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12346584 No.12346584 [Reply] [Original]

is he literally /ourguy/?

>> No.12346592

Lol, what a moron, you can't announce something like that. They'll be all over him before the month is out.

>> No.12346598

sure, if you're okay with your guy being a murderer and a rapist

>> No.12346608

>illegal aka against the law
>the law that is made by the state
>the law that says you have to pay taxes
Why don't ancaptards move to some distant island and make their own nation where they can rule however they want?

>> No.12346623

>laws passed by the state is never at odds with laws passed by the very same state previously
>laws contradicting other laws are still legal

get a load of this bootlicker

>> No.12346633

>implying 4channel would have a problem with that

>> No.12346634

Where does it state that paying taxes is illegal, you retard? And again why don't you make your own nation?

>> No.12346640

Of course he fucking is. He's biz incarnate. Fucks hookers, gets his mouth shat in and does more drugs than any human realistically could. All whilst getting paid to shit shitcoins. /Ourguy/.

>> No.12346652

>I don't like the materials my car's steering wheel is made out of
>why don't you make your own car you retard?

Kill yourself. Taxing the same money more than once is illegal in multiple countries as states their constitution. They still do it anyway.

>> No.12346659

>moving the goalpost
Why do you care about taxing multiple times when taxing general is "illegal".

>> No.12346681

Hey, your taxes don't go to what you think...check out 'The Grace Commission'...Its 'illegal' (notice the quotation marks) btw cause taxes are theft/fraud!
Only 'persons' have to pay tax.

>> No.12346708

That is actually of the income tax.

>> No.12346719


dont forget hes a murderer

>> No.12346814

biz also likes eating shit. Where have all those link threads gone?

>> No.12346975

laws that violate natural rigths are illegal.

>Why don't ancaptards move to some distant island and make their own nation where they can rule however they want?

It was tried, but statists from Tonga ruined it.

>> No.12347010

If true, then he's a diluded moron.
Most people on /biz/ understand that taxes are necessary, they just want things to change so that taxes stop funding shit they don't agree with. Military industrial complex is how we've dominated the entire world for so long and taxes is what pays for it. That's why we're not basically canada right now.

>> No.12347011

If you don't owe anything, you don't have to file.
It's possible that he has his finances set up so he doesn't have to pay legally.

>> No.12347029

dont worry anons, if we keep getting morr politically correct and start accepting nonbinary genders on legal documents we can all identify as tax exempt : )

>> No.12347032

bluepilled coward
I am OK
nigger lover

Taxation is theft.

>> No.12347037

There are no natural rights and outside of man-made laws there is no such thing as illegal.
Nations exists because they claimed and fought for their land and now get to make the laws as they see fit.
If you think you can do better go claim your own land. There is a good reason why ancap nations don't exist.
It's simple evolution really. The systems of government that exist today are the best because they are the ones that survived.
Out of 200 countires there is not a single successful ancap nation. That's a worse track record than communism has.

>> No.12347043

Income tax literally is illegal, according to the original constitution.

>> No.12347049

>nigger lover
That would be you since the only ancap nation is a nigger country named Somalia.

>> No.12347052

fuck you
you will never have our energy again, we made it, we have cryptoes

>> No.12347062

>Out of 200 countires there is not a single successful ancap nation.

yes because other nations are much more aggressive. by your logic, if tehre was a group of murderers and a group of people who dont murder, if the mruderers murder the peaceful people, you would consider the murderers as better people.

>> No.12347065

It's not murder, the guy killed John's doggos

>> No.12347073

you are better people if you are able to take the stuff of the other people

the state main purpose was to protect what is ours and take the others

capitalism changed that, now with crypto we have unconfiscatable wealth

if you do not benefit from killing the others you wont kill them

if we are gold/silver based you can benefit, if we are land based, you can benefit too

>> No.12347074

You don't have any energy to offer. It's a good thing you're busy ranting on an anime site instead of going out and fighting for your cause.
That guarantees that the political elite will never have anything to fear from losers like yourself.
Welcome to reality. If there's no strong government there will be criminal syndicates and warlords. Power vacuums get filled. It's as inevitable as gravity.

>> No.12347088

dumb ass cunt

>> No.12347103

Very good argument. You've convinced me 100%. Where can I sign up for Ancapistan?

>> No.12347109

all you have to do is, have assets that are not confiscatable

property is very easily being taken

if you money and money flow is not addressable you have nothing to worry about

big corporation do it though offshoring, in the future it will be trough crypto

>> No.12347113

If there's no strong government there will be criminal syndicates and warlords

The "strong governemnt" IS the criminal syndicate (unless it makes its laws based on antural rigths).

>> No.12347120

every form of originated violence is based on gains

if you cannot benefit you cannot organise !

>> No.12347123

Dude is a serious badass.

>> No.12347130

They can take other things from you like a car ect... But if you are paid in crypto through anon channels and never need to cash out then its pretty weird situation honestly. Especially if you aren't really even that rich.

>> No.12347135

>Dude is a serious badass.

Is it possible he actually is paying and he is just larping?

>> No.12347137

ok, you can rent a car, or lease
you can rent a place or something similar

if you have nothing to your name, you are safe

like literally immune

>> No.12347138

>if you have nothing to your name, you are safe
>like literally immune

What about a good solid no knock raid?

>> No.12347144

Natural rights don't exist.

>> No.12347146

does not matter, because legally the stuff is not something that can be confiscated

you can take property, bank account, cars, but not personal stuff

>> No.12347162

Very possible but remember this is the same guy who killed his neighbor for poisoning his doggo and also the same guy who conducted his own research to combating diseases. The guy is a mad genius but /biz/lets think he’s some retarded boomer. Look deeper friend. Also skycoin $100 EOY!

>> No.12347178

the murder was unironically justified though

>> No.12347190

Natural rigths are all the rigths you would have if no other humans would exist.

>> No.12347317 [DELETED] 

Say that ONCE in your liberal social circle. Add that gay marriage being illegal in nearly all around the world is OK because "natural rights don't exist".

Do it. Just for one single time. It's not like anyone who ever pissed a liberal off has been ousted and become a social pariah with newspapers and media involved. It's super cool with freedom of speech.

Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.12347325

Say that ONCE in your liberal social circle. Add that gay marriage being illegal in nearly all around the world is OK because "natural rights don't exist".

Do it. Just for one single time. It's not like anyone who ever pissed a liberal off has been ousted and become a social pariah with newspapers and media involved. They are super cool with freedom of speech.

Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.12347358

>you can take property, bank account, cars, but not personal stuff

I would be perfectly happy never buying a house owning a car or anything like that for the rest of my life...

> Revenue from smart contracts. (Dapp / content creation that earns money organically)
> Never need to cash out, live around lots of people who accept crypto.
> Figure out how to maintain internet without a need to pay for an ISP.

Side note : Whatever solution Jordan Peterson figures out to prevent credit card companies from allowing content creators to cash out is likely going to be useful for people who do want to cash out.

Its very likely I will be a crypto lifer cypher punk in the next 5-10 years. But I cannot see it being ok to not pay taxes. it would be kind of funny to know that if I decided to I could just stop at any moment.

>> No.12347408

So none.
I'm not a retard.

>> No.12347426

taxes are a social construct

>> No.12347449

such state wouldn't be allowed to exist because it would quickly exposed the current (((system)))

>> No.12347507

>So none

nope. This is how it works: If you were the only human you could be gay. Therefor sexual orientation si a natural rigth. If soemone else comes and says you are not allowed to be gay, he would violate that natural rigth.

On the other hand, if you were the only human, you woudlnt have health care. Therefor healthcare is not a natural rigth.

There are also situations where naturl rigths conflict each other. F.e. you could own resources, if you were the only human being. so one can argue owning resources/the environment is a natural rigth. however other people woudl have this rigth aswell so one cant just take evrything. to solve natural rigth conflicts, some sort of state/institutions could exist.

>> No.12347513

because every time they tried the government stopped them

>> No.12347536

He lost 96 million of his 100 million from his business. He will probably never have to pay taxes again

>> No.12347564

>natural rights
Nice spooks m8
>if you were the only human
If your if was a spliff we'd all be high

>> No.12347578

Wrong. A right has to be enforced to exist. Otherwise it's meaningless. In nature no rights are declared or enforced.
Rights are social constructs that members of a society agree on so they can live together in harmony and they have to be enforced. They are absolutely meaningless outside of said society.
Besides your definition is ridiculous. If I was the only human I could hypothetically nuke this planet and it would qualify as a right.
A state must be able to defend its existence. It doesn't need anyone's permission. Are you saying that an ancap state literally can't exist and is thus a fairytale?

>> No.12347598

>If I was the only human I could hypothetically nuke this planet and it would qualify as a right.

correct. and if no other human existed, nothing would stop you. If other human however exist, you would violate their rigth not to get nuked (you wouldnt get nuked if you were the only human being, therefor not gettign nuked is a natural rigth)

>> No.12347604

I could very well be killed if I was the only human. Thus a right to life does not exist by your logic.

>> No.12347627

>he he look at me how bad ass I am, truly woke that I understand that getting fucked by the kikes is the lesser evil he he survival of the fittest he he

kys you stupid brainlet, I'm not saying such country would be invaded with tanks or rockets, it would always get rigged on the election-level or even earlier.

>h-heh Im an adult and I understand that there needs to be the big bad government in place to keep me under its boots he he, I'm not like you anarchic children he he

>> No.12347630

as far as i understand killing involves one human being responsible for the death of another one? if yes, you coudlnt get killed, since no other human exists. If other humans exists, they are would violate your natural rigths if they kill you.

>> No.12347656

>it would always get rigged on the election-level or even earlier.
Wow, you're stupid. You literally just admitted it can't exist.
Animals. They have been killing humans since our existance. Thus you could be killed if you were the only human on earth.

>> No.12347671

this means there is a natural rigth to not get killed by humen, but there is no natural rigth to not get killed by animals.

>> No.12347681

it can't exist because the kikes won't allow it not because it wouldn't work for normal people.
>heh my kike superiors are so great haha, gotta suck more dicks, brb
that's the whole point you brainlet, they prevent such countries from existing not because they would fail on their own, they simply cannot let the average brainlet like you realize that it would be a way better system and once people realized that they would never let the kikes rule them again. It's just mass propaganda and brainwashing, nothing more

>> No.12347713
File: 886 KB, 500x2812, serveimage (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember when I was 16 and the "Somalia is libertarian" meme worked on me. America from 1776 till WW1 was near-ancap: no income taxes, no employment restrictions, virtually non-existent federal government. In that time period the greatest increase in standard of living in world history occurred, from shit-farming to fucking airplanes.

Somalia is part niggers stealing from each other at gun point, part niggers trying to install totalitarian Islam, and part niggers try install African style kleptocracy.

>> No.12347729

>it can't exist because the kikes won't allow it not because it wouldn't work for normal people.
>it can't exist
Why are we talking about this again? If you need the permission of kikes to exist I have bad news for you.
And what about the thousands of nations and civilizations in history where no kikes existed? Why did they always have a government?
Pro tip: it's not the kikes. It's human nature.

>> No.12347741

Maybe /your guy/ but I'm not a retard & avoid everything that drug-addled boomer gets his fingerprints on

>> No.12347758

>he thinks starting any new country is possible in 2019
you fucking retard, even existing countries couldn't go full ancap because the jews stop it, if the jews didn't exist such system would work perfectly fine
go back to the oven immediately maybe you will find some bone dust of your fucked up ancestors you filthy degenerate

>> No.12347787

you also had slavery however. slavery is not ancap.

>> No.12347805


The guy poisoned his dogs. He deserved to be killed

>> No.12347807

>if the jews didn't exist
but they do, so come back to me when you have an ideology that has an ounce of a chance to exist.
anything that needs the goodwill of other people in order to exist is a fairytale and communism tier.

>> No.12347824

nothing good can exist as long as people believe that kikes are their friends. you cannot do shit alone, all I'm saying is that jews prevent fiscally liberal countries from existing, not like they wouldn't work. It's easier to prevent something than stop once it's in motion

>> No.12347849
File: 210 KB, 1280x809, 899b47fb308dc1f5c6730ba37188cf163611a2d6afa989c9c44e110733b5b8aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>State and federal inheritance taxes began after 1900, while the states (but not the federal government) began collecting sales taxes in the 1930s. The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified, permanently legalizing an income tax.

So basically as soon as the kikes came to the US did we start seeing a bunch of taxes and the Federal Reserve.

Out of our 242 year history, we've had taxes for roughly 100~ or so.

Income tax came about during the Civil War by that tyrant cunt (((Abraham))) Lincoln

Keep being that tax cow, wagecucks. It's much appreciated.

>> No.12347863
File: 149 KB, 268x265, 1537212990109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347885

That is why I said near-ancap. Slavery was a net-negative by the way, delaying farm automation by introducing artificially low labor, and was extremely inefficient as 75% or more of a slaves labor went to paying for care of said slave (as opposed to a modern welfare state wage slave, who only gets to keep 60% of their output)

>> No.12347915

Slavery was a net negative because it brought niggers to America

>> No.12347916
File: 175 KB, 1862x1048, jmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based just bought 100k Skycoin

>> No.12347917

It can work. Pretty much the opposite of ancap, though.

>> No.12347932

Adjust antisemitic tinfoil hat accordingly.

>> No.12347944
File: 117 KB, 833x785, 1545488530083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to go beyond the obvious

>> No.12348131


>> No.12348178

It's extrajudicial, just like his rendition will be.
>I'm not a retard
>Missing out on buying Skycoin at these fucking prices because you're scared, and then blaming it on McAfee
War is the real world

>> No.12348201

>The systems of government that exist today are the best because they are the ones that survived.
>X is the way it is now, so that means X is the absolute best
>I'm raping you in the ass right now, so that means raping you in the ass is the absolute best
kys (((cuck)))

>> No.12348236

>my system can't exist because x, y, z but it's still the best system
kys retard

>> No.12349390

99% of taxing is illegal. Only the first time isn't.

>> No.12349428

>Why don't ancaptards move to some distant island and make their own nation where they can rule however they want?
you mean like america? boston tea party?

who puts these rules into place? who is controlling this shit? Is it you? please tell me it isn't you!!

>> No.12350303


We did. It's called AMERICA you commie.

>> No.12350389


>appeal to authority

Not an argument, why can't you commies just leave us intelligent people alone?

>hurr all you successful money-making RETARDS need to give ME, johnny sorebutt, all your money or you're going to get hurt. But don't worry, I'll spend you money that I can't make myself in ways that are good for you because you're too stupid to spend that money you're making

Taxation is extortion at the gunpoint, it's as simple as that. Everything else is a shitty contradictory justification of your religious belief in your god called government.

>a group of people can do what a group of people can't do!

That's literally the whole argument and it's retarded beyond belief. In the future taxation will be looked on like that one "scientist" who rubbed raw oil on his assistant and set him alight to prove his hypothesis that "oil comes from the earth, therefore it can only burn while in contact with the earth".

tl;dr shut the fuck up you deluded flat-earth tier retard

>> No.12350402

I get what he is saying, but you dont announce something like that without IRS knocking on your door the very next day

>> No.12350607

tax this
*have all gains and money on digital wallet*