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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12320595 No.12320595 [Reply] [Original]

How do you people cash out your crypto without the IRS jew finding out???

>> No.12320607
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>asked the irs jew

>> No.12320616

Gold and silver from Apmex/ online (less than 10k usd). Sell locally.

>> No.12320627

Renounce your citizenship.

>> No.12320655
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>Cashing out in current year

>> No.12320659

foreign bank account

>> No.12320669
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>hes cashing out his crypto for the fiat ponzi
Oh my

>> No.12320679

Use monero.

>> No.12320682

You pay your taxes you childish faggot.

>> No.12320685

How the fuck do you find legitimate people that will buy lbs of gold off you in exchange for cash. This just screams to get skinned alive

>> No.12320707

Contributions to the jew and society can go suck my cock.

>> No.12320762

Good luck trying to sell your measly couple grand on localbitcoins or some other shady ass platform and getting raped in the asshole by the IRS you childish fuck.

>> No.12320780

why are you becoming so emotional on behalf of the state? unbased and bluepilled

>> No.12320826

I go to physical stores that have good reviews and I bring my Shield 9mm with hollowpoint rounds. No joke, I've got 6 oz gold and 55 oz silver all from a single purchase.

>> No.12320849

The 16th amendment was never ratified. There's is no law saying I have to pay income taxes. Why are Americans such pussies these days? It's like they enjoy getting stolen from.

>> No.12320872

Do you realize what it took just so that you could make that post?

>> No.12320885

dont they report sales exceeding $10k to the IRS, or some shit?

>> No.12320905

I'd pay money to watch you make that argument to the authorities when they find you've been cheating your taxes

>> No.12321021

t. I suck Trumps cock

>> No.12321086
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>I want to pay my taxes
>Binance deletes trade history older than 3 months
o no

>> No.12321108

t. will be sucking Tyrone's in prison for tax evasion

>> No.12321132

by paying taxes you goddamn *notaniceword*

>> No.12321179

thats a good thing faggot. just be generous to your country. right anons?

>> No.12321197

It can be done, but you'll have to leave the country and never come back.

>Cash out 1000 BTC
>$3m appears in your bank account of nowhere

yea, you're gonna get caught if you stick around.

>> No.12321213

bitch you better not be talking about ww2 niggers.
>muh NAM
nigger suck legless leroy on skid row mutt

>> No.12321486

>all that trouble just to avoid uncle sam's cut and be nigger rich

>> No.12321522

>he actually “owns” his crypto
>his S Corp doesn’t own his crypto
>he doesn’t compartmentalize his life into capital and expense
>his company makes a profit
>he pays himself a salary more than once a year

Not gonna make it

>> No.12321639
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>thinks he can beat the jew at his own game

>> No.12321653

Uncle sam always gets his cut. Go ahead and cheat him, he'll throw you in a cage with wild niggers.

>> No.12321655

>couple grand
>IRS giving a shit
Found the jew

>> No.12321679

Fear tactics will not work on us, we are not NPC's. Any pressure on us and we pack up and move to another country.

>> No.12322036


>Muh infallible authority

Fucking hell, how hard do you suck their dick man. Grow up.