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12348141 No.12348141 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into day trading? Is $1000 a decent amount to play around with?

>> No.12348151

buy high sell low

>> No.12348169
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That’s the perfect amount if you’re looking for a 5hr career.

>> No.12348193


I started with $300

>> No.12348209

Did you make a lot? What website do I use?

>> No.12348249
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what are you daytrading?
options? crypto? forex? something else?
details please

>> No.12348269

Learn basic TA
Start with swing trading
Be 100% emotionally detached
Always set exit points before the trade and actually stick to them
Good luck have fun

>> No.12348340

I dunno, I don't know where to get started. Anything but crypto.

>> No.12348428
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One thousand isnt enough to bank and live on as a start...even in shit-tier countries.
Heres what I did about ten years ago. I got out of prison and was broke and no job, but I learned how to examine and paper trade forex for the year I was locked up. I worked as a driver for several years as I traded. Gradually I worked my way out of the job and into full time trading. Last year I made over 400k trading...its very very doable, I know. But you hafta stick with it, even thru the failures (i had many, particularly at the beginning).

Bottom line: Stick with a day job no matter how shitty it is and immerse yourself into trading. You literally have it all at your fingertips and DONT GIVE UP.

>> No.12348450

what's the difference between day trading and swing trading?

>> No.12348457

Well I don't want to live off it, at least not in the beginning. Just want to make some pocket cash and see if I can build it up enough to start making more money. It all seems like bullshit to me anyway. Like how are you supposed to know if it's gonna go up or down?

>> No.12348465

I'd say you need about 10 000 to make it worthwhile. Below that and you might do better cleaning toilets or working as a cashier.

>> No.12348478

How hard is it not to lose money? Is it just gambling or do some people have an unexplainable talent that lets them see where the price is going just by looking at charts?

>> No.12348506
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day trading usually means trading within a day or so...opening a trade at 835a.m. and closing it at 8:38a.m. and so forth. Swing trading is opening a trade at a level with a predetermined 'swing point' that may not be hit for days, weeks, months, kinda like buying link at 20 cents and selling at 35 or 40 cents and waiting to rebuy at 21 cents or so, ...rinse repeat.

Use your phone and download apps for whatever you want to look at. MT$ for forex, binance, etrade, etc. Most if not all can let you set up demo accounts and allow you to trade with fake money, then let you move to live money accounts

>> No.12348511
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First off, study before using real funds in a live account.
I studied basic TA and then learned early on why 90% of traders fail.
Then I studied a unique style of TA crafted by a trader called ICT and never looked back at retail trading strategies ever again.

Anyway, you probably just wanna get rich rather than get consistent, so just disregard anons advising you to learn to fish.

>> No.12348514


>> No.12348539

I'm aware there exist people who have done this.
You're not one of them.

>> No.12348543
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>> No.12348544


>> No.12348549
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>i made x$ on this trade! I shoulda traded 2x and made 2x my money cuz I'm smart!
>I made 2x on this trade! I shoulda traded 4x and made 4x my money cuz I'm smart!

>> No.12348599
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I enjoy seeing this. People like you I love to tip with a two dollar bill and pat on the back and whisper "youre doing a GREAT job'

One of my Gf's...still seeing her

>> No.12348646

Hi, degen bitmex gambler here.

started on 100 bucks a month, i was risking 50 bucks on a trade like if my acc was 10k (0.5 risk everytrade) since i only had 2 shots a months i panned everytrade weeks ahead, eveentualy stoped lossing money, and eventualy turned my supposed 10k into real 10k (at this point learning only cost me 1k, or 10 months, wich is pretty good)
now trading is my job. i dont do shitty trades, i dont have emotions, and i dont fucking lose the money that feeds me.

>> No.12348655

I apologise, enjoy and cherish your relationship

>> No.12348822

>or do some people have an unexplainable talent that lets them see where the price is going just by looking at charts
there are methods that you will learn but in the end it's still just gambling.

>> No.12348835

he's forcing himself to learn the hard way, i say let him

>> No.12348837

Do you think sports gambling is a better avenue for money making?

>> No.12348851

only if you have inside info

>> No.12348866

>Is $1000 a decent amount to play around with?
If you're asking about day trading stocks, then no, that isn't enough. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has rules that prevent people from day trading with less than 25k. Those rules are in place to protect retarded retail investors.

It is possible to day trade crypto with 1k, but I don't recommend it. Even if you know what you're doing, which you don't, your gains probably won't be large enough to justify spending a lot of time staring at monitors.

I suggest spending the next year reading while you save up a larger amount of starting capital. If you want to start trading just for educational purposes, then I suggest using a paper account with no real money on the line.

>> No.12348885

Are you implying sports are fixed? Anyway, I've seen people online claim they make decent money with sports gambling but it could be bullshit since you can easily lie on the internet.

The other guy said it's just gambling. Is that true?

>> No.12348916

this is me exactly

>> No.12348922

There’s a difference between prognostication based on confluence in price action, on the one hand, and gambling off a coin toss.

Markets are manipulated and it’s that manipulation that makes them relatively predictable.

>> No.12348933

>The other guy said it's just gambling. Is that true?
In my eyes, all investment strategies are a form of gambling. It is just a question of how heavily the odds are stacked for or against you.

Most day traders under-perform people who buy and hold. They typically pay more in commissions, they are forced to pay short-term capital gains taxes, and many of them use TA that is no better than astrology. The other anons were probably comparing day trading to gambling because shitty TA is reminiscent of the poor reasoning that degenerate gamblers use in casinos.

>> No.12348938

How and where can I learn daytrading? Most youtub tutorials seem to be from larpers or scammers

>> No.12348976

Don't listen to these people OP. 1000$ is enough to invest with.

Pick any company with large cap and volume and preferably <50$ a share and just buy one or 2 shares a day. If your return drops more than 2% just buy more shares till it's less.

Eventually things should work out especially if you keep adding money to your account.

>> No.12348977

well we're pretty much at the bottom so just go on bitmex and open a 5x long with 500$ and then put the other 500$ at your liquidation point

voila, your actual liquidation point will be somewhat below 3k which is unironically the bottom and you will gain btc at 5x speed as it crawls back to 6k, ez

if it falls below 3k then just put 2k in and repeat, after we bottom out for sure (we already have but just in case), you will have all your money back and a buttload of profit

you're welcome anons

>> No.12349027

>1000$ is enough to invest with.
I agree that it is enough to invest with, but that isn't what OP was asking about. He specifically mentioned day trading, which means never holding any position overnight. With only 1k in his account, commission costs may eat OP alive. Paying $5 in commission on a $500 trade is MUCH worse than paying $5 on a $10,000 trade.

>> No.12349031
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You're gonna make it.

>> No.12349044
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>Under $1000

lol, you have no idea what the fuck you are doing. Just flush your money down the toilet, atleast you will save yourself the headache of watching your money slowly go to 0

>> No.12349052


>> No.12349060

Unfortunately its mostly self taught...tons of good videos out there but many more scammers and time thiefs.
I learned forex on babypips.com, it has tons of good info on forex and optionseducation.org has alot of good starter info on options. Go from there!

>> No.12349102

Thanks anon

>> No.12349120
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>> No.12349147

Do you trade with leverage?

>> No.12349162
File: 1.21 MB, 5000x5000, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fake.
Please post your photo ID (front and back), acct number, email address, password and google authenticator code so I can verify it.

>> No.12349169

Any advice for a beginner living in Denmark? Our capital gain is 42%, should I start investing money in bolting the fuck out of here if I wanna make some real money doing this stuff? Can't imagine it being that profitable if you get taxed to shits like that.

>> No.12349223

Really you shouldn't be declaring you day trading profits unless they pass a certain threshold. For example I use coinbase, and they won't report anything unless youve earned $20,000 cash from trading or had over 200 transactions. So even if you convert from bitcoin to ether you're supposed to mark that as a gain/loss for tax purposes, but coinbase doesnt. And if you cash out less than $20,000 in coinbase they won't automatically report it.

So you can game the system by staying under certain limits. I've sold things on ebay as a side gig for years and make anywhere from $10k-$15k in revenue each year and I never ever have reported those earnings to the government, because ebay doesn't report it automatically.

>> No.12349231

i stick to my own risk rules, since my overall risk is 0.5 on a trade (of my total acc) i like to keep at least 75% of my acc out of mex, so my mex risk goes up, leveraging or not depends on the trade setup:

Lets say i see a really good setup where the stop its only 0.5% from entry, my mex risk is 3%, so i can x6 my acc and still keep my overall risk at 0.5 on this trade since most of my funds are out of mex.

but if the stop is 3% from the entry, i can only x1 the mex acc, and still risk 0.5 of my global acc, this is why i mostly go for swings, and adjust the trade size to the trade risk to keep my 0.5%, this is vital on my trading strat, im not even a good trader, i could say average, but the risk and going from A to B is what is all about.

>> No.12349333
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Also, when i first started i figured out how to develop a system, as you can see on pick related even on a losing system you can make money if you manage risk, stick to the system and make more than you lose.

my overall track record R/R is 3.5 and i dont take anything below 2, i can simulate some grahps for you guys if you give me a winloss ratio and an average R/R (if you track record of your trades you can simulate future gains, this helps psychologically to stick to your rules)

>> No.12349408
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Brainlet here. What do you mean by R/R? Is there a blog where i can learn the basics. And does it require some extraordinary efforts or IQ to make it by trading?

>> No.12349564
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risk reward,

i guess i cant say im stupid, but im not mrs brain either, everyone can make it given the way to do it, i could say watch this guys https://www.twitch.tv/cryptotraderstv search the clips where they talk about where they want to trade, eventually you will make the same calls that they do, like everyone they lose trades, but like i proven before you dont need to win all your trades.

if you wanna try, start really small like i did, and never ever go retarded on your leverage, you will feel adrenaline once you win 5 - 10 trades in a row, then you start to make stupid decisions and go out of your plan, pic related is risking 5% on every trade to make 10% see how irregular his winnings are, and how fast he gives back what he wins, the blue simulation has blowup the acc at 150 trades, this is why you want to go small. the numbers and probability never lies stick to them

>> No.12349617

>heh, thanks I'm flattered that you called me a dirty fucking larper
>btw this is my girlfriend, like any real couple we always get her hair and makeup (and lighting) done professionally before we fuck

>> No.12349654

Unironically 60% of biz doesnt know the integral of x.

>> No.12349912



>> No.12349970


That's high school math annon. Pretty sure everyone knows the basic power rules.

>> No.12350079
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You need to learn more before you come into The Great Jew Games, OP.

If you want to jump in now, we will gladly pick your pockets clean.

>> No.12350092

You need to start with 10k tbqh if you want to make 5-10% a day.

>> No.12350189

Bitmex. 100x leverage.

>> No.12350237



>> No.12350264

Don't expect anyone to share an actual consistently winning strategy ever.

>> No.12350324

So you learn by doing? I don't even know the basics

>> No.12350470

Do what i done to learn. 100 bucks a month on bitmex casino.

This is all the material you need to know to trade:

Risk Reward
Acummulation Distribution
Support Resistance
Multi timeframe trading
Price action

(Really important)
Stop Hunting
Liquidity zones

I would buy a trading journal since it helps you out a lot, keeping track of your trades will make you to dont make the same mistakes over and over (edgewonk is what i use, its 100 bucks) you can use and spreadsheet tho..

Keep things simple, retail traders will try to find the golden system, pros dont do that, they stick to simple trading methods, simple trendlines, support and resistance areas.. fibs, and they will see how price react to those zones dats it.

im gonna try to find a youtube video on price action wich was really good.

>> No.12350588

I really appreciate your reply anon, thank you

>> No.12350619

10k is too much money to risk losing for the average normie trader. If your an absolute beginner like OP, then you should start with a reasonable $500 - $1000. This is bad advice.

>> No.12350638

i do think it was this one, i dont have the time to look into it, but yeah, this is a good resume:

>> No.12350640

Even $500 is too much. Try $50 in my opinion.

>> No.12350693


You can open a "practice" account on +500 for free.

Practice first with very small money or on "practice" trading accounts

No point losing lots of money on stupid week one mistakes before you've even learnt the absolute basics.

>> No.12350713

Just no. $50 is too little for various reasons. You're better off trading demo accounts in that case.

>> No.12350730



>not buying TRUE
>Shorting Okex
No wonder you're poor

>> No.12350732

No 50 bucks, but risk 50 bucks.

>> No.12350735

Got 50k nice

>> No.12350749

Saw this on lereddit. Unironcally just picked up 12k

>> No.12350755

stop spreading this anon, you're going to ruin a good opportunity by reposting this on /biz/, everyone should sage this thread

>> No.12350768

Ok retards let me just explain to you 100% how to do this without fucking up because I know one of you will, and will cry about it for 3 weeks on here.

Use fucking metamask like anon said. Download the NEWEST version. SAVE your FUCKING seedwords degenerates. If you don't say bye bye to all your tokens, link, eth, or anything you have on there.

SEND the ETHEREUM to your metamask, or directly from the exchange to forkdelta if youre a retard.

Then TRANSFER the ethereum ONTO forkdelta - accumalate the TRUE, WITHDRAWL the TRUE, and send the TRUE w/ your metamask wallet to kucoin.

Rince & Repeat. I better get a fucking thankyou.

>> No.12350779

Too late jew

>> No.12350787 [DELETED] 
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Ignore this anon


This poster here, what I suggest is you start with $1,000, which is what a while back ago like in 2013 it cost to open an eTrade account. Now they lowered it to $500, but still, start with a Robinhood account, become a longterm investor, and start with just a $1,000

GE is an attractive low risk position right now imo, although I got out of it. AMD might be a winner with all the tech stuff coming out, but something to keep in mind as an investor is 60% of the internet is people on there mobile phones...... now imagine when 5G comes out in 2 years

Pic related is from September

>> No.12350790

Y'all some real niggas...

>> No.12350810

This. If you are ignoeunf this you're a retard. Don't bother day trading being new just short it's easier.

>> No.12350821
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Can you Cryptofaggots please leave an actual Stocks thread?

No one gives a shit about your vaporwave currency.

>> No.12350828

You won't make it without at least 10k TRUE

Why do you care about helping biz? Fuck them.

>> No.12350834


>3 anons using proxies to samefag bump some crypto scam

>> No.12350835

Cool thanks

>> No.12350842

You're a brainlet ignoring anons short position opportunity he/she posted

>> No.12350847

but dont you get double raped by fees?

>> No.12350855


After buying $500 XLM and seeing its worth $40 a year later, I am NEVER touching crypto shit again. Refer to pic related to see real gains, manchild.


>> No.12350866

Retard alert LOL

>> No.12350879


How am I retarded? Everyone shills the same thing

>omg omg buy x, x is going to moon

It's a endless cycle of Burger King employees putting their weekly paychecks into some vaporscam and then getting burned, so they are stuck as bagholders and they constantly shit up the catalog here trying to shill their fake money.

I wish /biz/ was more like wallstreetbets man, the crypto posting is so fucking annoying

>> No.12350902

Well i think youre being made fun of bexause the TRUE on anons link they provided is about 24% cheaper than the Korean exchange.

Just unironcally got 100k

>> No.12350916

you mean by leveraging? nah, i would pay the same fees if i had my full stack on mex, but yeah the % overall of my mex acc go high by leveraging, my % of my full stack stays the same

>> No.12350917

This ladies and fuckboys is a retard normie who lost it all buying ripple KEK!!!

>> No.12350925


I don't even know what the fuck TRUE is or give a shit, I will sit here with a big smile as i'm 1/10th of the way to a million dollars on my long investments.

How much money has """Daytrading""" virtual fake money made? :^)

>> No.12350926

Feelsgoodman how do we get past the kyc on okex btw

>> No.12350935

lol you think anons post arb opportunities on biz?!

>> No.12350942

Check the poorfag boomer who can't trade crypto. Posts like this get screenshotted and saved for years so at least you did some good looking like a brainlet today man.

>> No.12350945


Dude, you bought a top for emotional reasons. Now we're at a bottom and you're not buying for emotional reasons.

Check how much you could have made if you bought LTC a couple of weeks ago. See the current price. See the price in a year. You are right to be very wary of crypto. Out of the thousands of coins present currently, maybe 50 are actually good projects. BTC and LTC are the safest choices out of all of these at this time. Put 50 into LTC and I guarantee you, you won't regret it in a year. I've bought some 30k USD of it myself, that's how sure of it I am. Amazing dev team, solid principles behind it and HTC released a phone with a crypto chip that supports BTC and LTC last month. It sold out before I could buy one on launch day.

>> No.12350950


Actually I took that loss buying Stellar. It's fucking worth peanuts now.

My first and last time I ever bought crypto.

Ya'll enjoy talking about your fake retard money, because from what I assumed this was a stock market thread for REAL companies making REAL products.

I never even HEARD of daytrading crypto, like this is even worse than buying 100k of shitlink and holding it for long. Sounds like a real good way to lose all your money

>> No.12350957

LOL go back to mommies advice. Stick to what you know for sure LOL i love newfagsxD

>> No.12350965

Well not going to find this again. Thank you anonchan

>> No.12350973
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I don't give a fuck about crypto, refer to


This screenshot was from Friday, I made almost $10k in ONE trading day on a REAL company that I can sell at ANY time and cash out to my bank via a simple click.

Bunch of NEET retards in this thread working at Publix bagging groceries thinking they are making a lot of money daytrading bullshit when they really are slowly bleeding out money.

Can anyone in this hand raise there threads, who here has made even $1k in one day off Stocks?

>> No.12350977

Honestly just Google Korean id you'll be fine with anything you submit. Give it a couple hours though. Their kyc is a joke.

>> No.12350988

The main giveaway that you're 16 is you just said you can trade anytime. Stocks close kid. Maybe mommy gives you too big of an allowance!!

>> No.12350989

Mfw this actually worked

>> No.12350995

LOL checked. Based and redpilled.

>> No.12350997
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Actually i'm 23 my friend :^)

You are grasping for straws my guy, when I said any time I meant during trading hours you fucking retard. Of course I could put in an after hours limit buy or sell, but you are really grasping for straws.

Maybe you are the 16 year old? Who is the one with $100k in their portfolio right now? LOL

Please screenshot me what your fake virtual currency portfolio is worth right now

>> No.12351000



>> No.12351004


I don't daytrade, nor do I trust banks or stock exchanges. The inflation from all the quantitative easing hasn't even hit yet. I fully expect banks to go down within the foreseeable future. Deutsche bank is already broke, the EU is collapsing and the USD isn't doing much better. The first thing that happens during any currency crisis is shutting "poor people" like me and you out of the financial system. It happened in Greece, it happened in Venezuela and it will happen in the next collapse too.

Enjoy your life, but if you're really making that much money, please consider hedging your bets a bit to avoid being broke when all the traditional systems start collapsing. The average life expectancy of a successful civilization is 250 years, before some kind of renewal takes place.

>> No.12351007

no i mean having a lot of losing trades and closing your position with a stop loss, then you market sell and incur a lot of fees

>> No.12351009

Look at this zoomer larping kek

>> No.12351012

Got 5k

>> No.12351027


You must live in Turkey or some shit, the Feds have NEVER devalued the US Dollar in the entire history of the United States. Why do you think that it is the most trusted and most wanted asset among investors? Holy shit

/biz/ is full of fucking 10 year olds

>> No.12351035

Im dying keep going keep going!

>> No.12351041

Only brainless chads will pass this up easiest 20x flip ive done.

>> No.12351046

Now I hodl YOUR bags

>> No.12351052

Not even trolling this actually works if you're interested in shorting those zipperheads.

>> No.12351054

topkek larper u already exposed your larp by deleting your photoshopped pic kid

>> No.12351059

Convinced me to get 2k thanks /hugglesandclomps

>> No.12351066

>unironically believing this


>> No.12351067

Stop pretending kid who are you kidding besides your self

>> No.12351080

Can't believe this worked. Wow.

>> No.12351164


Hahaha what? The "Federal" Reserve has share holders. It's a for-profit business. They do whatever they like. How can you trade and not know something this basic? The USD is a private currency.

>> No.12351165

>make money on growth
>buy precious metals
>sell it during crisis
>buy cheap stock
sure a difficult concept, better trade my lifesavings for the latest shitcoin instead

>> No.12351167

It's common knowledge they just add "kyc" because of the regulations

>> No.12351196

Stock market has high brokerage fees to prevent people like you from doing this. If not crypto what would you be trading?

>> No.12351222

Should I trade these on okex since they're 5 pennies more expensive or HODL MonkaHmm.jpg

>> No.12351401

you ain't making shit trading anything but crypto with 1k

>> No.12351439
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>real companies who generate real revenue just go up forever

this is the mind of a nocoiner

>> No.12351471

Too bad okex takes a hour to transfer erc20. Still an amazing chance at arb though. Just picked up 35k my self, thanks for the info buddy.

>> No.12351523
File: 87 KB, 750x1066, 1YOYPhQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this on amd amd tqqq yesterday as well pal

>> No.12351648

Took me 5 minutes

>> No.12351744

>biz: tells guy asking about starting trading not to listen to anyone and that $1k isnt enough
>also biz: believe TAnon and hang off his every word even though he’s a larper who trades small amounts, has been wrong countless times and uses VPN to reply to his own threads so he can seem important and sell his BS private trading course to biztards

>> No.12351784

Just buy low and sell high

>> No.12351886

Buy low and sell even lower.

>> No.12351961

>Can anyone in this hand raise there threads
Raising a ball of yarn right now nigger

>> No.12351991

you either all-in one stock which is really risky or spread it out over several trades, after which the commission will eat any chance of you making a profit. If by any chance you make a big profit you will then have to pay tax on that at the end of the year.


>> No.12352216

2019 is our year /biz/ GreenWojak.png

>> No.12352446

Cheers to that statement

>> No.12352723

Invest your 1k into this

Then sell it for profit on the chink exchange

>> No.12352839

Go back to /pol/ you bigot PoS

>> No.12352932

democrats are the ones who hate asians bud

>> No.12353005

Libtards feelings hurt?

>> No.12354091

I made over a million dollars last year in crypto you fucking poorfag. Stay retarded though and enjoy your stock market you absolute retard. You obviously don't have the intelligence for crypto so it's probably for the best you stick to the stock market and brag about your 10%. Imagine bragging about making 1k hahaha

>> No.12354834

Nice thought I was too late but just got them on okex. Sweet.

>> No.12355188

1k is more than some people make in weeks

>> No.12355478

More than I make in 8 months...full time work and over time... very poor country though...

>> No.12355713

You must live in india

>> No.12355722

Bookmarked, thanks dawg

>> No.12355749
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>being this much of a bluepilled clueless brainlet zogbot NPC
i didn't even knew it was possible

>> No.12355913

Did this the entire night. Doubt we will ever see those prices again for TRUE. Someone messed up id reckon listing those =p thanks a lot though anon you didn't have to share that find. Good for us and you man!

>> No.12355938

Ni.....ce I love blacks too

>> No.12356116

Well you are on one of the most simpleton boards on 4channel

>> No.12356153

Please don't send shit to OKEx or binance until they confirm deposits are back online...fuvkjng key issues just lost 400BAT because crypto is trash ffs!

>> No.12356166

Like wise friend. Chances are we can get our coin back because it's just "stuck" right now. This new mainnet upgrade is fucking alot of exchanges not just binance and OKEx. Just wait and chill you'll be okay when the actual api is updated which is 100% there main priority!

>> No.12356186
File: 433 KB, 1024x568, 229448CD-BA5D-4A12-BF15-7FE608B2BFFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously a shill pajeet group to derail the thread and “promote” this shitcoin, anyway, if I’m a new investor, what are some MUST HAVE, software programs, websites, courses,videos I should look at?!

I’m basically trying to get as much infomation and study the fuck out of of it, I downloaded a trading simulator on my phone, I have financial news apps as well, I have investopedia bookmarked and binance app installed as well, anyone know where to find information reguarding beginner investing and trading?
Like the basics of TA, how to research stocks etc.
I’m debating on buying a shitty course on udemy to try and learn

>> No.12356195

TRUE isn't a shit coin and check out investopedia read it all

>> No.12356272

This is why crypto won't be adopted within our life time. Too many issues and too hard for normies

>> No.12356600


There should be an ANN for the exchanges that'll be having issues persisting the following 2 weeks.

>> No.12356685


>being this delusional

>> No.12356724

It might not happen for 200 tx... but send alts in the next month and watch them disappear

>> No.12356725

1/2 x^2 + C

>> No.12357251

How is it delusional ? We aren't even close to adoption stage 0.5

>> No.12357260
File: 67 KB, 633x758, 1540024055493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw failed Calculus I twice

>> No.12357482

I feel you

>> No.12357809

The best strat

>> No.12358509

Go all in on LINK retard

>> No.12358944


Very few people make money betting on sports in the long term. Believe me, I've looked into it.

There are way better ways to invest your money than sports betting.

>> No.12359071

>Anything but crypto
Why? Crypto is high risk/reward, which is what day trading is all about.

>> No.12359615

ICT is a fraud btw. He was debunked a while ago and more recently by old students. Dont pay 5k for his teachings