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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 1024x683, mail order bride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12315366 No.12315366 [Reply] [Original]

My goal is to get an asian virgin mail order bride after I make it. Western females are greedy, selfish, shallow, irrational and degenerate. Asia females are pure, loving and traditional. There are whores in asia too, but it's much easier to find a pure virgin girl in Asia than in western countries.

Here are some mail order bride stories I got from reddit:
>"This didn't happen to me but rather happened to my uncle when his bride arrived. Every day for the first few weeks he would get home and find his wife hard at work cleaning their house and she was always really sweaty despite the AC being set to 70. He didn't think it was odd until he noticed she didn't get sweaty cleaning like that when he was home. After maybe a month he asks her why and she admitted to him that she turned off the AC when he left for work every day so they could save on the power bill. This was the first of many times she proved she didn't care about herself and only cared about him. It was also one of the first times he had to help her understand that he didn't think of her as a lower class and he didn't feel like he owned her despite how she felt. 15 years later they're still together and are a happier couple than anyone else I know."

>> No.12315368

>"My friend Richard has a mail-order bride from the Philippines. He's a scruffy redneck long-haul trucker from West Virginia, she's tiny, slender, and ten years his junior. At first she cooked, cleaned, and kept his bed warm, but after a few years she told him she wanted an education. He put in a ton of overtime and saved up enough to put her through college. She's a physician's assistant now and makes more money than he ever has, but she still makes him dinner and makes a point of always being waiting at the door when he gets back from a long haul. They've been together for 20 years now and its a joy to see them together."

>"I used to work retail with a Philippino woman who was a mail order bride. She was a tiny little thing, around 35 years old, and her husband was a very large, stocky white man around 50-55. I thought it was very weird when she first told me, but when I met him and saw them together, it actually seemed like a nice fit. He was always coming into the store to bring her lunch or to buy her things, and pick her up from work on his motor scooter. It was pretty cute watching them ride it together. It seemed like he really enjoyed spoiling her, and when she talked about him, she seemed very much in love with him. It didn't appear that he was particularly wealthy or anything, but he treated her very well and they seemed very happy. Just before I left that job, she had just became pregnant with their first child :)"

>> No.12315386
File: 307 KB, 640x874, 9oi8qlt5wvy01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get with western females. A used up roastie who got too ugly for Chad and Tyrone and now has to settle with a beta loser.

The western dating game is rigged, and the only way to win is to not participate.

>> No.12315397
File: 81 KB, 592x960, 1532867364997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want this, then fine with me. I have other plans though.

>Dude, mail order brides are gold diggers! They'll divorce you!

>"The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reports that “…marriages arranged through [mail order bride] services would appear to have a lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole, fully 80 percent of these marriages having lasted over the years for which reports are available.” The USCIS also reports that “… mail-order bride and e-mail correspondence services result in 4,000 to 6,000 marriages between U.S. men and foreign brides each year.”

>> No.12315420
File: 289 KB, 1181x2033, t70phb5xc5vz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western females are extremely shallow and have way too high standards. Mail order brides can see your beauty when no one else can.

(Life fuel for ugly incels)

>> No.12315426

> Mail Order Bride

get use to the fact that every single kid will be utterly fucked in the head and doomed for life

>> No.12315431
File: 124 KB, 1578x903, j133eyn7ooq01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western females hate nice guys. They want thugs who treat them like trash. Asian females love nice guys.

>> No.12315436
File: 48 KB, 576x588, numales waking up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even numales and basedboys are starting to realize this.

>> No.12315467

>mail order bride
Holy shit, you're legitimately retarded

>> No.12315469


>> No.12315476
File: 29 KB, 480x640, 1444354141845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck anon your son is going to utterly despise you when he grows up and realize you are a beta loser.

>> No.12315489

2, 5 and 6 are really cute and I look so much better then those ugly ass guys they're with. Fucking jelly here

>> No.12315497
File: 44 KB, 960x914, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315502
File: 369 KB, 1337x1337, 53186DE3-61D7-4B20-B9AA-79F818D08E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a QT3.14 asian gf
>tfw you will never taste the delicous asian pussies i eat every night
>tfw you will never make it
>tfw link will moon

>> No.12315517

I have an underbite, always wear Jeans and a sweatshirt.

Only the glasses are right.

Looks don't matter. It's about personality.

Get out from my thread.

>> No.12315523

I'm a 27 yo hohol-american who's accumulating wealth who's gonna get a hohol bride when it's time. American whores are awful. Also lol at people with yellow fever

>> No.12315539

>looks don't matter. It's about personality
So why don't you go date the obese woman with a great personality in your local town instead of going over seas?

Yeah, thought so.

>> No.12315606
File: 22 KB, 343x429, 51EF1B74-A7F7-4497-B1F0-63A767748E14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit up dude
this is now my thread

>> No.12315610

Because obese western females are just as bad as western Stacys. I very much doubt they have a great personality.

>> No.12315621

What a disgusting whore. Not any better than western females.

>> No.12315631
File: 159 KB, 960x685, g73n4irm1ll11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12315655
File: 136 KB, 750x847, ugly guy friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12315673

>47.5 shags
How do you have half a shag?

>> No.12315709
File: 162 KB, 640x1185, manly men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third wave feminists, everyone.

>> No.12315719
File: 188 KB, 491x767, 4woED0GzgJZQ6S5r9r4-IE-zBgfaduCfdpupk8boRzU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western females, everyone.

>> No.12315728
File: 89 KB, 749x928, 1534400451191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12315790

They really don't.

You just aren't interested in them because they're fat and ugly. Rightfully so, but don't come on here acting like Mr. Morality who doesn't even care about looks.

>> No.12315852

Stop projecting.

I used to be in love with a fat girl and she rejected me.

>> No.12315855

stop shaming men thinking responsively about choosing the mother of their future children you entitled landwhale and gtfo of my board
overweight women have 67% higher chance of miscarriage, why would I want marry that? Why would nature want to make us attracted to sick women?

>> No.12315894

berg... fucking hell, i hate how /pol/ is always right.

>> No.12316125

Same. She didn't even have a good personality. Tight pussy, though.

>> No.12316131

Lol my gf is a small whale. Hovering about 72 kilos with 165 cm. After month and a half i said her that she has to lose weight. She is on a keto diet now and hitting gym twice a week, she actually enjoy doing aport with me (sport chad here). If she lose 10 kilos i will let her move to n in 2019.

>> No.12316144

When only one person has an orgasm.

>> No.12316191

I agree with what you're doing OP. Im on my way to Japan/Singapore for the next several months.

>> No.12316199

What? Lol learn to read and comprehend.

I'm a guy and I said that rejecting fatties is justified.

My point was op shouldn't lie about not wanting to date local fatties with that old "bad personality" excuse.

>> No.12316232

why get another hohol mikola?
upgrade to a russian?

>> No.12316249

I‘m gonna order a woman from russia

>> No.12316269

Russian, Ukranian and South-American brides are good too. I personally just prefer Asian ones.

>> No.12316423

where? site? contact? I want one, too. Someone set up a discord. we can do a group buy or something for discount

>> No.12316506

>/biz/ is now officially overrun by incels, pajeets, and the /pol/filth

>> No.12316574

OP here, just made a server. Everyone join: discord gg/VNhuBF

I will keep on adding more information so we can all get our brides.

>> No.12316652

This aint your 2014-2016 /biz.
And even then motherfuckers lost all their money on memes like SeaDrill

>> No.12316701

This has to be a /pol/ PsyOp

>> No.12316810

this is reality, retard

>> No.12317083


>> No.12317386
File: 48 KB, 800x522, 1542930431364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check that faggot 2 out.
Ugliest by far, 2nd manlet of the group, hairlet, sminem ears. Yet, the cutest chick.

>> No.12317456 [DELETED] 

I used to be semi-involved in this back in high school. Only dealt with Eastern European women. Went to high school and was friends with some Russian guys from Ukraine.

>> No.12317798

i have a jap wife and two happa kids and live in japan. i had tons of roastie aussie gfs before and regret being a manwhore and wasting my time insread of building a family earlier

>> No.12317814

also the happa meme is exclusively for faggits living in western shitholes. my boy is the biggest pussy magnet in the world and i have zero fear of him being an incel

>> No.12317870

Wow op.
This is a fine example of someone that's butthurt.
Man you are a walking crying baby.
I got a better idea for you.
How's about instead of investing your time in trying to figure out that everybody else is a piece of shit or sucks, you could use that time to get better st something you fucking lazy sack of shit.
Enjoy paying to have your wife shipped to you, then looking her in the eyes while you attempt to fuck her with the utmost unhappy face and your smiling ear to ear.
Your going to kill yourself in a year or two with this attitude.

>> No.12317941

>mail order bride general


I knew biz was pathetic after buying the absolute peak and holding through a gigantic bear market, but this is just sad

>> No.12317944

Stop racemixing

>> No.12318013

I'm not fixated on only Ukrainian girls. Russian, Belarus, hoholistan, any really. I'm half Russian anyway, its a common mix. Just don't wanna amerimutt my lineage

>> No.12318133

It’s basically one guy. He has 18 post in a single thread ffs. Don’t lump us in with this idiot.

>> No.12318210

Beautiful. This is what true feminity is like. Why have western women lost this? Is it the Jews?

>> No.12318341

How do you even find a good Asian woman online? I've tried ThaiCupid and it's either unwholesome sluts or innocent single moms.

>> No.12318384

Not sure 2bh. I'm still a neet so I haven't attampted getting a mail order bride yet.

Join my newly made Discord server so we can find the best way to get mail order brides. https://discord gg/kfzN9pG

>> No.12318411

>unwholesome sluts or innocent single moms
Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.12318487

No one is joining your discord botnet you dumb cunt

>> No.12318551

Lots of young single mothers that would probably make good wives and are looking to get married. They're usually divorced because their Thai husband was cheating with a bunch of other women. And then you have the hot, single girls that use TC to fuck foreigners. Some even do it for money. I used the app for a couple of weeks when I was in Thailand and that's what I noticed.

>> No.12318860

wealth leads to complacency leads to feminism, its an age old cycle.
without slut shaming, girls can have all of the fun without any social responsibility.
So betas below a threshold give up on even trying to improve.
The end result is a lot of 35+ women in spinsterville who have priced themselves out of the market.
If the philippines were to become wealthy it would inevitably end up like this too.

>> No.12318892



You do realize that the white betas in these cringe pics at least have jobs, yes?

living in Hanoi is preferable to living in some failed greaseballs basement

>> No.12318897

guys i am a fat 2/10 american but for some reason asian women even on the east coast match with me on tinder sometimes. Should i just move to thailand and give up on living here.

>> No.12318944

its worth visiting. but as far as expatriating goes its expensive and a pain to renew visas every 3 months. and they can always reject you for no reason meaning you have to move your life again.
anything you save in cost of living expenses will be offset by all that nonsense

>> No.12318953

r9k you fucking faggot

>> No.12318988

was having an affair

> assistant makes more than her husband ever did

> happy couple
they seem cool no complaints

>> No.12319541
File: 39 KB, 608x467, clearly rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads makes it harder and harder to want to reach out and meet someone

>> No.12319556

You realize physician's assistants make like 100-150k easily?