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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12337127 No.12337127 [Reply] [Original]

>applying for job
>enter years of relevant experience
>please note that WE DO NOT consider part time jobs, freelancing or internships as experience

why do employers do this?

>> No.12337134

Because they want winners, not losers.

>> No.12337137

Just go ahead and put it in anyways
I was in the exact same position and my employer never found out or cared

>> No.12337183

They probably dont want to train you, or spend the time trying to convert you into a full time wagie. A person will full time wagie experience is already conditioned to be fucked over constantly so im guessing they want someone that they can work to death and wont complain about it

>> No.12337186


Just apply anyways. Most job postings are ideal wishlists including the +5 years experience meme. They'll take what they can get if labor supply is short.

>> No.12337216

Freelancers generally know more about their value and laws as they constantly have to deal with it. Exact opposite of a good wageslave.

>> No.12337229

I went to a secondary interview after I passed my first one. It was me and some broad and then the interviewer. The lady was fumbling over herself trying to get all her papers in order, she had years of stuff on her resume and was getting grilled hard by the interviewer. I thought I was fucked because my resume looks like dogshit and I only listed 1 job because it was most relevant to the position I applied to. The interviewer didn't ask me shit, I'm 100% sure the lady had way more than me on her resume, like multiple pages I only had 1 page and I lied on it too. I got the job, I got drug tested but I cheated on that with synthetic urine.

>> No.12337401


>> No.12337451

>>12337137 and >>12337186

>> No.12337550

This. They want to pay you as little as possible, thats why your paid internship doesnt count as "experience". Its all bull fucking shit, working for someone else will never make you rich, or fulfilled

>> No.12337638

they want full time wagies that are slightly crazy

>> No.12337682

> o fuck so many qualified candidates!!! let's create more bullshit filters to narrowing those numbers!

if these fags stop making postings for just 1 available spot, maybe i won't have to waste my time applying for it.

>> No.12337696

Why do women wear slutty clothing?
Because they get men to pay attention to them.

Why do businesses put out ridiculous requirements?
Because they know they'll get almost 95% of applicants lying who will just end up putting in more effort to "prove themselves" as "not a fraud".

Do not apply for that job. You are perpetuating this psychological warfare.

>> No.12337824

fuck this sociedad we were put in

>> No.12337961

but it just doesn't make sense. not everyone is a fucking leader who has worked at NASA and did an internship at Google. why do employers have such unrealistic expectations and then whine about not being able to find the right candidate?

>> No.12338048

all industries are controlled by the same group of people

the rich cunts who own Johnson & Johnson don't even have a single family member employed at the

they don't WANT to hire you - they want excuses to go to congress and whine for immigration. because the businesses themselves are merely an instrument of control. the smaller companies either follow this trend in order to be eligible for contracts with said bigger companies (yes there are requirements aka form of control). Or the smaller companies are merely practicing 'monkey see, monkey do' mentality. Because now it's not just the big companies doing it, even some mom and pop shop down the street for me is doing this ridiculous bullshit.

and the anons who say "apply anyway" don't know wtf they're talking about. maybe 5-10 years ago that was the case, but people wisened up and now everyone applies anyway. so companies now do ACTUALLY require the 5 years experience, MAYBE 4 and they'll give you a lower title.

>> No.12338196

how the fuck am i supposed to get a job then? i can't compete with pajeet charging $5 a day

>> No.12338220

you don't. welcome to 2018

>> No.12338261

ok then. how do i convince my boomer parents to not kick me out of the house? they still think its easy to get a job

>> No.12338289

show them all the emails for all the jobs you've applied for. or sleep in your car like I had to.

might want to try a temp agency, which are absolute shit. people treat you like garbage and it's usually full time with ex cons and niggers. the temp agencies will try to get you to car pool crackheads without transportation to work as well.

unironically the last job I got was through someone I know. I quit because it was shit and giving me grey hairs. now I've been unemployed 6 months.

buy the dip on link

>> No.12338347

No one wants to water a seed that jumps out of being buried alive in soil and running to freedom.

>> No.12338721


>> No.12338739

simply because there is an unbelievable over supply of labor. so employers have gotten more ridiculous to turn the masses away. its not a problem thats going away anytime soon. the best thing is to do arbitrage, go where there is no such oversupply, new city, country, and hope for the best.

>> No.12338754
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You’re gonna make it.

>> No.12338766

Getting coffee for 8 months is not enough experience for a Senior Vice President of CEO Sr. Architect Executive Officer position, sorry boy.

>> No.12338797

I’m not applying for senior jobs...THESE ARE ENTRY LEVEL JOBS

>> No.12338808

everything is senior level now

>> No.12338878
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>> No.12338922

I call bullshit. What was their sample size and what jobs were they applying to? A humanities major can’t apply for an engineering degree even if he is extremely motivated

>> No.12339103

> 6,000+ applications across 118 industries
I do agree there are some industry specific quirks one need to have in mind and that every interview is different,

I accept the title (50% is enough to apply), but I'm still not sure about all the implications here... interpreting statistics is hard

the chart was discussed on /biz/ some time ago, source it :

inb4 anecdote about how this one time it was different

>> No.12339120

i think its ridiculous as well. the average job opening receives 250 applications according to glassdoor, and of those 250, 2% get called to an interview. are you telling me that only 2% of applicants meet the 50% requirement? you probably need like 90% these days.

>> No.12339148

>the average job opening receives 250 applications according to glassdoor
How new are those numbers? These days it feels like almost twice that.

>> No.12339241
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>your anecdote is wrong
>check out this blogspot

>> No.12339270

on more constructive note, what strategies have you tried?

have you received any feedback? I'm not asking only about replies, for example one of the sites I'm using gives me info about how many people applied and how I compare to them, for "junior IT position (with training)" there were more than 100 applications, 60% had more experience than my 0, and forty-something had a degree. It was as eye opening as it was devastating - only 1 person will get the job and those fifty-something ahead of me will reapply to next similar ad... I'm sure people lie to increase their odds and this site being quite popular in my country (pracuj.pl) attracts more competition that ads posted elsewhere.

Now compare it to less than 15 people who applied for junior python programmer job that was only posted on some local company's webpage where no one found it and you had to solve a puzzle instead submitting CV - MUCH BETTER ODDS! I actually got interview there but failed...

>> No.12339294

read more articles on the site. after a certain amount of applications HR goes 'fuck it' and stops looking at applications. It's a line, you gotta get in fast enough or you're automatically NEXTed. So while you may have 50% of the qualifications, the company you applied to already set up interviews for enough people so you won't hear from them.

>> No.12339324

Engineering jobs require a professional certification. They'd get filtered out if the company is mildly competent.

>> No.12339424

that's why I wrote stats are hard to interpret, notice the axes on the plot and how bafflingly the the cases with more than 70% match had a bit less interview rate that those around 50-60%... there are many way to explain it, for example it's know that women mostly apply when they met 90+% requirements compared to men who on average tend to apply even if they barley met 50%, or recruiters reject perfect matches as suspicious or from less ambitious people etc...

>> No.12339425

clearly the position you're applying to implies that the company is looking for someone loyal who sticks to a position for decades at a time

one time my manager explained to me that it 'looks bad' on your resume if you have a lot of positions with less than 1 years experience

well fuck that if I dont like the job 1 year in, why would I stay another 9 years, typical boomer drivel

boomers are getting btfo left and right nowadays, pretty soon the working landscape is going to change
I literally laugh as I see the boomer generation trying to grasp new tech all the time for something that takes me a few seconds to understand

>> No.12339577

I wonder if it's always gonna by like that - the rising trend I'm observing is using apps like the one I mentioned, where at the end of recruitment you get list of candidates sorted by exp/education - even if the ad did not required any... although the old way you described seems to still dominate

>> No.12339588

What? That's fucking stupid. What field is this in? STEM internships count as experience.

>> No.12339656
File: 369 KB, 1532x1234, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 3.08.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as there's a relationship between time of day and day of the week in getting an interview, then you can improve your chances of getting an interview by applying at certain times.

That being said, considering how difficult it is to get an entry level job nowadays it'll probably be required for all applicants to use some sort of paid third party service to automate finding, applying, and improving their resumes in order to find a job.

The days of manually applying are over unless you're already an expert in the field, have connections, or your college years worked out perfectly.

>> No.12339733

You're fucking retarded. I currently have a $120k software engineering job where I just NEET around all day doing whatever I want until my manager gives me a new assignment to do. I have no relatives or friends here so no nepotism is required

>> No.12339885

>have you received any feedback?

yeah. my feedback was "Thank you for apply. Unfortunately due to the high volume of applications we cannot provide any feedback for this role."

>> No.12339896

>came into thread to brag about his salary

Aw, here's a pat on the back anon. Feel better now? Good job!!!

>> No.12340001

cause they have interns, and they want to fuck you all, and laugh in your stupid fucking face at the same time. welcome to the working class bro. (and the answer is otto straser)

>> No.12340004

kek, stay poor brainlet

>> No.12340044

lie like a kike
actually, lie about being jewish too

>> No.12340046

>we do not consider part time jobs as experience
That's a whole new level of bullshit I never knew about.

>> No.12340465

that's actually pretty typical - if you ever get chance to talk to recruitment specialist they will tell you that the default advice nowadays is to only include "relevant job experience" and most part time jobs are not relevant

that sucks sure, but you can only continue, there a number's game aspect to job seeking,

just to help you out, some tips I picked:
- sometimes companies that post normal mid-exp position do still have a place for a junior, but it's either not advertised (only those who ask will know) or is buried somewhere on the company webpage,
- try to see if the company attends some events like job fairs, even couple minute of talk with those people can really clear thing for you
- check multiple pages with job ads, don't stick to only one
- there are even companies out there that only post job offers in really odd places like on the almost dead local city news portal or only on their own webpage or company facebook page...
- if you are looking for a job in software/IT there are usually industry specific sites that have more ads that those for general population (at least that's the case in my country)
- again IT specific, attend local events and meetups, talk to people
- some local companies keep mailing lists for future juniors, where they post internship offers first, some other organize free workshops where they look for trainable juniors,
- if possible consider applying for junior but not entry-level positions, there may by less candidates there, key thing to remember is that not all requirements are equally important,
- can you skip HR? sometimes there are puzzles or competitions where you don't send CV until you are further in
- some of local companies accept portfolios and personal projects instead of years of experience, someone
- finally, even if the company is not hiring many have this contact email where you can apply anyway! your odds of receiving useful feedback here are greater

>> No.12340482



You gotta be pretty desperate to work for free.

>> No.12340620
File: 29 KB, 1016x499, CVS and their bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going through an assessment test.
>Get asked bullshit like this.

What's with companies considering it "taboo" or "unprofessional" to talk about getting paid like that isn't the MAIN REASON YOU'RE TRYING TO GET THE FUCKING JOB?

>> No.12340643
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>> No.12340711

still better than numerical assessment tests.

>> No.12340728

lmao I like how you didn't dispute the part where I said your only experience was getting people coffee for 8 months. Respect for someone who can be real.

>> No.12340759

>Unpaid internship
I think that's what you meant. I had a paid internship that paid pretty damn well, I just didn't settle like a desperate retard.

>> No.12340791

mind you this little segment is the 4th segment out of this entire fucking assessment test.

>> No.12340866
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>please give us a feedback on how the interview was for you

>> No.12341248

You need a PhD if you want to get coffee for people these days.

>> No.12341561

It’s 2019. We all getting jobs nigga.

>> No.12341616

>just go to college
>just go to law school
>just save your money for a house
>just marry a good woman
Fuck boomers

>> No.12342242

>it: why I dropped out of school and focus on learning miscellaneous skills until I get my inheritance
My parents may be boomers but they weren't retard boomers that overspent. I'm guaranteed at least 2 houses (that I have worked on and put money into) on top of a minimum of 5 rental properties worth several mill not counting the money in stocks and bonds. It's a great feeling when your parents aren't retards yet dumb enough when don't they realize you're riding it out until their death

>> No.12342840

lmfao is this seriously real

>> No.12342863

internships are cucked faggots who do it for free and have no self worth
freelancers are neets
part time jobs are single moms and school boys

>> No.12342877

this is just an autism test because unlike normies autists cant lie

>> No.12342881

>still referring to the current year as any other year than 2012 while using greentext

>> No.12342892

I resigned myself to flipping items on Ebay and Mturking while half-assing a job search. Fuck this gay economy.

>> No.12342908
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They don't want to hire people who take no for an answer.

Can't blame them really.

>> No.12342924
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You were tricked into getting a CS degree when the market is already disgustingly flooded and even people with 10 years experience have to fight tooth and nail for shit positions.

>> No.12342986

I honestly don't understand this
I've got 3 years of professional experience, no college degree, and was able to find a new CS job a few months ago

>> No.12343007

Wait. What? The fuck, does this chart imply that 1. There’s some kind of standardized software that shows recruiters what time of day an application was put in, AND 2. That most recruiters weigh that significantly in their criteria for favoring one candidate over another?

I’m gonna need a sauce on that shit pronto, partner

>> No.12343013 [DELETED] 

one bit of advice I can give is to focus on jobs which were posted literally less than a day ago ( maybe 2-3 days)
I had to hire someone for my last company 2 yrs ago, and after the first 20 or so applications I just got bored and picked interviews from those I read. The other 48 did not get read

>> No.12343033

Morning people > Night people. This is based and redpilled.

>> No.12343045

that's irresponsible at best and evil at worst
if you don't want to deal with hundreds of applications you can make them do an online logic/reasoning test and filter out 80% of candidates that way.

>> No.12343058


they're unconscious biases. I don't think it's that employers look at the time the email was sent and say 'fuck this guy', rather... if you apply early you've got a higher chance of getting an interview slot before they're all filled up. first come first serve.


>> No.12343102

he's talking about real positions not underpaid codemonkey bullshit.

>> No.12343202

What was the job?

>> No.12343231

I no longer take job interviews seriously. They are below me. I have the ability to create full scale applications and you want me to code on a white board?

Fuck you nigger.

>> No.12343246

How much xp and time with the company?

>> No.12343256

There are no real cs positions. It's all data science now.

>> No.12343401

Today I learned $160k/year is underpaid in a city where my monthly living cost of living is ~$1,000

>> No.12343409

They want slaves not contributors. Start your own business idiot.

>> No.12343418

tbf whiteboard questions are still a good way to weed out the would-be diversity hires who don't actually know shit

>> No.12343503

Ok, so it’s just “be one of the first ones to apply once you see the new listing”. Not one of those funky statistics about how statistically most successful applicants do so under a full moon and whilst patting their head and rubbing their tummy

>> No.12343534

because its a sellers market, they want the best, and they can get the best, so why settle for anything else?

>> No.12343539

LMAO I can not see how wagecucks don't go insane when they see this demoralizing bullshit.

It's rubbing in your face that you're a low wage piece of shit.

>> No.12343630

yeah, it's nothing insane. it's a depressing finding, but it's not that surprising given how tedious it is to sort through resumes.

>> No.12343680

whats the matter annon, cant come up with a solution on the spot and on your own?
People pay you to demonstrate you can perform, not for your ability to google search stack overflow. Anyone can google a solution but few people can actually write down and explain a complex algorithm

>> No.12343724

Why the fuck do all of you cucks take passive aggressive bullshit from employers? Just don't fucking apply. I dealt with this one shitty company who just listed the pay as "competitive" and wouldn't give me the details until going through the entire process. I promptly told them to fuck off.

>> No.12343891

Kek. I got a gray hair working for an ICO. CEO didn't even know the tokens existed "on" ETH but instead thought they were an Excel spreadsheet.

>Mfw when the China hustle is actually real.

>> No.12344083

>tfw no skill jobs require a background check but an office job you can just show up

>> No.12344287

>>Mfw when the China hustle is actually real.
chinks are only capable of copycats and scams. They are incapable of true innovation like the whites.

>> No.12345057

>Likes asian culture
>Wants an asian wife
>Spent his entire adolescence consuming asian media
>Prefers asian food
>Posting on an image board inspired by an asian image board centered on asian cartoons
>But doesn't think asians can innovate

>> No.12345622

It's a convoluted way of saying MILLENNIALS NEED NOT APPLY!

>> No.12345641

>muh asians

>> No.12345706
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Shittiest lie I've ever heard.

>> No.12345889


>> No.12346048

give guide PLS

>> No.12346576

>flipping items on Ebay
fuck i can't even figure that shit out for some fucking reason