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12323346 No.12323346 [Reply] [Original]

>live in London
>make £50k a year ($63k)
>after taxes and student loans take home pay is £30k
>rent is £25k a year because I have to get into the city by 7am every morning and public transport is unreliable as fuck
>bill and shit is 3k a year
>food is 1.5k a year
>£0 - £500 savings give or take

>> No.12323349

move to the north?

>> No.12323350

Imagine your live as a farmer.

>> No.12323356

London is for rich people anon... move.

>> No.12323365

this, farmers are the only chads/redpilled left.
Imagine falling for the shekel jew wasting years in college aka indoctrination camp just to be an office drone wasting all your money stuffing some kike landlord's pockets.
>muh advanced economy
>muh 1st world country

fucking slavery LMAO

>> No.12323367


>> No.12323375

>rent is £25k a year

Holy fucking shit, kek. I barely make that much working.

My rent is $4160 a year, and it just got bumped up on Jan 1st too. It used to only be $3640 a year.
Why the fuck are you living in such an expensive area?

>> No.12323401


I work as a junior trader at a big bank covering Asian markets hence the reason why I have to wake up so early.

If I lived in a cheaper area travel expenses would just make up for the costs.

Also trains are unreliable as fuck because cunts keep striking or killing themselves every day on the tracks and delaying everything

>> No.12323402

>have nice cheap farm in bumfucknowheretown far away from "society"
>use surrounding property area because who gives a shit
>wake up every morning to fresh air and nature
>fuck gf every morning cause your diet and life is so healthy you are on test boosters for the rest of your existence
>ride a big as tractor
>gmo free food
>offer your food in the big city once in a while for 4x grocery price
>fuck city people over
>do law enforcement the way you please
>enjoy the feeling of being a free human being on this planet and every day is a gift to you

>> No.12323409

how long until you get a raise

>> No.12323434

then change the fucking job, Jesus Christ how can you be fine with getting so cucked on rent
life is about savning as much money as possible to retire asap not about fucking dinfind a job that pays the most but it all goes down the jewish drain because of living expenses. Move back to your parents so you can actually save money, what's the point of working if you don't save anything, may as well kys at that point
Why are millenials such brainlets nowadays.

exactly, famrer is the only freedom left pretty much, also doesn't have to fuck around with shitty customers/clients/co workers, the ultimate redpill, fuck even living in a log cabin off the grid sounds way more interesting than being a fucking office drone cuck

>> No.12323439

started as a graduate back in 2017. starting salary was £38k. Now I’m earning £50k. since I’m a pretty average trader I don’t really expect huge raises. Also my boss is pretty scary so I guess I’m too beta to ask for more.

All the hot shots are earning between 100k - 5 million though

>> No.12323450

Get on dat dere US trading time.

>> No.12323451

you're gonna burn out dude, most city people do
Only carry on if you love it enough, otherwise make the bucks and have an exit plan.

>> No.12323456

ask your daddy if he paid off his tractor + other equipment yet, and what his back breaking hourly sweat yields with shitty crop prices. I bet he doesn't even have a clue.

mfw larping farmers as chads when they are literally at the bottom of the pyramid slaving away for our spare change

>> No.12323458


you didn't watch this video before you worked di you OP?

he basically confirms everything you do.

>> No.12323461


God this shit makes me so glad I'm not a wagecuck anymore.

I'm on welfare now and I save more money in a fortnight than you do in a year.

>> No.12323462

OP discovered he is slave.

>> No.12323463

>>rent is £25k a year because I have to get into the city by 7am every morning and public transport is unreliable as fuck

Leave your house earlier, wagie!

>> No.12323474

I barely have any savings. Stuck on high rent and a 15 hour day job. Don’t even have time to look for jobs... I’m completely trapped...

>> No.12323480


This kek. Farmers here in Australia make 1 cents for every carton of Milk sold, that the store sells for like $1 or something.

Farmers are the ultimate cucks. Every year there is a farmer sob story and media attempts to fundraise for these poor bastards because they start shooting themselves in protest every so often.

>> No.12323506

well, it just sounds like you like to live super comfortable, know plenty of anons who pool housing costs, but requires you to live with other people, move you brainlet, your rent is retarded and living a lifestyle for no other reason than imagine, is your problem.

>> No.12323507
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>live with my parents
>make €18k with half-time student job
>after taxes around 15k
>1k health insurance
>no rent, no food
>put at least 1k every month into my trading account
Life quality is pathetic but I'm going to do it for at least another year so I can accumulate some capital.
It's not like I need an apartment for my non-existing gf or anything.

>> No.12323540

>1.5k a year for food

how do you even survive?

>> No.12323589

I feel bad for them. My dads family was mostly farmers, but unless you run a mega factory farm you're just a cuck for the point zero something margin grocery industry.

If you hate living in a city, just work remotely or make money in a low tax country for a few years and retreat.

>> No.12323593

this. investment bank job is a scam. why not apply to hedgefunds now, before you become completely unemployable to them and burn out at your job in city?

>> No.12323650
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>25 year old live in Glasgow
>make 30K GBP per year after tax
>rent, bills and council tax bout 7.2k GBP per month in a modern west-end flat.
>food and other expenses about 2k GBP a year
>~20K into my savings account every year

comfy as fuck man

>> No.12323690

How do you have a 7k flat but spend 165 pounds on food, clothing, transport, social life, leisure?

>> No.12323702

How do you spend 7.2k month but still save 20k every year?

>> No.12323720

>£22k a year, 19 years old living at home(have to buy all my own food)
>mild social life
>can only save 1k-1.5k a month

its so hard to get ahead in this country. As soon as i have to move out im going to be fucked.

>> No.12323736

I commute from Hertfordshire and I can make the city for 7 easy. £451 a month travel though, cunts. I paid £28 for a day travel card today, because I want to time my next season ticket to expire after payday.

>> No.12323810

meant per year, sorry. my rent + bills comes to about 600GBP per calendar month.

>> No.12323875

>>live in London
First mistake
>>make £50k a year ($63k)
I hope you're no older than 21 otherwise KYS
>>after taxes and student loans take home pay is £30k
>>rent is £25k a year because I have to get into the city by 7am every morning and public transport is unreliable as fuck
How? I lived with my girlfriend in a tiny zone 1 apartment and the rent was like £1,700 / month, so my half including bills and council tax was half what you pay. Where in the city do you work? Do you mean the City? If so, get somewhere in zone 6. Transport into Bank / Moorgate / Liverpool street is a piece of piss, even by 7am.
>>bill and shit is 3k a year
>>food is 1.5k a year
What the hell are you eating? Ramen?
>>£0 - £500 savings give or take
On your salary with proper planning you should be banking at least £1k a month. Get a flatmate or move to some 1-bed further out. Transport isn't that bad.

>> No.12323933

That's the life I dream of, OP. I kind of wish I had been a Citycuck when I was still young.

You need to be banking 6figs if you want to survive in London, or else live in squats and work as a cycle courier.

>> No.12324051

just live in a van bro

>> No.12324733
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I exactly now how you feel anon . Those motherfucking cunts who kill themselves on train tracks..man i literally have at least 1 dude per month killing himself right when i commute with train...

>> No.12324774

kek my parents give me 10£ per week, i get like 300£usd each year through gifts from chirstmas newyears and my birthday

>still earn twice what you do

>> No.12324998

>Live in Zone 4 London
>Have £700k house with £40k left on the Mortgage
>Take home pay is 40k
>Have £30k in savings
>After bills etc have 1.5 k "spare" a month
>Above bills include Currently dumping £1k a month into the mortgage (minimum payment is 280 something, so I overpay by £720)

So What do I do with my monthly "spare" £1.5k?

>> No.12325038

Those western megalopolis are for people who make 200k a year. The other people in those cities surrounding them, working and making less are cucks.

An ambitious young man should try his chance in one of those metropolis. If after a decade he hasn't make it (200k a year), he should leave the megalipolis hell.

>> No.12325045

Zone 4 is filled with crime? How is it? What's the closest underground station?

>> No.12325065


>live in the north
>rent is £7500 split between my and gf
>all bills split between us
>£30k from wageslave
>she gets like £20k so same as your salary
>have around £1,500 disposable income a month between us
>literally own 80,000 LINK

>> No.12325082

Honestly, I just live with my parents and try to be as frugal as possible. Right now my only expenses are food, public transit, and dates. I have spent an average of $430 each month over the last 8 months. No debt as well, thankfully. Just trying to save as much as I can, plus rent is crazy in Toronto so fucked that. Once the housing market crashes maybe I'll get a condo.

>> No.12325084

>Zone 4 is filled with crime?
No? I mean, not really? It's a leafy suburb, it's kinda nice really, close enough to London to be convenient, far away enough to be away from a lot of "diversity"

Nearest tube is ironically Brixton but its under 5 miles away, I have three train stations neaby that go to different parts of central London in <20 mins so thats nice.

>> No.12325099
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You've dealt a shitty, would Anton say. Move to singapore asap


>> No.12325105

What sort of prices do a 3 bedroom house cost?
Are there shops nearby? Cheers!

>> No.12325157

Well, my house is 3 bedroom (but I had an extension to build another bathroom / office + storage room.

You're looking from £500k (terraced) to £750k semi to £800 / 900k detached.

There is a town centre with shops, which for me is a <15 min walk or 45 second drive

But there are larger towns nearby with shopping centres that are <10 min drive

>> No.12325166
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You can earn 50k anywhere in the country.
If you had a specific job that required you to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world then that would be different (and you would be being paid accordingly)

If you're on a shit tier wage anyway you may as well move oop north

>> No.12325175

Imagine being better off ditching student loans and moving abroad with your degree.

>> No.12325274

>live in dublin subarb
>work job earning €1.2k a month part time
>doing exams and then quitting job once im back since have a work placement sorted for 6 months paying €2k a month my college course got me
>only have 1 more year left in college
>get €265 a month from governemt for college expenses and my tutition is paid for because family is low income
>parents have about €80k left on mortgage and paid over €150k so far since 2005, can resell house now worth 350k if they want
>dont pay any rent, have €1k in savings and €1k in link at 0.25 cents
>expenses for phone , internet , going out with GF etc work out about €200 per month sometimes much less depending on where we go
>bought new laptop etc so I dont have anymore big expenses, going to save 1.5K per month once I get new job for capital
>have a GF who's house I can basically live in whos also in the same situaiton as me

pretty comfy

>> No.12325539

Thank you. Out of my range :(

>> No.12325673

Yeah, no.

>> No.12325711
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>getting sponsored by a company whilst I'm still at uni
>38k starting on grad scheme
>50k after 2 years, finishing grad scheme
>usual 9-5
>south west/south wales/midlands based

Keep it or trade it in for a chance for 100k+ in the City lads?

>> No.12325874

Me too. Where do you work?

>> No.12326021


>> No.12326497
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>$25k/year income as Legal Courier/Process server
>Get money back on tax return
>$20k debt credit cards including car I had to buy on my own
>Couple classes in community college
>Parents always telling me to get back in school
>Live with Mother
>Parents both graduate school educated, mother makes $100k/year barely getting by in Southern California
>Father/Step-Mom making ~$1,000,000 year combined but refuse to help pay for anything because I'm not in school, can't pay for it regardless and can't get a loan for it
>dad texts me once a month with applications to bus driver jobs mockingly
>my friends are starting to graduate college and get insta $80k jobs from parents and zero debt

I'm seriously considering putting a bullet in my head. Dead end job, no where to go with no opportunity. Have no guidance. I was going to end it New year's but I didn't chamber a round and after I pulled the trigger and realized I even fucked up at that I just drank a bunch of alcohol and cried myself to sleep.

>> No.12326515

-Live just outside London in parents home
-Make 110k a year working in the city
-Spend 4k or so on commute
-0 other expenses
-Lifes not so bad

>> No.12326559

internet anons, I own two 5 room houses in London center worth 8mil each

>> No.12326611

This. Who do you think was filling up those cities in the early 20th century? Ex-farmers trying to get the fuck out of that lifestyle.

>> No.12326664

I think I'm going to try to get in watchmaking school because it's paid for and all I have to pay for are living expenses. That way I can move out of this shit country to Switzerland eventually.

>> No.12326667

Slav shithole
> 14500€ a year
> 10800€ after theft
> 3300€ rent
> 3000€ food and internet
4.5k savings
fucking end me

>> No.12326796

>£25k rent
what the fuck are you doing. get people to split the bill with you. either move to a room or a cheaper studio flat or post in gumtree.
>1500 for food
too much. make it a 100 for a month
>3k bills
too much. use less light. change lightbulbs if needed. dont use heating.

>£700 studio flat in zone 2 £8400 per annum
>£100 food £1200 per annum
>2k bills per annum

All of that and you get £8.4k for savings

>> No.12326808

Share rent?

>> No.12326824

Farmer here, it truly is the best life. Making good money and I have to drive 3 minutes to get to work

>> No.12326846


>> No.12326913

Fucking insane
>be a trader at an international investment bank
>work 15 hours a day
>everyone thinks you make the big bucks because muh finance job meme
>in reality you havent even been to a nice restaurant in years and all you eat is microwave dinners from Tesco

>> No.12326943

Good job anon.

>55k/yr (in leafistan dollars)
>after tax 45k
>live with parents
>pump 3.5k/year into low risk retirement plan
>pump 20k/year into 4-6% dividend stocks with a personal goal of generating 5k/yr in passive income by 30
>no rent, no food expenses because freeloading
>passed the party days and actively cutting drugs and cigarettes out of my life

>> No.12327062

Nice. You're going to make it.

>> No.12327085


Last time the toronto bubble popped there were 7 straight years of iroce declines. Hope it happens soon, I'd like to be able to buy a place before 35 lol

>> No.12327205

I can never take any Brit with 'student loans' seriously, I got to uni in the UK as an EU national however because I lived outside the EU for more than two years I pay the same as the international students, about £18k/year, which is still nothing and fortunately my family pays it for me--I don't even show up to uni, they're just desperate for international shekels in exchange for a shit piece of paper. For Britbongs, tuition is either free or half that, OP might as well move to the continent via the EU right to freedom of movement--oh wait

>> No.12327279


if you really save 4.5k/year then it is pretty good for Eastern Europe, stop bitching.

>> No.12327426


OP I live in London and make 50k just like you. I pay 800 a month for a room in a flat with my gf. Idc about having a huge nice apartment.

I save 1.2k gbp per month.

You can do it.

>> No.12327624
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Goddamn. I don't know how you Yurocucks cope. What do all those taxes even pay for besides universal healthcare?

27.5% of my gross income went to taxes in 2018. 10% went to my 401k.

>> No.12327678

try to find a job as a web dev / or in IT. You could try digital marketing too.

>> No.12327717

>2000 mother fucking POUNDS per month in rent

>> No.12327771


>> No.12328842

don't commute, I did it for 2.5 years from Cambridge to Liverpool street and it burnt me out.

>> No.12328858

That's 37.5%. I pay less faggot

>> No.12329167

The 10% that goes 401k is essentially mine and not the government's, dumbass. If I didn't contribute towards it, my effective tax rate would still only be like 29%.

>> No.12329204

I pay an equivalent of 250usd per month including energy and water per month for a two bedroom apartment in czech republic. Also i only make only 1500 USD per month only (net income)

>> No.12329219

Also I am 25 years old and finishing engineering degree. All for free in a public university.

>> No.12329669

Zone 1 reporting in, comfy ~£600 mortgage per month for my shoebox. The biggest bullshit though is the personal allowance reduction when your income goes over £100k, I have to pay a £3k tax bill this month fucking dammit.

>> No.12330088

love these threads and I see it around me too, all the seemingly bright and smart people leave college after getting handed everything to them their whole life and after a year or two wagecucking they lose their shit and (((travel the world))) start a (((meaningful))) meaning failing bussines, or crawl to some part time NGO job and subvert the planet with someone elses ideology.

>> No.12330168

Where is the best place to live in London if I make £29k? I live in zone 2 and pay £1k to live in a tiny flat on my own. The location is great but I worry that I am cucking myself.

The location is convenient. Not living with others is convenient. The flat is tiny but everything works. What is living in zone 4 like? Where are the places to go?

>> No.12330552

you're not doing enough illegally

honest opinion to "thrive" in the uk, you cannot do it legally unless a civil servant.

>> No.12330559

do you even math?

>> No.12330641

29k jesus fucking christ, how do you people survive in this city?

I'm on 85k and I'm hardly getting by.

>> No.12330946

I don't understand London. On the one hand I'm told that it's impossible to live there if you earn below 30k, but then I see nothing but Africans and Pakistanis doing nothing at all when I visit there. What gives? How do they afford it but you can't?

>> No.12330955

>what is welfare

>> No.12331069

So what's stopping OP from doing it then if he wants to live in London so bad?

>> No.12331072

not tan enough

>> No.12331103

That involves living in fucking Mordor, sorry, Scotland, though. So in all practical senses you're worse off than OP.

>> No.12331198

Only head to the city if you're 100% sure you can land that job

>> No.12332447

U need to apply for another job you can easily get a 50% raise

>> No.12332523

wtf this wojack is terrifying

>> No.12332540

Can you get a room mate?

>> No.12332584

is there a skill to trading consistently and profitably?

>> No.12332816

what does your mother,father and step mom do?

>> No.12332822

Just get in link nigger

>> No.12332834

my rent is 500$/year , mom basement rules

>> No.12332845

join the IRA

>> No.12333240
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>>12330088 (checked)

>> No.12333441

Jesus Christ, you need to watch this at 1.25x MINIMUM, such a slow fucking speaker it drives me insane...