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File: 510 KB, 772x403, wagie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12316799 No.12316799 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never again feel the pure and ultimate freedom of college / university age youth
>you will never move out of your parents for the first time and be surrounded by people your age all experiencing the same sense of true ultimate freedom
>you will never be able to spend all day learning and all night socialising without a care in the world - if you miss a lecture, big deal, you can get the slides or the notes later
>you will never awkwardly bring girls back to your small dorm room and have weird late teen sex
>you will never be surrounded by 90%+ white kids all high on life and from good families
>you will never take so many drugs you experience things you never thought was possible within the confines of the universe

t. 28 year old wagie who graduated in 2011

When did the dream die for you? For me it was within 24 months of my first graduate job.

>> No.12316824

>tfw slacked off in college, barely learned anything, but at the same time didn't make any friends or have sex even once

>> No.12316896

The problem isn’t that you’re getting old, the problem is that you aren’t filling your life with things that gives it meaning/ makes you happy.

>> No.12316914 [DELETED] 

sounds like hell, desu.

>> No.12316938

sounds like a nightmare, desu.

>> No.12316961

This. I'm much happier now as an adult with a family than I was a young adult partying and acting like a degenerate.

>> No.12316967
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I too went from excitement about what the future might bring and interest in pretty much everything to zombie wageslave mode within 18months of my first full time gig after finishing my studies. To the point where I have some spare bucks but dont have any idea what to do with money, me or life in general because I can only see the life experience getting worse down the road. Good times... good times.

Free time or holidays I want to change, do something fun, study some on the side, get some momemtum back, but I always end up numb with 0 drive and/or sick during my free days.

My only out is the [abort mission] button, buy a piece of shit car or van and travel. However, I have done that alot during my university days and I probably couldnt stand how pathetic a scenario like this may seem compared to back then, being in early 20s with a blonde chick fucking around in a beat up piece of shit van. Oh well...

>> No.12317101


>tfw have done literally no drugs, never even been drunk
>just so i have something new to look forward to trying when I'm at my lowest in my thirties

Gotta pace yourself man. Also quit your job and become a hobo. Consumerist life is fake and gay.

>> No.12317136

i graduated from university at 29 I dragged it out for as long as I could but literally had to leave as they were closing down my faculty. my life has only gone downhill since then. have been keeping afloat freelancefagging, bareley enough to survive. i hate modern society, i hate wagecucking, I hate everything. I want nothing more in life than to just be outside, make some decent money, work with real people. but the only way to make money is sit in front of a shitty computer all day. I curse my parents for putting me into this shitty world I wish I could live in the 19th century as a humble farmer.

>> No.12317138

I cracked after 12months buddy so good on you


>> No.12317203

this sounds like you would only need to change jobs. Get some physically demanding side gig maybe. Gardening, wood work, anything sun+fresh air.

>> No.12317533

> tfw junior in college experiencing all of these

>> No.12317608
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yawn. college was fun but you can do better

>> No.12317628


wow I could end up like you in 12 months. How do I avoid ending up like you?

>> No.12317663

tfw a soon-to-be 25 year old living in a college dorm after multiple gap years, frauding as being 22

bagging a new chick every week, many of which are virgins. Pinnacle of my life desu. And I got 2 years left

>> No.12317681

what does this have to do with business and finance?

please keep your posts on topic, thank you.

>> No.12317743

I don't know were or what you studied, but my dream was not good it was studying all day long and getting stressed a lot over failing the exams.

Many times i woke up during the night in cold sweats before the exams.

It was not enjoyable.

>> No.12317749

ltrly u

>> No.12317754

Early 30s shits all over early 20s, and i was a college hedonist back then.

>> No.12317788
File: 6 KB, 203x200, happiness-and-age-graph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur dream died when u wasted your youth doing normie stuff, now you have to live the rest of your life as a normie wagecuck that's how it goes for your kind rip

but its true, really successful people miss out on that experience that may be a very important part of being human. so u did get something out of it. but now its all downward for you

until you become an old fart and just dont give a fuck about anything anymore

>> No.12317792

>go to uni
>have a bunch of hard classes
>spend next 4 years in depression lifestyle
>get fat cause stress builds up
>end up barely graduating
>finally graduate
>move back to parents house and cant find job cause economy sucks ass
>wasted time.

>> No.12317799

what r u doing now

>> No.12317818

fuck that

>> No.12317832

We will all be eternal wagecucks unless sergey saves us from this living hell. All i want is to be free, i dont care about money or whores. Just enough to go prospecting alone in the wilderness for weeks at a time

>> No.12317842

sorry but u only want that cuz ur a slave rn. once you break free from being a slave, you'll want more. that's just basic human nature.

>> No.12317845

I’m 22 and NEET with money to go to school. I’ve spent time out of hs getting /fit/ and working on social skills. Aside from that I have no drive, no ambitions and no goals. I have always dreamed of living college degenerate lifestyle and putting my wiener in as many college girls as possible.

What degree do I go for?

>> No.12317860

What you talking about nigger I did all that stuff

>> No.12317921

basically me right now man. >>12317663

unfortunately lost all my crypto money which would have made this experience better than a vacation, but it's still not bad

>> No.12317973

fuck. Who would want to be happy only at 60-80 WTF

>> No.12318052

objectively anything finance or tech related is good in this day and age.
EE / ITsec / Law + IT / statistics + cs

statistics + cs would be most flexible as you can still opt for a CFA later if tech isnt for you.

>> No.12318161

you can live in the 21st century as a humble farmer

at least thats what I will do when I make it

>> No.12318192
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 5aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my last year on university. What should I do?

>> No.12318255


>happier at 15 than I was at 19 and I’m my prime