreasonable.

>> No.12395347
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That's correct. Staking will remove a LOT of coins from circulation. But on top of that, at the heart of the project, is the 1% coin lock up PRIOR to STO issuance and 2% lock up after succesfully completing it. So actually 3%. Imagine if a company is raising 100million which is very average or even below average for small to med size ventures they are working with. Not only that, tokens will be used for voting, dividends, and so much more. CHX offers end-to-end services so basically covering all of the services. Long term goal is to launch their own Security Exchange.

It should already be a 40-50 million market cap coin. Just be patient and see how fast it takes off after Issuance Platform (FAST) goes live a t the end of January :)

>> No.12395350

This was my first time using a laptop on Idex (only used my phone before l), and holy shit what a difference! No lag like before, no random freezing up, now I see what all the fuss is about for that exchange.

>> No.12395351

It's dumping right now, so waiting a couple hours will probably work out well for you

>> No.12395376

Do you have a sauce on the 2% after, I haven't heard that before? Also, it seemed like they were not interested in launching an exchange, Sascha talked about it in the last AMA, so if you have a sauce on that I'd be interested in seeing that.

>> No.12395379
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Good idea to zoom out.

Think long term bruh

>> No.12395421
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If you go to https://dsr.weown.com you see the photo on the left where it says issuance and exchange launching soon. Sasha said exchange is a long term goal and short term their goal is to capitalize on this trillion dollar market to sign up all the STOs and ventures/banks who themselves have 100s and 100s of partners working under them.

the 1% and 2% were discussed in the AMAs I think and confirmed in the telegram. Sasha answers a lot of questions in TG. Also a lot of $$ like STO running on their platform pays like 20K every year for annual renewal, signing up, etc. So a LOT of good stuff were discussed. These guys got the tokenomics perfectly done and sasha said multiple times that EVERYTHING revolves around CHX token.

>> No.12395511

Yeah, whole market is taking a giant shit right now, I didn't even notice. And trust me, I am in this very long term. I have no intention of selling for the next year at very least.

Okay, I see for the exchange now. Bullish. Still can't find the 2% in the Telegram, but I'll keep looking. If that's true, then that's absolutlely insane and I don't even know what price to speculate for CHX

>> No.12395536

wow, bitcoin dumping. that means ill get double the chx with my paycheck in a couple of hours.. nice

>> No.12395835

Where can I buy and store CHK?

>> No.12395843


>> No.12395856

Idex and MEW. It's an erc20 (for now).

>> No.12395896

You guys do realize what sage is, right?

>> No.12395899
File: 250 KB, 879x2048, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy on IDEX
Store on MEW (MyEtherWallet) / Ledger Nano.

CHX is an ERC-20 token at this point but mainnet launching in Q1. Until then, store on Ledger/MEW

>> No.12396129


what is it?

>> No.12396155

doesn't bump the thread


>> No.12396416

just bought 6k more. at 800xx stats.

>> No.12396779

It seems to be pumping now too!

>> No.12397207

It should go to the bottom. Stos are merely digital stock. There is no consensus nor a need for a blockchain. It's a meme word to distract boomers.

>> No.12397557

Will I have to do anything if this changes?
Curious about how this works

>> No.12397587

Also, is it safe to put my private key on IDEX?

>> No.12397651

Figuring it out after asking dumb questions, sorry

>> No.12397762

Good shill OP, I know something more about CHX, which I can't reveal. But this thing will blow up

>> No.12398190

Reveal it

>> No.12398191

There will be a token swap, not sure how that will work though, and to be honest I usually just let Binance handle shit like that so I'll be trying to figure it out when the time comes too.

Probably! I would recommend using a hardware wallet though, that way your private key stays secure instead of possibly being compromised by a key logger or some other kind of hack.

Give us a hint you cheeky fucker!

>> No.12398464

This thread is an obvious boiler room / Discord style pump and dump. Didn’t the SEC set up some system where you can get a reward for reporting this type of shit?

No company doing all the extra work to do an STO legally would touch a random shitcoin like this with a 100x pole. It’s an absurd idea.

>> No.12398466

Thanks for answering my questions, but there is still something bugging me. You see, I'm new here.

Usually, for how long those BTC dips occur?
I'm currently in the slow process of depositing my ETH to trade it for CHX and I don't know if I should wait for the dip to pump a little or trade it as soon as It transfers. Thanks in advance, you guys are helping me so much and it is appreciated.

>> No.12398470

I don't disagree that this is a pump and dump but the fact that tZero is using both Ravencoin and fucking FLO tells me that the space has gone full retard.

>> No.12398507

look what happened to eth with icos... eth pumped 10000x..

same thing will happen to chx for sto's/ipo's

>> No.12398606

Yes, and with Nasdaq going a little shaky, people may be looking for alternative ways to invest in the coming years. Own will give them a way to get a taste of crypto money (through STOs) without having to go full shitcoiner.

>> No.12398667

I don't think pump and dumps hang out at their peaks for 2-3 months.

>> No.12399050

CHX is the very good coin. I 100% in all. many fortune to you if you buy this coin only from idex now.i buy more now.