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12391299 No.12391299 [Reply] [Original]

>Thank you for participating in the interview process for the ""Job Anon Interviewed For"". The selection process was difficult due to the competitive quality of candidates interviewed. We have selected another individual to fill this position whose experience more closely matches the needs of the department at this time.

Bros... I don't think I can take much more..

>> No.12391318

just be yourself

>> No.12391339

Just live in your car. Drop out of society. You don’t owe it anything. If enough people do it the boomers can finally run out of money and fucking die.

>> No.12391354

I make software that auto rejects people with messages just like this. Based on black and white answers, or simply because the recruiter doesn't like you. We implement a couple days delay so it seems like a human being even looked at the application.

>> No.12391357
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I had all the qualifications, in fact I had degree title that was more than they were asking for..

WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I that ugly?
Was I too autistic?
Did one of the references fuck me over?
Was it because I was a white male?
Was it because I was a manlet?
Was it the way I dressed?

I thought for sure I was going to get it.

>> No.12391378


I was actually interviewed though. It was panel of females.

>> No.12391403

you didn't get them wet so they didn't want you around pretty simple

>> No.12391460
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WHY DO I SUCK SO MUCH!!!!!????????







GIVE IT TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.12391482

As someone who has interviewed candidates i can tell you..

99% of decisions are made from resume + first 10 seconds. The rest of time is spent on 1% chance i change my mind. 1%.
You either are at our level or better.

>> No.12391558


I'm so tired anon..

soo very tired..

>> No.12391683

you have to pretend to be a chad psychopath to get employment. capitalism is inherently psychopathic, toxic, dysfunctional. just pretend to be a chad psycho for your next job interview. it's only 20 minutes or whatever, you can be yourself at the actual job, the hr cunts will probably not even be there.

do whatever you can do to get a cocky attitude for the interview. take a shot of alcohol (but make sure to properly clean out mouth/tongue/throat so you dont smell), use some stimulants, watch some hardcore porn but dont masturbate and then go to the interview straight after. anything that can get you pumped up and exude confidence. those HR whore women are especially important to impress like this, if they wouldn't talk to you on a night out you're probably not going to get the job

>> No.12391825


I'll be more aggressive I guess.

>> No.12392121

it has to be a kind of relaxed aggressiveness though, im sure you understand what i mean

>> No.12392415

sounds like you dodged a bullet

>> No.12392638
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Jesus OP.

>> No.12392881
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>> No.12392909
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>tfw neet and comfy in Canada

>> No.12392940

I sent the employer an email for feedback.

100% chance of no reply.

>> No.12393041

what does this look like long term?

>> No.12393060


>> No.12393063

>if they wouldn't talk to you on a night out you're probably not going to get the job
this unironically
it's fucking retarded

>> No.12393384

I know how you feel bro, this is my 6th week out of a job. I have over 6 years of management and team leadership experience along with heap of other experience expanding into engineering. Its just a tough market.

Keep trying brother you'll get there

>> No.12393939


Apparently a Bachelors Degree doesn't mean shit anymore.

>> No.12394060

Your car gets repossessed then a hobo mugs you, causing you to resort to punching a cop just for a meal. Once in prison, Jamal rapes you and you become his "bitchboi".

>> No.12394113

How about "I wish you the best of luck?"
Fuck that line man. Maybe it's a software dev thing but I've heard that line and I get annoyed every time I see it.

>> No.12394158
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This was a good idea honestly. Did you get the contact information for the people who interviewed you? This is the best route to take imo. More often than not they are more than happy to give you feedback.

If you feel like the interview didn't go poorly then chances are they probably liked you to some degree but just found someone they thought would be a better fit. They likely are more than happy to give you feedback that they think will help you find employment.

I'm saying this as someone who has been on both sides of the table in interviews. If someone I interviewed contacted me asking for advice I would be more than happy to give it to them. I've also been rejected after interviews before and while it's a hard pill to swallow I keep in mind that if my potential employer thought I would be a bad fit then I probably wouldn't like it there anyway.

I try to approach interviews in that it's not only a chance for the employer to see if I am a good fit for the position but for me to see if they are a good fit for me spending 40+ hours a week of my time.

The fact that you were able to get an interview means you are doing something right and that you will likely get more interviews.

Good luck anon and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have for someone who has interviewed people before and also seen how other managers approach interviews.

Don't give up now, we are in a booming economy and everyone is hurting for labor. Save the giving up for when the recession hits.

>> No.12394195

Yeah this.

>> No.12394257


Thanks for the feedback.

Honestly, my only questionable thing about my job search is my prior employers as I was laid off due to budget constraints. Even though i was laid off, I feel like I left the company in not the most honest of intentions. So even though they said budget was the primary reason of being laid off, I don't feel completely comfortable to the point where I don't think it's beyond my last supervisor to sabotage my interviews when the interviewer calls him.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm trying to gather that intel so I don't waste my time using his contact info on my applications.

>> No.12394336

4 months is nothing faggot

>> No.12394360

A lot of jobs aren't going to ask for contact info in the application itself. Hell I got my job currently without providing any references. If you're worried about your former supervisor sabotaging your resume then find references who won't sabotage you. You probably had friends or something at your last job, so use them instead.

I would maybe reach out to your last supervisor and make sure everything is cool.

Maybe try to phrase it in a way where you aren't only asking to use him as a reference but are asking for him to recommend you.

>Hey "anon's previous supervisor", I am applying for jobs and was wondering if I could count on you for a recommendation.

If he tells you to fuck off then that's that. Don't list him on anything and try to list other former coworkers instead. If you can list people who were in a leadership position that you didn't report to that would be greatly beneficial as well.

I wouldn't stress too much about the reference part. Just make sure you have good references you can provide if asked but it's entirely possible you won't even be asked.

>> No.12394409

if the car needs repairs youre dead

save up 100k and then its possible. you need at least 10k a year to survive off food, medical, other expenses. also a legal place to live in your car

>> No.12394425

this. Females like to hire good looking people. Ive been told this by many women

t. worked for fortune 50 company

>> No.12394473

Overqualified, and not diverse.

>> No.12394567

they already had someone picked, but need to interview others for legal reasons

>> No.12394686

or for interview quotas

>> No.12394777

How many of you would pay for me to coach you through the job search process. Getting a job isn't that hard in 2019.

>> No.12394917

I can give you $3.50

>> No.12395108
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>be 22 yo programmer
>have growing portfolio of projects
>send resumes every week to companies
>got 0 response so far
>haven't had job since college
>actually had to move back in with parents
>freelance projects are dominated by pajeets
>only income source is about $100 / month with one of my project

A-at least I'm not technically a neet, r-right anons?

>> No.12395293

try to take a lesson from that on the importance of ending well, you can only say FUCK YOU once, and its never satisfying enough long term to be worth it.

>> No.12395370
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>Unfortunately, we saw you check off Caucasian. This means that we won't be able to take advantage of you because you're most likely highly educated and might ask us for a raise at some point. Instead, we've hired Poojeet from Calcutta. He's used to making $5 a week and this $30k a year job will seem like a godsend to him. He's happy to be here, unlike you. A good slave is one that has no idea that he's a slave, silly.

>> No.12395395
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is this really what people believe?

>> No.12395521

This isn't 15 years ago. Things have changed a bit. Clearly you haven't been looking for work these days.

>> No.12395532

They gave your job to a woman or minority.