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12349615 No.12349615 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not talking PRICE here, I'm talking about TECH if adopted

Why wouldn't decentralized oracles be used by all blockchains?

Of course this could also be any other tech, but here we talk about LINK

>> No.12349637

Where the fuck have you been? All of these have been discussed multiple times. Its survived biz for over a year...

>> No.12349641

I dunno maybe DYOR

>> No.12349652
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im posting a fucking literal RESEARCH THREAD

>hurr durr DYOR

>> No.12349674

This isn't an argument, just questions that need to be answered through use: for which uses is the security provided by decentralized oracles even necessary, and how much do you need for 'good enough' security?

>> No.12349676

seems like the fudsters haven't been doing their job, time to wire some rupees to the pajeet headquarters
no money no poo poo, as they say

>> No.12349693
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>im posting a fucking literal RESEARCH THREAD
You call THIS a research thread? My God how biz has fallen. Why don't you actually start the thread by showing us what you've got? Do you really think we would spoonfeed you on the shortcomings before selling you our bags at the top? Why don't you come back and start a real thread after reading the whitepaper.

>> No.12349699

If adopted is the keyword. Right now nobody is using crypto for anything other than trading shitcoins so there isn't much demand for oracles. Bizfags act like centralized oracles are the only thing holding back blockchain from being used when in reality there just aren't that many good use cases for it.

>> No.12349722

ok whatever, I don't "got" anything. I just wanted to hear both sides arguments... true data from oracles will be a problem all blockchains and icos will have.

>> No.12349735

for example, sports betting input. I bet on team a vs team b, what if a centralized oracle that has a stake in that bet fakes the data?

>> No.12349925

>API can answer selectively to have specific nodes lose their staked LINK and reputation. the API owner would even profit from that if he also owned the smart contract.
>off-chain aggregation is not guaranteed to pay honest nodes (like wtf)
>reputation is only a convoluted way of staking
>Intel SGX has a backdoor

>> No.12349956
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The absolute state. Do your own research.

>> No.12349971

No one can answer this question. No one. With Chainlink you’re essentially paying for more nodes with the assumption that more nodes=greater security. How much security vs nodes and price people are willing to pay is all an unknown and should be better answered when mainnet is released and there is usage on the network.

>> No.12349983

ok stupid NEET; now let the grown up talk

>> No.12349984

something something sybil attacks. i'm a brainlet so i don't understand it but that's the main tech fud that's out there

>> No.12350321

It's posters like you that have utterly drained the quality of this board worse than we have seen in years. You come here looking for expert advice and turn around to talk shit on the ones that can actually help you. Either put in some effort and do your own research or fuck off back to redit.