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12360990 No.12360990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If so, whats your approach?

>> No.12361001
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>> No.12361004

>looking good tonight ladies
>walk away
works everytime, i just dont know how zoomers are all incels when its that easy

>> No.12361006

>Hi I’m Nick.

Sometimes it works sometimes it don’t.

>> No.12361018

>Dont go for thots like this
>Befriend qts
>Somewhere down the line escalate friendship
I've always done it like this desu. I've had some one night stands with strangers but they always had issues

>> No.12361029

This is creepy tbf

>> No.12361038
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>> No.12361058


>> No.12361075

>"So what sorority are you in?"
then just go from there

>> No.12361078

You D.E.N.N.I.S. Them.

Not even a joke

>> No.12361080

I don't like breaking womens hearts so i fuck myself.

>> No.12361084

It's how normal people form relationships, R9Kanon

>> No.12361092

only to escorts
the average woman is repulsed by me and I understand why

>> No.12361096
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no I'm touchless virgin

>> No.12361098
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>> No.12361102

Fuck my 10/10 wife
when my white child is sleeping

>> No.12361103

Go to bar & mind my own business, sometimes read. Works about 40% of the time.
Point is, don't chase, don't expect anything. It's like fishing, be cool & patient.
If a girl does approach listen to her, don't lie.
Be cool.
Even if she's ugly or whatever. They talk to each other & she might say, 'anon is cool' to her friends.
Be cool
If one girl sees you talking to other girls they get interested, it's their nature.
Be cool
Fuck anything, treat her right & make damn sure she cums.
Be cool
Other women hear stories, fantasize, etc. I honestly think they can smell the sex on you.
Be cool
Lather, rinse, repeat

>> No.12361113

I saw a vagina once, and I even put my penis in it, but it wasn't even that good.

>> No.12361116

Before any of you NEETs get depressed, almost nobody is fucking thots this hot on the regular. For a few of us it happens once every blue moon, but most guys racking large numbers are pulling girls who are pretty average.

>> No.12361124
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t. pic related

>> No.12361145

no one here is fucking thots this hot, period. fuck out of here with "every blue moon".

>> No.12361148

Unironically this

t. I’ve touched a vagina

>> No.12361151

I am overweight
I have a small penis
I'm balding
I've got tiny hands
I'm 5'5
jet black hair and shit coloured eyes
I fly to thailand every year since I was 22
I'm 39 now
I think I'm going to stop going to thailand and muster up enough courage to travel eastern europe
hopefully I can visit some of the poor villages there, should be fun..

>> No.12361158

>make damn sure she cums.
faggy slave beta mentality

>> No.12361167

Totally, I'm a divorced Chad boomer.
I was shocked at how much easier it was to get ass then it was in my hey-day.
Not just old slam pigs either, I was quickly banging 20 yo qts too.
Maybe it's age, I dunno - but bitches come to me now.

>> No.12361181

Yeah you're basically right, when I said "us" I was referring to the male population in general.

>> No.12361182



just fuck her really hard thats enough

>> No.12361190
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> go to bar and just bee yourself

>> No.12361208

Why though? Aren't you the one enslaved to pussy in the first place? And by making her cum, you enslave her (and her friends) to your dick. At least according to internet knowledge, since superficial roasties only care about "chad's dick." Otherwise this entire thread is slave beta mentality by definition.

>> No.12361219

>Buy GHB off the dark web.
>Set tinder age range to 18-20
>Invite femanon over for a few drinks.

>> No.12361225
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>get Tinder/Bumble/Hinge on your phone
>have ~3 photos of yourself
>1 of your face, 1 without a shirt/showing off muscles, 1 with friends and/or an activity/hobby/sport you do
>don't list your height unless you're 6'+
>match with a 5-8/10 girls
>make a bullshit """"clever"""" and/or slightly sexual joke about their name/picture/tits/pet
>talk for ~1 day or less (or longer if it's worth it)
>"Hey let's grab a drink/coffee/bite to eat" (this depends on the girl/conversation you just had)
>if the conversation is immediately sexual sometimes you can just go fuck them without the bullshit pretense of going on a date

This formula has almost always worked for me. Obviously you won't sleep with every girl you want to, but you will get laid. At the start of this year I decided that 2019 would be the year where I focus all that energy I previously used for getting laid instead into my career/making money/personal growth. If you get laid on the regular you may quickly realize that a lot of these girls are not worth your time.

>> No.12361227

kek, i dont get it. some of you meme so well, if you could only use your meme power to get laid somehow..

>> No.12361231

you have to actually be attractive. then it doesn't matter what the fuck you do or say you will at least eventually get some pussy. if you are smart the you can get tons of pussy

>> No.12361240

>sometimes read
lmao this nigga reading at a bar

>> No.12361244

I normall just shark them and if I get caught I ask them on a coffee date.

>> No.12361247

Maturity. Bitches like it

>> No.12361280
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> 5'5
> Eastern europe
don't bother
I'm 5ft9 good looking, big dick autist and it's ogre.
I managed to scrap some lays, but only due to robotically pushing through 98% rejection rate/

16 yo kids are 5ft9 here
short chicks want to overcompensate and exclusively seek 6tf3+ Chads

>> No.12361281

>t.tacky guinea

>> No.12361290

I yield over 40k in passive income every month
I am better than you financially and to these women money is their G-d

>> No.12361297

I have zero issue with your post other than bringing a book to a god damned bar. What a fucking tryhard.

>> No.12361310

Very true about the short chicks, they're typically the ones most guilty of having batshit insane height requirements.

>> No.12361320

Tell her you have drugs.

>> No.12361325

It's easy. Invite her for a coffee or dinner. Then show you're smart, funny, ambitious, but humble and generous at the same time. You might signal that you want to fuck her in the first date, but DON'T INSIST. Wait a few days to a week, then try again. Invite her to watch movies or something more intimate. If she accepts, the rest is easy.

>> No.12361340

Honestly, don't go to clubs. You have better chances getting laid in an Army basic training camp than at a club.
Go to medium sized bars, independent ones, kind of funky ones that don't feel like meat markets. Definitely not Applebee's or TGIFridays either.
Godspeed you virgin manlets

>> No.12361352

Try it, bring 'mien kampf'

>> No.12361367

I found an insecure girl on a non dating related website

>> No.12361371

Don't do any of this shit. Nightlife is a marketing scam and you will not get laid in any of these other places either.

Just get /fit/ (stop putting it off, do it), install tinder, and be very sexually forward with all chicks you match. This will provide you an unspectacular, but nevertheless acceptable sex life.

The next step after that is to get fame (if you can stomach it) and/or get money. Then the world of pussy is your oyster.

>> No.12361379

One more thing. You need to have a good sense of what your chances of success are. If you're 7/10 or lower, don't bother with 10/10s. And being 'authentic' matters. Somehow I feel much more comfortable with some women than others. If a woman makes you feel nervous or act self-consciously, chances of success will be very low. If you feel comfortable in joking and teasing her without putting too much effort, go for it.

>> No.12361381

Bet this Chad owns link

>> No.12361386

redpill me on the DENNIS system

>> No.12361406
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Yes you are better financially than me, so?
I'm giving you an eastern euro insight, no need to bully fren.
You reveal your power level, and oh boy...even use it as your main leverage, then you are in for a lifetime of being cucked.

>> No.12361417

>If a woman makes you feel nervous or act self-consciously, chances of success will be very low.
This is like a recipe for never punching above your weight. Not saying you're wrong but success breeds confidence.

>> No.12361430

Some more thoughts to help OP.
Altruism is a turn on for women. They despise men who only think about themselves. So showing that you have a 'cause' in life aside from accumulating money helps a lot. It could be anything. You're interested in helping the poor, whatever. I avoid showing too much obsession with money (though it's important to show that you are have good living standards).

I pay for everything on the first dates to show I'm dominant and generous. If she refuses to accept, I insist and say something like "my grandfather taught me it's a man's obligation to pay for everything." Women like altruistic men because they're more likely to be better providers.

>> No.12361432

no one kept a thot by constant try hard attempts to orgasm it, dont care about a thots doglike bodily pleasure system, control her like a strong authoritarian father figure would anon

>> No.12361443

yea I use it as leverage so what?
it works in thailand im sure it will work in poor eastern euro towns
let me ask you since you have such grand insight on this region, how much money would it take for a villager to marry his daughter off to an arab?
also how much connection do eastern euros have to each other? is the family bond strong?

>> No.12361452

fuck off moishe

>> No.12361455

Gets me laid all the time, ymmv. Never had good luck with tinder, I got laid but the girls were all super fucked up & no fun.
Helps that I'm naturally kind of good looking, smart & have a big fat cock

>> No.12361457


>> No.12361468

You could practice (or fake) self-confidence. That's ok. I've done that. But from my experience (I'm 36 and now married, but I had plenty of girlfriends), it's a lot of effort for disappointing results. I'd rather invest in women with whom I 'click,' that is, women of similar status, interests, and sense of humor. If you try to fake it, you just waste energy and increase your chances of failure. Women are very good at spotting dishonest behavior. They can tell when you're trying hard to look confident when you really aren't. This is a mistake that a lot of incels make. They try too hard and look fake.

>> No.12361470

>insecure girl
keeper, if you let it that way

>> No.12361493
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Mien nigger

>> No.12361498

Kebabs and kikes in here, thx 4channel...

>> No.12361503

The biggest problem with your strategy is that going to these places fucking sucks. Nobody wants to go there and nobody ever would go if it weren't for the slimmest chance of getting pussy, which rarely/never happens.

Unlike the other anon I kind of like your idea of bringing a book though. It might make going to one of these places less of a waste of time, although the constant alcohol consumption and the strain that puts on your wallet/sleep quality is still really hard to justify.

>> No.12361530

I must be a normie. I fucked plenty of thots like that in college.

>> No.12361534
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>> No.12361559
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Family bond is pretty good and "racism" is alive and well. I have seen a one mulatto 4 months ago.
Fertility rate on the other hand is lower than Japan's.
White villager from upper/middle class won't sell, low class would sell for 200k I guess.
Gypsy girls cost about 500-5k to marry. Unironically.
They would be classified as nonhispanic white by burger standards
pic related - gypsy girl

>> No.12361579

I've always gotten friend zoned when trying this.

>> No.12361584

Sure, if you look like that guy you can have plenty of NSA sex whenever thanks to Tinder. My advice was for men who aren't Chads and who aren't after your regular Tinder slut.

>> No.12361586

I have to leave this fucking shithole

>> No.12361597

she doesn't look bad
is she romanian?

>> No.12361602 [DELETED] 

A woman's orgasm is supposed to be strongly psychological, though. It all plays together.

>> No.12361622

For our blackpilling friends, most of those conversations would not actually go anywhere, even for our sample Chad.

>> No.12361623

That's cool and all, but what do you say to then during the day?

>> No.12361624

A woman's orgasm is supposed to be strongly tied to psychological behaviour of her partner, though. It all plays together.

>> No.12361628

>drug women in your own home.
>go to prison.
>be a brainlet biztard forever.

>> No.12361633

certain drugs stay in the system for a short period of time :)

>> No.12361639

This. Most of these women would hesitate before actually agreeing to a serious meeting. They act playfully with Chad over Tinder, then get cold feet when things get serious.

>> No.12361640
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>> No.12361642

How do you make that income? Finally something biz related so the thread doesn't get deleted.

>> No.12361643

fuck off newfag

>> No.12361645

there really isnt one if youre in a bar as by the time you try shes already sick of being there. Best bet is hit on her friends if she has any then slowly include her in the conversation. Be short at first though. Make her want to be included. This isnt fail proof but will increase chances.

>> No.12361652

Do you think I come here to help people?
Fucking peasant..

>> No.12361656
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Go after cute girls while they are at work in town.
Become a semi-familiar face by dropping into their store/office a couple times a week for a couple weeks
Chat them up a little.
Display the C's
Cool Clothes

Ask for numba

Posted chick is here...


>> No.12361660

I'm married. So I roll over and ask my wife if she wants to fuck

>> No.12361667
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not romania, but I'm not going to dox myself
If you settle down for that...then I change my verdict..you will suceed in Eastern yurop. Gypsies are short as fuck anyway.
I prefer qt traditional christian waifu. And those are hard to get despite their abundance here.

>> No.12361670

>he has to ask permission

>> No.12361671

I guess what I'm saying is that confidence with women is a learned ability. If you always play it safe you may end up just settling. Not disagreeing with the chemistry part.

>> No.12361674

Then she says: "How about a massage first?"

>> No.12361675

This is good. How many of these girls were banged

>> No.12361683

I would love make urinate on her while she wearing it ughhhh

>> No.12361684

Make sure her son is not around though.

>> No.12361692
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>> No.12361697

Protip from a low-key Chad:
>Sit next to the hottest girl in the bar
>Don't say anything to her really.
>Wait for some preppy faggot to come over and say something stupid.
>She will reject him.
>Proceed to make fun of said faggot to her.
>You're in.

Works every time anons.

>> No.12361700
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Long game.

Find someone with some emotional issues (easy enough to spot after a while). I'm in a rather respectable career so often their friends are the vector for the set up.

Be lovely on the first date, tell funny stories etc. Get them keen, don't be creepy and most important don't be obviously keen for sex. Let them approach you in that aspect probably on date 2 usually. The fact that you didn't make the first sexual move makes them more aggressive in their pursuit of you which is the goal here.

Now be nice to them for a while so they get attached. This is important. Then fabricate some issue which leaves you not leaving hut slightly wavering, ideally trap them talking about an ex and act miffed. Don't see them for a few days. Get them worried about you and the relationship which to them is really important by this stage. From here they will want very badly to prove themself to you sexually. Make sure to start being nice again.

Congrats, you can now have sex on demand.

Obviously if you're an autist NEET step one of this is hard and I don't really have an answer for that.

>> No.12361722

The "Gas Lighting" strat.

>> No.12361723

Asking a woman if she wants to fuck in 2019... Kek

>> No.12361727
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>> No.12361730

Shit shes sexy dude. info?

>> No.12361733

>confidence with women is a learned ability
I would say it's an EARNED ability. The more women you fuck, the more confident you are. The more you accomplish in life, the more confident you become overall. You can't just read a book a learn confidence. It's something that comes as people acclaim you for the things you've done and you become increasingly convinced that you deserve your achieved status.

You don't have to insist with 10/10s to gain confidence, though. Why would you waste energy with an upper tier woman when chances of succeeding are minimal? Start with women from your tier (50% chance of success) then as you gain confidence, try to move upward, step by step.

>> No.12361747

Click the thread link at the bottom of that post...


>> No.12361756

Yeah basically.

I suppose the net effect of this is getting to have lots of sex with one person pretty much as much as you want after you lay the groundwork. In my perspective anyway sex is sex and I don't have the compulsion to have sex with lots of different people. It's more effort.

>> No.12361763

I did. I'm close to shooting my wad to her already. damn it shes hot as fuck!

>> No.12361764

>Don't go for dudes like this

>> No.12361766

Also, when you try and fail, you lose confidence. If you are a 6/10 but you keep insisting to fuck a 10/10, you will just get rejected, and over time you will become convinced that you're a failure. That's how incels are made. They try too hard to fuck women that aren't for them. After failing repeatedly, they just give up.

>> No.12361770

I just put my dick in

>> No.12361788

>If a girl does approach
Never happened even once in my life. That's why advice from natural chads is ridiculous.

>> No.12361795

That risk is real
If you don't make a move in the first few meetings your chances of getting friend zoned go waaay up

>> No.12361803

I think you have this upside down. Incels are made as a result of becoming convinced that they are failures due to rejection. But it's the women who are typically (or are more guilty of being) unreasonable about their standards, not the men.

>> No.12361809

>Be a 9/10 in HS
>7/10 now because I got chubby
>Literally fugged two girls in my life
>Lost virginity to a crazy 10/10
>Got a 7/10 LT GF that worships me
>Sex on demand
>Love her
>Never want to fuck other girls
>Just want babies and a lifetime companionship with my current long term gf
>Literally just focusing on my career and have a educated gf that helps me by working for me and supporting me in everything I do

I don't know what is wrong with me. I feel attracted to other girls but when they flirt with me I get disgusted and I don't want to fuck them at all I literally have tunnel vision for my gf of 7 years.

>> No.12361823

Congratulations, seriously. You're living the dream (and you aren't really missing out on much).

>> No.12361834
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You're a pair-bonder. Have a bunch of babies and try to avoid divorce.

>> No.12361840

>get drunk
>act like I don't notice her/them
>talk with friends and make them laugh as frequently as I can

It makes women curious as to what is going on and they want to join in the fun, I noticed this is the most successful tactic for me.

I usually only get sluts and/or crazy ones though.

>> No.12361842

Dunno I usually tell girls I'm really into anime, works sometimes. Usually not but then I get 10+ matches each day so idgaf I'm not gonna pretend to be a normie just to score with girls who are "on my level appearance"

>> No.12361850

Thanks anon will do.

Will do my best.

>> No.12361860
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Oh don't worry about it she'll complain about this asshole at work who she can't stand and one night come home late to you to " have a talk" about how she wants to open the relationship up .

Men are the romantic ones , women are opportunists you're the best she can do ..until you aren't. the 7 year itch is real

>> No.12361861


I have never met a girl who enjoyed this. They always need me to let up.

You need to find the right tempo between you and her.

>> No.12361885

>She works for anybody but me

Do you think I am a cuck?

>> No.12361907

ooh I like that nvm just saying in the social media age all it takes is a right swipe or message on messenger to be within grasp of a new dick . If the bitch is locked down maybe you have a shot.

>> No.12361909

this, had a tri-delt giving me a handy during a concert while i played with her nipple piercings. shit was so cash

>> No.12361911

geta load of this faggot

>> No.12361933

Yup, going to do paid sex in 30 minutes, she is probably a old woman and probably fat, but I'm after the money so who cares.

Where has everything gone so wrong

>> No.12361949

>can't hide height
rip, all the girls on it are fat anyways and i'm in a city with abnormally fit people

>> No.12361958

always stay on your toes nonetheless anon. good luck tho, she sounds cool.

>> No.12361962

>she is probably a old woman and probably fat,
More likely have a sore arse! Hows your gag reflex?

>> No.12361971

This is good advice if you want a woman who fucks more masculine men on the side.

>> No.12361978

She arrived, gbye.

>> No.12361984

I'm no Chad and women have approached me multiple times. Usually I'm too drunk to give a shit and just ignore them.

>> No.12361998

welcome to the endless thot pleasure age, or dildo age as i call it, an orgasm is sth a thot can get 20 times a day, a -my new daddy controls thus loves me- feel works better anon

>> No.12362036

rip favelanon selling his body after his /biz/ness ventures failed him. what a saga

>> No.12362048

>I'm no Chad and women have approached me multiple times
That's a contradiction in my book. I'm not ugly nor do I have a loser body language, yet I've never been approached by a woman.
Why the fuck would a woman approach a man unless he's a chad?

>> No.12362049

no fake? do you have the whole bio? Want to link this to a feminist friend

>> No.12362052

Get a load of this incel

>> No.12362071

I've been approached multiple times as well, I'm no chad and have loser body language lmao

>> No.12362075

The best strategy is to get a girlfriend who loves you.

>> No.12362083

rip me

>> No.12362087


Didn't mean to end my post at that, but maybe it depends where you live?

>> No.12362089

100% am not a Chad. A 7 at best, likely a 6. But I dance like no one's watching and I think some of them appreciate that.

>> No.12362115
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thanks fot the tips anon
will repost in 13 years on /biz/

>> No.12362146
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>Be cool.
Wow thanks dad I never thought of that. I'll be sure to try this with all those girls that keep approaching me.

>> No.12362170

1) Yes
2) Tinder, and fuck 33 year old career women who are beginning to get overripe and are starting to feel the first hit of desperation. Then delete them. I never give them my phone number.

>> No.12362178

>escalate friendship
Oh god, are you posting directly from r/male_fashion_advice in 2011? This has never worked and will never work.

>> No.12362184
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>> No.12362234

I’ve done this and got 2 chicks numbers right away

>> No.12362261

>a handy during a concert
I've never had my dick out in public

>> No.12362284

Be cool = don't sperge out about how much you hate women because they are all roasties & tinderwhores.
Works wonders

>> No.12362288


>> No.12362296

Yeah it's a big risk but it works out if you can give off that vibe that you're still sexually desirable and not just an orbiter.

>> No.12362317

You get friendzoned because being her "friend" conditions you to be a limpdicked faggot who tiptoes around her feelings all the time for fear of offending her.

>> No.12362325

>not recognizing the meme

>> No.12362413

I just really don't understand where you're coming from. If you are constantly shaping your social interactions so that you can avoid hurting your own ego then your priorities are fucked. You have honestly made some really weird posts in this thread, anon.
I don't think that guy knows what the fuck he's talking about. Truly incel men can't even look a woman in the eye let alone approach 10/10s as he's claiming. That's asinine.

>> No.12362431

Exactly. That's why you're not supposed to become that kind of friend

>> No.12362450
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>Anon, what are you doing? Stop! :-)

>> No.12362459

Ehh, judging from the comments here people misunderstand what I see as a "friend". I have lots of female "friends" but only male real friends. It's more like an acquaintance that you see regularly during clubbing or in your favorite bar for example. If you see her once a week in a setting with alcohol and pleasure it's easy to at some point escalate it when it feels right.