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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12388712 No.12388712 [Reply] [Original]

>be me yesterday
>go to graduate assessment centre in London for prestigious job
>explore London after getting there in the morning
>walk through University of London area and see people in the primes of their lives
>every young person's genetics seemed better than ever like humanity is evolving in real-time and leaving my already doomed generics behind; even many women were almost as tall as me (Br
>go to British museum to feel sad
>walk through hip Old Street and feel sad at my wasted 20s
>get to assessment centre at 3 pm
>have to sit with other candidates, who are zoomers who talked about how much they travel etc while I'm 28
>all four girls were normiethots and one was an off the charts GIGA-Stacey; being in their presence depressed me
>first task is to write a report
>found it easy (they would never risk eliminating normies through something too hard)
>second task required me to give a presentation and answer easy questions
>probably did badly because I'm not high energy; I'm an ugly beta with a non posh voice
>third task was an interview by two smug roasties who were probably younger than me
>one was in HR, the other was doing the job I was interviewing for
>was asked braindead competency questions that I stumbled through (with appropriate answers but they'll probably fail me due to some dumb shit)
>will get told result on Monday

This is just depressing. I can't pass job interviews to save my life. The only assessment centres I've passed had no interviews and just tested me with tasks.

I'm currently binging on McDonalds.

>> No.12389083

Bump bump

>> No.12389140

Fake it till you make it cuntflaps. By all rights I should be truly unemployable, yet with some creative dressage on my CV and a confident approach to interviews, I’ve never been rejected from a job offer. Maintain eye contact, speak slowly clearly and loudly. Don’t be afraid of silence while you compose yourself before giving an answer, if anything it bolsters your aura.

>> No.12389251

Most depressing thread ever.

>> No.12389296

Walk around The City if you really want to KYS. Anywhere around Liverpool Street, all the well-dressed bankfags marching around doing their bit to control the planet through financial manipulation.

Actually, anywhere in London is suicide-inducing. I fucking don't know why I didn't move there ten years ago. Well, I do: I spent all my energy on weightlifting and forums, LOL.

>> No.12389308

Are u gonna spend ur whole life making these threads? Kys and take out some niggers or Muslims with u

>> No.12389313

are you coffee anon? seen any girls driving off in audis recently?

>> No.12389336

I had a lot of interviews like this then one day I just got the call to tell me I got the job. Didn't think I'd done well at all, it's just a numbers game unless you're a chad

>> No.12389737
