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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12327635 No.12327635 [Reply] [Original]

since I got arrested. Time flies. Been through ups and downs and still struggle with weed and alcohol problems, which cause some depression and anxiety but I am sober today and am reflective. Current stack is 4.5k LINK, 5 ETH, and like 50k FUN. Hope you are well bros. Stay positive and stay out of trouble. Getting ready to go to work.

>> No.12327653

Link is not going to do well this year dude buy more ETH

>> No.12327667

how you can use smart phone in the prison? wtf. isint it prohibited or what? also how do you get data for your sim card. ans where do you hide your phone? in the ass?

>> No.12327685

lol you can have phones in jail.

whatcha in for OP? how long you got left

>> No.12327763

can't believe it's been a year jailbro. nice stack. may 2019 yield higher highs and higher lows, in life and in our portfolios

>> No.12327837

Welcome back jailbro, been a tough year.

>> No.12327986

You fucking guys in he ass there?
You have been corned holed there?
Do you cuddle with men?
Getting you dick sucked by a guy is jail is that considered gay?
How is the prostitution like?

>> No.12328170

It's not gay if it's in jail

>> No.12328244

>Weed and alcohol problems. Come on man. Neither of those are addictive.

If your dumb ass violates for weed you deserve to get the book thrown at you.

>> No.12328310

>Not addictive

Breh no

>> No.12328331

Good luck mate. It was a fun thread. 2018 has been a rough year for us all

>> No.12328334

If you have any type of fucking job and responsibilities you will learn how not to fuck up your life from alcohol. I’m a borderline alcoholic, but I try not to get too fucked up during the week as i have to work the next. I also don’t start drinking on the weekends until I have taken care of everything I have to.

Have some fucking willpower you loosers.

>> No.12328345

You went to jail for like two days...stop being a faggot. I went to prison for over a year and now make six figures annually and have over 100k Link.

>> No.12328371

atleast you have a phone in that bitch. it reminds me of a time some guy on the darkweb was posting on the forum from prison just got a throwback

>> No.12328372

A year in prison is chill though, depending where you are. Now a year in county jail, that's some fuckin bullshit.

>> No.12328378

To add, I had to go to aa meetings for a possession charge a couple years ago. Got damn the “alcoholics” in there are fucking loosers. If it wasn’t alcohol it would be bad decisions, or something else that would ruin their life. Their a bunch of negative loosers who are destined to fail no matter what.

>muh im gonna blame alcohol that 97% of the rest of the population that drinks can still live a normal life on

>> No.12328535
File: 768 KB, 3088x2320, 1515069275946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice tits buddy

>> No.12328537

Bless you OP, that original thread was probably peak /biz/ (and not just in terms of the market timing). Good to hear you're doing alright. Hope you'll make it.

You're not a borderline alcoholic, you're either alcoholic or you're not.

>> No.12328595

I drink every day at least 3-5 shots of vodka during the week along with all few beers. On a weekend I’ll drink and do amphetamines/cocaine for a couple days straight. I’ll go through a 1.75 liter of vodka over a weekend as well as 12 back of beers Iv been doing this for years. You guys have no will power, and don’t know how to comprehend that alcohol or drugs is starting to have a negative effect on your life.

>> No.12328606

same pic as last year

>> No.12328630

I bet you muh alcholism is a real and it’s a real drug people believe the 12 steps work as well. It’s scientifically proven bullshit.

I have lots of peers who also drink like mad men and do tons of drugs, but they are sucesssful in the real world, make over 6 figures and know how to take care of their shit

Get it together you fuck ups.

>> No.12328642

Going to work as well myself now. Good luck.

>> No.12328652

I remember seeing this picture

>> No.12329455

I used to be an MP, OP prob worked the brig on base and set up a bullshit photo for BIZ.

>> No.12329494

Well, you just talked shit dude, if you have pre disposition you will develop alcohol addiction, its simple.
You cant impose your body habits into everyone else, lol.