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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12374878 No.12374878 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone feeling sorry for Linkies?

Imagine not selling at 12k sats, and watching it predictably fall to 9k

They actually fell for the moon meme, and thought it was going to keep going up forever

>> No.12374901

Except it's literally pumping right now
Target: 20k sats

>> No.12374921

The price before mainnet means fuck all to me.

>> No.12374930
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blz anon don'd hobe me id hurds ebn

>> No.12374960
File: 18 KB, 650x366, f184b04e0e5d6c246b9a07d0d6e1ba99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all
they shoved this cancer down everyone's throats all last year and got 28 cents eoy ($999.72 off the mark and down considerably in sats from when it first started getting shilled here)
>pic related

pure cope

>> No.12374985
File: 605 KB, 983x1146, bitchpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having 10K linkies but selling at 12k sats then rebuying at 9k sats, then getting used to it until you get to 50K linkies, then selling at 15k sats to get more, and watching the biggest green dildo history has ever seen and then when you fomo and click market buy you only get 100 linkies.
Imagine killing yourself because you could've had 10K linkies if you weren't a degenerate

>> No.12374987

>pic related
what is that anyway? some suicide?

>> No.12375007

They all ascended that day.

>> No.12375011
File: 11 KB, 220x181, 220px-Heavensgatelogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkies are on the same level of delusion.. their kek-blessed digits for 1k eoy is now oddly similar to hg's holy spaceship that didnt show up when it was supposed to.

>> No.12375015
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, swingy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't imagine fren, it already happened with ETH top kek

>> No.12375019

Creepy looking but pretty sure that's a slice of ham on its face.

>> No.12375061
File: 1.82 MB, 1244x1008, yous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being in a discord

>> No.12375073

This is going to happen on a way, way bigger scale with LINK. The number of smug swing traders who are going to get caught with their pants down is immense.
I always trip out thinking how there are people who are living and breathing today who are literally going to commit suicide because they swing traded LINK at the wrong time. A sword of damocles is hanging over these people's head s and they don't even know it. They will be dead by their own hand in a couple of years and they don't even know it. Surreal.

>> No.12375085

cope harder

>> No.12375092

I concur

>> No.12375242

>seething discrod faggot desperate for (You)s
Here you go, sonny. A fresh (You) to take back to the discord.

>> No.12375250


1 rt

>> No.12375264

1 rt

>> No.12375270

Sold at 11.3k
Bought back at 10.4k baka

>> No.12375284

Yeah he killed himself when eth breached 1k lmao

>> No.12375301

Damn i realized it's just a dog with leaf of meat on it's face

>> No.12375435

Don't call him that, he suffered enough

>> No.12375467


>> No.12375498

There is no such thing as "linkies" only the whales that dumped a shit token on retards they shilled to endlessly on /biz/

>> No.12375503

>leaf of meat
uh what

>> No.12375510

fuck I thought this was a troll pic and they put a slice of ham on the dogs face, but I guess that's real because what dog would sit there with a ham on his face without trying to eat it?

>> No.12375515

Your brain tricks you into thinking it's ham because reality is too painful to imagine

Poor doggo

>> No.12375708


This pretty much.

>> No.12375875
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wow what a weak fellow
I follow crypto since early /g/ days, when everybody discussed it's mining
ltc was barely a thing
to this day I had so many opportunities to buy and hold.
And I didn't till this day.
wow so many millions lost, maybe even billions, I would have been richfag. I followed all ups and downs, i've seen everything what happened with crypto.
But hey, who cares, i'm simple man and crying over lost possible money is for weak.
He was weak. Weak should die.
I'm happy for those that bought these lottery tickets, good fellows, would drink a pint to listen to their stories. That's what I like.

>> No.12376221

>not killing his family not because it's wrong but because they're scattered all around the map
kek he got what he deserved

>> No.12376233

Extremely based anon.

>> No.12376246
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>He was weak. Weak should die.
Damn right.

>> No.12376279

I imagine a Canadian bodybuilder

>> No.12376376

Here's an updoot

>> No.12376818

will post for (you)s

>> No.12376850
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>> No.12377129

Why am I getting a hard on thinking of Link mooning, Nonlinkers and swingttraders getting btfo’edand the rest of us shitposting from Monaco

>> No.12377539
File: 909 KB, 1145x1280, 1534795263756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its our lord talking to you

>> No.12377775

OK . here's the crypto blackpill


>> No.12377867

Riddle anon here. Look into the house fire and the firefighters. The truth is out there.

>> No.12377901
File: 12 KB, 256x256, poodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky linkies will never get their moonshot, Link has been associated with racism and will not be used by any major companies