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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12353876 No.12353876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm 20 years old, make about 90k a month off online businesses so I don't have a normal way of meeting people like a job or school. Mostly just stay in my house all day working from home because there's too much money to be made to be fucking around.

Any ideas on how to get laid in my position?

>> No.12353881

Practice pick-up daygame and the sorts. Watch some RSD or Karisma King.

>> No.12353885

>Mostly just stay in my house
chucks fucking love that, keep it up

>> No.12353888
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this is my least favorite chloe shoop

>> No.12353900
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nice larp nigger

>> No.12353902

Get your looks fixed if you havent
get tinder
invite whores
have a full fridge (roasties love full fridges)
Get benis in bagona

>> No.12353915

>I'm 20 years old, make about 90k a month
Except you're not.

>> No.12353920

Money is irrelevant for getting laid / finding love.

>> No.12353924


I don't give a shit if you think it's real or not, your opinion means nothing to me. Just looking for some ass

>> No.12353940

Move to a Poor County ..SE Asia. Roasties in rich xountries don’t care about money ...unless you also look good...and if you look good you don’t need money to get rowsties

>> No.12353942

what do you do? Just meet women in a female dominated field of work if you can work from home whenever you want. Just be a part time student or something?

>> No.12353954

What kinda online businesses OP?

>> No.12353957

men like you get prostitutes

>> No.12354043

all you have to do if you are as rich as you say you are is show off your wealth in public by driving nice cars, wearing nice clothes etc. Plenty of women are looking for beta-bux provider even if you aren't good looking. Hell you might even have better luck than some chads on tinder or something if you pose next to your lambo or something.

>> No.12354064

Give a basic description of these online businesses. Genuinely curious here if you are indeed telling the truth

>> No.12354140

Nice larp faggot

>> No.12354157

This, RSDTyler was the reason I got my first gf. Super cool dude also

I also recommend RSDJulien

>> No.12354226

it's literally impossible not to get laid when you make $90k/month. you have to fend off prospective roasties all the time. larp would make more sense if you asked "how do i get women to stop hassling me", but ofc /biz/ wouldn't know that particular problem

>> No.12354232

You obviously never heard of hoojers or gold diggers

>> No.12354351

What kind of online business op? How long have you been working on that?

>> No.12354379

Not so, all you have to do is come straight home after work and never leave the house except to lift, shop and run errands. Free time at home is spent playing vidya, shitposting, watching YouTube and cooking.

Not sure how I ever made it 90K in medical sales in 2018, but have no friends and hate myself too much to put myself around women if I don’t it’s not to sell something..

>> No.12354397



>> No.12354426

It is physically impossible to be that rich and need help from a Yugoslavian textiles manufacturing website to find girls

>> No.12354452

Internet porn and anti depressants and autism make it hard for some folks. You want to meet people and do things but they annoy you and you’re not perfect enough in your own right to spend time with folks that could help you live better.

>> No.12354496

Sort out your looks by getting healthy, fix your posture with the right stretches, buy nice clothes and car, then go outside. It might take a few weeks to get the autism out of your system but then you're golden.

>> No.12354521

rsdtyler is a fucking god. Dude has probably helped 50,000+ guys become Chads

>> No.12354570

Julien is trash, Todd is amazing.

>> No.12354571

Just checked him out. He seems gay and watching videos like that is more cucked than watching porn.

>> No.12354671
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Im not telling you shit unless you give us a hint to what you do

>> No.12354700

He is a dumb normie in many ways and you shouldn't take some of his advice seriously, but legitimately, going out and talking to strangers is the best way to get pussy as an average or even below average looking guy. He teaches the mindset, not gay PUA canned lines and shit. Without him I would still be a kissless virgin.

>> No.12355262

I can 100% get you laid, any kind of girl you want. No questions asked, she will wear a blindfold if you need. @cryptohitman on telegram.

Alternatively invest in my business of making and marketing super privacy phones with sailfish os (developed by Nokia, currently used by CEOs and the Russian government, 100% open source)

>> No.12355282

Fuck off

>> No.12355299

Buy a ”nice” outfit like designer clothes from gucci which roasties recognize also nice car like a r8 or huracan then flex in the club or on tinder. Works great if you want to get laid easily but not if you want a gf.

>> No.12355303

cringe larp

>> No.12355306

>online businesses

what business model?

>> No.12355313

nigger what the fuck that is so much goddamn money just but a nice fucking car and drive it around holy fuck there is no way you are that stupid and that rich unless you are doing super illegal shit also i hope youre paying fucking taxes