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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 480 KB, 660x510, Capture+_2018-08-03-17-17-28~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12363183 No.12363183 [Reply] [Original]

>start small business in hopes of eventually fucking off and playing vidya and getting high/drunkeveryday
>work 6-7 days a week in it
>use profits to help business grow
>hire teams and supervisor
>no need to to work anymore besides do meetings and payroll
>buy home and get high and drunk all day while playing PS2 games on projector
>pic related
>feel miserable still
>miss working
>miss waking up early before anyone else was up
>miss having to do something

How do you NEETs cope with this?

>> No.12363195

What kind of business

>> No.12363206

buy ps4
start growing weed as hobby

>> No.12363219

suck dicks for $1. you got nothing better to do.

>> No.12363220


But don't expect to bank on this because I mentioned this. I honestly had luck as much as I put in hard work.

>> No.12363225

I also cucked myself by automating myself out of the human experience.
>passive income
>groceries come delivered
>every purchase delivered
>every conceivable activity automated so I need to do almost nothing
Irony is now I’m bored as fuck. Might get a job just for shits and giggles even though I have literally zero “real” experience.

>> No.12363230

I have one of those in my bedroom

>> No.12363238

What a luxury it is to wake up late. Prepare your food with no hurry nor pressure.
Just "take a walk" because you have that time. All luxuries.

You've got time anon. Time is the one thing everyone wants and needs. That's enough.

>> No.12363240

you must be a 50 y/o boomer who started their business in the 80s. tradie labor can’t feed a family of 2 in this economy, faggot

>> No.12363247

I was thinking of getting an uber job so I could at least try to socialize with others but I'm afraid people might recognize me

>> No.12363256

maybe get a gf dood
also you've pretty much made it lol teach us how

>> No.12363257

I'm actually 27

>> No.12363258

You could even give free money to random people on 4chan, look at that. Amazing.

>> No.12363266

Nothing wrong with driving Uber man. Why let other people spoil your Fun?

>> No.12363268

Shut the fuck up shitskin.

>> No.12363280
File: 50 KB, 736x355, 1478678011119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are a man, you are literally a biological robot designed to pursue achievements and fuck opportunities until the day you expire. Your brain wants you to be a viking, not a bitch-titted recluse.

>> No.12363284

Lalalalalala fuck you lalala

>> No.12363295

>you've pretty much made it lol teach us how

By learning it your own way and not expecting others to teach you without any hidden ulterior motives

But honestly I can't answer your question because like I mentioned I just put in a lot of hard work and had some luck. Don't ask for advice.

>> No.12363315

In what way were you lucky?

>> No.12363383

Are you asking for advice, humble bragging, and begging the question, how do neets do it?
Is this a joke is one genuinely inquiring; how the meek know joy and the cucks who do things for others to see are driven by emptiness to double down on being OF the world and not merely IN it.

>> No.12363470


>> No.12363493

Dude I was off work sick for 2 weeks literally bored me to death I hate to think what retirement is going to do to me.

>> No.12363520
File: 445 KB, 968x928, 1540821263338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in your shoes for about 6 months, except without the luxury of financial independence. I actually did miss work and the commute like you did, however now that I'm back in it I kinda do have my regrets. I also don't like having to spend that much time with my smelly coworkers for at least 40 hours a week. So I would use that time to spend as much time as you can with your loved ones, if you have any. Or I would go volunteer at a local soup kitchen and help out a few hands.

>> No.12363540

I use uber and ive met people that are retired and do it just to get out of the house and socialize. Some of them admit they just have fun driving and talking. Just take the first step and sign up and after they agree to let you drive for them try it once a week or something.

>> No.12363541

Anyone with that level of independence that doesn't do outrageous shit is just retarded.

Go climb a mountain or motorbike across a continent.

>> No.12363573

>start small business in hopes of eventually fucking off and playing vidya and getting high/drunkeveryday
That's a good motivation to get yourself to do it I guess, but of course it won't make you happy.
You need a purpose, a passion, a hobby, something you enjoy doing where you progressively get better over time.

>> No.12363588

How long would I need to uber to pay off a lambo?

>> No.12363626

Maybe I don't feel like climbing a mountain or motocross.

>> No.12363649

Imagine making it and then discovering you don't have the creativity or imagination to live with yourself.

Get a hobby or start another business you imbecile.

>> No.12363670
File: 154 KB, 729x638, 1546752372733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I've seen this image before. Are you the same anon or copycat LARP. Give us more details.

>> No.12363678

What have you been up to since last thread

>> No.12363692

Imagine making it and then discovering you can't stand yourself and scratch and abuse your flesh and yell at yourself in the mirror and try to poison your food just enough to still survive so you can laugh at your pain.

>> No.12363721
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Elon Musk Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Unabridged).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not start another business? It's what Ol' Musky did after he 'made it'. "What is going to be important to the future of humanity?"
He came up with electric cars and exploring space.
Then he gambled his entire fortune on running 2 companies at the same time.
Even though he had enough money to buy an island in the Bahamas and turn it into his own personal bikini maid harem.

>> No.12363791
File: 113 KB, 2048x1024, 1538879240816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>miss working
>>miss waking up early before anyone else was up
>>miss having to do something
You need to decide what goal you want to achieve next and do it. To give an example, the landlord that my company pays rent to already made it a long time ago. Now he basically builds retard-strength cars that he races to beat land speed records. He doesn't even know shit about racing either he pays experts to help build while he oversees. Depending on your cash flow that might be out of your price range but it's just an example. If you have a similar idea that sounds fun you could plan to build up revenue streams until you get there. Another anon mentioned growing weed recreationally and IMO that could also be a great hobby for autists that have made it. I think you would be surprised to see where it leads. I am younger than you, but if I was still in my 20s and "made it" with a business (which was virtually self-sufficient, as you described) I would do some traveling and just enjoy life a bit. After that I imagine you would have a better time figuring out what you want to do next. IMO your struggle is stemming from the fact that you keep yourself confined to this small space, filled with nostalgia-inducing elements like vidya, instead of pursuing your next challenge.

>> No.12363824

Was going to call larp until I saw that dyson fan. OP is real confirmed

>> No.12363861

Imagine being so much of a vapid husk of a man that you can’t find solace in your life without being literally directed what to do with your time by someone else
Either sort out your subconscious or kill yourself you miserable, pathetic NPC

>> No.12363940

i'm planning on starting my own TIG welding business since there's a huge shortage of welders here.
any tips that you can share?

>> No.12364007

I’m pretty sure after I make it I will still keep my four shifts a week at the weed shop just because I meet interesting people all day

>> No.12364025

because you are an npc

>> No.12364039

What a piece of shit life you must have. You have made it, financial independence and then realize there is fuck all meaning in your life. God damn that shit is depressing as fuck.

>> No.12364052

You again bro? Do you any other pics of this room? This same photo is getting old...seems pretty “larp-y” if you ask me.

>> No.12365157

How long would it be before you get sick of driving and chatting to people? 1-2 hours per day would probably be a sustainable activity.

>> No.12365233

Jesus, are you OK my dude?

>> No.12365243

How boring are you? Im neet and I run out of time every day because there is so much to do and see. Go out travel and have fun if you or go back to wagecucking if you hate freedom.

>> No.12366278


Comfy set up, jealous.

>> No.12366364

Fuck off larper, I have seen this pic before

>> No.12366616
File: 379 KB, 740x354, 1539329464313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have enough money to start my own business venture. It is hardly useful to learn about economy as a hobby, when I am a wagecuck with only a few hundreds in crypto.

If I were you, I'd spend my time in projects of my interest or hobbies. Now that you're financially "free", you are able to leave your mark in this world, and do something really valuable. Don't miss this chance, anon.

Btw, never forget about your current business. Ignorance could harm you.

>> No.12366634

Also, be sure to spend as much time as you can with those you love. Family, friends... many people would sacrifice an arm in order to be able to spend more time with their children.

>> No.12367138

I'm that same tile anon that posted the same thread about getting high and playing vidya a couple of months ago

>> No.12367150

start consulting for nonprofits.

>> No.12367209

hit the gym

also, if you spend that much time sitting away from a window and plants growing in a window, you're going to feel depressed, guaranteed

>> No.12367271
File: 59 KB, 350x497, marvel-vs-capcom-2-coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna play marvel vs capcom 2?

>> No.12367378

Maybe you’ve never tried it, eh?
You want some excitement in your life OP? Pick any 3rd world country, fly there and buy a dirt cheap motorcycle, and ride it through a few different countries. I did this for 9 months in Southeast Asia and I was ALIVE. Each and every day I would wake up, pick a random direction, and start riding, and just see where the road takes me. I lived more in one day there than I do in a month here.
I got stuck riding in the rain. The bike broke and got flat tires. Sometimes it would get dark out and I still hadn’t found a hotel room to stay in. But it always ended up working out, and it was the time of my life.

Basically, you need a hobby.

>> No.12367441

Who gives a shit if anyone recognises you

>> No.12367576

I like you and what you stand for, good sir.

>> No.12367581

It could affect my business

>> No.12367585

I play competitive games like Dota 2 and star craft to simulate achievement. I also scream on bad players to feel like I am in charge.

>> No.12368281


get a job to meet chicks

>> No.12368290

I have this with NEET bux

>> No.12368341

its simple you dont like video games whereas i do like video games

>> No.12368474

If you miss it why don't you keep working? But instead of having to, you will do it because you want to and that's the goal, isn't it?

I am aiming for the same basically, tired of wagecucking, want to make some passive income so I can spend my days doing what I like to do, instead of what I have to do.

>> No.12368522


I scream at bad players because those cunts deserve it.

>> No.12368620

checked for truth

also, shit thread cry moar op

>> No.12368901

Jesus Christ take me back

>> No.12368926

kek, get creative, build things if you have capital. High IQ never gets bored, always new stuff to read and learn, and if you have capital you can make ideas into reality.

>> No.12368936


i remember your original thread

>> No.12368965

jesus youre an NPC. either scale up to a level where you can retire forever or just find something else to do with your life. good God, I'd never lift a finger again if I wouldnt have to get money. Id spend my days walking about the countryside, exercising, readind and philosophizing. then again Im not a soulless NPC

>> No.12369118
File: 8 KB, 170x117, D5E66BB1-746B-48EF-A014-00003002957C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hookers and drugs.what else

>> No.12369296

read Ted Kaczynski and Jacques Ellul unironically