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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12358602 No.12358602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who wants to start a Luxury ERC-20 Token Sale? Limited amount, great idea, just need a form a community.


>> No.12358605

There's no need for one anymore. Pls don't try to scam the unaware

>> No.12358618

I want to form a community where there is no scammery or bullshit. It's a fun idea.

>> No.12358623

>luxury token
Thanks for the chuckle pajeet. May your bowel movements be free and easy.

>> No.12358646

kek, it would just be marketed in such a way.

I have the domain, I have the idea, I just need a clever community to ride it out with me.

Token amount would be limited and distributed among the community before anything.


>> No.12358825

is this a discord?

>> No.12358834


>> No.12358839


>> No.12358868

After you

>> No.12359032

>pls don't try and scam the unaware
Faggot, financial Darwinism is a good thing. If you can't keep your money you don't deserve it