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12314660 No.12314660 [Reply] [Original]

Current btc price $3916.85
Sharp dip coming, so sell now and buy back after the dip.
Minimum dip will be $100.
If things change meanwhile I will let you know.
Let's start frens!

Please read the previous thread

>> No.12314668

kys you tripfag. you dont know shit.

>> No.12314677

based OP, thanks for numbering the thread

do you actually foresee a profit to be made in BTC? seems like it's just dumping over and over again. or are you just turning profits on the small pumps it makes? seems like a losing game, long term speaking.

>> No.12314694

I always keep cash only, when BTC is about to surge I buy and sell asap.
I do not care about BTC price I am riding the waves and taking profits.
Imo this is the best strategy, but I would love to hear some better ones

>> No.12314700

how high would the price have to rise before you admit you were wrong? All these crypto-nostradamuses will say shit like "$100 dip incoming" and then it moons 20% and THEN dips $100 and you fuckers say you were still basically right.

>> No.12314702

thanks OP
I was actually in the first (introductory) thread
god bless

>> No.12314714

how many crypto oracles have come and go and they always pull shit out of their ass with utmost confidence. either complete psychopaths or ultimate brainlets, nobody knows wtf is goinna happen in this crazy market

>> No.12314719

>best strategy
tell that to people who made 10000000% the past years or 2000% in 2017

kys you parasite newfag. scalping is lunch money compared to swing trading on bigger time frames or straight holding for years.

>> No.12314723

Here's a better one; buy anything below 4k and hold for 3-5 years

>> No.12314725

Price will float up and down $50 max, you will recognize the dip don't worry.
This wave I am calling is the next, no waves in between, no catch, no bs.
Next important movement in BTC price is dip

>> No.12314741


>> No.12314753

I do this start too but have been waiting since September for it to go back above my buy price

>> No.12314817
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here to keep thread alive you fat fuck!

>> No.12314833

buy anything below $1k and hold for one day for 100% gain

>> No.12314917

anyone knows, when thread gets archived? after certain time passes?

>> No.12315118
File: 41 KB, 434x550, pp,550x550.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is better link, because it only filters threads not replies

>> No.12315136
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1543359586573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, those bolli bands are starting to pinch again. I want to believe that your prediction is true, but it's looking like it's getting ready for another pop north.

>> No.12315213
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Thx frens

>> No.12315228

Let's wait and see

>> No.12315256
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>> No.12315264

>Minimum dip will be $100.
But at what time you faggot ?

Current btc price : 3916
Btc price in 12 hours : 4016
Btc price in 24 hours : 3900

Wtf ? tell us a timestamp or something you faggot

>> No.12315369

Anything from few seconds to few days, it will happen fast. Until then btc will be Pretty much idle

>> No.12315390

oh it's a LARP

>> No.12315402

I will let others test your predictions for this occasion. But thanks for your efforts fren

>> No.12315404

sage this subhuman brainlet already holy fuck this board went to shit

>> No.12316495

bump :^)

>> No.12316548

it will go up for at least another 24 hours, then drop for about 10%

>> No.12317218

Looks like it's going to pump for a bit longer. I don't see a drop coming anywhere.....

>> No.12317742

Aaaaaand op failed

>> No.12317826

see >>12315369