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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 680x716, MOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12382957 No.12382957 [Reply] [Original]

holy frick !! sirs !!!

>> No.12382998

30% up isn't moon, imbecile.

>> No.12383004

It’s getting HOT in here

>> No.12383022

fuck off stinky linky

>> No.12383024

woiw !!

>> No.12383042

Once it gets anywhere close to 22 sats, all those bagholders from months ago are going to dump HARD. I missed out on this pump, but i'll keep an eye on it when the red candles hit.

>> No.12383053
File: 35 KB, 336x252, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 9.59.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once it gets anywhere close to 22 sats
how mut closer sir ??

>> No.12383066
File: 232 KB, 416x1524, up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12383072

I once bought 10 million TRX when it was 41 satoshis and sold it at 102 instead of the all time high. I will not make this same mistake

>> No.12383085

that's still a respectable gain, lad

>> No.12383090

The threshold for selling in the red or selling in the green is a 3-sat window. The orders at 22 were astronomical and this rally is their ticket out.

>> No.12383101


Oh, you mean once it doubles? Yeah... doubling your fucking money in a week is so shitty. Better buy 0xBTC or SKY or whatever curry piece of shit you're holding, right?

>> No.12383106

unironically its gonna dump, it went up too quick.

>> No.12383120

Jesus Christ. How much did you miss out on total?

>> No.12383122

prepare for take-off -

>> No.12383133


If it's like the previous pumps, it'll still spike for a little longer, then slowly retrace to about 50% above where it started. Not bad, anon. There is actual news driving this pump--Weiss rating getting normie money into it, Holoports shipping soon, token swap to Holofuel in a few weeks, etc. As far as normie money goes, this will be the next TRX or XRP but an actual good project, too. This shit will be a $1b project by this time next year.

>> No.12383136

It's doubling for you, perhaps, but I was specifically referring to the people still holding from the previous rally in September 2018 waiting to get out.

>> No.12383140

pretty sure tron reached about 0.28 cents so you do the quick math on that

>> No.12383153

why aren't they dumping now?

>> No.12383161
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>It's doubling for you, perhaps, but I was specifically referring to the people still holding from the previous rally in September 2018 waiting to get out.
>September 2018 was 6 years ago

>> No.12383166

because if they bought at 22 sats, they won't see profit until it hits 23, which effectively means they have to wait until it hits 24 to liquidate their holdings in a practical manner.

>> No.12383182
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>> No.12383310
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>> No.12383438


>> No.12383448

Once we pass 30 it’s easy to 100

>> No.12383472

would be funny if the sheer volume of it took the thin order book by surprise and the bots weren't able to keep up or something

>> No.12383484

>once you pass 30

every single bagholder that bought at 10 sats will be dumping on you

>> No.12383492

it's 19-20 sats right now so they could already virtually double their money by dumping right this second, i really don't think 30 is some magic threshold

>> No.12383540

people who bought at 10 sat know this is going to 100+ satoshis probably 1000+

>> No.12383603

Don't sell till you think we're at the top boyos. Till then just keep on accumulating and you'll all be fine. Don't forget to pay your local IRS goy

>> No.12383627

you think now is a good time to buy?

>> No.12383656

Correct. Plus 10 sats is worth about half as much now as it did then. So, technically they're still BTFO.

>> No.12383730

Yes you ALL bought at 11 sats

>> No.12383759

Kek, imagine not buying millions of these the second it hit Idex last April. No one gives a fuck about pajeets who are FOMOing in now. This is going to moon HARD between now and Q4 2020.

>> No.12383805

2.7 million

>> No.12383855

Imagine buying this garbage vaporware at literally 20x the ICO price. Holy shit.

>> No.12383903

My buys are between 60 and 120 gwei, which is 3-6x ICO and cheaper than we're at now, even adjusting for the market crash. I am sitting comfy, now cope harder.

>> No.12383925

Enjoy your worthless biz whale bags.

>> No.12383941

holochain is centralized

>> No.12383962

I have spent the last two years autistically trying to make sense of this space and this project is in my top 5, hands down. Please share with us what coins you are following so we can all discern if your opinions are even worth the space that that they take up in my browser's cache. If you're a bitcoib maximalist I'll pay respects even though it's a literal boomer mentality to have in the year of our Lord (2015+3).

>> No.12383973


>> No.12383981

btc, eth, monero, xrp, xlm

>> No.12383982

+4* kek it's late. I'll see what you decide to share with us when I wake up, nighty night fren.

>> No.12383995

First 3 are good, last two are literal scams. I give it a 6/10 leddit-tier rating

>> No.12384002

Been seeing a lot of paid holo shills lately. Fucking shit coin with the worst fucking memes ever. Great jobs guys, really.

>> No.12384006

>Fucking shit coin with the worst fucking memes ever. Great jobs guys, really.

Nah, their memes are great and actually funny and clearly made for /biz/, where's the LINK shill memes are stupid and fuck and clearly made for facebook/reddit yet posted on /biz/ too. HOLOCHAD meme marketer man, you are based.

>> No.12384026


If it’s still under $0.001, whatever that is in sat value today, it’s a good time to buy.

>> No.12384038


This has more organic shilling than you know. I’ve not seen a clearly paid shill on here DESU. The paid SKY shills are fucking ridiculous. The LINK shills are just boring now.

>> No.12384047


Kek. You fell for the Reddit “Blue Chip Crypto” meme hard, didn’t you?

>> No.12384250

>actually funny
>made for biz
Go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.12384268

It's up over 90% for the week, retardfaggotkike.

>> No.12384276
File: 77 KB, 301x284, 1546394696010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg one thousandth of a penny monopoly money!!

Honestly nipmoot needs to ban these threads

Please refer to my gains


>> No.12384286


>> No.12384596

centralized shitcoin.. they hired the pajeet spam marketing company that link uses

>> No.12385035

>holochain is centralized
Riiiiiiiight. Lol. Holochain will be the most distributed system out when they launch the network. Nice try though.

>> No.12385392

It's the skytards projecting. They are raiding telegram too at this very moment.

>> No.12385400

they already sold before this pump even started

>> No.12385436
File: 62 KB, 1152x816, pajeets holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

india win at the end strongest country of all we all make it sirs

>> No.12385590
File: 158 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-01-08-14-55-49-264_com.android.chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this retard posting this old pic in every thread. At least extract the new trend retard