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File: 931 KB, 1242x1421, 3u8sdfs3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12367536 No.12367536 [Reply] [Original]

*tink tink tink*

Attention AMBros

I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.
AMB at 10k? Didnt sell.
AMB at 9k? 8k? 7k?... 3k? 2k? 1k?

Not selling.

IF you filthy kikes ever want to see these AMB again, you are going to have to pump the price to AT LEAST $100 per AMB... At which point, AGAIN, you filthy kikes, I AM NOT SELLING


>> No.12367553


>> No.12367573

You missed one

>> No.12367613

Where is BearWolf?

What is interesting is that AMB shilling kinda died down a bit over last year.

I remember Angel saying at one point last year that the bear market should be fine, since they have funds until the start of next year...well it's start of 2019, and AMB shilling is back. Coincidence? I think Angel is running out of money and needs to boost the price so he can dump and fund his project that no one wants to adopt.

>> No.12367852
File: 97 KB, 249x211, 1491467278999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute, I repeat, the absolute DELUSIONAL state of AMBlets
>AMB at 10k
Bearly Reminder AMBlets were advised to let go of their bags at
>9000 sats
>8000 sats
>7000 sats
>6000 sats
>5000 sats
>4000 sats
>3000 sats
>2000 sats YOU ARE HERE
>1000 sats
The immortal BearWolf ALWAYS wins

>> No.12367856


>> No.12367876

AMB will outperform LINK (in USD) in 2019. I bet we'll see AMB break 1billion MC before Link does.

>> No.12367910

shAMBlet delusion
The Legion will unleash a Storm of Chaos on AMBlets once main net shows zero bundles

>> No.12367993

Nah just fucking with you I don't hold any AMB or LINK I'm all in on Dragonchain, no jokes. My life is over.

>> No.12368344


>> No.12368551
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1521149466248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fake archives. AMBlet shills out in FULL FORCE to discredit the BearWolf
But the BearWolf persists

>> No.12368577
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 11238442239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake archive
Liar AND fraud confirmed

>> No.12368998


>> No.12370286

its not, just so you know. i also know you have no reason to trust anything, but im 100% sure I remember that thread, at the time i just thought it was funny

>> No.12370298

>I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.
I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.
>I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.
I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.
>I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.
I will NEVER, ever sell my AMB. LINK at 6k sats? Didnt sell.

>> No.12370312

I was in the thread too. This was just before everyone thought AMB was going to take off. It's a good sign he's back.