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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 727x487, Angler-Im-Jeff-Bezos-Im-Your-Dad-Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12389194 No.12389194 [Reply] [Original]

> Be Bezos
> Somehow convinced zoomers and boomers that AMZN is a trillion dollar company
( If you believe this is a justified valuation leave, you are hopeless, leave this thread)

> How do I give a reasonable excuse to cash out without causing doubts about the company's valuation?
We are now here, this is what will follow.

> Divorce will be irregularily swift and fast
> Half will go to the wife
> Both Start selling AMZN stock to liquidate assets for "muh tax reasons"
> Wife sells even more under the pretext that she is not involved with the company
> Secures inheritance for generations to come
> Valuations implode, Bezos dynasty remains as wealthy

Bezos truly is a genius.

>> No.12389207

fuck, you're right

>> No.12389458
File: 111 KB, 668x442, SLAVE AND MASTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12389484

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

go back to /pol/ you nigger

>> No.12389500

that would work nicely, gotta remember the retards who built the system made it so it can be played over and over again.

>> No.12390214


How is /pol/ relevant here?

>> No.12390230

This is actually a good point.

>> No.12390246

I guess Bezos is a politician now. Sick Bezos 202

>> No.12390252

Amazon is slowly taking over the world and your too stupid to know it. Your as retarded as the moderators from Reddit. Kill yourself fucking nigger

>> No.12390254

I can buy whatever the fuck I want and receive it tomorrow. That doesn't justify $1T valuation?

>> No.12390265

Pol is everywhere

>> No.12390303

There are pleanty of things you can't buy. Pleanty of locations amaxon doesn't deliver to. I live in nyc and amazon fresh won't deliver food to my home. There ate pleanty of anime related products produced in japan tgat amazon doesn't sell. I can't buy a jet or a specific car on amazon. I cant buy drugs or anything else from deep web on amazon. They are a store just like walmart buy only has warehouses and only delivers. They sell what they want to sell period.

>> No.12390330


>Valued at 100+ P/E
> Growth deaccelerating
> All earnings come from AWS which is seeing more and more competition from Azure and GOOG
> Constant shilling on CNBC
> Most popular stock among normies

Yes, you and every 14 year old with a 100 dollar Robinhood account are visionary geniuses that along with every single mainstream analyst, sees an Amazon "New Paradigm"

>> No.12390347

When they see something they don't understand and think it might be some sort of political stance they haven't been told was good they just shout /pol/

>> No.12390366

>Bezos Dynasty
They have no kids and are 50+ in age now there is no Dynasty for either of them

>> No.12390382

Have to LOL at zoomers who got burned in the crypro scam now getting "woke" about markets. Amazon is an amazing company with overwhelming dominance in very big important growing industries.

>> No.12390385
File: 208 KB, 1910x1000, bezos kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12390414

Obviously they aren't going to sell things that are illegal or taboo in specific areas. Regardless, they provide a huge amount of jobs, while providing a great service to their customers. IMO the market cap is deserved, relatively speaking, since Walmart is valued at like $300B.

>> No.12390418

>I think differently from people so that makes me smart

>> No.12390433

Lolwut he has 4 kids and at least 2 are biological. Possibly 4 seeing as he "adopted" an asian after years in asian tours (knocked up a hooker or high level businessman's daughter).

>> No.12390434

da fuck an asian kid?

>> No.12390460

wow thanks for the insight grandpa, didnt know that

>> No.12390477

Every now and then a chang slides in when parents aren't looking.

>> No.12390524

How much did you lose last year?

>> No.12390556
File: 32 KB, 332x499, 513e7BP39PL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Measuring market optimism and tracking hype is the cornerstone of investing. Why are hedge fund managers paid millions if the consensus was right?

>> No.12390588



What is your point? Just because a company has a great service does not equate it is of great value.

>> No.12390641
File: 305 KB, 640x723, F292682E-21B1-41C3-924D-D95C26160243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked for subtle and potentially unintentional puns

>> No.12390656

What a bunch of ugly people

>> No.12390679

Is this loss?

>> No.12390805


>> No.12390888

Hedge fund managers don’t buy Amazon stocks. At least not good ones.

>> No.12390943
File: 164 KB, 640x873, 9C9E6C0F-2395-4085-8892-EF51DD566F8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it desu
The chart literally looks like the “return to normal” on the bubble chart

>> No.12390956
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>> No.12391023
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, DC9EAE71-70A7-4CBE-B1F2-23F7312CC1D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuckerberg has chink kids too! I guess gook women truly are the patricians choice. Looks like /pol/ got btfo with their “marry a white chick” meme.

>> No.12391163
File: 94 KB, 1041x1041, D92D88A7-B0CD-40EC-957D-BD72B88BC24D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12391176

White women don't age well, by 40 they're obese and look 2x their age.

Asian women age like a fine wine and are intelligent, actually have goals and overall interesting people.

>> No.12391180

1,000 IQ post.

>> No.12391268

That's my point.

>> No.12391279

> Somehow convinced zoomers and boomers that AMZN is a trillion dollar company
Obviously Amazon and every other major company is over inflated right now as we're nearing the end of this business cycle, but why are you implying that Amazon is half that value or lacks the potential to one day be worth that much? With just Amazon webservices, their distribution network, and their growing financial arm Amazon is clearly one of the dominant multi-national corporations on the planet, why imply that they aren't hot shit?

>> No.12391289

this but unironically

>> No.12391375


Major stocks tend to lose around 50% of their value during recessions. However, this plan would make as much sense if Bezos believed in his company's future. Cashing out now will allow them to re-buy shares at the bottom and increase their stake and control of the company. Furthermore, Bezos might also have much more cash to invest in Blue Origin and other ventures he has expressed interest in ( land purchasing for example.)

>> No.12391478

>Major stocks tend to lose around 50% of their value during recessions.
Gotcha, wasn't aware the average loss was that dramatic. Still can't say I'm convinced this split is a Bezos scheme to ensure assets for the future and larger control through share buybacks, seems more likely to me that he made the mistake of getting married before he realized how rich he'd become.

>> No.12391529

checked but Amazon's value is in its viciously efficient kaizen global distribution system. the only reason walmart.com is as it is now is because its trying to play catch-up

>> No.12391575

You wouldn't say that to my mother, kike

>> No.12391601

I saw his normal face like this while on acid. It would fluctuate between the two forms. Shits creepy n dark yo

>> No.12391829
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 1543846065860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bezos ever selling off his baby that he created from 0 and turned into a trillion
>selling off the strongest online retailer that has already put half of American retail out of business
>implying people are going to stop buying shit online
>implying you're not going to end up working for Amazon one day

>> No.12391991

holy shit

>> No.12393090

This does look like a tax, financial, wealth transfer decision.

was my first thoughts

>> No.12393108


Amazon will be disintermediated by largely smart contract in about 10 years.

>> No.12393174
File: 102 KB, 674x674, 1546848816519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that I matter how much money you have, you can always get JUSTed

>> No.12393224

someone tell me how the fuck i can short the amazon stock using crypto

>> No.12393242

someone photoshop bezos pic to look JUSTed

>> No.12393246

Welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay.

>> No.12393260

>Your as retarded
Big yikes

>> No.12393270

can't escape financial collapse, it's better to cash out now and he knows it

>> No.12393273



>> No.12393296

PE isn't all with tech stocks- 22B went into R&D last year. Tax discounts on that too. It's operating profit has grown very well the past few years- I'll be buying leveraged longs on it if it falls within my value parameters. You'd be autistic to buy the stock this late in the cycle however, especially one with as you stated such a high PE. I've worked in the logistics centres for a few similar companies and done electrical work for them- it is possible to 100% automate a warehouse today if you want. When trucks are self driving, the vision will be understood by normies. People are pricing in high profits for logistics- See prologis and associated stock valuations(high for real estate companies).

>> No.12393318

Yawn when will brainlets realise 1T buys you fuck all at a country level

give 7 USD to each Chinese person pays for what food for a day or week then what.

Do you even get the scale of money needed to keeps things running?

>> No.12393333

This ten times over. He is timing the market and will do a shareholder injection for stock options if stock hits xyz as a LTI. And it will. Same as Musk's bonus for the TSLA market cap- Both will be hit. Just wait a few years to buy, and buy using instruments and not stock.

>> No.12393381

lol all amazon has to do is stop ploughing ludicrous amounts of cash into R&D and they suddenly become very profitable. But they won't, because they're not fucking retarded and neither are their investors

>> No.12393386

REITs are only overpriced because they can have >95% occupancy and collect the spread on low interest rates. Buying REITs is asking to get JUSTed when the economy flips into a recession. It's not necessarily the debt in RIETs thats the problem but the fact that they are massively overpaying for properties by historical standards. Ben Graham outlines this in security analysis, and it could turn into a disaster just like 1929, 2008, etc...

>> No.12393390

>hedge fund managers don't buy the stock that's been pretty much the standout performer this entire bull run from 2009 till today

lmao @ you

>> No.12393393
File: 43 KB, 634x464, 5957290-6369955-image-a-19_1541721447079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amzn doesn't even take link
How can anyone use that shit retailer

>> No.12393401

what if his wife is actually divorcing him to protect half his wealth so they can cash out her pile of stock while keeping the news articles occupied with their divorce?

>> No.12393417

>Buying REITs is asking to get JUSTed when the economy flips into a recession

How so? REITs (varies by property type) generally have medium to long-term contractual cash flows by nature of the leases they have with tenants, which generally come with annual escalators to account for CPI. You get fucked when those expiring leases get marked to market but any half-decent REIT will manage lease expirations to a relatively small % of the aggregate in any given year.

The only reason REITs move with rates is that public market investors are retarded and think of them as bond proxies.

>> No.12393433

? I've read graham too. I never said to invest in prologis. You're like that autistic kid that goes to university and just recites the textbook- 0 use in any business. Good thing you're probably unemployed.

>> No.12393456

This. WAL rises = 2x inflation, WALE is never on one year. They are cashflow businesses and many companies sit on cash if they're decent, i.e goodman.

>> No.12393479

I see commercials for AWS now which implies the growth is slowing and they are desperate to prop it up.

That simple DD with either make or lose me 10's of thousands of dollars on Feb 7th

>> No.12393501

Well of course certain REITs may do well, but that's a poor argument.

You don't have to look far back to see how hard certain REITs got hit/went bankrupt. Even Prologis went down >80% in 2008, and industrial unit valuations weren't as ridiculous as compared to now. The E-Commerce boom has fueled explosive price growth in industrial properties and to a lesser extent commercial office buildings are becoming riducously expensive.

I'm not saying REITs are going to go bankrupt, but the risk of some them going bankrupt is certainly there.

When you are buying REITs now, you are paying a huge multiple to cash flows and those cashflows are based on historically high rents, and financed on historically overpriced buildings.

You'd be a fool to index into REITs as a class, of course there may be some gems out there, but that's true of any asset class.

>> No.12393519

How does that have anything to do with the fact REITs are overvalued as an asset class among many others? Provide an argument for them instead of baseless insults.

I certainly wouldn't bet my life's savings on them. You can feel free to do so yourself.

>> No.12393520

This is a very good response- Prologis & goodman got hammered in the GFC. Valuations are the most important thing st the moment and after I exit my current main holding, I'm moving to instruments shorting any REIT or group with excessive valuations. Industrial valuations are stupid at the moment.

>> No.12393523

Well the last downturn was almost an exclusively real-estate driven bubble and burst, so it makes sense that real estate investment firms would get hardest hit, doubly so those that loaded up on leverage.

Office is a shitty sector to begin with because they have outsized capex as a % of NOI relative to other sectors, which is why so many of the office names trade at significant discounts to NAV. Even with the significant NAV discount most office names screen meh to okay at best on an expected IRR basis (which is how you should be looking at REITs). Really you should only be looking to invest in them if you want to diversify into real estate but don't have the capital or knowledge to actually go direct.

>> No.12393530

Don't mind me- I'm cranky without my beers.

>> No.12393589

Guys why can't we have threads like this all the time.

I can envision valuations of industrial land and complexes staying stretched given productivity increases make rent a relatively smaller cost of the operations- But I'm Australian & know how much sparkies and conveyors cost per hour- A fucktonne. (Think contracting rates of 90 an hour bare minimum). The valuations stretched before they should have and when liquidity dries up and stocks get hit hard, such industrial landlords will be fantastic investments imo. But in 10 years time, conveyors and picking systems automation paired with barcode scanners and vertical stacking solutions means any online shop with the capital to invest will have two big costs: Rent and interest on invested capital. And interest rates will come down in Aus. It's a great situation to understand given the certainty of profit is fairly clear if your trades are timed appropriately.

>> No.12393600

The average Chinese person earns 10k USD a year, you could hire an army of a million of those fuckers by only using 1% of your net worth for a whole fucking year. That's a lot of power.

>> No.12393605

Yeah, just to give you an idea of the firms in my large 32 unit distribution warehouse, like 30% of them are running on VC money. Pretty much meme companies. One of them delivers books for libraries and has a fleet of 20+ vehicles but only like 5 max are ever used. The vehicles have been here for 2 years. So there are 15+ brand new Sprinter vans sitting in a warehouse or parking lot at all times sitting there doing nothing.

Of course this is anecdotal, but the fact that companies like this can continue to exist on VC/leases/bank loans is hysterical.

>> No.12393609

cause op is right and /pol/ is always right

>> No.12393636

REITs are pretty much a meme for the average investor anyways because none of us have the kind of money where a 5%/yr return with some dividend income thrown in will be meaningful at all. Most of our clients (REIT-only buyside shop) are pensions/endowments/HNW individuals who, through their asset allocation process, decide some % of total worth is going to real estate and then we compete to win those mandates

>> No.12393779

Mhm. I was an industrial electrician til late last year & all clients were having record years basically. VC has little culture in Australia, taxes are far higher so people lock it away into 'super' (your IRA), where 2.7 trillion sits in stock and realestate. That's why our valuations are stretched.

You'd have to be a shit VC to piss away 500k on unused depreciating assets...

>> No.12393785

Swing trade them when they reach excessive or miniscule valuation multiples- Any growth the business has is just extra money.

>> No.12394328

Still waiting for this, I need it for my collection

>> No.12394350

id give my left nut to be given 1% of bezos's will

>> No.12394380


>> No.12394394

it's the one way he can cash out a significant amount and not have it result in it looking like he wants to dump