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12313179 No.12313179 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone had success with setting up a Proof of Authority private Ethereum chain?
Trying this now and it busting into endless problems. using multiple tutorials and the thing still slow to implement.

>Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: bad bootstrap/fallback node "enode://3b3e3a29ca5e9aade275f6c51e82ae644cad89209c7c80a3bde9dd0b522382cbb6ba3bc3c1c2bcb529b3ef129ea3633a11f396c9811f8a0601ab73a0131f5206@[::]:30310" (invalid IP (multicast/unspecified))
Fuck you too geth, fuck you too.

>> No.12314138

geth is a heap of shit.

slow, useless and full of bugs.

>> No.12314210

Wtf is going on

>> No.12314226

Someone caught a bunch of random animals in a sticky mouse trap because they're a giant piece of shit.

>> No.12314507

fucking faggot jannies banned me for posting that pic on here op

>he isn't using glue traps to get free meals
>he thinks he is going to make it

>> No.12314674
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1531707881320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 dead frogs