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File: 172 KB, 525x318, boxheadzomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12353422 No.12353422 [Reply] [Original]

gonna make a multiplayer crypto game
(something simple like pic rel)

>PVP / PVE - battle royale / wave survival
>pay crypto into a pot to enter
>10c - $10 per player
>survive VS other players/mobs
>winner/s take the pot

should I go for it /biz/ ?
or would i get shut down for running 'gambling' operation

>> No.12353504

I am planning to do this too. The only catch is that the game needs to be entirely on chain otherwise you end up making something that's kinda meh...

>> No.12353527

how do you prevent aimbots from winning up all the pots?

>> No.12353545

why don't you create an daap that lets you bet on match outcomes. games like pbug or cs:go or cod. could you create an app that worked for xbox live or psn using your gamer tag?

>> No.12353553

same problem csgo skin betting sites have: players can intentionally throw matches and split the profits with someone making a bet that they'll lose. it works in theory but the reward for playing badly on purpose is too great, add the liquidity of crypto into the mix and its DoA

>> No.12353562

that makes a lot of sense. thanks man.

>> No.12353572

Problem with entirely on chain is that it burns insane amounts of gas. I played cryptosaga.io but every tiny little action cost gas for very little reward. TCG Godsunchained on the other hand is semi on the blockchain, your Game client is synced to your metamask which contains all of your cards that can be traded over ETH, but the game itself can be played freely without burning gas.

>> No.12353606

Should I buy godsunchained ICO?

>> No.12353625

i was actually going to build something similar, but the question of my devs asked me is that, and so far we have no answers

>> No.12353645

I'm in on the beta, I can tell you that it works as advertised, I can access my deck that's in my Metamask wallet perfectly. It just needs time to integrate more of the cards + general polishing. Not going to advise you, but if you want to buy, the current price of ETH has the Gensis cards for sale at a discount.
What about instead, build the e-sports equivalent to Fantasy Football, and the winnings are based around individual player performance on hypothetical teams; they can't throw that.

>> No.12353657
File: 29 KB, 530x528, 2mdgvfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boxhead zombie
On a whim I just played that game literally 30 minutes ago after not playing for 10 years and completely forgetting its existence the entire time.

>> No.12353672

anything skill-based will eventually be botted, especially if there's money to be made doing it. people pay for cheats to win games with 0 profit, imagine if they could make even just pennies for winning games

>> No.12353757

>I played cryptosaga.io but every tiny little action cost gas for very little reward.

Oh you need a proof of stake coin for this to work. And you need to look into batching transactions to reduce overhead. If the client is cheating the the transaction will be rejected ect.

For ETH you need to go with a more standard method using a trusted 3rd party. Use LOOM or something if you want to do it properly.

>> No.12353763

>it works in theory but the reward for playing badly on purpose is too great, add the liquidity of crypto into the mix and its DoA

We need PVE Coop games on the blockchain. PVP is riddled with all kinds of problems.

>> No.12353786

>anything skill-based will eventually be botted, especially if there's money to be made doing it. people pay for cheats to win games with 0 profit, imagine if they could make even just pennies for winning games

If the point of the game is to stay in the green and the game is designed to require players to think on their feet and work a dex based auction house the botting will be very hard to pull off.

Also its possible to integrate trustless captcha style mini games into the gameplay which would be pretty awesome.

>> No.12353832

>game needs to be entirely on chain
but why?
don't see any real benefits to doing this,
especially when the platforms havent figured out scaling in a cheap
and sufficiently decentralized way

am going to make a regular game
with crypto payments on top
(funds held in a multisig,
automatically paid to the winner)

how about some kind of reputation system?

until you reach a certain level
you can't participate in higher tier games with larger pot rewards
this disincentivizes dishonest players, as every time they get banned
>they have to buy the game again
>they lose their entry fee
>they have to work their way up the rankings again

this also protects honest players,
who shouldn't lose large amounts of money until they're used to the mechanics

>> No.12353945

>but why?

Same reason coins need to be entirely on chain. You wont really be using the technology if it requires a trusted 3rd party.

Keep in mind there is definitely room for a hybrid. But my goal is to have a game that is literally just a dapp front end. I want a simple fully on chain RPG.

> especially when the platforms havent figured out scaling in a cheap and sufficiently decentralized way

EOS gets the job done and honestly if the games entire point is based around real money then forcing people to stake hundreds of dollars for resources is not a concern for me. It just means that the in game items will be valued higher and botting will be a pain in the ass due to up front costs.

Its just a different kind of game honestly.

>> No.12354101

>Same reason coins need to be entirely on chain.
it's not the same
money should be on a blockchain so intermediaries can't:
>steal funds
>censor payments to people they don't like
>devalue it through inflation without permission

this doesnt apply to video games
at the moment putting a whole game on the blockchain would just make everything slower and more costly

>EOS gets the job done
correct me if I'm wrong,
but my understanding of EOS is that usage is free for the user
(aside from account creation, which is very little)
the dapp developers have to pay for hosting the game on EOS

so if anything EOS would be far easier to bot than Ethereum

>> No.12354127

SpatialOS is what you're looking for, youtube it

>> No.12354771

So much confusion on this topic... Honestly

> this doesnt apply to video games

It 100% does... Why would you think otherwise? Because gaming sucks and its not important or something? That

> Nobody will take it seriously anyway because its for kids lol

... Every aspect of the game is just as important as money. Killing an orc to get an iron sword worth real money requires actual value. Every action in a game should be taken as seriously as money.

> so if anything EOS would be far easier to bot than Ethereum

ETH is up front cost and EOS is staking for resources that replenish over time. short term ETH is cheaper than EOS but long term EOS is cheaper but costs a lot more up front. Otherwise every transaction costs money no matter how you slice it. EOS has the option to offshoot transactions to the devs if they decide to do it that way.

>> No.12354775

With that said Hybrid blockchain games are viable too. Its just not ideal. But you CAN do it and have it be ok.

But a fully on chain RPG with no trusted 3rd party would be sweet as fuck even if its a slow expensive game to play.

>> No.12354784


OP check this out for inspiration: https://eth.town/battle

>> No.12355079
File: 83 KB, 1200x900, Dr8XBUVU0AEb6ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could unironically make a game like this on NKN on the cheap which sorts a lot of your problems out.

I played their space cats game which was smooth and their simulations put them at the most decentralised AND scalable option.

>> No.12355090

ill keep that in mind.

>> No.12355101

whenever you make something with money in mind it will not be popular nor make you money

>> No.12355159

Join the testnet and discord server and ask around. Some really good devs there and the team is active and helpful.

>> No.12355210

you need to make a new niggercoin and make it like pokemon but pokeniggers and people can battle their various niggers

>> No.12355309
File: 86 KB, 1420x946, mitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks I'll check em out

>It 100% does... Why would you think otherwise?
you're the one who said it should be entirely on chain
the onus is on you to show why developers should switch to a system which is, at present:
>highly untested
>highly inefficient
>more costly for developers
>more costly for users
>slower in every way

not saying it wont improve, maybe it will in every way
but even if it does,
what are the advantages of putting it "entirely" on chain, as you said

unless by "entirely" you meant only the 0.1% of in-game actions worthy of being remembered
aka money, items and achievements

>Every aspect of the game is just as important as money.
>Every action in a game should be taken as seriously as money.
sorry anon but that's retarded
do you really need me to explain why?
imagine if your brain never forgot unimportant memories
tens of millions of memories of
>getting dressed / undressed
>brushing teeth
>going to the toilet
>waiting in elevators

that's stupid enough on its own right?
now imagine if you had to pay money to not only store all that worthless information,
but propogate it and validate it on a decentralized network of (hopefully) thousands of other nodes

funny that you had to strawman me twice to seem like you had a point

>Otherwise every transaction costs money
EOS is famous for having free transactions

in their current states,
why would anyone want to build the entirety of a game on top of ETH/EOS/etc,
instead of just having meaningful aspects of a game stored there

>> No.12355353
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1545719881427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain further please

>> No.12355416

So we finally get to figure out who the NPCs are browsing this board, nice.

>> No.12355427

Skycoin is the only answer

You get your own blockchain with no fees and they have a programming language so the entire game can run on chain

>> No.12355588

>you're the one who said it should be entirely on chain
>the onus is on you to show why developers should switch to a system which is, at present:

I already said for the same reason coins need to be on chain. The onus is on you to explain why it doesnt matter and players wont care if someone can ban their character from the game for naming it GiantNiggerCock13376969

If everything is on chain then GiantNiggerCock13376969 can fight the good fight against the invading undead army to dend the capital city of who gives a fuck. But in your centralized example GiantNiggerCock13376969 will be banned from the game and never be able to help.

> what are the advantages of putting it "entirely" on chain, as you said

No cost to having dedicated servers. No authoritarian mods who fuck you over. No need to worry about your legendary sword of butt slaying wont be with zero dollars because the dev studio could not afford to keep its staff hired and went under.

> sorry anon but that's retarded

Not every game in the world needs to be the same thing. I am not promoting a WoW killer. I am promoting a game that is a true dapp that actually uses the technology. It has it quarks but it would be really cool.

> funny that you had to strawman me twice to seem like you had a point

No you are just dumb and think shit in the past is how things in the future should always work. Basically you

Literally just said that cooking eating walking should not be stored on chain. BUT THEY ABSOLUTELY SHOULD!! LMAO

Note* On EOS if you really don't want to have the blockchain remember everything you can use ram.

You claim these things dont matter because you think its not worth memorizing those details. The main reason you are probably trapped in this mindset is because you have no clue how a game can work with that kind of design. You probably imagine some shitty MMO or some shit.

A turn based RPG with a focus on strategy is fucking fine brainlet.

>> No.12355613

On that note GiantNiggerCock13376969 can also mean

> Said something hateful on twitter QQ
> He dare said that there are only 2 genders!!!

> We here at X shitty AAA company will ban people if they say hurtful things on twitter or in game.

I for one welcome GiantNiggerCock to my ranks. People like you can fuck themselves.

>> No.12355814

> GiantNiggerCock13376969 slays PussyFaggot2000 with his legendary Adamantine Butt Slayer.

Please, please at least consider the notion of keeping everything on chain people. We may ... HAHAHA IMAGINE HAVING TO HIRE A CPA TO DO YOUR TAXES!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

> The legendary Butt slay was a gift!!

Please I beg of you all to consider allowing GiantNiggerCock13376969 into your hearts.

>> No.12355971

>thinks government confiscation of real-world assets is even 1% comparable to being removed from a video game because you deliberately named your character a slur to annoy people
>thinks 500ms latency is acceptable for ANY game
do i really need to say anything else?

>No authoritarian mods who fuck you over
99/100 people LIKE moderation because it keeps tards like you away

nobody is naming their character GiantNiggerCock13376969 because it's a good name
they do it to get negative reactions from people
because its the only human interaction they have in their lives
if they joined a server and nobody gave a shit about their name
the next step would be nonstop chat/mic spamming it
>omg I've been cEnSoReD
>tHiS gAmE ShOuLd bE oN aN iMmUtAbLe pUbLiC lEdGeR bCuZ iF i wAlK oNe sTeP oN a CeNtRaLiZeD sErVeR i'Ll bE bAnNeD

you're retarded anon,
if you care about censorship resistance so much, you should hate EOS
the 21 block producers essentially have to be public figures to get votes
which means governments could easily cripple them if they don't comply

>> No.12355999

Why not make PvP mode where you get other players current round cash after killing him and you can leave anytime (after delay of course). Like old podgar.io but they changed to own token which sucks

>> No.12356148

why do man children have this unrelenting drive to out video games on the block chain

theres nothing to gain from this

>> No.12356210

>do i really need to say anything else?

Never mentioned government. Only talked about shit fucks banning people from video games for saying bad words and wrong think on the rise.

> 99/100 people LIKE moderation because it keeps tards like you away

Get out of crypto. No reason for you to ever bother with it.

> nobody is naming their character GiantNiggerCock13376969 because it's a good name

Its officiall the best name ever fucking made.

> they do it to get negative reactions from people

Yeah and let me guess. You are the on white knight who will save us all from the evil nazis.

> you're retarded anon,

You are an SJW and an example of exactly why crypto exists. On chain everything so we can wash you fucks out of the space forever. CLEANSE

> the 21 block producers essentially have to be public figures to get votes
which means governments could easily cripple them if they don't comply

It can work on any coins anon. Most of this functionality can cross many coins and it can work the same. The fundamentals are the same. By the way did you know that people like you are going to be fucked for eternity once this catches on?

GiantNiggerCock13376969 is on the rise. Getting harder by the minute.

>> No.12356216

>theres nothing to gain from this

1. Ownership of assets
2. Triggering libtards eternally
3. Forcing the IRS to pay attention to how many dragons a NEET slays with a legendary butt slayer.

This IS the reason to do it.

>> No.12356229

build it on a not shitty platform like KMD and you don't have to worry abou it congesting the network .

>> No.12356278

I would rather do it on ETH but ETH needs to be proof of stake to do it properly. :(

>> No.12356305

This post is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever read in my entire life. Retards like you are why billions of dollars got scammed last year by pajeets and slavs doing ICOs to put everything on blockchain for no reason other than brainlets like you who don’t even understand the technology think it’s the cure for everything.

>> No.12356394


would also be cool to buy / sell items mid-game
nothing game-breaking;
healing items / mild buffs / traversal tools

I agree, thats why I only want to use crypto for payments for/in the game

yes, because if I don't want to cripple my game by running it on an inherently inefficient network,
simply to satisfy some niche ideological belief
(that literally every aspect of a game needs to be decentralized)
I'm an authoritarian SJW

kill yourself

if ETH ever gets state-channels working, it could make sense to run more aspects of a game on it,
but that's many years away so its stupid to suggest people build games on ETH or EOS now

>> No.12356400

Aslong as NEET mages are the most OP

>> No.12356423

Keep reading. It gets way better.

Also the main point about games being fully on chain is probably going to trigger a lot of people because.

1. They are probably making a centralized game that uses crypto for a gimmick or maybe a halfway decent profit model. They fear that fully on chain games will cuck them.
2. They really don't want uncensurable games to make the mainstream. They don't want uncensurable ANYTHING honestly. Anything they cant control is scary as fuck for these people.

The reality is that fully on chain games will have a niche and its really worth exploring to its fullest. But people like the above are going to cry and whine about it endlessly.

>> No.12356473

>yes, because if I don't want to cripple my game by running it on an inherently inefficient network,

You cant cripple the game if its entire design is built around the concept. Thats like saying Pokemon is a PC game because the Gameboy sucked compared to desktop PC games at the time.

We are sitting in a situation where the technology is limited anyway. And fully using it means having to focus on specific design concepts. 100% on chain is not crippling anything its fully using the fucking technology.

The most likely scenario with you hybrid cucks is that you will end up making games nobody wants because you decided to water down centralized gaming and decentralized gaming at the same fucking time.

Your biggest audience is going to be wallet holders anyway. Good luck marketing to audience outside of that. Good luck making a centralized pile of shit wallet holders are going to be interested in. Your biggest potential playerbase wants decentralization you fucking cucks think for a minute.

You aint selling crypto games to r/gaming. Hell even /v/ will probably tell you to KYS

>> No.12356481

Can we get Jagex to connect Runescape Grand exchange to Ethereum blockchain?

>> No.12356550

Start off with a Farmville/MafiaWars/Pepecash clone and move on from there.