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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12372025 No.12372025 [Reply] [Original]

>Not being able to logically see Tron contains one of the best CEO's if not the best ceo on the market.
>Now the whole game is waking up to realize all the shit coins who never achieved their goals this past year
>TFW Tron did everything they said they would do and more like BUYING Bittorent (100M active users) to turn it into a powerhouse for crypto
>MFW this guy got a green light FROM FUCKING JACK MA AS A REAL PRODIGY THEN GOT MENTORED BY HIM AND YOU DUMB FUCKS put ur money into pot coins.

>Get in before its too late. You will only see more hype builds as Tron slowly climbs that ranks with more and more production, events, products.

/endrant I'm doing this cause this forum is what introduced me to tron almost 2 years ago then made me 6k within a month. Im not here to cause a "stirr" im here to pass on what I was given.

This is a top 3 crypto, dont be a fucking retard and hold some.

>> No.12372062

I have been waiting months for this signal. TRX shilling is back, sell your btc before its too take. $4k is the top, this,thread just proved it. TRX niggers hibernated for months and appear after btc pumps to $4k.

Sell now. Target $3100-3400

>> No.12372080
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I like TRX, it's just not time for it yet. It will come, but it's not now.

>> No.12372084


So what does Tron actually do besides generating announcements of their announcements?

>> No.12372087
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>Tron contains one of the best CEO's if not the best ceo on the market.
stopped reading there

>> No.12372089

She is unironically the ideal female form. 10/10

>> No.12372116

I love when faggots like you post shit like this without a counter arguement. So whats betters then bud huh? That ETH cuck that looks like hes one stomach virus away from not making it ?

>Same fags who back coins like ONT

>> No.12372140

What does tron do?

>> No.12372159
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stopped reading there

>> No.12372164
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Another cuck who doesnt offer a valid counter as to WHY trx is bad.

>hurr durr ya dood its bad cause trust me I said the word nigger so im hardcore AF
>na your some 100 pound or 350+ pound cuck who feels power saying a racist term anonymously. Which btw im pretty sure is linked to some fucking mental disorder you faggots have or massive insecurity.

>Oh you mean the 100+ current DAPPS running on the fucking network in a month? At this rate they will pass ETH in a few months and its a much faster better foundation.

Im not shilling shit you retards. Hence me spitting facts not HuRR DuURr NaT GOod NigHer Ya Buy Dis OThEr ShIt CoIn

>> No.12372177
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Ask the Tron nigger and it's a surefire way to kill the thread with silence.

The Tron nigger has no idea what crypto is or does, and why certain coins have certain values. To them, it's like magic.

>> No.12372184

the same thing fiat money does, but there is an extra layer where you need to buy it first, and then can only use it in select locations

it's like when you go to the strippers and buy their stripper bucks. they are overpriced, unnecessary, and useless once you leave the ecosystem

>> No.12372191
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no you didnt, we all know that. You beta fuck.

>> No.12372232
File: 100 KB, 646x908, tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly. trons entire foundation is based on a decentralized economoy within the platform. Meaning there are ways to generate income through a variety of different options in Entertainment or games that will only grow.

Normies at the core only want distractions. Add an incentive that they can make "money" playing games or sharing content and now you know why this is such a big deal.

Now add in that dApps are actually working correctly and there are tons of games people are playing daily that they are making money from. In a BEAR market.

>I can keep going with more info if you want you beta cuck. I can tell how much of a real passive bitch you are by that meme. I bet you dress like shit, eat like shit and think thats a win against the system huh?

Anymore low testastarone retards want some?

>> No.12372251

I would rather have justin organize a parade than vitali. Autistics organize shitty parades. Even the ones who are autistic about parades don"t get parades.

>> No.12372256

>Now add in that dApps are actually working correctly and there are tons of games people are playing daily that they are making money from. In a BEAR market.

what volume is "tons"? how much are people making, where do we see that?

>> No.12372310

100+ within a month and this is only the beginning.

Checkout tronvegas, the trondogs game, there is a tron fishing game to name a few. All allow you to earn tron as you play. People like tryvon james have bots set up playing all day so they earn a small amount every day.

>> No.12372319
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>> No.12372325 [DELETED] 

I remember based CZ airdropped everyone some which I sold for $100 at one point....the thing about trx is it's market cap is already very high...and for this reason, I'm out.

>> No.12372348

the question was how much are people making, not where can i play a shit game.

do you even know? or has some twitter nig told you they are earning all day long

you are spot on chief, it's magic to them. screams of 13-20 year old "investors"

>> No.12372374

Where's the room for growth though? Its value is already sky-high

>> No.12372393

the dogs game will cause this critical technology to explode. People like tryvon james said so

>> No.12372407
File: 41 KB, 500x522, hurr durr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god you want me to spoon feed you things you can google on your own? Some are fucking making alot you dumb fuck and some not much. Considering I can assume the type of moron you seem like by your response. When I say "alot" it means more fucking money in a game session than you probably make in a year.

What you are really saying is im a lazy entitled fuck, how much money can i possibly make with doing the least amount of work.

>You are right. They dont have a game that makes you 31505309 tron for your 10 bucks. Coin is shit.

Yeah man Jack ma is 13. Fucking retard.

There is a reason for this im too lazy to type. You know who also has alot but will be another titan XRP.

>> No.12372430
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Fuck you! I hope you stay poor and TRX goes to fucking 0 bitch

>> No.12372482

lmao why did this make me laugh. Also why fuck you? The burn was too much

>> No.12372554

the answer is no one is making any real money. they are making some dregs of a 2 cent shitcoin

>> No.12372581

whatever lies make you sleep better is fine by me m8.

>> No.12373156

OP don't even bother. I don't even respond to people doing nothing but asking anons questions to get spoofed about shit they can google on their own. After all why would I fucking care about helping shitposters on here, as if /biz/ is some billionaire influencer?

Tron's a good value investment because of the huge disconnect between the crypto community hating it stuck in 2017 and still waiting for ETH to make them rich or some shitcoins not even in the top 100 like the speculation bubble is still going strong.

People in the community invest because they don't like the people behind projects personally, and not on things that actually matter like exposure, progress, and tech.
So fuck all of you, I'll stop by when I made it to share screencaps and then leave forever. You'll have people asking at $1 if it's a good time to invest, I guarantee it.