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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12384098 No.12384098 [Reply] [Original]

take a look at this github that Alex Kwiatkowski has contributed to https://github.com/fremantle-capital/tai
is it old news? it has recent activity, i havent seen it mentioned. also is the TT connection still getting censored? bonus TT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePpPVE-GGJw

>> No.12384100

Friendly reminder SWIFT won't even be using Chainlink even when it does finally start using distributed ledger technology (which is still another 4+ years away).

Here's what it says on smartcontract.com:

"We're proud to be working with SWIFT on their own SWIFT Smart Oracle."
>their OWN SWIFT Smart Oracle
>NOT the chainlink oracle

Never forget that banks are interested in the blockchain technology, NOT some fucking ERC20 shittoken made by a russian journeyman who walked away from NXT. All you autists who are constantly harping on about "the SWIFT announcement" are absolutely deluded. It's like you just ignore what it actually says on smartcontract.com and indulge in your own deluded fantasies instead.

>> No.12384115

so salty

in other news, I think the in-q-tel tyler link is still pretty censored. it gets slid pretty quick whenever it pops up. you probably wont know if it actually ends up real or not, unlikely that will be a partnership announcement on either side

Trumps audit of the pentagon may play into it. some fucking accountability

>> No.12384140

Feels bad to have replied to a copy/paste in another thread. EDIJEehe is a faggot.

>> No.12384655

Yeah what's the deal with that tyler stuff. I haven't found anything because I'm kind of a brainlet, but it gets slid FAST so you know it's got something behind it.

>> No.12384685

tyler tech does government based software infrastructure so yeah chainlink is going to be adopted by the DoD to create more accountability and its all but confirmed thats why everyone jacks off over chainlink so much but discord fags always slide the info, pretty neat hey anon?

>> No.12384713
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Checked. Absolutely this and linkies btfo as this was their crown jewel. Nothing else matters not Amazon the government the derivatives market or another just swift banking transfers.