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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12387558 No.12387558 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, people are waking up to the way the banks are. This whole group mentality way of life needs exiled. Credit cards, outrageous interest rates, income tax, capital gains tax, death tax, tax for buying stuff with the money that has already been taxed WTF! The value of currency has plummeted. You used to be able to support a family off of the man of the household working. Now you're lucky to get by if you and your spouse work. Time to back the truck up and buy some BTC, Nauticus, Ethereum, EOS, ADA.

>> No.12387598

Personne ne sait ce qui se passe aujourd'hui
parce que personne ne veut qu'il se passe quelque chose,
en réalité on ne sait jamais ce qu'il se passe
on sait seulement ce que l'on veut qu'il se passe,
et c'est comme ça que les choses arrivent.
En 17 Lénine et ses camarades ne disaient pas:
Nous allons faire la révolution parce que nous voulons la révolution.
Ils disaient "Toutes les conditions de la révolutions sont réunies,
la révolution est inéluctable!"
Ils ont fait la révolution qui n'aurait jamais eu lieu,
s'il ne l'avait pas faite et qu'il n'aurait pas faite
s'ils n'avaient pas pensé qu'elle était inéluctable uniquement parce qu'ils le voulaient.
A chaque fois que quelque chose a bougé dans ce monde ça a toujours été pour le pire!
Voilà pourquoi personne ne bouge,
personne n'ose provoquer l'avenir!
Faudrait être fou pour provoquer l'avenir
Faudrait être fou pour risquer de provoquer un nouveau 19, un nouveau 14, ou un nouveau 37.
Alors, il ne se passera jamais plus rien?
Si parce qu'il y aura toujours des fous et des cons pour les suivre
Et des sages pour ne rien faire...

>> No.12387609

they're protesting taxes are not high enough, and that there's not enough niggers
bunch of cucks got what they deserved

>> No.12387617

J'ai arretee de lire ici.

>> No.12387632

I agree that it is a shame, a non violent approach is always the best option. We need unity like how labor unions were back in the 30s and 40s. I'm not from France, but I've visited the country before. Hopefully this dilemma gets resolved.

>> No.12387643

90% tax is in order + more foreigners who can ruin the country. Sounds like cough America cough liberals

>> No.12387651
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>a non violent approach is always the best option
>We need unity like how labor unions were back in the 30s and 40s
gramps you're sperging again, take those dementia pills

>> No.12387678

dumbest shit ive read, written by someone with no understanding of the russian revolution

>> No.12387685

>buy my bags please
No way Im touching those chink scams, we need to create a new world currency.

>> No.12387698


it's a song from troublemakers - get misunderstood

quantic remix is very cool.

>> No.12387715

read my post above dumbfag

>> No.12387722

juden raus

>> No.12387750
File: 543 KB, 809x867, 50B60D7C-5FCF-4F98-8804-91A3468D41E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12387778


People like credit and loans. You can buy everything now instead of later. It's not as fun when you are a maxed out wage slave tho that can barely finish the month.

If people actually used their brain to think for themselves things would be different.

>> No.12387787

They're protesting kikes and rapefugees destroying their country, shill

>> No.12387805

not true, they're niggerlovers and they're complaining that the policies they voted for (shitton of welfare) actually fuck their real wages
fucking morons just nuke france

>> No.12387824

literally targeting banks, including rothschilds, and namedropping them

based and redpilled as fuck. the french are doing what other populations don't dare. the cat is out of the bag and they can't simply be called antisemitic and nazis or criminal rioters and marginalized. This is the first time a population has been able to point the blame where it belongs (politicians, banks, shadow ruler aristocracy) and the MSM not being able to effectively paint them as villains and marginalize them before they grow big.

>> No.12387837

Well actually not the first time. The other times were the times before revolutions in Germany and Russia. Bullish as fuck for humanity. The narrative imposed by the powers that be and the self censorship in what one says and thinks due to fear of the mind police is breaking.

>> No.12387861
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>they're niggerlovers
Nah, the government forced this upon them. They're literally burning banks now and there's talk of organized bank runs

>> No.12387996

>supporting people fighting against banks and hoping that it will make him rich thanks to crypto
>not realising that he will be their next target

They just want free money out of hardworking and/or smart people to palliate their own inability to raise above their condition

“The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

>> No.12388042
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1532470009818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're coming for your house wagie

>> No.12388048
File: 61 KB, 431x574, tumblr_m4urxw7wl01r2rvfeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I hope lots of people get hurt & killed.

>> No.12388060


>> No.12388090

Don’t overestimate yellow vests.
There movement is actually fading away. Media are talking all day long about them because people are watching the weekly protests like a TV show.
There were only 50000 protestors last week (only 4000 in Paris), they could barely fill a soccer stadium.

>> No.12388096


>> No.12388103


Cops will stick their tonfa in the protestors asses as soon as they have the green light. There is nothing to be scared about.

>> No.12388115

This is France that we are talking about. Europeans are generally a lot less addicted to credit cards and taking on loans.

The French are particularly woke on some topics like the Rothschild family and the influence they yield.

>> No.12388128

fucking pajeet
shoo shoo

>> No.12388144

Hahaha you don’t understand shit dude! They are all fucking wagies who work at Mcdonalds or equivalents and they would be happy with that If everybody were in the same miserable shit than them

>> No.12388180

Damn there are so many trans-rich oligarchy cocksuckers here.


>> No.12388217

>only 4000 in Paris
reported by the media?
played down since weeks? lol

>> No.12388228

“Trans-rich oligarchy”? What that even fucking mean? You are on a board called /biz/ dude.

Are you even french? Have you ever listen more than 10min of what these guys are saying. 90% non sense and 10% just plain utopia! French gave them what they wanted 1 months ago and still winning like baby! At the start it was a relevant demonstration, the remaining are now just fucking brainlets from extreme right or extreme left

This board is a joke!

>> No.12388242

Bank run is breaking captcha

>> No.12388287
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>French gave them what they wanted 1 months ago
You think this is just about gasoline prices? You don't. At least say things you believe instead of arguing with bullshit you know is bullshit.

>> No.12388309

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/199242741