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12380351 No.12380351 [Reply] [Original]

If you've seen Vitalik in person you quickly realize that his days are numbered. He looks like a skeleton with advanced AIDS. Ethereum is an insanely high-risk investment because it is lead by Vitalik as the benevolent dictator. Once he dies so will the project.

>> No.12380369

Imagine what will happen when he goes to jail for fraud. He won't last a day in the joint. Blacc guys like skinny white boys.

>> No.12380662


Yeah I've known guys with the same look and facial sores. Adderall and or meth abuse.

>> No.12380933

That would also explain why he looks like a starving African child.

>> No.12381523

cult of personality. when vitalik departs ETH is done for. risky as fuck holding a coin like that with any cult leader... bit when the leader is a meth head... jesus fuck

>> No.12381619
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1. Vitalik donated a large sum to SENS, a life extension research organization.
2. Caloric restriction is the best tested method we currently have for living longer.
3. Acne is very common among young people with very low mortality rates and has not been linked to increased mortality.
4. You all sound fat.

>> No.12381649

There is a difference between fasting and obvious malnutrition

>> No.12381964

People who practice fasting are healthy looking. This guy is dying.

>> No.12381984


m8 you have to do better than be bubbleboy if you don't want your arms to get blown off by a stiff breeze.

>> No.12382005
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He's just a typical autist who hates eating or has a hundred food intolerances that prevent him from even assimilating the nutrients of food even if it gets in his stomach.

He's not going to die, he's going to hit middle age and then blow up like a Sergey.

>> No.12382031


>> No.12382054

He is vegan. He supposedly has some crazy high IQ, and he's vegan.

If he doesn't change his diet in a few years he won't be around for very much longer. He is malnourished.

>> No.12382090

Autism, many have huge problems eating a varied, healthy diet coupled with apathy towards personal care.
Many autismos will only eat goldfish & sour patch kids then only shower once a week.
What he needs is a nutritionist &or a caregiver of some sort

>> No.12382105

>2. Caloric restriction is the best tested method we currently have for living longer.
sauce on this?

>> No.12382114
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If you look centenarians most of them look like Vitalik and you will not find a single Fluffy pony amongst them

>> No.12382120

>not going on /pol/ for literal years
>Not knowing the most basic of shit that gets posted on /pol/

Never going to make it

>> No.12382123

Caloric restriction is not fasting, totally unrelated concept here. He looks like a typical CRON ractitioner. Crazy as it sounds, caloric restriction typically leaves a person weighing less than a fat person.

>> No.12382129


If he dies price will prob drop for a week or so cause of fear, but meh

>> No.12382266


By the way, for those who've yet to take the plunge:

[INSERT TEMPLATE] An all plant-based whole foods diet is the diet for human animals. Yes, a vegan diet can be made unhealthy should you eat highly processed, nutrient absent foods. [/INSERT TEMPLATE]


>> No.12383169

Monero will fail because it is used for cheeeze pizzarinos. Screencap dis.

>> No.12383191
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>> No.12383198

seriously what’s wrong with him? it’s more than just autism.

>> No.12383210
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He's into CP and ZK-SNARKS. Get a clue brainlet.

>> No.12383237

>Adderall and or meth
Almost the same thing.

>> No.12383245

Maybe for rats but rats are not humans.

>> No.12383247

VB dying would be bullish for Ethereum long term. The quieter he is the better it does.

>> No.12383262

>He is vegan.
Makes sense why he has little to no muscle. Not getting enough protein.

>> No.12383373

he's not a pedo, he's just an autistic calculating machine. He was trying to be logical there, probably didn't even realize how it could hurt some normies feefees

>> No.12383374

You both bit hard. But anyway, true privacy connoisseurs use DAPS.

>> No.12383388

He's definitely not vegan. He said something about not eating chicken cuz of some abuse they go through though. He's like the creator of the programming language python, likes to try a lot a bunch of new additions in the technology. Some may be good some unnecessary complexity.

>> No.12383413
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Vitamin Butter will be the first immortal cyborg. Stay mad meatbags, and definitely stay fat.

>> No.12383573

Is there any chance that this will break $1,000 again? I only have two ETH, but I'm still curious. All of my money is in Alteryx.

>> No.12384635

It depends on how soon Vitalik dies.

>> No.12385470

I suspect some actual underlying condition that may be undiagnosed. The guy is in his early 20s and looks like he is in his 80s.

>> No.12385863

he looks like he masturbates 20 times a day and never showers

>> No.12386814

Unlikely this year

>> No.12387188

Wrong. I think he will last until ETH is completed.

In his state he could easily last a few decades.

The human body is stronger than you think.

>> No.12387265

He has acne because he must eat some junk food or take methamphetamine or both.

Wouldn't be bad for him to eat cleaner. Stop every process food.

In any case he has to keep being functional for a few years then he should take it easier.

>> No.12387344
File: 100 KB, 550x499, chadlik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except hes actually swole as fuck and would impregnate your wife with twins with a single drop of his cum

>> No.12388397

>obvious face-picker
Color me surprised.

>> No.12388424

Can we meme his dead again?

>> No.12388441

He already has a boyfriend

>> No.12388446

By 2020 Vitamin B will leave everyone in the dust with his massive gainz

>> No.12388460

Sounds like the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla to me
>dies penniless

>> No.12388486

SENS is actually trying to cure ageing which means we will be able to live for several centuries. Pretty cool.

>> No.12388534

It's amphetamine abuse.
I literally work with drug addicts and this is exactly how they all look.
I'd say he goes days without leaving his computer not eating and barely consuming any liquids. When he does have to pee it's likely in a water bottle he keeps under his desk.
You kids need to get out a little more and look at what drug addicts look like.

>> No.12388711

Being extremely skinny is still healtier than being exremely overweight

>> No.12390173
File: 1.41 MB, 1050x1400, gym class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't matter if he's a pedo. half the world are closet pedos. people are becoming more and more open about it.

i can just imagine how accepted it will be in 25 years. older generations are dead, few still actually believe in God and most women by then have camwhored themselves since they were 12 years old

>> No.12390954

eth doesn't have a benevolent dictator it's a random bunch of a thousand devs 99 percent of whom are retarded all fighting over a bucket to shit in