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12326588 No.12326588 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you have to market buy you stupid fucking prick? I swear accumulating Link is the most infuriating thing I've ever done. I swear the market is the most irrational stupid fucking thing on earth and the Link fanbase is so dumb they would have no chance of ever making it if it wasn't for even stupider faggots feeding you breadcrumbs so you buy this token.

I swear I need to start becoming irrational myself to even be able to anticipate this fucking token. Instead of only buying when the blood is in the streets, I should start only FOMO'ing in at the top of pumps. If I had only bought at the top of pumps instead of being a fucking rational investor and buying dips I would have more Link than I have now. I fucking hate you all. I fucking hate you stupid pricks that see "oh wow it's been a few days since we had a decent sized green candle, maybe Lin is gonna have a juicy dip, better put in a fuckhueg market buy right now to keep the price up to make accumulation harder". I want to kill all of you.

If Link is guaranteed to take off on mainnet. It's in the best interests of everyone for Link to remain as cheap as possible. Yet this can't happen because there are people invested in this token with IQ's so low they spend time and effort on the fucking pivotal tracker and come up with fucking conspiracy theory's that reputation and aggregation is being outsourced and mainnet is imminent. Holy fuck mainnet has been imminent for the past fucking year. I can't remember a single fucking month when mainnet absolutely fucking imminent right around the fucking corner. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, LET IT TANK BELOW YOUR BUY IN AND GET AS MUCH 1 CENT LINK AS POSSIBLE YOU FUCKS. DO YOU WANT 100k or 1MM Link on mainnet you stupid fucking rumor spreading assholes?

>> No.12326592
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>The price will go back down by tomorrow.

No it wont you fucking little bitch. Link takes fucking forever to go down and yet it can pump to infinite in a split second at the tiniest little rumor. All someone has to to do is let out a fart that sorta sounds like mainnet and Link jumps 1k sats in the space of 5 fucking minutes. Yes it will dump over the next week, but it will dump with pink candles the fucking lenght of a single pixel on a 4k monitor. Link will dump to such a degree that it could outcompete fucking Tether in the stablecoin game. Then finally, when it finally looks like it's about to return to it's previous point, after 2-3 weeks it has lost 900 or so of the 1k sats pump. Some idiot like OP comes in and decides to do a market buy on a thin order book and does the same thing over and over again. Accumulation on this coin is so fucking hard. I am still waiting for it to go back in the 2k sat range. At least point I would gladly just buy in the low 4k's, but every time I tell myself I missed out on getting more at 2k/3k sats and justify just starting to accumulate at a higher sat number and send more fiat to an exchange to begin accumulating again, it fucking pumps and takes half a month to go down again.

I fucking hate all the breadcrumbs faggots who are responsible for this trigger happy green candle nonsense. I will bring up Salesforce because that was a big breadcrumb and it thankfully turned out to be false. Right now there are a whole host of Link rumors which are creating massive fomo pressure on this coin preventing it from dumping too hard. Link's breadcrumbs speculation has absolutely killed any chance for anyone but richfags to get truly large amounts of Link before mainnet. I want to get to 100k, and I've almost got 50k, if I wanted I could have almost 70k right now with the click of a button but it would kill me to buy now when I could have gotten way more just a few hours ago, and even more if I had bought a few weeks ago.

>> No.12326600

FUCK YOU YOU PEICE OF SHIT! Why would you make this thread?? Just to kick us while we are down? The shit was rock solid on paper and EVERYONE was getting in on it. I whipped out my entire savings, and invested an additional 10k that I was supposed to be getting back around now, but the accounts frozen in a bullshit lawsuit. It’s not all fun and games for all of us, this is literally devistating to me. I think I’m going to have to beg my mom to let my family move in with her. Go fuck yourself, and think before you post

>> No.12326614
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>> No.12326628

Honestly when I’m rich as fuck and buy a house for selling just 1k link, I will look back with absolute smugness knowing that swinglinkers have been utterly, irrevocably, ABSOLUTELY BTFOed for all eternity.

>> No.12326643
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don't worry brah. you're just impatient. I keep selling bit by bit all the way up and by monday we are down at <8200 sats and I buy back. easy brah