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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12386750 No.12386750 [Reply] [Original]

Hows the job hunt going bizbros? Ive spent the year travelling abroad like a degenerate and have just finished drafting my resume. Hopefully I can fish something up and a year off wont be too damning to employers.

>> No.12386895

I'm about to finish grad school and I'm about to enter the job market, I spend all last month applying to things and haven't heard anything back. Hopefully link moons before June so I can spend a year teaching myself data science/machine learning.

>> No.12386908

Do you have a family member in trades that owns their own business or a friend that does? Just lie and say you were working for them and have them cover for you.

>> No.12386916

pic related is how i felt when i used to work a mcdonalds

>> No.12386921

I was working until December. My contract ended that month so i'm searching for a part time job...
I just want to make my own business, even if it's a small thing ... but im afraid of failure

>> No.12386961

Anyone have experience working abroad? I was looking at the job market in Europe (Australian national) and might try my luck, I've got technical qualifications related to the aerospace industry

>> No.12386962
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>4 months in after graduating and unemployed.

>only 2 interviews after hundreds of applications..

>still no word..

h-hang...... in there OP.

>> No.12386974

Im on the other boat, Im in Europe and id like to work in Australia. What makes you want to leave?

>> No.12386982

Both of you need to have someone look at your resume to make sure you're selling yourself right and using the right key words for whatever industry you're trying to get into. If you just downloaded a template and filled in the names of companies and positions, you're not going to get an interview.

>> No.12387010
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>hr thot
>does nothing all day gets paid on time

the end is coming, normies. nobody will be happy about it. The party is over.
horde silver and gold

>> No.12387071

With my experience,all Human Resources don't do anything and get paid

>> No.12387342

white women think the lefties are on their team. they are going to be suprised when they start getting replaced by brown women.

>> No.12387358

been unemployed since march and have been smoking weed ever since.

i need to update the resume and get a job within the next 2 months or im fucked

is there something interesting i can do with a computer science degree if im shit at progamming? i dont want to go back to IT

>> No.12387537

took me 14 months after graduation to find a job with a degree in computer science

field is too saturated, i cannot stress this enough. if you havent been programming for the past 4 years at MINIMUM your fucked seriously

>> No.12387684


I want to try living and working abroad for the experience. Europe is nice but the pay isnt as good as Australia. I was also thinking alternatively Singapore or the Middle East

>> No.12387710

had an interview for a contract position this morning. better than nothin i guess. ive been unemployed since dec 2017 livin off the crypto gains.

>> No.12387740
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I too took a year off. But instead of traveling spent my money on a commercial pilot license. I think it’s having an impact since I’ve been applying for jobs for about a good month. I told my parents who keep inquiring why no luck since I have a ton of experience in my field. I tell them the holidays affected but cannot use the excuse much longer.

I’ve been carefully swing trading to keep bills paid. One bad trade could crush me. Learning a ton more when the trades really count than say a year and half ago. Thanks Link and Neo

>> No.12387840

>several thousand dollars of unexpected expenses
>then lost my job
I have a lot of interested companies at least. Should have a new job before the end of january. RIP bank account, gonna get into credit card debt for a few months to get through it...

>> No.12387880

it's not looking so good.
2 more days to find a job or im sol.

>> No.12387952

I have a 4 year gap on my resume because of mental health.

I've decided I'll start volunteering around campus and outside of campus to hide that away. Currently volunteering at a food bank.

Will employers forgive me? Should I tell them it was mental health that left me disabled for so long. Can I point out my medication now helps?

Please Anons tell me what to do I've been looking all year.

>> No.12388203

I'm in the same boat OP but I doubt i'll swing anything beyond manual labour as I was gone for 2.5 years

>> No.12388241

apply to government jobs, theres literally so many restrictions on why they reject you, you could probably sue your way into a job for being denied due to a mental disability

>> No.12388939

by your post i presume you're in college. I don't even bother to put any of my pre-college jobs on my resume, they really don't give a fuck about your mcjob or lack of. stop being a retard.