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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 569 KB, 735x704, Screen Shot 2019-01-03 at 7.51.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12331066 No.12331066 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly Reminder,

You have less than 90 days to acquire physical precious metals before the greatest collapse ever conceived happens to the global financial system.

>>Banks will shudder.

>>Governments will be in chaos.

>>No bailout plan this time.

>>Don't look to the stock markets.

>>All will happen when money markets seize up.

>>Then financial derivatives will come due for all failed money market accounts.

>>This will cause banks to close.

>>All faith in currencies destroyed.

>>All currencies (including crypto) lose their value.

>>Dollar will be re-pegged to gold at $50,000 per ounce.

>>All digital gold accounts will be seized by the government.

>>There will be a mandate to all US citizens to sell their gold to US gov't for $10,000 per ounce.

>>All silver held by contract will be confiscated by the US gov't.

>>Physical Silver will NOT be pegged to the dollar and will not be confiscated.

>>Holders of physical Silver will be able to transact it at around $10,000 per ounce.

>>(granted a gallon of gas may be $100, but you get the picture)

>>It will take 10 plus years of a global depression to correct the systems that will be destroyed.

>>New world government will be proposed as a solution, with a new currency (digital only)

>>New world currency will unpeg from gold.

>>Gold will fall in value tremendously.

>>All transactions will go through the global authority, from your $1.50 soda to a $1 billion cobalt mine purchased by China from the Congolese.

This is the new world plan.

Over and out.

>> No.12331078
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buy your chocolates now

>> No.12331108
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>Holders of physical Silver will be able to transact it at around $10,000 per ounce.
I've recently bought a bit of silver but now I feel like I've been manipulated.

>> No.12331112

based hoarder


>> No.12331113
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Based and redpilled.

I bought my first stack of silver last week while everyone told me to NOT do it and i regret not taking more. Since then it alrdy gained like 10% in few days, it's huge.
My goal now is 500oz of x1 coins.
Do you think it will experience a lil dip before the great happening so i can purchase them cheaper or it will go straight forward to the moon?

>> No.12331120
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Ill buy Bitcoin if that happens with other autistic neets. My parents take care of me so who cares. Maybe ill be able to get some cheaper dual lands but I doubt it, autists never sell.

>> No.12331130
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just bought my last bit of gold. pic very related

>> No.12331149

>Maybe ill be able to get some cheaper dual lands but I doubt it, autists never sell

Yeaah no. I wouldn't count on it, mtg autists will prefer to die from starvation before selling their RL cards. Tho you still have a chance from the cryptofags who tried to diversify past april/may and bought loads of them.

>> No.12331153
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>try to buy something with gold
>either get ripped off or turned away

>> No.12331154


>> No.12331155
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>This is what gold bugs actually believe.


You have less than 90 days to acquire as much Crypto before the greatest financial collapse in the history of mankind.

When SHTF Cryptocurrencies will be the only form of currency people trust free for any Government bank or institutional control. We will experience the greatest bull run on any accet in the history of mankind. Crypto will become so expensive so fast people will just stop accepting any form of Fiat for crypto. The Tsunami of innovation that will be unleashed when the world goes full decentralization will herald in the Singularity and we will live in the age of AI

Chainlink will power it all

>> No.12331162
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I can't find this on Binance

>> No.12331167

I belive something like OP's post will happen

but still I recently bought crypto.

thinking about selling a big part and stock up on metals, food, water etc.

>> No.12331194
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>When SHTF Cryptocurrencies will be the only form of currency people trust free for any Government bank or institutional control.

>anyone can create his own crypto
>alrdy 2073 existing out there
>people trust

Yeah but NO.

>> No.12331213

If shit really hits the fan the government will likely make it a felony to convert fiat to crypto.

>> No.12331220

i own around $40k in gold paper, too much hassle for physical.

>> No.12331231

they've been talking about switchover to gold on /pol/ for the last month or so, very heavily. starting to get concerned.

Kushner owns the RFID company to chip everyone

>> No.12331248

lol, paper is just a shitty IOU. If anything serious goes down you're shit out of luck.

>> No.12331261

yes this is the typical retard reply. the reality is that if contract law goes out the window then we're all fucked, which is why i also own plenty of lead to take your physical should i need to.

>> No.12331279

what type of silver should I buy? ASE? Bars or coins?

>> No.12331290
File: 44 KB, 600x353, 3-Trillion-Federal-Reserve-Bank-of-Dallas-Texas-Treaty-Of-Versailles-Mother-Box-Chest-1934-Front..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if contract law goes out the window then we're all fucked

How gullible and deluded one can be?
US alrdy issued for TRILLIONS OF BONDS they refused to refund after WW2... They got so far in the scam scheme they counterfeited others countries' governmental bonds they sold to the richfags.
They are the first to cheat and break the law you tardo.

>> No.12331307

You don't need to wait for "the contract law to go out of the window" to get fucked on your paper holdings.

Again, read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102

The govt can "buy out" your contract for some nominal bullshit price and pick up the actual physical gold from whoever has it.

>> No.12331322

Depends on where you live and how taxed are silver assets. In yuropoor you have a 20% VAT on bars and 0% on coins so everyone take coins for example.
Usually i would advise coins, they are easier to trade, easier to verify their authenticity, etc...

>> No.12331321


(this is just a meme of a guy screaming, hope someone laughs from).

>> No.12331325

you ever meet anyone that stacked coins that was rich? yeah me neither. betting on doomsday scenarios has never worked for anyone.

>> No.12331361

Exactly my point why I said "autists never sell" Hence why BTC will be 1 million one day. Its full of autists.
IF SHTF is happening who is going to charge anyone with anything...

>> No.12331394
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it's not about muh doomsday and muh zombies you brainlet. Every single fiat currency who ever existed in the history of mankind back to 5000 years ago ended failing. They have a life cycle and thousands upon thousands of currencies existed. Why would the $ be different?
When it happen not all the society go down the shitter, just a transfert of wealth take place from hyperinflated fiat to valued commodities.
It's straight up basic FACTS you mong.

>> No.12331410

Let me guess, you're so fucking charming and sly that any rich guy you met would have disclosed to you whether he in fact had a stash of precious metals, and its exact whereabouts.

>> No.12331423

If you don't hold it, you don't own it bud

>> No.12331425

t. seething plebs that will never make it

>> No.12331426
File: 2.71 MB, 1317x898, rl6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you lucky day anon, i'm willing to get rid of a part of my collection vs silver. :3

>> No.12331439

Are those hindu collectible cards?

>> No.12331450
File: 3.25 MB, 1600x897, rl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost, jewish collectible game.

>> No.12331479

I heckin LOVE Yugioh!

>> No.12331515

>single digital currency
sure, if it means ending corruption, i'm all for it
otherwise, (((they))) get a cocked gun down their throat

>> No.12331570


When the crash happen there are those who will have their dick suck and those who will be sucking dick for a few Satoshi which will you be

>> No.12331584

How many ounces of silver will I need to make it anon?

>> No.12331603

a 'barely make it' with a comfy house in the countryside and a mercedes or a 'totally make it' with a giant penthouse in manhattan with a gold plated lambo?

>> No.12331614

>>All digital gold accounts will be seized by the government.

>>There will be a mandate to all US citizens to sell their gold to US gov't for $10,000 per ounce.
while the concrete scenario is BS, this will 100% happen at some point in the future, as it HAS already happened just 90 years ago, even in the US

and that's why crypto will become THE asset. you have $50,000,000 in gold today. that's 1 metric tonn. have fun hiding it.

you have $50,000,000 in crypto. it's literally 1 number. you can encode it in a jpg file on your computer, or just keep a 12 word seed in ur brain. impossible to confiscate.
once the facist rulers are gone, you have what u had. unlike with gold, or ANY other form of asset.

>> No.12331615

A good rule of thumb of silver ownership is your own body weight.

>> No.12331616

i have never seen one person SO KEKED

>> No.12331618

Lets go with lower expectations for now

>> No.12331670

you can't eat gold when shit hits the fan
all these brainlets

>> No.12331682

You going to carry a fucking buffet around to trade with brainlet?

>> No.12331697

OP you are officially a certified retard

>> No.12331699

pic related to what, your fever pitched imagination?

>> No.12331700
File: 86 KB, 700x415, 195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USD is just paper backed by blind trust. It's amazing society has even made it this far. What do when hyperinflation hits? Do billionaires become trillionaires?

>> No.12331701

This. It’s a medium of exchange, works way easier than barter

>> No.12331717

Once again, the conservative, sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor.

>> No.12331733
File: 55 KB, 645x968, 1543373014615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you really are a fucking brainlet.

>> No.12331766

stay in your jealousy while i stay comfy

then 300oz should be enough, maybe less.

>> No.12331793
File: 162 KB, 640x480, 1446941438549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr paper with dead people on it
>let's spend 40+ years of our lives working to acquire it
>using the stock market as a legal casino to make more moniez so I can live like a rap god and shitpost on a Scandinavian horse trading forum
/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.12332042

kek so much this. don't forget the shiny rocks too.

>> No.12332407

up 25% on USLV, keeps on going up $$$

>> No.12332422
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The timeline:

2019: Bitcoin flash crash down to around $1000 by my estimations, big recovery (bull trap)

2020-2021: Massive US credit crisis, Bitcoin bleeds out back down to $1000 as people need liquidity, beginning of global financial reset

2024-2028: Bitcoin bottoms out, accumulation

2030-2040: Collapse of fiat, Bitcoin bull market

2041: Bitcoin ATH of $350,000

>> No.12332781
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>> No.12332826


>> No.12332876


The US Precious metals industry is as good as dead. You people are buying shit.

>> No.12332892
File: 198 KB, 664x941, 1494321903891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you held those cards vs holding silver/gold for 10 years, my money would be on the cards vastly outperforming metals. People have been spouting doomsday nonsense for years, for youtube clicks and the like, then they just delete their videos after the nonsense predictions don't come true.

>> No.12333545

What’s everyone think sliver should go to ?

>> No.12333552

>A literal fucking ice cream bicycle man .


>> No.12333579

PM sellers will tell you between 500 to 7k an ounce.

>> No.12333763

Maybe in 100 years. More like 50/oz within the next 2-4 years Garunteed.

>> No.12333785

Fuck off nostradamus

>> No.12333807


>> No.12333811

my, what an overactive imagination you have

>> No.12333821

>foreign cards

>> No.12333860

bitcoin is over. look at that fucking chart. no one is going to buy this shitcoin anymore. get over it

>> No.12334146

where can I buy silver/gold in EU with free shipping?
I want to try first with 30-50$, then buy more.

>> No.12334161

*with crypto

>> No.12334176
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>> No.12334182

you cant eat fucking imaginary coins either lmao

>> No.12334294

Thoughts on palladium?

>> No.12334310

Gotta consider all the student debt that exists

>> No.12334317

If the luciferan control system decides to implode the economy, they will do so in such a way that ensure plebs don't benefit from it in any meaningful way.

Instead of wasting your time and effort betting on some unlikely doomsday scenario...

>a) assume happening in the near future
>b) assume you survive
>c) assume you profit from buying gold when commodities will be the only thing of value traded

...check this out: >>12333934

>> No.12334325

The USD does not exist. It is the "federal reserve note", and it is backed by nothing. US treasury has not issued dollars in a long, long time.

>> No.12334355
File: 796 KB, 970x542, screen-shot-2014-09-20-at-7-02-49-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's backed by predator drones and tomahawks you dimwit.

POW(Proof of War) will prove it's supremacy over the long run.

>> No.12334559


It would be a shame if jews trick the nwo gov to use XRP..... lmao

I imagine buttcoiner mass suicide

>> No.12335520


>> No.12335551

anyone who thinks crypto will replace fiat in a SHTF scenario is an idiot, how will anyone use crypto without working infrastructure? No electricity or internet = no crypto.

In a true SHTF scenario the only thing you really need is a decent gun, lots of bullets and enough food to last you a few months, everything else can be taken from the morons who don't have guns.

>> No.12335824

No bailout? Fuck yeah that wounds rad. But lets not kid ourselves here.

>> No.12335873

I dont think you get it. If banks started being real with companies shit would change fast and bitch ass companies whove been bailed out multiple times and bitch ass scam artists who rely on faulty currency inter continental exchange for their penny on the dollar schemes will die from starvation due to having no real skill or interest in capitalism. This would turn america around in a week. We would excel past china with that shit. Its not gonna happen at least not in that way. If no bailouts and a gold currency does happen i will be dancing in the streets.

>> No.12335952

Not stacking Sugar, Flour and Rice... Never going to make it.

>> No.12335964

this, just look at how hitler turned around germany in the 1930s. take back control over the monetary system and we would all be filthy rich in no time

>> No.12336005

Isn’t there premiums in countries where it is illegal

>> No.12336017

first, economy collapses when i say so and not in 3 months.
second, im literally pissing myself this is so funny i teared up. now how do u know gold will become 50k and ounce, if thats true then im disgusting level rich.
anyway im excited, 2019 is the year we all make it

>> No.12336033
File: 251 KB, 608x886, pepe stop caring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 60oz silver and 1/3 oz gold enough to make it ?

>> No.12336070

kek someone who actually holds metals.

>> No.12336089


> mental illness

>> No.12336090

what about decentralized gold?
is buying DGX safe?

>> No.12337241
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Thoughts on accumulating silver mining stocks like First majestic, Panamerican silver and SSR Mining?

>> No.12337260

and you think that in a doomsday scenario, people are gonna care more about the shiny rocks than bullets, seeds, and food? it's all about accelerating the society's recovery. by having available metals laying around, people will be able to rebuild technology to do stuff quicker. then, crypto will be valuable again, and it goes on.

>> No.12337749 [DELETED] 

theyve been saying this for years. why hasnt it happened yet?

>> No.12337777

shiny rock

>> No.12337808

Precious metals bullrun confirmed

>> No.12337952

Simplest and most liquid way of getting into silver. But not very useful for any economic collapse.

>> No.12338096

Don't forget to buy guns/ammo & shoot yourself in the face.

>> No.12338126

binance is a bunch of faggots holy shit
they don't settle for 2FA
they want you to post your butthole in 3D to assure them it's you
fucking faggots

>> No.12338187
File: 165 KB, 1200x879, 0xdF853006ae4c81B491DA7bc1f17fc7B9C9e81841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deluded retardation
may 2020 you will be shocked

>> No.12338262

Do you realize that people don't even stop to consider that the price of gold, in Federal Reserve Notes is completely IRRELEVANT! What difference does it make when one pays in PAPER!

However, the fiat pays for physical precious metals and yields a nice little misery harvest as well! People get SO upset when the metals kick one way or another! Oh, the wailing! I bought gold and it went down $50 yesterday!!


PAPER, People! You are handed PAPER!! What don't you get?? The paper costs nothing to produce!! And has the taxpayer's blood (read YOU) as backing! SO you provide the guarantee, at gunpoint! Keys to the KINGDOM indeed!

Seriously, how can anyone who VOLUNTARILY participates in this system believe they can grasp higher level concepts?

Have you seen all the gold stores that have popped up across the United States? People are flocking in and not even getting spot price...cheated twice! All voluntary mind you. One would think that precious metals would be the family jewels, so to speak, and be kept for the next generation...but the next generation, by these peoples actions...can go to hell!

Funny. It's even CALLED the LONDON PRICE FIX! FIX???

Get a clue!

The fiat monitary system is concluded. Gold and Silver have important properties, but to measure their value in terms of paper fiat is absurd. The paper fiat has no value....do you not understand that?

>> No.12338297

imagine someone owns one ounce of gold they purchase for $500. At that point in time, the 500 federal reserve notes will buy an ounce of gold or various amounts of other commodities.

the value of the FRN drops, and suddenly it takes more of them to buy an ounce of gold. Gold has become more expensive in the sense it takes more FRN's to buy the ounce, but generally it will also take more to buy everything else...oil food, etc. People now see this with food and energy prices.

when the value of FRN's increases, it takes fewer to buy an ounce, but also fewer to buy the other commodities.

zero sum game.

Buy gold at 1900 and it drops to 1800? no difference, since the commodities we use and buy will also get cheaper, so the frn's "buy" more.

i'm telling you...it is impossible to make or lose money in gold and silver...but it is the PERFECT store of value.

i'm just pointing out here, that buying gold and silver is a no stress situation, but you aren't going to make anything either. I personally believe that ALL of whatever a person defines as their SAVINGS, should be held in gold or silver. SAVINGS.

people think savings should be in cd's or a bank, but the interest they pay is ALWAYS less than what is lost by inflation. ALWAYS. so by definition anything in these accounts is not SAVINGS. it is essentially being taxed away.

gold and silver are stores of wealth.

gold went lower today because the frn became higher in value due to greece hurting the euros value.

when fiat has "value" due to sound economic principles, gold reflects this fact. when fiat is debased, the same happens. thus the attempt to manipulate the true cost via various methods. however, in the end, the truth is impossible to hide.

that is why we are currently not in a recession or depression, but a reconciliation of value. no wealth is being lost in the translation, it is just being shifted from one set of hands to another.

>> No.12338311

sadly that's all wasted money when things go to shit. you think people will play a card game when broke? hah.

>> No.12338315

look at the relative price of something like oil priced in gold units and then tell me how what you say makes any sense.

if federal reserve notes buy a certain amount of oil relative to the price of gold, the actual numbers assigned to the particular product are irrelevant.

>> No.12338723

yeah i know, i'll have to sell most of them before the crash. When do you think things will go south?

>> No.12338793
File: 47 KB, 931x326, silver 30days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart frens
It make my pee pee become the big pee pee

It's a good start but not enough desu. Add 140oz of silver and you are comfy

>> No.12338979

If only there were something believable about this scenario, anon. I actually kind of hope for it - an economic collapse like no one has ever fucking seen before. Might reorganize stuff a bit, and frankly at this point I think I'd be hurt far less in even a major economic downturn than most people.
I don't have much of a silver stack, right around 100 ounces slowly collected over a couple of years for fun (lots of coins to sort through and lots of down time at my job) and I have no gold, a big collapse would likely just bring other people closer to my current level, and I'm not likely to lose my job unless the business I work for shuts down entirely - but I'd be willing to bet that a falling economy may actually help the industry I'm in.

>> No.12339575




>> No.12339669

>he doesnt know how industrial society works

>> No.12340080

Meanwhile tyrone and jose will fuck your wife back at home. Soldiers really are the biggest cucks and traitors alive today supporting this rigged system

>> No.12340123

If you have a real portfolio and don't hold 5-10% in PHYSICAL presicious metals you are unironically retarded. Also, if you hold more than 20% you are equally retarded.

>> No.12340148

it depends on how much equity you have. if you're just starting out, it might be worthwhile to have ~50-75% of your portfolio in metals, so that you are prepared for any downturns. then, you can focus on building dividends as you generate profit from the bull market.

>> No.12340181

I would agree with that if I believed a collapse was imminent. I don't.

>> No.12340184
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1493145501261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zomg it went up a dollar in a month

>> No.12340232


Already have couple kilos of silver and 150g gold. Not really much, but better than nothin.

>> No.12340240

Anon, you'll never know right away when someone fuck up. It's a good idea to be prepared.

>> No.12340255

