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12381608 No.12381608 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Millennials move to rural areas if they complain so much about how high rent is in urban area?

>> No.12381642

Because they are dumb.

>> No.12381659


>> No.12381665

Because instead of rent you'll have to sink money into a car and deal with retarded rednecks

>> No.12381669

Literally this.

How tf am I supposed to find a decent job in a place where there isn't even people or businesses to hire me?

>> No.12381671

>moves to bumphicktown, landlocked state
>overqualified for literally all companies
>tfw this is what an elite is being like

>> No.12381679

apricot toast

>> No.12381684

Because they don't want to spend four hours of their day commuting.

>> No.12381699

Muh commute, they want to be near "the fun stuff to do" aka bars, they dumb as hell, they think only Trump supporters like rural areas

>> No.12381741

Flyover states ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.12381751

>Literally every single one of the guys on Duck Dynasty has a degree

>> No.12381773
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But it’s kinda true. I live in liberal Minnesota and outside of the couple urban counties, the rest of Minnesota voted trump.

>> No.12381785

Oh I know, but they think all rural people are dumb and just see everything as black or white

>> No.12381836
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Most millennials

>> No.12381848

Because why would anyone want to live in a rural area? I'd rather be poor as fuck and be in or near a cultural center.

>> No.12381874

Go look at a map. Every single blue county is an urban center and every red county is some bumfuck rural county. 95% of counties with more than 500k people voted Dem last election.

>> No.12381893
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>rural retards aren't actually retarded
>trust me

>> No.12381895

If i lived in a rural area, all i would do is watch porn and drink. It would get old really fast. Plus living inna rural area isn't really feasible anymore unless you own a farm or can work from home on your laptop. Lots of unemployment and meth use in rural areas these days.

>> No.12381954

I live in a rural area and use a big metal horse with wheels to do things

>> No.12381972

I lived in a rural area and used a small electronic carrier pigeon to send and receive messages from my friends.

>> No.12382494

this. all I ever wanted was to settle in bumfuck nowhere and keep animals and avoid people. instead i have to spend my day in an open office and be constantly bombarded with left wing NPC chatter. us wagies are literally modern day serfs.

>> No.12382528

Grew up in a rural area. No fucking thanks.

>> No.12382549

>>Literally every single one of the guys on Duck Dynasty has a degree
Literally every single one of the guys on duck dynasty is a business man larping as an actor cashing in on the Beverly hillbillies meme.

>> No.12382595


>> No.12382600

So much this

>> No.12382627

>implying you do anything other than watch porn and drink anyway

>> No.12382650

If I had free Internet and an animal farm (or alternatively selling meat for Internet), I would

>> No.12382658


Rural areas generally don’t have the same opportunities that cities do. You aren’t going to find many big firms, tech hubs etc... kind of a vicious cycle.

>> No.12382662

I've done both.
I think the main hurdle is to live in the country you hafta buy a house, truck/car and do all the shit to take car of house/land etc.
Yes, it's an asspain to drive a half hour to get anything.
Yes, can be boring - but also able to have bonfires, hiking, hunting, fishing, wildlife, homestead etc.
City Life ain't bad, I live in the rich/Jew section of a new England city now. Pluses, biz connections, social networks for more biz, good food, convenience, less community than the country, traffic sucks.
Actually thinking of moving back out to the country now.
Politics aside, there are tons of stereotype Bernie/Clinton Jews where I live but it doesn't come up. Lots of nra/trump kinda swamp Yankees where I lived in the woods too, but I guess I'm not triggered by people having different beliefs than me.
...besides the born again/jehovas witness cunts that hafta bang on my door at 8:30am on a Saturday. But that happens in both places desu

>> No.12382685
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Because no one wants to hang out with 60 year olds while making only $30k a year out in the middle of nowhere you fucking boomer.

>> No.12382696

>Rednecks bad
>junkies, feminists, nigs and beaners good
City fags get what they deserve.

>> No.12382713

City poor fag detected.

>> No.12382751

You have to get lucky, there are certain areas where it would be very beneficial to live rural without driving more than an hour. I knew of such places, it's possible anons, I live there. You can get a comfy part time post office job, work from home, or get two jobs and make 700 a week and literally pay for nothing but electricity and internet.

>> No.12382773


>cultural centre

Wow, your McDonald's and Starbucks are so much more exciting than the ones in the next two.

>> No.12382801
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Roads. As America continues to decline its infrastructure will crumble. Many rural areas already have questionable roads, electricity, etc. I suspect they will devolve into third world tier conditions as the century wears on.

>> No.12382836

because of the system of wage slavery

>> No.12383256

Thanks to the opioid crisis the rural areas are getting almost as bad as the cities. Hell, the suburbs and rural areas are becoming the new ghettos.

>> No.12383348

I can't even afford to live rurally, the boomers and chinks own every piece of land available, the rest is crown land that won't get released in order to artificially inflate the housing market even further so boomer politicians and their connections have better portfolios.
t. Australian

>> No.12383406

I watched Sakura Quest and that convinced me to move to the countryside after I have enough cash to retire. Rural areas in America are just like rural areas in Japan right?

>> No.12383417

No rural areas in the US that aren't filled with mexican laborers have tons of boomers and other old faggots who hate everyone else. There is no community. It's just old people sitting on land.

>> No.12383426

How many ivy league schools & museum do you have in walking distance to your house anon?
The culture thing isn't a meme

>> No.12383469
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do u lads want to start some rural anime meme colonies

>> No.12383485

count me in

>> No.12383539

>TFW I moved to a rural town for work
>it was the only job I could get as on one was hiring at the time and they couldn't find anyone with an education and experience in my niche industry
>20k signing bonus because they couldn't find anyone qualified in the shit town
>No on gives a fuck and is always chill, this is redneck country and shit moves slower
>Rent half is of what the city would be

>> No.12383609

What is happening to the old ghettos then?

>> No.12383613
File: 582 KB, 1024x783, pa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks pretty comfy
>40 acres, avg. $1500/acre
>2 ponds
>1 mile from river, nice flood buffer
>reasonably close to I-80 and small pockets of civilization but far away enough that its too inconvenient to cuck
this was literally one of the first things i found too. there's probably much better out there..

>> No.12383619
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>> No.12383658

Why is “jobs” not the main topic of discussion with regards to this thread? Wtf

>> No.12383680

Gentrification wiped out the ghettos in a lot of cities and pushed the hoodrats out to the burbs. Washington DC is the best example of this.

>> No.12383698

Can confirm. They all moved to Ft Washington.

>> No.12383709

>overeducated philosophizing professors

Keep it.

>> No.12383719

The idea is to save enough money to buy a cheap house in the rural areas. Once your house is paid for you don't need much money. Even a social security check would be enough to live on.

>> No.12383729
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>muh professors
God why do all boomers think we still live in the 70s?

>> No.12383734

Sure but that takes years (decades), not really realistic for a recent grad, or even someone in their 30s

>> No.12383740

Redevelopment into apartments for boomer and the Chinese to invest in.

>> No.12383914

Not a boomer, Im a millenial. College is a scam nowadays and most museums are just places to hoard old bullshit. I wonder how much of my taxes go to those types of places and about how much they pay in taxes as well. Same with churches, there is one on every corner.

Places that are meant to be for higher learning are conveniently money making machines.

>> No.12383948

hahaha that dude looks like Ronald McDonald

>> No.12383950

If you live in a city center all you do is watch porn and drink, except you have to stare at the disease that is the modern world the entire time.

Once chainlink makes me rich I'm moving to the woods where I'll never have to look at fucking cancerous glass monoliths ever again

>> No.12383954

Even if the show was real, they all work for the family business because nobody else has work in bumblefuck nowhere.

>> No.12383974

>biz connections
how do you meet people in your business? Do you just talk to random strangers or are there meetups?

>> No.12384031

We all just need to LARP as hippies and slowly invade an egalitarian commune somewhere. Once there are enough of us we'll stage a coup and claim the land for us in the name of tolerance.