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12334809 No.12334809 [Reply] [Original]

Im convinced now, i had to buy my suicide insurance of 1k Linkies now even tough it hurts... I almost did it at 19cents. What other suicide insurances do you have?
Mine is 1 BTC, 4ETH and now linkies.

>> No.12334811

some holo wont hurt

>> No.12334815

Not gonna /makeit/™ unless you fo full Link.
Link will pass $100 this spring

>> No.12334978

Factom. I just don't know how many constitutes a decent suicide bag of FCT.

>> No.12334989

10k BAT, 32 ETH and some Factom

>> No.12335016

1k link and 2k 0xbtc is my suicide insurance. If it fails, I can live with that loss.

>> No.12335122
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2.5 XMR, 2 ZEC, 1000 LINK

>> No.12335259


Put the 0xbtc into Link.

>> No.12335734


Suicide stack of 20k Zil too. My stack is:

15 ETH
400k ZIL

I trade 10% of my LINK and ZIL, everything is jsut being held, especially with zil's mainnet EOM and Link's mainnet 3-6 months away.

Also have 3.4 linkpool shares lol

>> No.12335762


Also anon you need more to make it desu.

I genuinely believe LINK is gonna move start the next bull in 6 - 12 months once normeis catch on to it and it's ez staking on Linkpool with coinbase pro for buying.

IF you fancy shitcoin trading have a look at RVN, it came up on my MTV there as it's approaching a golden cross after low volume and there;'s some sneaky 200k buys popping in between the bots small trades. Not shilling just suggesting. I'm currently evaluating where to get in.

>> No.12335767

I have a life insurance policy that pays out even in the event of a suicide.

4 more years. 4 more years. 4 more years.

>> No.12335776

>1 BTC
>15 ETH
>400k ZIL
nice. a lil bit of monero wouldnt harm you, but otherwise a quality stack lad

>> No.12336621

Had some there but sold when it pumped, will absolutely be buying back. It was my first crypto lol

>> No.12337279

This is probably going to 15k sats this month?

>> No.12337316

KEK what a fucking twatfolio. I sincerely hope you are from a third world country. If not, that is where you’ll end up with that depressing excuse for a stack. Donate to charity and kys

>> No.12337798

FLO. Not many projects have the advantage of a very wealthy and established company advancing the interests of their token. Bullish on this.

>> No.12337829

I hope you understand that 0xBTC is an actual shitcoin that makes no sense.

>> No.12337854

I have 20MM turtlecoin suicide insurance

>> No.12337906

Yeah just like it hit $1000 EOY 2018.

>> No.12338062
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Should I buy 32 ETH as suicide?
It would cost roughly $5k right now, but I don't want to miss out on staking. Nor do I want to miss out on the possibility that ETH moons if LINK helps smart contracts see mass adoption.
I haven't put any fiat into crypto since July of this year, but it seems like a safe-ish bet right now.

>> No.12338120

10k link is suicide insurance
Anything less... will insure you do commit suicide

>> No.12338132

How much link you got?

>> No.12338142

Congrats on fomoing in and buying the top, hopefully it just keeps pumping up tho

>> No.12338155

~21k LINK, something like ~13k BAT, and 2 ETH

>> No.12338167

80% LINK and 20% ETH is the god portfolio

>> No.12338441

You seem to lack faith in LINK

>> No.12338458

1500 link
1k iota
1 mill hot
100k ftm

are my suicide insurances

>> No.12338902

I like you're style,
I'm 45k LINK, 5 BTC, 64 ETH

Keep thinking about ZIL but just not feeling it sold to me, I think my worry id adoption, whats hooked you in?

>> No.12338932

is* adoption

I also have some BNB and AGI (suicide stacks of 100 and 10,000).

>> No.12340048

Never said 2018

>> No.12340950

I looked into 0xbtc today and wow. I bought a suicide insurance bag of 500

>> No.12341068

You have my dream portfolio. Whats your thoughts on xmr?

>> No.12341196

So you put $400 into link? TOPKEK imagine having to spend 20% of your stack on transfer fees cause it’s so small. What you doing for real you need to be all in link unless you have 100k link then you can start diversification. Stop being retarded and listen for once.

>> No.12341216

100k link
1000 XMR
100 ETH
10 BTC

>> No.12341273

>thinks it costs $80 to move $400 dollars worth of btc, plus small fee from binance
Are you retarded?

>> No.12341399

I like zil, despite their previous deadline pushbacks. If they go ahead with mainnet they’ll be the front of the line till eth sorts itself out down the line.

Plus I can never predict mainnet pumps so I start dcaing my way in early

>> No.12341491

Always wary of any currency cryptos other than BTC.
There's too many forks of the same code, unclear what privacy coin will win out, ZEC? XMR? DASH? Too much uncertainty, whereas I feel BTC is here to stay, ETH is too far ahead to not be right at the top of the next bullrun, and LINK is the singularity (of crypto).

>> No.12341504

Aiming for this, minus the XMR
will start buying once i complete my link stack

>> No.12341527

If price action is the only thing convincing you to buy link then you are lost

>> No.12342257

1MM HOT, few thousand BAT, 10ETH, 10XMR, 1000 QASH

>> No.12342420

Thank you sirs for doin the needful

>> No.12342743

Literally me this morning. Do It and get 32 eth. When it goes back to ath at 1400 that's a lot more cost for 32 eth. Plebs wont ever be able to stake. The new elite will be eth 32ers.

>> No.12342758


This. 1mm is only like $450. Could be worth $1mm+ in 3 years.

XMR’s not a bad one to accumulate at $50, either.

>> No.12342769
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BTC is not private or fungible.

What use does a large corporate entity or institution have with a coin that can be analysed through chain analysis so that their competitors, foreign governments, or other bad actors can analyse all of their transactions data?

Information leaked includes relationships, supply chains, profit and loss information, accumulated wealth, and more.

For people serious about Business Monero is the answer. Data mining will be a serious issue for commercial deployments.


>> No.12342780

Sovrin when it goes live.

>> No.12342796

Just some months away before I reach 50k. That’s my suicide insurance. Ideally 100k if prices stay low.

>> No.12342802
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During the next crypto bullrun...

People will remember the last crypto boom and crash. It's in living memory of way, way more people than the Mt.gox shit, which only affected early adopter nerds.

So, when the bull run starts, everyone is going to think:
1. "wow, Bitcoin bounced back from that huge crash."
2. "wow, the naysayers were wrong"
and the kicker:
3. "I'm not missing out this time, because even if it crashes, i'll hang on and it'll recover."

Like, what the fuck could stop the next bull once it really gets going? EVERYONE will still remember the last crash, and how we bounced back. So they'll be way more inclined to want to get in, because the >muh bubble fud will bounce right off them.

Am I making any sense? I feel like my little pea brain has grasped a big idea but I can't communicate it. The very fact that we had a recent bull/bear cycle like this means that when the next bull starts, people will be desensitized to fud.

Oh, and the fiat onramps will be way more advanced than in the last bullrun. People will be buying shitcoins on their phones, not fucking around trying to get verified on coinbase.

>> No.12342942

>do i make any sense

yeah. i think next bull run(s) will be harder and harder to sell at the top because there are mucch more ppl now who remembers the last bull run. maybe we aren't even getting the bullruns anymore and stall in dead cat bounces for a few year now

>> No.12342987
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My poorfolio being a poorfag:
1000 ark
1000 xrp
10000 zil
10000 ADA
2000 bat
1000 link
10000 payfair

>> No.12343025


>> No.12343053

1k ZIL
100k HOT
1k NKN

>> No.12343065

Meh, I bought the 10k very close to the bottom (unlike a lot of people haha), but the project is still very promising, it's just not a bear market coin, just wait come bull, dev has not slowed down at all

>> No.12343136
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Still hodling those shitcoins. I can see we are going to be bear in 2019. I guess we really are going to be able to buy 1k Bitcoin.

>> No.12343153

230k dero
not a larp

>> No.12343442

That's not suicide insurance

>> No.12343548

That's suicide assurance.