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12345981 No.12345981 [Reply] [Original]

Deal in Cocaine smuggled from Peru to our ports

Buy it for about $20 a gram sell it for between $40 - $70..3.5 grams $120-150$ depending on the client. Sell about 50 grams per week

100% profit per gram. clients are discreet middle to upper middle class yuppies, trust fund kids, promoters, girls

>> No.12345990

until your plug gets observated and the whole chain gets bust. dumbass nigger pawn.

>> No.12345995

sure, you'll have to deal with shitty costumers all day 24/7. Risk of being jailed. Risk of ruining your life. Risk of getting shot. Risk of getting addicted.

Generally not worth it. Although there are succes stories

>> No.12345998


If you can get it to Australia, you can sell that 1 gram for $210USD ($300 AUD)

>> No.12346002

hm one let you sit on your ass, the other might put you in jail at worst some one skin you alive while beheading you. Idk anon.

>> No.12346008

selling drugs is saturated with so many idiots getting caught is a matter of time, some people get by on dumb luck and get confident enough to do higher level shit but don't know what the fuck they're doing and inevitably get caught. Dumb people can make a decent living off of drug deals but don't expect anyone who sells drugs to be actually competent. They lose themselves from reality because of the money and think that because they are earning more than the average joe they are smart.

>> No.12346014

Whats the average time until jail for a drug dealer? 1 - 2 years max? Gotta sell alot of shit real fast and keep your head on the body.

>> No.12346030


Pure Cocaine is nicer because the customer generally has the money. They'll call you when they need it you deliver they give you the money and thats it.

Richer clients dont give problems like poor ones. Used to sell quualudes to poor drug addicts they'd steal money, drugs, get caught, attract police, create violence

>> No.12346126

Friendly reminder to fear the IRS and not the cops, they're the ones who will hunt down like a jungle bunny in the end.

>> No.12346133

How do I sell drugs

>> No.12346158

>thinks this board is anonymous

>> No.12346287



1)Make friends with people who go out. Promoters, Djs, party goers, richkids in University, girls...just that entire urban set of retards who like to consume consume consume you'll know em
2) Find a connect who buys wholesale from South America or West Africans (most difficult part)...find someone who works with them who can vouch for you
3) Save up enough money to buy atleast 100gram otherwise nobody is going to give you the time of day
4) Give away a few grams as samples to friends, give em an untraceable number to contact you on
5) Do not cut your product, give your clients the purest quality you can
6) Go outside be at parties, events, bars, festivals, clubs, restuarants meeting people

>> No.12346341

$90k/ annual untaxed profit is pretty awesome. Why not clean that money up RIGHT NOW and go straight? Buy a McDonald's and never wake up worried if you shouldn't have sold to that friend of a friend's new friend again.

>> No.12346354

Not an FBI baiting thread at all.

>> No.12346637


Thats the plan. We use the money to finance side businesses, once they make enough to sustain living expenses and entertainment you can quit working and dealing as well

>> No.12346671

Yeah you don't need to worry about the CIA since they're the ones you're BUYING IT FROM KEK!

>> No.12346757

It's not worth it at that level, wholesale is the best. The thing with drugs though is literally everyone at the end gets fucked up. Each kilo is on average a cost of 3-4 human lives. Heroin is even worse. So God after is like what the fuck and fucking throws them in hell.
But if you know the code its profitable. a good passive income too just another stream.
When you have the pipeline set up, aka getting it across the border then its free money. The thing is the demand is way to fucking high. especially the big buyers they buy so much like multiple times a day. It sells itself, like last year i was at the bottom and fucking it was not worth the hustle and paranoia at the top its literally 0 effort. Each phone number is just a huge assets, when you have workers dealing with everything its crazy money

>> No.12346888

A friend of mine tried this in college. It lasted about 6 months before the DEA picked him up while he was eating a cheeseburger. He had no idea it was coming. DEA agent sat down at the table with him. They had a warrant and knew he had coke in his apt. He's white, and his parents could afford a lawyer. He pled guilty and spent 10 months in county. After a while he got to do work release and wash dishes at a restaurant 12 hours a day. He never got raped or beat up, but he's a felon. Even though he has a college degree, he parks cars now for a valet service. No girlfriend and drinks too much. It's a shame. It ruined his life. I highly recommend against selling coke. The DEA cares about coke. A lot.

>> No.12346898

This. The Feds don't like amateurs cutting in on their territory.

>> No.12346912

lmao realisitcally its the dea who sells the drugs. or really the cia what we call it is cocaine import agency.
why do you think its a drought right now? because they closed their pipeline

>> No.12346962

I'll offer some free legal advise. The first thing you'll need to do is figure out who the best local criminal defense lawyer is. Ask other lawyers. Don't look it up on Google. The best ones probably don't advertise. Then, take $10,000 in profits and prepay his retainer for when you need him.

>If you do ever get busted, the only thing you need to remember is "Shut the Fuck Up."

Seriously. Don't say a fucking word. It's important. You want to talk to your lawyer. That's all you say. Period. Your lawyer might can make it go away if you Shut the Fuck Up.

t. Personal Injury Lawyer

>> No.12346989

Does the lawyer need to be jewish?

>> No.12346990

Good advice but be realistic nowadays if your caught with a big amount of drugs/guns your fucked regardless. What can a lawyer do? the best lawyers is god and his angels cause then they properly judge you and if you are innocent in their eyes then magic tricks are happening.
human lawyers cant do shit.

>> No.12347014

They usually lose themselves from reality because of drug abuse not illusions of grandeur

>> No.12347018

lol https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1080315747488972801

>> No.12347063

The DEA is trying to arrest drug dealers. So are your local county and city vice units. Trust me.

Call down to your county courthouse Monday morning, or even better the closest federal courthouse and ask when the next criminal docket is and go watch. I see criminal dockets all the time. See if they scare the fuck out of you first before you start selling coke.

Watch long enough to witness a guy start crying and throw up because he just got sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary for growing weed in his basement. A penitentiary that's overcrowded at 300% capacity, 15% white, 85% black, in an open gymnasium with stacks of bunk beds three high crammed in so tight you can barely walk between them. For 15 years.

>> No.12347078

You niggers don’t realize how advanced AI is. You better be posting this from a burner phone that will be thrown in a sewer once this is archived.

>> No.12347085

>What can a lawyer do?
A shitload. Reduce your sentence, get you a cozier sentence, make sure you're housed with thieves and other drug dealers instead of rapists and murderers, get you work release while incarcerated, house arrest, or make it go away completely. The DEA probably won't move on you until they can convict you, but local law enforcement fucks up all the time. And there's plenty of room for plea and sentence negotiations with prosecutors.

>> No.12347099

Shut up faggot. Lawyers can do a lot. A lawyer WILL be the difference between a 364 in the county and a 10 year prison sentence.

>> No.12347151


I like the idea. Only the make friends part is a lil difficult. Can you explain how I should do so?

>> No.12347160

A good friend of mine just got sentenced to 7 years for selling cocaine. Not really worth the time for the easy money.

>> No.12347164

So you make like $50-80k/year? Less if you want to launder it. Doesn’t seem worth the risk imo.

>> No.12347188

Anyone itt thinking they're just desperate enough to give this a shot: DON'T.

If you're desperate enough to try this, you're desperate enough to run a Craigslist ad for commercial cleaning, or whatever, and get out there and make eye contact with people

Do not think you're smarter than the system. This thread is probably part of that system. It's a sophisticated rat trap for permanently ruining smart, but lazy, white kids.

>> No.12347315

A lawyer is only good if they can remove any charges without you having to be the feds bitch for life.

Still what if you are facing a rico charge? the fuck do you do if the "system" has no forgiveness inside to let you free. The system is crazy corrupt too. so you put your life in the hands of a jew.

Yeah 15 years in jail for selling a plant that brings enlightenment. see how fucked up the government is

>> No.12347338

Add a zero to that and it’s worthwhile

>> No.12347443

ridiculous risk

10+ years in prison and mandatory minimums

if that's your risk tolerance, there are plenty of better ways to make much more money.

>> No.12347457

lol, that surveillance technology is used for finding terrorists, not niggers selling drugs

>> No.12347631

>sell cocaine
>buy new car
>get audited
>get fucked

>> No.12347831


You have to go outside. I went out for a full year every single weekend with the friends I had, you meet people through them. Meet people take numbers, if you go to enough events you'll bump into familiar faces eventually.

I met everyone by going out constantly. People I grew up with who work in events related companies Redbull, Diageo.ofcourse through their jobs and own social lives you meet other people. They'll know people in nightclubs, events, bouncers, lots of girls, dj's, musicians, models, rich people, professionals...

Soon you realise everyone does coke. Everyone. These people will call dealers multiple times a night. Very busy on weekends and extremely busy in Summer...eventually you pretty much are dealing with people you know

>> No.12347888


Funds other hustles. Got other forms of income from it. Couple ubers & lyft plus use West African contacts to purchase cars at auctions at dirt cheap prices and re-sell.

Wholesalers here dont trust us enough or even know us enough to front us so we buy and save up so we can buy more.

>> No.12348172
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Thanks for identifying yourselves. Saves me a lot of work

>> No.12348564

Im not saying that doesn't happen but the other scenario happens just as much

>> No.12348578 [DELETED] 

Selling drugs "in real life" is the dumbest thing ever.
The trick is to contact clients via online and sell it tru the mail.
I got a friend who earn 6 fig selling lsd. He doesnt even use crypto or shit. He sells to diverse countrys

>> No.12348603
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One day one of the niggers you buy cocaine bricks from will get caught. When it comes time to choose someone to throw under the bus for a lighter sentence, he's going to pick the retarded white boy in over his head.

>> No.12348615

>I got a friend who earn 6 fig selling lsd. He doesnt even use crypto or shit. He sells to diverse countrys
Fucking why not use darknet markets? Is he retarded?

>> No.12348661 [DELETED] 

His clients are the typical brainlet who doesnt know how to buy bitcoin. I think his going to get caught eventually tho
Just saying there is a lot of market to sell drugs. White Kids who are not well versed in technology.
By this time hes got the money to create some legit bussiness but he thinks he is super smart and also he is too lazy

>> No.12348718

I earn more from my day job. But I also pay taxes. But cops arent going to show up at my work one day and throw me in a cage with a bunch of niggers for 20 years. Good luck, moron.

>> No.12348726
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>order from darknet
>go to techno raves an hour or two from where you live
>sell with 100% margin
>have some fun with some friends while you're at it
>repeat weekly
Don't sell to friends or people you know for that matter and don't get high off your own supply

>> No.12348780
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Yeah, all well and good until you step on someone's toes and they take issue with you existing for whatever stupid reason. It only takes one crazy person and for them to catch you off guard. Sell marijuana instead, or better yet, leave drug dealing to lowlives. Safer that way.

>also nice larp

>> No.12348820
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lmao nigga are you for real

>> No.12348821

It's sad cause I make about $60k after taxes , not including my side hustles to make an extra $5k or so untaxed a year, and I'd rather make the money I make legitimately than risk my life and future for just 50% more money.

Drug dealing is a good easy choice if you've got no other talents, but someone who is smart can make almost or just as much as this guy and they have a stable life.

>> No.12349006

Op is based as fuck. Selling coke to high class clientele, with operating hours is a sure fire way to make it. I had a guy who only sold from 2pm to midnight. You call him after midnight and you would either get a warning and be not serviced any more. Wealthy people will usually buy cocaine for the whole weekend, or whole night. You don’t want coke heads calling you at all hours and disrespecting your business. Good luck op

>> No.12349018

Also to add, if you don’t step on your shirt and offer a delivery service you can charge an extra 20-50% of regular “street” prices. Using Uber’s, or using your own vehicle and dressing in business attire in your own vehicle cuts down on the possibility of getting popped

>> No.12349037

Lol you fucking chump that’s pocket change. Kys

>> No.12349164

If you want to make crazy money off drugs, only way is having a proper plug, find a loyal worker tell him to deal with everything and visit him once a month to check on him.
When you have like 10-15 big buyers that buy wholesale they will buy everyday for sure. have like your wholesale guys then on the other side you set up crackhouses and i swear in certain areas its 100k a day type of thing and thats one house, theres no limit to the amount u can set up. have like 4 workers 1 watching for police and tell them to serve near the toilet so that if the police rush in they flush it all quick.
but if you have 1 watching then you will be a step ahead. drugs is just good to solidify money, its like real estate in a way when it moves swifty. a nice stream to add but there bigger things for sure but its nice investment

>> No.12349184

>Drugs, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are Ponzi scheme Scams do not use or them them.
Best is to buy regulated stocks that is backed bu governments and central banks with strong fiat like the DOLLAR EURO POUND YEN

>> No.12349200


This, in the year 2019 who the fuck deals drugs face to face?

Only get a good supplier and start dealing in dark net, the risks of getting caught are very little if you know your shit.

A guy in Finland made 20,000,000€ from dealing drugs ONLY inside Finlands 'silkroad' and then got caught. He was a normal office working guy whom just was very interested in the dark net markets. He brought extacy/cocaine with his parents boat from amsterdam and sold it in the web. He was literally the kingpin of finnish darkweb.

And well he got +10yr sentence from it, the government got got some of his bitcoins.

It must'ev been a thrill for him, nobody in his close circle knew anything about it. If I'd start to sell drugs AGAIN I'd do it in the deep web and not face to face. Almost got 2yrs jail, but survived with 3yrs of parole so I'm never touching the dealing again.

I must say it was fun and easy money when you sold to the rich and working people. But you got to lay low with it, because many immigrants/junkies got a hunch you are selling they would come and rob you/ extort for selling in their ''territory''.

The game with lowlife people is just plain violent shit that you don't want to get your hands in to.

>> No.12349556

I got hit with 2 trafficking charges. Luckily one of the charges was for a research chemical that tested positive on the police field kit but was not scheduled. The other charge my attorney got dropped to possession. Ended up taking a plea and doing 9 months probation. I was looking at 6 years mandatory min in prison. The cops violated my rights and I could have took the charge to court and most likely won, but it wasn’t worth the risk.

Had a 50k bond, lost 5k only for the substance to be unsheduled. Never getting that money back. Also paid my attorney about 7k. Gotta pay to play anons.

Always have a good lawyer in stand by when your doing bad shit. NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.

>> No.12349703

Nice trips

>> No.12349739

I would love to sell cocaine but I'd just end up doing it all. I sold ketamine for a while and did turn a decent profit but ended up snorting a shit load of it I can't imagine how bad it would've been with something as addictive as coke.

>> No.12350823


Literally a side hustle, all the profits fund other legitimate businesses...

>> No.12350836

20$ a gram??? thats shit pricing you can get it for 12$

>> No.12350927

How much do you have to pay the people to stuff their buttholes full of drugs? Like, what is the payment plan on that? Is it by bag? Bags * Mileage?

>> No.12350970

How did you get caught?

>> No.12351598

>2) Find a connect who buys wholesale from South America or West Africans (most difficult part)...find someone who works with them who can vouch for you

Would you consider ordering your supply off the dark web a viable alternative. I know it takes a lot of knowledgeable and a bit of cash to not fuck it up

>> No.12351605

I can't imagine doing this. Risk reward is just not worth it. One day or another you will get caught. Usually because you were betrayed by a snitch and you never know who is an informant working with the police to reduce his sentence.

>> No.12351625

>says he buys it per gram

Lmao either larp or you are a legit bottom of the barrel nigger I get ounces for $1000

>> No.12351751

Chump change. Most of them are either retarded gringos who don't know better or third worlders being forced into crime by local kingpins. Unless you have some major leverage (like you can get their family killed) you can expect your mules to run off with the product or rat on you once they get caught.

>> No.12351761

A gram of coke here is like $300

>> No.12351772

Anyone thinking about doing this should carefully read this anons advice. Having a felony on your record is no joke, you will be marked for life, making it even harder to get a decent job.

>> No.12351774

very interesting

>> No.12351791

Literally a nigger's job

>> No.12351796

>t.Government cuck

>> No.12351810

Well, I was born into a favela so I know what I say.
What OP is talking about is probably fishscale cocaine (90%+ purity) usually people cut it with levamisol and other shit to get more quantity and flip it.

Is it worth it? If you want risk all your future and life for the rest of your life, risk getting murdered and shot by other fucker and a lot of shit: yes.

Dont be fooled, I saw my childhood friends getting murdered.

>> No.12351854
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Where's "here", faggot? This isn't /pol/, we cant see your flag, but im going to assume you are pic related.

>> No.12351863

FBI detected.

>> No.12351864

spend a few years learning chemistry. cook up some fentanyl.

>> No.12351875

Just an advice, that world is crawled by google bots and NSA bots, just by spelling this world on clearnet forums they save all the data related and can get you into real shit.

Zent is terrorism tier for US gov.

>> No.12351906

dark web is better for pills. shipping huge quantities of powder is asking to get fucked.

>> No.12351917

this thread is about selling coke not killing people

>> No.12351935

You'll just end up killing your clientele and get manslaughter (at the very least) and manufacturing tacked onto your laundry list of charges when (not if) you get caught.
Look kids, wagecucking sucks, but it's better than spending the rest of your 20s and possibly 30s in prison. Find something else to make money with.

>> No.12351942

How did you find your clients? Loose lips sink ships, do you not worry they might get coked up and namedrop to others?

>> No.12352067

I was getting shit shipped to my house. Every time I had a shipment coming I cleaned up my house. I got comfy and left a few sheets of lsd. What are the odds. My lady knew the rules. She slipped up when the narcs came 5 deep doing a controlled delivery. She refused to sign, they called me when I was at work and I told them to fuck off. They told her I said it was ok to search the house over the phone and entered and searched my house. They claimed the package was phentenyl. They tore up my house and found the lsd and a bunch of legal guns. Got charged with 1 count of trafficking in lsd and 1 count for opiates for my shipment. Lab result came back that the package was not opiates but was recently banned in my state (all betaketones). No way their field test was that far off. The cops were fishing. Lsd charge for dropped because I think they knew my jew attoeny would tear them up in court for illegal search and seizure. I took a plea deal for the betaketones. Nobody signed for the package which had beta ketones in it so it could have probably been beat in court. We have a huge flaka Problem in my state so my attorny said there is a 5% chance I get totally fucked. Took the plea, withhold adjudication. My record is clean and I got all my firearms back. Be careful out there anons.

If I was home it would have never happened, but I can’t get mad at my lady for getting scared when 5 or so narcs come to my house talking about fentenyl and years in prison.

>> No.12352119

Based and redpilled
Don't deal drugs kids the pocket money isn't worth it
No one thinks they will get caught or be a victim of violence till it happens

>> No.12352129

Lol, as usual, just about half the guys in jail are there because of a bitch

>> No.12352148

wholesaling is for retards. spend a few years teaching yourself chemistry then cook your own drugs and sell on the dnm.

>> No.12352155

Never talk that in public places, bro.

>> No.12352173

you will get popped trying to buy chemicals

then go to prison way longer than regular dealers because they hate manufacturers more

>> No.12352181 [DELETED] 

They get skured. She’s my wife for many years and I don’t blame her in any way. I fucked up.... and than over the phone I literally told the cops fuck you kick rocks. I think that shit set them off. Also when I got arrested at work mind you, I was being an arrgant prick. At least she didn’t write and sign a statement like they wanted to, or give names of people who I was dealing with after being asked. I had other stuff hidden “on property” on next level hiding shit that they didn’t find. These narcs lie like no other.

They “interrogated” me in their narc van. Claimed I said the package was mine. I didn’t say any of that shit. Magically there was no video or anything presented in the discovery. Everything fucking thing is on camera now and days. FUCKING LIARS. Fuck cops, but literally fuck narcs to death. They are scum.

>> No.12352182

He is a fool, he doesnt even know that nowadays NSA/CIA/FBI/DEA have acess to Dna material of more than 60% americans, even with alcohol cleaning you just need one dna trait and you fucked.

>> No.12352190

Case is done bro. I’m clean now and don’t fuck with any of that shit.

>> No.12352201

Truth. Now and days they don’t fuck with that shit

>> No.12352202

If you was in home they would had said you accepted the package or would have incriminated you, your luck is that your wife was there, that is why they tried to fool her.

When they do that is because they already got intel.
Great, wish you a great life and wedding.

>> No.12352231

that's why you don't buy precursors on the DEA chemical lists. there are plenty of ways to make drugs using unwatched and unmonitored chemicals if you're the least bit resourceful and can read chemical synthesis patents or chemistry journal articles, and have a college senior understanding of chemistry.

>> No.12352256

Dude, I dont know if you are a undercover, just stop talking that shit if you dont want headache.

>> No.12352260
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stop incriminating yourselves you fucking retards

>> No.12352264

>implying the DEA doesn't know about those alternate routes
>implying the DEA doesn't employ Ph.D. chemists way more knowledgeable than you'll ever be
>implying you can even buy acetic acid without going through a KYC supplier

>> No.12352276

you can buy glacial acetic acid from many places you dumbass.

>> No.12352278

There's a very good reason all drug synthesis is done in foreign countries not the USA.

>> No.12352283


I have a similar story with a friend.

Dealing hard drugs gets you in prison and a record.

And you'll make under 100k a year

and u can be killed.

>> No.12352286

where? is it online? do you use a credit card to buy it? if so, they know about it, if the shop itself isn't a honeypot to begin with.

>> No.12352300

imagine being a drug dealer but not being the plug. selling in bulk for it to be passed down is the best money ever. you literally do nothing but sit on your ass and know the money will be flowing

>> No.12352302

we're not talking about mega labs

>> No.12352323

Best money ever is clean money, dont get you paranoid neither backfire decades later, dont be fooled, people dont hear the ones who get caught because nobody hear jail guys besides the wall of prison.

>> No.12352343

Legit, that's where the only money is. Some economist broke down crack dealing: Most crack dealers make less than minimum wage yet take all the risk. They do it because there's a chance they can rise up the ranks to become the supplier that makes the big money. It's literally a pyramid scam.

>> No.12352347

This actually isn't a bad idea until you accidentally sell to an undercover cop. I sold occasionally at shows to be able to break even on tickets/booze/drugs. Sometimes made profit but didn't really care if I didn't. Either way I didn't want to keep that up because it got tedious and there's always the chance of selling to the wrong person. All that being said I've bought some of the best X I've ever taken from randoms at shows back in the day. Good times.

>> No.12352351

i don't do any of this shit because it's not worth the risk. i researched the subculture because it's interesting. they use prepaid visas and order to a drop. solvents and ordinary reagents can be purchased with cash at hardware stores. exotic but legal and inconspicuous reagents are purchased from overseas and legally imported.

>> No.12352546

> Each kilo is on average a cost of 3-4 human lives
Damn you sure know how to sell.
Thanks for you purchase, remember for the every kilo you buy, four niggers die.

>> No.12352679

Best shit i ever did is go to my doc and tell them I can’t concentrate. My ol lady did the same. My trap is the pharmacy now. I also have anxiety and shit supposedly. It’s all bullshit but We get lab grade amphetamines now for free.

All you dark net niggas, watch out. Eventually you will get popped if you do it enough. These narcs will lie like you would never believe. The best part of my case was after my probation was done having to call my arresting officer and telling his bitch ass to sign forms so I can get my firearms back. Bitch ass fag though they got me good.

I really regret not going to court now. A good kike will tear apart any police story and make the case look like absolute bs.

>> No.12352736

That's why OP is a fed

>> No.12352782


based and jewpilled

>> No.12352793

What city are you in I want some

>> No.12352803

>implying it's not used on everyone

>> No.12352863

>he talks about selling drugs on public wifi
>on an unsecured connnection
>with no proxxy

oh no