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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 453 KB, 746x565, 605A5832-EA8A-4399-9CEB-36B8D616AA17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12388725 No.12388725 [Reply] [Original]

I’M ALREADY FUCKING SICK OF IT!!!!!! It never fucking ends, no one is ever happy with your work half the time because they are too retarted to understand the initial problem. Mundane useless tasks just keep piling up, I start caring less and less day dreaming more and more about quitting. WHEN DOES IT END!?!? THERES MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS!!!!!!!

>> No.12389316
File: 204 KB, 986x1024, boomer memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making a dying anon, not a living. Fuck working for companies, especially American companies. Underpay, treat our generation like expendable shit, and flood the office and community with fucking poos they can pay for less. I was in your shoes a while back, got laid off, found a better job at another company, saved, started my own business, and quit. Already making more in 3 months than I did at my job, and making more every month. 3 things.

1. Read - Start with Richest Man in Babylon, start reading business books from people that actually made money, read biographies. Read. Nigger. Read. Put on audiobooks, stop playing anime games, and read a motherfucking book.

2. Start - your own side gig, and get enough to make enough. There are fucking children making millions of social media, are you dumber than a child? There was a thread on here a while back on someone who started his own business and bought a statue or something. He didn't buy crypto. Crypto is fine for investing, but it's not your income. Your goal is income.

3. Stop - listening to fucking boomers and your mom and dad. Mom and dad want you to go to college and get a job to be as marginally miserable as them. TV and college wants you to be a slave to Wall Street. Fuck them.
Stop buying anime dolls, stop going out to drink, the minute you come back from the office, work on your side gig. Don't listen to their lies, their advertisements, and what they think they know is right. If they were right, they'd be rich, I bet you they're not. Mommy may be nice, but so is my dachshund.

>> No.12389370

My man you are acting like I haven’t already done all of that and have a side gig I’m not going to go into detail on what it is but it makes more than my job and let’s just say it’s a little “risky”. I’m investing in boomer stocks/crypto and saving up for a rental property I’m just stuck in this hell until I buy it and fill it with tenents. Shit I could quit I have roughly 30k in savings but I’m afraid to walk away from a “career” I spent 5 years of uni and 300 job apps and 8 in person interviews to obtain.

>> No.12389575

Focus that anger on bettering yourself, then use those new skills to either find a better job, are start a business.
>Inb4 it's not that easy!1!1

>> No.12389614
File: 32 KB, 1700x1048, 1534788849688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "but he'sh red and hash a job!"
>inb4 "ackchually, he'sh not a forshed meme becaushe he ackcuratlly depictsh the plightsh of the modern working classh man"
>inb4 "b-b-but the CIA are trying to shuppressh him becaushe freshco hash the potenshial to shtart a workersh revolushion"

>> No.12389619

You either take that risk and may be successful, or live the wagecuck life until you die. If you ever think retirement is an option for our generation, you are horribly wrong.

>> No.12389663

No one will ever be happy with your work but you need to build your position into something it would be too hard to fire you and hire someone else to pick up.

I intentionally make my DAX logic as convoluted as possible and omit coding notes so the finance department stays dependent on me to feed them data. If I didn't do thus my position would have been obsolete years ago and I wouldn't get to day trade at work for most of the day.

>> No.12389672

What the fuck do I do for a side gig I don't know anything and I have no skills

>> No.12389749

Got a pair of kneepads? I'd pay to snuggle with a pathetic wagie like you.

>> No.12389755

You're right. One should aspire to get an Ivy education or work at a top company (Goldman, JPM, McKinsey) if they wagecuck.

This is how most billionaires got started before they went out on their own. The network and school/company pedigree attracts employees, investors, and clients. Its just how the world works.

If you're working for a low tier company like a bottom tier F500 in a support role, you're literally wasting your time unless there is a clear path into management (although typically they want an MBA which defeats the purpose of working there in the first place).

Anyways, once you move into a company like Goldman, McKinsey, Bain, etc... then do 2 years there, get your associate position and then quit. Typically they train you for 2 years. After that, theres not much left to learn.

>> No.12389889

White collar is a fucking meme. Worked in an office with less than human assholes for 3 years and quit, now I work blue collar in a union and make about twice what I was making working in private. Fuck corporations, if you're not in a union you like giving your money away

>> No.12390006
File: 27 KB, 281x241, 05EB41F5-FAE4-490E-8211-8ED9FE1E3749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I have been on the self improvement train for the past 7 years lifting and eating healthy the entire time, currently on day 10 Nofap and have only watched porn twice in the past 30 days(working on completely cutting out the filth), and meditating for an hour a day and reading as much psychology and occult knowledge I can get my hands on. The misery and negativity of other wagies will rub off on you no matter what you do.
>take the risk
I think I’m going all in this year I’d rather die or end up in prison than wageslave another 60 years. This system is fucked and does not give a single fuck about anyone but those at the top. I’m getting out of this Jewish mess and am gonna do something positive for the world once I get my ducks in a row to escape wage cuckoldry
Fresco is the best meme in a year nerd any white collar wagie can completely relate

>> No.12390114

What sort of job do you do now?

>> No.12390115

Thank you senpai

>> No.12390144
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Quack quack, anon.

>> No.12390355

Not sure what you mean by quack quack fren

>> No.12390444
File: 123 KB, 580x601, guts pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit I could quit I have roughly 30k in savings but I’m afraid to walk away from a “career”
>I’m afraid to walk away from a “career”
>I’m afraid
You said it not me. Don't be a bitch, I had maybe $1,000 saved up (paid off all my college loans immediately like an idiot) and rent was gonna be due. Hunger will get you to survive. Is it worth it to be treated like shit for the rest of your life? 300 applications and only one hired you? They don't give a fuck about you anon, you shouldn't about them.

Kne- fuck he got to it before me. >>12389672
Side gigs can be real estate, social media marketing, even a fucking dog walker, there are some in NYC getting paid 6 figures and owning a business for 7 figures afterwards. I can't help you find a side gig, you need to find out yourself.

That's the only use of college, networking. Anything that isn't an Ivy League or top tier and you're just among walking shit. Bezos is probably the best known for doing this, working at D.E. Shaw.
>"bull gates drupped out"
He dropped out of motherfucking Harvard? Can you even afford a week at Harvard? Before that, Bill Gates went to Lakeside which was basically dual enrollment for rich kids, where he played with computers all day and night. End this meme
Trade schools at least have an end game, colleges don't. If you're going into HVAC, more power to you, you can even start your own business after a while.

Good luck, know that luck is opportunity+preparation.

>> No.12390614
File: 225 KB, 1080x1065, 1546369560787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retired millionaire boomer here....(i sharted today)

You just dont understand; self improvement is way ((((they)))) want you to react to (((them))) making the game harder each fuckin generation

Us millenials r fucked. Just get rich like i did and quit

>> No.12390726

It gets better once you learn to game the system

>Come in late; leave early
>1 hour shits
>Fake meetings and go home
>Learn to do things as quick as possible, but hand in minimum... Build up completed shit to allow you to do less daily
>Always look busy so nobody dumps shit on you

>> No.12390761

>always look busy so nobody dumps shit on you
>1 hr shits

this is excellent advice, has actually worked wonders for me
you don't owe your employer anything, they dont give a fuck about you

>> No.12390870

>have a side gig I’m not going to go into detail on what it is but it makes more than my job and let’s just say it’s a little “risky”.

>probably a drug dealer

tic us a gram lad i'll pay you back next week honest

>> No.12391225

>social media marketing
>real estate
Oh so I have to be a social Chad type, got it

>> No.12391240

>This is how most billionaires got started before they went out on their own.
I'm always amazed by the career history of American billionaires, especially finance ones. They're all the same: graduate from Ivy-League business school, go to work for a big bank or hedge fund, quit and set up their own hedge fund, become a billionaire, end of story.

>> No.12392236

3 income streams at all times anon. Never dip to below two.
1. is day money for living expenses plus 10% boomer 401k shecklestein sacrifice.
2. is your side gig business that you will use to make you as much money as your day job.
3 is your other income stream, doesnt have to be fully developed, its there in case one of your other falls through.
Never ever be able to not walk away anon.