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File: 1.03 MB, 679x727, x4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12384012 No.12384012 [Reply] [Original]

This is an incredibly rare North Korean bank note. Only obtainable through collectors that sell it to the public who obtained it through smugglers that left North Korea.

>> No.12384021

I'll give you $5 Usd for the first one and $1 for the second one.

>> No.12384022

fuckin.... nice

>> No.12384024

who is on the first one...

>> No.12384028

I have no idea. I just got that one today too. Wanna see my entire collection, anons?

>> No.12384033
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>> No.12384041
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>> No.12384045


>> No.12384049

Tupac Amaru II, a rebellion leader.

>> No.12384052
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>> No.12384053

tasteful aesthetics/10

>> No.12384058
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>> No.12384068

>japanese pesos
wew wtf

>> No.12384073
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Japanese money during times they occupied other countries. Money teaches a lot of history

>> No.12384082
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>> No.12384086
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>> No.12384088

>be fiat money
>piece of paper that people give value to
>stop being money
>become actual piece of paper with no value
>retards buys it for actual money

>> No.12384094
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>> No.12384101
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oh hush I buy gold and silver too. I like to collect everything. I know what real money is.


>> No.12384102

is that anne frank on the bottom before the nazis?

>> No.12384104
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i collect Canadian quarters

>> No.12384108

Probably lots of fecal matter on those bills

>> No.12384109
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>> No.12384112

>the 3rd one

>> No.12384114
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it's actually in pretty pristine condition

>> No.12384120
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back of it for those who are curious


>> No.12384122

Cool stuff, OP. I get a collection itch too so iktf.

>> No.12384137
File: 2.39 MB, 1222x911, x13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks lad. Here is what I call "the whore corner". Someone on /a/ requested to do this kek

>> No.12384148

That's a decently expensive figure too.. unless it's the prize figure version. What are those huge coins?

>> No.12384173

just some copper bullion. I like to collect it just to say I have it. Same thing for the untreated ruby and sapphire. Not good investments those two pieces but I like the ability to just say "yes, I have it" should someone ask. A lot of older collectors I buy from laugh from how indirect I am when it comes to what I like to collect. They describe to me as people liking to complete one thing before moving on to another, but I am all over the place.

>> No.12384179

oh and the figure costed me like 2 or 300 bucks. It came with the pillow, blanket, and mat. She really isn't my waifu but I bought her solely for this purpose.

>> No.12384197
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other waifus 1

>> No.12384203
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other waifus 2/2

>> No.12384311
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bump, coz cash is sexy and based.

>> No.12384330

thanks anon. It is pretty damn sexy and comfy. It's fun and I literally buy it to show it to people

>> No.12384352

Damn OP this is actually a pretty cool thread. Thanks for sharing

>> No.12384374

i can just go to the dprk and ask my korean guide for one of theirs for a few dollars hardly fucking rare.

>> No.12384453

haha well I honestly like to make you guys happy. I love to entertain people with crap like this and if people ever come over I show them this stuff too.

I appreciate you liking this though anon.

>> No.12384468

Fiat is for peasants. Do you collect dog turds too?

>> No.12384490

people collect all sorts of things. I recognize the uselessness of fiat currency to buy it for fun and for a conversation starter for people who get into bullion collecting. I collect gold, silver, copper, gems, coins, stamps, fiat currency both usable and retired, pins, comic books, etc.
What do you collect?

>> No.12384571

Neat thread OP. Make collections great again.

Collections have no utilitarian purposes, opposite of most things in our modern world. Utilitarian objects are designed without a soul, meaning and are simply disposable tools.

Collections are a beautiful expression of personal interest and of the soul. Expression of learning, not utilitarian knowledge, but knowledge that personally enriches. I regret not building my foreign currency collection more. When I got older it seemed like a waste of time and money, but now I regret falling into the utilitarian trap and not expanding it.

>> No.12384884
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This is really cool. I've always been fascinated with currencies framed on the walls when I've visited historical sites or museums. Got a shitty touristy bag of confederate coins at the Lincoln memorial but I'd love to get a real collection going one of these days

>> No.12384903

underrated, kek'd audibly

>> No.12384915
File: 69 KB, 960x948, EEED4F4B-A597-4A97-9E24-3E683473ECF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t believe you’ll see the occasional negative comment in these sort of threads. People really love to project their inner sorrows into others. Shameful.

>> No.12385010
File: 1.61 MB, 320x240, 3nSPQh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the best biz threads in a while, thank you

>> No.12385030


Why is there dutch language on the japenese bank notes? The top one says "de japanse regering" which means "the japanese government". It even says "tien gulden", or "ten guilders"?

>> No.12386185

>He doesn't have the old £5 note.

When did you start? Last week?

>> No.12386244

Haha."incredibly rare" Their current market value is $1 and I know this because I own some myself. For a considerable amount of more money I got an uncut sheet of them banknotes that was stolen from the main North Korean bank.

>> No.12386268

post the proof of your uncut sheet anon

>> No.12386284
File: 101 KB, 843x523, north-korea-2006-5000-won-24in1-uncut-banknote-unc-tube-cyteoh09-1506-07-cyteoh09@37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is not mine, but you can buy them here if you want.


>> No.12386306

Seeing that ugly 20 euro note is triggering me, because I have to use those

>> No.12386461
File: 741 KB, 1625x2081, IMG_20190109_063834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga. I really like your entire collection. I think my figurine collection is more expensive, but you have more money and shiny things. I need to start collecting some coins, stones and jewelry.

>> No.12386472

I think thats a Dutch banknote. The Dutch had exclusive trading rights with Japan when the Nips were trying to stop the Christians from destroying their culture.

>> No.12386484
File: 1.18 MB, 3499x2046, IMG_20190109_064308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of me. Don't judge the dust, I need to put Yui away and do some spring cleaning. If anybody is wondering what the thing behind Yukari is, it's a model Stirling difference engine. Really fun to play with.

>> No.12386547

whats so special about a 20 euro bill?

>> No.12386573

Ask Otto Warmbier how that turned out.

>> No.12386591

it's too modern for that; the Netherlands started printing notes around 1814 and the design and language indicates this is younger.

My guess is that this currency was issued by the Japanese government during the occupation of the Dutch East Indies (current day Indonesia).

>> No.12386596

Nah, it’s bank note from when the Japanese occupied the Dutch East Indies.

>> No.12386676

MoneyAnon, why no Malaysian ringgit?

>> No.12386712


Patrician taste anon. Shame Toriyama forgot she exists

>> No.12386746

I like your collection
I wish I had one like that
I used to have a ton of coins, but someone stole it :c

>> No.12386791

I only got weird notes from Arab countries

>> No.12387075
