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12351112 No.12351112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Americans will unironically defend this

>> No.12351122

Not everyone should be in college. Its a massive bubble.

>> No.12351123

college just prepares you to be homeless

>> No.12351151

You just need to have a real talent. Like screenwriting, for example. Just write a great script, sell it and you don't need a shitty college.

>> No.12351204

People were selling their houses and cars to buy btc at the peak. Now they're doing the same to get into college.

>> No.12351253

university is not for everyone, stupid people have been trying to brute force themselves into higher class lifestyle with a safe bet and they are now getting fucked in the ass for it.

>> No.12351277

right so... what to do about the rest of the untalented people?
>inb4 fuck you I got mine
this is why society is coming apart at the seams

>> No.12351375


>fuck you I got mine

That’s literally all America is though. Everyone believes they’ll be a millionaire tomorrow and secretly hates everyone else. Thy actually think it’s normal to pay for college and healthcare out of pocket.

>> No.12351395

why would you care about your fellow citizen when your fellow citizen is just as easily a gook or Nigerian and you’re a mutt with no identity?

>> No.12351437

Burgerland is warm, you can sleep even in the street. Try that in Russia.

>> No.12351446

No one pays for full tuition though tbf. If you get a 4.0 in highschool you can often get full tuition paid for just for that, if you're around ~3.5 you can get half of it paid for. This is assuming say your SAT scores are over >1400 min for the half tuition (math + reading), or even better >1500 for the full.

Don't go to a fancy private uni you can't afford (especially out of state), live with many roommates or commute from home. Test out of a shitton of classes with either APs or CLEP. Don't buy books unless you're forced to, get them second hand or just pirate them.

There's a lot of way to make college cheaper.

>> No.12351457

Wrong, everyone should receive higher e education as it makes our populace smarter.

>> No.12351466
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They will nearly all default on their debts, there are simply no jobs 80% of these graduates no matter if it is stem or anything, will get a shitty paying mcjob with their degrees. Scammed poor kids

>> No.12351467

California is warm, which is why the rest of cold burgerland sends their homeless on the grayhound bus and then lets us deal with them. Fixed.

>> No.12351469

Yeah, California is over run with folks who see the homeless life is luxury. I would agree with them

>> No.12351494

>Humbolt State University
>homeless hippies in Humboldt County, CA is news

>> No.12351501

>he thinks getting a college degree is essential

>> No.12351510

>fresh out of high school
>no savings
>"$10,000 a year for a philosophy degree? what a steal!"
they deserve it

>> No.12351511
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The issue is that the entire country fell for the MUH COLLEGE EXPERIENCE meme, which drives up the cost of education tremendously. Most students don't need to be living in fancy dorms, and most classes don't need to be taught in classrooms. The average student should be able to knock out their first two years lower level/prereq education with online courses while living at home (or in a cheap apartment) and interning in their field of choice. After that, maybe they can show up to campus once a week for labs and discussion in their upper level courses. With a system like this, you could push the cost of higher education to under $10K a year and have students earning cash on the side. If you want to study Art History or whatever that's fine, but you shouldn't be paying $55K a year just so you can live on a lavish campus and eat like a king while doing so.

Another issue is that far too many people thumb their noise at associates degrees and trade schools. 1-2 years of practical education is far more useful than a bachelors in some abstract nonsense from a weak school, but unfortunately employers prefer the latter because it makes you more """well rounded."" Major companies need to take the lead and start hiring and promoting skilled people who don't have 4 year degrees. In order to force this to happen, the government should dismantle the horrible H1-B visa program, which allows companies to cherry pick foreigners and so they don't have to pay Americans proper wages. Additionally, we shouldn't be giving out retardedly large, non dischargable student loans to every idiot who asks for one. If a private bank wants to do that fine, but they should be forced to accept the risk of a student declaring bankruptcy and not paying them back. That would drive down college prices tremendously and bring some sanity back to higher education financing. Additionally, it would force dogshit """colleges""" that can't produce employable graduates to shut down.

>> No.12351539


Dumb people will lower the chance of achievements of smart people because learning requirements are turned to shit so everyone is the same

t. Med. Doctor who doesnt even know wtf a lg(x) is simply because he didnt learn in school
I dont even know what blood vessels support the legs because they dumbed down everything...

>> No.12351541

I went to a top ten public in the US and my tuition was significantly less than 10K per year. It was still a waste of money.

>> No.12351549

Aren't you old enough yet to know that even vast amounts of college "educated" people are complete morons?

>> No.12351570

This. America ain't about helping your fellow man its about using your fellow man. Just like everywhere else but to a much more extreme

>> No.12351582

college is birth control as there is a massive overpopulation problem to which there is no other humane sollution to send people to fucking college.