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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12346526 No.12346526 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>find a forgotten token
>market cap: 500k
>down 95% since ICO
>dead coin?
>team is actively developing the platform
>released public beta
>their android and iphone apps are ready to be released
>invest only $1,000
>now I own 0.20% of total supply
>supply which is capped, by the way
Am I a genius?

>> No.12346533

For garbage like that you might need 5-10% of the supply to really fuck with it.

>> No.12346541

It's impossible. You can't buy 5% of the supply without 100x'ing the price.

>> No.12346543

>Am I a genius?
you wouldn't be posting here if you were

>> No.12346545

AND you can't sell without crashing the price

>> No.12346551

From a DEX you can...

>> No.12346559

Is this team German and announced android app updates will be slightly behind while they concentrate on iPhone? If yes then maybe wait till rewards from summer referral program are released in Q1/2 this year (if team doesn't change it) most people will dump right away I think

>> No.12346563

Yeah but by the time I sell the price will have at least 10x'd

>> No.12346565

Tron holder whose actually in the green and I'm still here

>> No.12346573

so how many shrimp eggs did you get?

>> No.12346575

No, it's another coin.
Honestly I won't tell which coin it is, I don't feel like shilling it (it doesn't need to be shilled since the apps are coming anyway).

>> No.12346594

I decided not to buy into any of the ponzis because I barely doubled my Eth on fomo3d last year and that was shilled to hell and back.

>> No.12346602

Checkout eligma - ELI
Working product out

>> No.12346612

Oh man hahahahah it's obviously WYS.
The even got shilled by a TV station here in Germany.
Literally the biggest shit I've ever seen kek

>> No.12346615


Just tell me the name fegit, let me make my own mind up. I'll pump your coin

>> No.12346630

Sounds like you're talking about Wysker. For all the newfriends wondering. Fuck this secretive cunt.

>> No.12346644

Opus (OPT)

>> No.12346649

no, because there are hundreds of tokens like this, and the teams, the tech, mean absolutely nothing.

>> No.12346660

Starts with C?

>> No.12346723

It's SCL